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Liam: A MM Mpreg Shifter Romance (Grizzly Mountain Lodge Book 1)

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by Fel Fern


  Grizzly Mountain Lodge 1

  Fel Fern



  1. Eli

  2. Eli

  3. Liam

  4. Eli

  5. Liam

  6. Eli

  7. Liam

  8. Eli

  9. Liam

  10. Steve

  11. Liam/ Eli

  12. Liam/ Eli

  13. Eli

  14. Liam/ Eli

  15. Liam


  About the Author

  Also by Fel Fern

  Liam © 2020 by Fel Fern

  Book cover design by Sinfully Sweet Designs

  All rights reserved: No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.

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  One pregnant runaway Omega and one sexy growly Alpha make for one explosive combination.

  Eli wants out of his gilded cage. When he finally tastes freedom, he wants to hold onto it for as long as he can. Bumping into a growly Alpha grizzly shifter isn’t part of his plans. Neither is falling in love.

  Liam and his brothers are monsters. Everyone fears them. Liam’s content running the mountain lodge his parents left behind. When ferocious and bold little Eli comes into the picture, Liam can’t find it in his heart to turn the pregnant Omega away. The more time they spend together, the more Liam realizes he has no plans of ever letting Eli go.

  Is a future possible for a snarly werebear and a werewolf Omega who has more baggage than he can carry?

  Liam is the first book in the MM omegaverse mpreg shifter romance Grizzly Mountain Lodge series. Each book features a different couple and ends with a HEA.



  Make him go away.

  “Open this door right this instant, you worthless Omega!”

  Eli Reeves cringed as Steve rapped his knuckles on the closet door. Fear held him captive. He sunk against the door and drew his knees to his chest. His heart started on a rapid rhythm. He dug his nails into the wooden floor.

  New scratch marks joined old ones. Only a thin piece of wood separated Eli from Steve. It would be easy for the Alpha to break the door down if he wanted.

  Steve didn’t. He kept on hammering against the door. Steve’s curses, all aimed at Eli, got creative by the second.

  Thank God Steve loved this townhouse too much, certainly so much more than Eli. He could hear Steve stomping and growling outside, like a spoiled child with a tantrum.

  Steve was nothing more than an overgrown brat.The old bite mark on Eli’s neck started to hurt. He brushed his hand against the mark.

  He gritted his teeth. He refused to call Steve his mate because Steve had never been that. Eli didn’t have a choice in this miserable arrangement. Both their families arranged everything, including this sham of a relationship.

  He came from a prominent shifter family. His parents had been disappointed he turned out to be an Omega. The Reeves family had produced strong and dominant Alpha werewolves for generations—until he arrived.

  Omegas were only good for two things. To breed and to be used as bargaining chips. An Omega was usually given away by his pack or family to create new alliances. To his parents and brothers, Eli had never been a living being, only an object to be sold or traded away.

  Bitter resentment filled him. He rubbed at the old bite mark on his neck furiously. Eli scoffed. Like that would make them somehow magically disappear.

  Tired of his efforts, Eli touched his swollen eye. Steve had finally done it. He’d lost his temper and moved from verbal to physical violence.

  This would never end, Eli knew. Once Steve realized it was permissible to teach Eli a lesson with his fists, he’d do it over and over again. Eli’s life was a never-ending nightmare.

  “I’ve had enough of this foolishness. We’ll talk about your punishment later tonight,” Steve said with a warning growl.

  Eli remained where he was. He refused to budge until he was certain enough time had passed. What felt like an eternity later, Eli shakily rose to his feet and unlocked the closet door.

  Silence greeted him. Eli walked in front of the full-length mirror in the bedroom that he supposedly shared with Steve. Their parents naturally assumed they slept in the same room.

  They didn’t need to know that after Eli performed his nightly duties, he plunked down in the living room sofa. He didn’t want to spend another hateful second with the man his parents forced on him.

  Eli gazed at his reflection and grimaced at what he saw. He lost a lot of weight. He was pale as a ghost and there were shadows under his eyes. His swollen eye didn’t make him any prettier either.

  Shifters healed faster than humans did, even Omegas. Eli’s eye would be back to normal in a few days. Just thinking of Steve’s parting words earlier filled Eli with dread.

  “Steve assumed I’ll still be here to take his beating,” Eli muttered to himself.

  Why shouldn’t Steve assume that? Eli had been stuck int his arrangement for over six months, too terrified to leave. Steve didn’t need to hire bodyguards to keep a close eye on his breeder.

  The bastard knew Eli had no guts to step foot out of the town house without his permission. Eli had enough. He touched his still-flat stomach. Eli would only start showing in a couple of weeks. He hadn’t told Steve or his parents the good news.

  Steve finally managed to knock him up. Eli couldn’t bring himself to tell his ‘mate’ that he finally got what he wanted. Steve might hurt him less if he knew Eli was carrying his child but what it did matter?

