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Liam: A MM Mpreg Shifter Romance (Grizzly Mountain Lodge Book 1)

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by Fel Fern

  After catching a glimpse of what could have been, a future with with his mate—Liam started to yearn, to want for more.

  Liam finished his shower. He dried himself off and crawled into his massive bed. Liam looked at the space next to him. It wasn’t hard to picture Eli lying there, naked, smiling, and completely his for the taking.

  Phantom claws tore at his insides. Yearning, painful and sharp, enveloped him. Eli’s room wasn’t far. Liam could leave his room, visit the Omega, and then what? Would Eli see him as a welcomed surprise or a nasty one?

  The impatient animal that shared his skin practically begged Liam to be let out. Liam couldn’t sleep. He left his bed, his room. It wasn’t Eli he sought, because who knew where that particular road would lead?

  Liam went downstairs. No one was up. Lucas was asleep and Logan was probably still out running in the woods. He padded towards the back door of the kitchen. Liam reached for his grizzly. The beast was eager to explode from his skin.

  Brown fur covered his chest and shoulders. Bones creaked and organs moved. He fell on all fours.

  Ebony claws slid out of his hands. Changing forms had never been a walk in the park but this time, Liam welcomed the pain.

  He left the lodge once he completed his transformation. It was chilly tonight but in the skin of his bear, he hardly felt the cold.

  Liam ran to the closest line of trees. Liam caught Logan’s fading scent. Liam decided that for now, he’d stay clear of his brother.

  Liam needed to figure his shit out without needing to pull Logan into a meaningless and bloody brawl. Already, Liam felt so much better. Out here in the wild, no human-made walls closed down on him. The grizzly wasn’t bogged down by unnecessary human worry.

  As Liam delved deeper into the land, the territory he and his brothers claimed as theirs, he thought long and hard about his current predicament.He couldn’t just give Eli his bite mark in the hopes it would erase Eli’s older mark.

  They were practically strangers. The right thing to do was to wait. To watch. Bears weren’t the most patient predators but for Eli, he’d behave. It wasn’t just Eli’s body that Liam wanted. Liam needed to get under Eli’s skin, to know him inside and out.

  What made Eli ticked. What made the Omega laugh. Liam never felt this way about someone before. This was unknown territory.

  Liam had to spend more time with Eli. Get more answers out of him. They could get to know each other better. Eventually, they’d move from being strangers to something else.

  Something more. Eli was worth the wait. Unlike the other submissive shifters Liam had come across, Eli was ballsy enough to look him in the eye.

  What a feisty mate Eli would make. The Omega would call Liam out on his bullshit. Eli would be a challenge. Eli was the refreshing tall drink of water he needed.

  Liam worked, ate, and slept. An endless cycle. He thought he could live up here in solitude with his brothers for the rest of his life. It was a good thing had other plans in store for him.



  Eli’s loud ringtone went off from somewhere in the room. He groaned, burying his face into the pillows. Dread curled in the pit of his stomach. Eli didn’t relish getting up, knowing he had a mountain of chores to do.

  His tasks didn’t daunt him. Eli didn’t want to have that talk with Steve about what happened yesterday. He could already imagine Steve berating him and hurling abuses at him while he worked the stove. Steve was always picky about the food Eli made.

  Heck, Steve always seemed to have an issue with whatever Eli did. Steve couldn’t possibly do anything wrong but the same didn’t go for Eli.

  “Five more minutes,” Eli mumbled into the pillow.

  Strange. Were his pillows ever this stiff? Eli turned so he lay on his back. He opened his eyes and stared at an unfamiliar ceiling for a few seconds.

  His heart started racing. Eli was more wide awake now. He remembered driving through a torrent to reach Grizzly Mountain Lodge and meeting Liam.

  Liam. His heart gave a little jolt as he recalled the Liam towering over him like a sexy titan. Eli flung the sheets aside and sat up slowly.

  He’d been apprehensive about sleeping alone in the suite at first but Eli fell asleep the moment he slid under the heavy comforter.

  Eli didn’t think he could sleep in a strange place but somehow, his inner wolf associated the room, the lodge with safety. With Liam.