  Steve might behave for a couple of weeks but it wouldn’t last long. Violent assholes like Steve got off on Eli’s fear and terror. Eli dropped his hand from his stomach. He clenched his fists by his sides.

  Anger like he’d never known, coursed through him like wildfire. Eli would’ve endured the humiliation, the pain for a little while longer but it wasn’t just his life at stake any more.

  He had his baby to think about. Eli couldn’t imagine bringing up a child in this kind of awful environment.Worse, what if the child growing in his belly ended up being an Omega? Could Eli subject his son or daughter to the same upbringing he endured?

  “Enough,” Eli whispered.

  Once again, he couldn’t make up his mind. Eli only had two choices. Stay or go. Eli had pondered escaping numerous times. He’d gone as far as packing a suitcase filled with his valuables. Nothing more.

  In the end, he always unpacked everything. He’d chickened out. Eli was always terrified of the tales his family and Steve told him. Omegas who ventured into the outside world without protectors ended up being prey to larger predators.

  Omegas fell at the bottom of the paranormal food chain. They were no better than defenseless humans. Eli’s kind was largely sought after for their ability to give birth to pure-blooded shifter children.

  Besides, Eli had a mountain of chore
s to do. He shouldn’t be daydreaming about his escape plans. Steve refused to hire extra help because he expected Eli to take care of all the household affairs.

  Eli turned on the old computer in the living room. His hand shook as he clutched the mouse. Eli didn’t know what exactly he was looking for. He pictured himself far away from this awful house, this city he grew up loathing.

  He came from a well-to-do family. He was better off than most Omegas who didn’t have anyone else to protect them. Steve and his family always took the opportunity to remind Eli how lucky he was, how he owed them for looking out for him.

  Honestly? Eli preferred to rough it out on his own somewhere out there in the real world as opposed to remaining in his gilded prison forever. Eli scrolled through numerous far-flung locations on his computer.

  “South Pine, Montana,” he whispered.

  The town was a three-hour drive from Nestor City.

  He clicked on a picture of a dreamy and picturesque mountain lodge that was situated in that town. Grizzly Mountain Lodge.

  Eli didn’t know why he automatically reached for his wallet, only to remember his credit cards were under Steve’s name.

  Stupid Eli. He couldn’t afford to make a single mistake. Eli made a booking under a false name and opted to pay cash upon arrival. His heart was beating rapidly after what he did.Was he really doing this?

  Steve punching him in the face was the wake-up call he needed. Eventually, Steve would hunt him down. His entire family would disown him and that was the best-case scenario.

  Screw them all. Eli’s number one priority was the survival of his unborn child. He turned the PC off and started to tremble.

  Eli had never done anything like this before. He’d always been the good and obedient son who couldn’t afford to embarrass his family. He let other people make decisions for him his entire life. Now that he finally chose his own path, uncertainty filled him.

  What would he do next after he arrived at the lodge? He could stay there for a couple of days, a week at the most, and find a new location.

  Eli shook his head. He didn’t have the luxury of time. He could entertain those questions later. If he was truly considering leaving, then he needed to get going.

  Eli dragged himself out of the computer chair. Returning to the bedroom, he pulled out his rollaway luggage from his closet. It was the same one he used when he first moved in with Steve. It was battered but still serviceable.

  Steve and he never took trips together—which was fine with Eli. The last thing Eli wanted was to find himself stuck with his abuser in close quarters 24/7 in some far flung location.

  Eli bet it would be a torturous experience. He propped the luggage on the bed and unzipped it. Eli returned to his closet. He needed clothes that were warm and comfortable.

  He threw in a couple of sweaters and pants, along with two warm coats just in case he needed them.Eli’s heart raced the whole time he was packing. He couldn’t believe he was finally doing this.

  Once he finished packing, he rolled his luggage to the first floor. Eli made himself a warm cup of tea to calm himself down. He glanced at the wall clock in the kitchen.

  2 pm. Steve usually came home late. The Alpha liked to go to clubs or parties hosted by his asshole friends. Eli made himself a sandwich and forced himself to eat even though he wasn’t very hungry. He didn’t want to stop to eat during his drive. His goal was to get to the lodge as soon as possible.

  His stomach did strange flops. This was his first solo road trip. Some would say Eli lived a sheltered life, but Eli preferred to call himself a prisoner.

  Growing up, his parents vetted his friends and didn’t allow him to go on school trips. They said they were big overprotective for his good because Omegas couldn’t survive in the outside world on their own.

  What bullshit. His parents and Steve never thought to cut away internet privileges. They knew Eli needed some kind of simulation. Eli had stalked famous Omegas on social media who made it on their own. They didn’t need keepers.

  A nasty voice, Steve’s voice, spoke in his head. What do you think a big and bad monster would do after he sees an unprotected Omega all on his lonesome? He’ll decide you’re prey.