  He got out of the bed. He opened all the windows in the room. Fresh mountain air ruffled his hair and kissed his skin. The air up here smelled cleaner somehow, compared to the polluted air in the city. He gazed at the impressive view that greeted him.

  Rows and rows of ancient ash trees seemed to go on forever. What would it be like, to run in those woods in his other form?

  He was a born and raised a city wolf. The closest thing to a forest he’d ever walked into was the local park.The woods must’ve looked intimidating at night. Eli shook his head. Maybe Liam could show him around sometime?

  “You dork. He might be busy,” Eli muttered to himself.

  Liam would make time for you, for us, whispered the wolf inside him. Eli shook his head. He took a quick shower. Eli paused in front of the mirror.

  Eli touched Steve’s bite mark, surprised how fast it faded. It looked like a half silver circle on the side of his neck. An afterthought.

  He liked to think it was because of last night. Eli had never really been Steve’s real mate. That was why Steve’s mark hadn’t faded.

  Eli touched his belly. He wondered if Steve’s baby would be a complication. Liam didn’t seem bothered that Eli was carrying another man’s child last night.

  Would Liam still feel that way in the long run?Another Alpha wouldn’t like his Omega being knocked up by another man.

  “You’re overthinking things,” Eli said to his reflection.

  It was true. Eli had no idea where Liam stood. He needed to talk to the werebear, spend more time with him. No point hiding in his room. Steve and his old life were part of his past. Eli preferred to live in the present, thank you very much.

  He dressed and went downstairs. His ears picked up three sets of voices, then a growl. Eli didn’t want to be caught eavesdropping like last night, so he immediately showed himself.

  In the dining area, he spotted two familiar faces. Lucas and Liam. His werebear shot him a sexy grin that instantly woke his dick. He couldn’t tear his gaze from Liam. His heart started a fast rhythm.

  Eli suddenly felt hot all over. He had zero control over how his body reacted around Liam.That fact would’ve frightened him yesterday but not today.

  “Is this is the Omega you’re infatuated with?” demanded an unfamiliar voice.

  Dark brown hair. Unfriendly black eyes. This third shifter didn’t bother hiding his dislike of Eli. Judging by his physical resemblance to Liam and Lucas, he guessed this was Liam’s other brother.

  “Eli, join us for breakfast,” Liam said. “You’ve met Lucas yesterday. This is my other brother, Logan.”

  Logan snarled softly at him. A warning?

  “Ignore him,” Lucas said, much to his surprise. “Sit, we have plenty of food to go around.”

  He pulled out the remaining spare chair between Logan and Liam. Eli refused to be daunted by Logan’s scowl. The breakfast spread made his stomach growl. Numerous plates were piled high with bacon, ham, eggs, waffles, pancakes, and French toast.

  “Eat up, you need your energy,” Liam told him.

  “For?” He asked, already filling his plate with food.

  “We’re going on a hike today. Thought you’d like to see the forest,” Liam said.

  “I’d love to,” he answered far too quickly.

  Did he seem overeager? What if Liam didn’t like pushy and needy Omegas?

  Logan snorted. Eli tried his best to ignore Logan’s assessing stare. Eli decimated his breakfast. He didn’t realize how famished he was. He edged away when Logan sniffed at him. Liam let out a warning growl.

>   “What the fuck? He’s pregnant,” Logan said. “Lucas forgot to mention that little tidbit.”

  Should Eli be insulted? He didn’t understand what he did to Logan to deserve this sudden hostility.Eli met Logan’s challenging stare, but deep down? He was a little terrified.

  Omegas didn’t look at Alphas in the eye. Those that did, were punished. Omegas should know their place—that was what Eli was taught, what his family drilled in his head ever since he was a kid.

  Screw the rules. The moment Eli packed his bags and left Steve, he became a new person.

  “I am,” Eli answered Logan. “Not by choice.”

  Logan frowned. “What the hell does that mean? You should go back to wherever you came from, Omega.”

  “I know that, but I’m not leaving,” Eli said under his breath. “I refuse to stay with someone who thinks it’s fine to push me around.”

  “Logan,” Liam said in a warning voice. “We’ve been over this. Eli’s under my protection.”

  “Fuck this.”

  Logan rose from his seat and left the table. The other Alpha exited through the front door and slammed it so hard, Eli was afraid the wood would splinter.

  Seconds later, he heard a roar that didn’t sound like it came from a human throat. Logan must’ve shifted forms. Eli looked at his half-eaten plate. He was suddenly not hungry.

  Here he was, daydreaming about how Liam and he could get to know each other better when there was a much bigger issue at hand.

  “He’s right, you know,” Eli finally said in a soft voice. “They’ll come looking for me.”

  “They?” Lucas asked.

  “Steve. My family,” he answered.

  “I have a feeling they would but I’m not worried.” Liam’s answer shocked him.

  “What? Why not?” He asked. “Liam, I come from a wealthy and influential family. Logan’s right. By staying here, I’m putting you and your brothers at risk.”

  “Maybe you should listen to your Omega, Liam,” Lucas remarked.

  “Tell me you didn’t feel anything for me last night,” Liam said.

  The big werebear tipped Eli’s chin using two fingers, forcing Eli to look at Liam’s amber eyes. It wasn’t just the man he was looking at but also the frightening predator that shared Liam’s body.

  Liam didn’t wait for him to answer. The werebear leaned forward and kissed him. It was short and sweet. It was over far too quickly but it was enough to leave Eli panting and wanting more.

  The Alpha released him. Eli wanted to slide into Liam’s lap, to put his arms around Liam’s shoulders. He was ready to beg Liam to do more than kiss him. To do all kinds of dirty things to him.

  God. Eli was so shameless.

  He didn’t understand why he was feeling this way, why he wanted to throw himself at Liam without a second thought.

  You do, said a smug voice in his head. Eli swallowed. Maybe he did. Steve was never the one for him because Liam was the mate he’d been waiting for his entire life.

  Everything felt so fucked-up. So twisted. It should be Liam’s baby he was carrying, not Steve’s. If he hadn’t been born into his cursed family and if they never pushed Steve on him, would things have turned out differently?

  Eli had no time for regrets. He couldn’t change the past but he could do something about his present.

  “I can’t lie to you,” Eli admitted. “This morning, I was happy when I saw Steve’s mate mark fading.”

  Liam’s touch was feather-light. Liam tugged down the collar of Eli’s shirt and expose Steve’s bite.

  Lucas swore. “That changes everything.”

  “I told you.” Liam sounded smug, although Eli was a little confused.

  “Told him what?” Eli asked Liam.

  “Destiny made sure our paths collided for a reason,” Liam said, smiling broadly at him.

  That smile summoned fuzzy and warm feelings inside Eli. Unexpected tenderness. It was so easy to like Liam, to be captivated by his rough charm and his startling honesty.

  “You’re staying,” Liam told him bluntly. “Stay as long as you like.”

  Eli stared at him, stumped. “What about your brothers? What about my family and Steve?”

  “I’ll deal with Steve and your family if they ever dare come here,” Liam said with such confidence it blew Eli away.

  Liam wasn’t done talking either. “Don’t worry your handsome little head off. I’ve been cornered in fights before. I’ve been overwhelmed. I’ve always come out on top.”

  “I’ll stand by him,” Lucas said, making Eli blink.

  “Really? You weren’t a fan of me yesterday.” Eli had to point out.

  “That was before I knew what you were to my brother. We Griffin brothers are cursed but if one of us finds happiness and a mate, then I’m all for it,” Lucas said. Lucas stood up, slapped Liam on the shoulder, and walked towards the kitchen with his plate.

  “What did he mean by cursed?” He asked Liam.

  Liam looked pained. “I’ll tell you about it, about my family’s history sooner or later. I don’t want to keep any secrets from my mate.”

  “That sounds a little ominous.” Eli joked.

  He wanted the conversation to take a light-hearted turn, but Liam wasn’t smiling.

  “Maybe after you learn the truth, you’ll want to flee this place.”

  “Not a chance,” Eli blurted. He studied the mess of scars on Liam’s arm again.