  A thousand awful scenarios rose up in his head. What if Steve and his family were right? What if Eli ventured out on his own, only for bigger and worse predators to zoom in on him?

  Omegas were weaker than the average shifter. Even if Eli shifted to defend himself and his baby, a more powerful shifter could easily finish him off.

  Eli shivered. No use scaring himself now. He couldn’t back out from his decision. Not now. He was done taking orders from Steve and his family. He washed his plate and cup. Eli took a shower. The water helped cool his head.

  He didn’t linger in the bathroom. He toweled himself off and quickly dressed. He grabbed his luggage and breezed out of the front doors. Eli didn’t bother locking up. Steve and he lived in a rich neighborhood.

  Crime rates were extremely low in Dahlia Avenue. A petty part of Eli wished that some opportunist, some thief would rob the house while he was gone.

  Eli took the black Ford pick-up. Steve liked cars and owned several luxurious rides but this truck was his. Eli used it to get to town and do his errands.

  He dumped his luggage in the back and slid into the driver’s seat. Eli’s hands were still shaking as he gripped the wheel. He took several deep breaths. A second emotion bloomed inside him. Excitement joined palpitating fear.

  “I can do this. I will do this,” he whispered.

  Eli started the engine. For a few seconds, the truck wouldn’t start. Sweat dripped down his brow. This couldn’t be happening. He began to panic a little but he tried again and the engine purred.

  He was on his way. He didn’t bother with air-conditioning. All the windows in the truck were down. Wind whipped at his face. Eli drove out of Dahlia Avenue and out of the city.

  Half an hour later, he cruised the highways that would lead to parts unknown, to destinations he’d never been to, but longed to see.

  Laughter bubbled out from his lips. He whooped and cheered. No one reprimanded him or gave him a warning pinch to the arm the way Steve would always do when they were attending a function. No one ever wanted to hear what Eli’s opinions or what he wanted to say.

  Eli couldn’t stop himself. He laughed until his stomach hurt. He’d been taught that Omegas were supposed to be seen not heard. Having tasted freedom for the first time, Eli realized he never wanted to be a prisoner again.



  “Excuse me, ma'am. I was wondering if you could help me. I’m a little lost,” Eli said, stopping his car.

  He entered the town of South Pine ten minutes ago, extremely pleased with himself. He’d followed directions on his GPS app faithfully. Eli had made a few wrong turns during his drive but so far so good.

  Eli only stopped on the side of the road to unload his bladder. Eli avoided making other unnecessary stops.The little town looked charming. The particular road he entered was lined with antique shops, a cafe, and a children’s bookstore.

  The elderly woman shifted her glasses up her nose and looked at him. She smelled human. Safe.

  Eli read on the internet that both paranormals and humans lived in this town. It was better to err on the side of caution and avoid paranormals, especially shifters.

  “Let me, guess. From the city, dearie?” She asked.

  Eli nodded. “It’s my first time here.”

  “Where did you want to go?”

  “Grizzly Mountain Lodge.”

  She gasped, although Eli wasn’t sure why. “Are you sure that’s where you want to go?”

  Eli frowned. “I have a booking there.”

  “A nice young man like you is better off staying at the Lemon Drops Inn. It’s run by my friend Agatha and her husband George. It’s just a short drive from here.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t have a lot of cash with me. My phone says I should take this road t
o South Pine Mountain.”

  Eli wasn’t lying. He didn’t exactly have plenty of spare cash lying around. Eli took out his phone. She peered at his screen.

  “Am I going the right direction?” He asked.

  “Turn right down Haven Street and follow the road. That will take you right to the lodge.” She shivered for no explainable reason. “You sure you’re determined to stay there?”

  Eli was tempted to ask what was wrong with the lodge but decided he’d just find out for himself. He was feeling adventurous after all.

  “Yes, ma'am.”

  “Well, good luck, dearie. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  Good luck? That sure sounded ominous. Eli wasn’t deterred by her strange behavior. He could ask someone else for directions but the gathering rain clouds bothered him.

  He followed her directions and found himself leaving the main town area There weren’t any shops or houses anymore, just a road that took him uphill.

  Eli didn’t pay much attention when it started to drizzle. A couple of minutes into his drive, it started raining cats and dogs. He squinted at the muddy road ahead of him and wondered if he should turn around.

  The old woman’s words came back to him. She seemed determined to steer him away from the lodge, but why?

  It didn’t help that the sun was beginning to set. He kept on driving. His car wipers didn’t help much. Rain blurred everything out—including the bumpy forest road Eli was driving through.

  Ancient and towering ash trees bordered either side of the road. The forest made Eli wonder if he was stuck in some kind of dark fairy tale. His phone let out a series of beeps, warning him his battery was going to die out on him soon. Eli resolved to reach his destination no matter what.


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