  Why was Liam trying to scare him off anyway? No one had ever stood up for Eli before. When he arrived on Liam’s doorstep, he only sought refuge for a couple of days.

  Eli found something better than sanctuary. Mate. Liam called him that. Eli didn’t have faulty hearing. It felt like his heart would sprout wings any moment and burst out of his chest.

  He was a little giddy, excited beyond words. Eli made no other plans after coming here. He thought he would have to run forever. Eli had no particular destination in mind. Running wasn’t exactly living.

  Eli could picture himself staying here. He could help Liam and his brothers run the lodge. His child could grow up here, could run rampant around the place.

  He wouldn’t need to worry about a single thing, because he had a fiercely protective mate standing next to him. A simple life with a wonderful and sexy man. Was such a dream truly possible for someone like him?



  Eli was silent throughout their afternoon walk. Three days had passed since all four of them had breakfast. Logan hadn’t uttered a single word to Liam since then. His brother even confronted him the night before while Liam had gone for a run in the woods.

  Logan left him with fresh rake marks on his back. Liam also left souvenirs in turn. Logan was just trying to piss him off. If the fight was really serious, both of them would be worse off. Logan just needed more time to adjust to Eli’s presence. That was all. Eventually, Logan would have to accept that Eli wasn’t going anywhere.

  “You’re quiet today,” he remarked.

  Eli liked their first walk so much, they started going out into the woods every single day. Liam normally preferred to be on his own but he liked Eli’s company. Walking next to his Omega made him feel completely at ease. Liam and his brothers were often treated like freaks by the locals. Eli treated him no differently than any other person.

  It was peaceful out here in his favorite section of the woods. They walked across a field of wildflowers. Liam had taken them on a different route today and wondered if Eli had noticed. He had delayed telling Eli the truth for as long as he could.

  It was time for Liam to fess up. Besides, he noticed Steve’s mate mark was nearly gone by now—making Eli a free man. Liam had given Eli space. He kept his hands obediently to himself but Liam was sick of masturbating to fantasy Eli when the real deal was right in front of him.

  If Liam didn’t do something about his growing desire, the pissed off grizzly inside him would go berserk. He’d probably end up doing something reckless and wound up regrett
ing it later on.

  Eli nearly stumbled over a fallen branch but Liam easily caught the Omega before Eli toppled over. Worry wormed its way inside him. Liam didn’t know why he pulled Eli close to his chest.

  The Omega didn’t fight him. Eli looked relieved. Eli took Liam by surprise when he hugged Liam tightly. Eli felt so small in his arms. He knew Omegas were made of sterner stuff but what if Eli tripped and fell?

  What if something happened to the baby?

  “Sorry,” Eli murmured. “I’ve been a little distracted.”

  “Talk to me.” Liam urged. “I’m always here to listen.”

  He ran his fingers through Eli’s hair, marveling at how soft the strands were. Eli looked up at him and bit on his lower lip.

  “I kept thinking about what you said three days ago. It’s selfish of me to take your protection for granted,” Eli said.

  Hadn’t they discussed this already?

  “It’s not selfish. I want you here.” He insisted.

  Liam couldn’t stomach the thought of Eli leaving. They’d only known each other for a little while, and yet his Omega had managed to make a home in his heart. If Eli left now, Liam would be forever changed. Altered.

  “I like it here, too,” Eli said with a laugh. “It’s peaceful, so different from the city I grew up in.”

  Hearing that sexy sound, woke up Liam’s dick. With Eli pressed so close to him, Liam was certain the Omega could feel his reaction. Good. Liam wanted Eli to know how much Liam wanted him, how the past 72-hours felt like the ultimate test of his self-control.

  Listen to what Eli’s saying, Liam remineded himself. Here was Eli, opening his heart to him and all Liam could think about was sex. This wouldn’t do. Liam needed Eli to see he didn’t just want him for sex. He also loved hanging out with him.

  “I didn’t at first,” Eli babbled on. “The night I arrived at the lodge, I noticed it was falling apart. It was so silent, so empty and a little creepy. Then I met you and your brothers. You showed me these woods. I started falling a little bit in love with you, with the place.”


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