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Liam: A MM Mpreg Shifter Romance (Grizzly Mountain Lodge Book 1)

Page 6

by Fel Fern

  “You’re so big,” Eli whispered.

  “You hurt?” He asked, concerned.

  “No, but I’d like you to move. Please.”

  The please propelled Liam to move. He started with slow strokes at first, then he built momentum. Liam fucked Eli slow and leisurely, then picked up the pace.

  He rode Eli faster and went deeper with every turn. His grizzly growled inside him. Liam rutted Eli and reduced them both to pants and groans.

  Sweat coated his back and chest. Liam continued pumping in and out of Eli’s ass. Each time their bodies connected, it felt like their inner beasts, their souls touched.

  He switched the angle of his thrusts. Eli arched his back and cried out. Liam smirked and focused on aiming for Eli’s prostate.

  The Omega practically shredded the sheets as Liam hammered him. His last push, made Eli gasp. Liam shoved his hand between Eli’s legs.

  One squeeze to Eli’s prick and the Omega shattered. Hearing Eli’s screaming out his name, triggered Liam’s climax.Every muscle in his body locked into place. Liam’s balls tightened against his body. One last push and his mind floated.

  The room fell away from his line of sight. Liam shattered. He filled Eli’s ass with his seed. Visions of Eli and him walking around the lodge filled his head. They were accompanied by a little girl, holding both their hands. The phantom girl was smiling up at him.

  With a groan, he pulled his softening dick out of Eli’s ass. They both collapsed into the bed. Liam gathered his Omega close to his chest. He pressed a kiss to the side of Eli’s neck.

  He licked the spot that connected Eli’s shoulder and neck while he pondered on his vision. Could that be a glimpse of their future?

  Liam never thought he wanted children before and yet he contemplated them now. His old man died a monster but before his dad lost himself in his grief, he’d been a decent father.

  Liam would raise the kid growing in Eli’s belly like his own but they wouldn’t stop there. They could have another child, or perhaps two.

  “Bite me,” Eli whispered, reaching for his hand.

  “You sure?” He asked.

  Liam needed Eli to be certain about his decision. Steve forcefully mated Eli against his will, so the mating bond between them was weak to begin with. It wouldn’t be the same for them. Liam could feel Eli’s wolf, curling contently in the arms of his bear.

  They were two parts of the same whole. Soul mates.

  “I am. Liam, I don’t want to keep running forever. My place is here with you.”

  Liam unsheathed his fangs. He didn’t ask Eli again. He plunged his teeth into Eli’s skin. The Omega cried out but Liam held him steady.

  Post orgasm bliss might cushion some of the initial pain but not all of it. To his credit, Eli didn’t struggle or move away. Liam’s grizzly reached for Eli’s wolf. The two beasts fused into one.

  A golden rope formed between them, shining, thick and bright. Their mating bond. Seeing it, made them both gasp. Liam released Eli’s neck and retracted his fangs. He hugged his mate close to him. Liam never wanted to let Eli go.

  “I’ll make you a promise,” he said to his mate.

  He considered his next words carefully. “I’m not Steve. That part of your life is over. You’re mine to own now, Omega. Mine to cherish and protect. I’ll make sure no one would ever harm you or your baby again.”

  Eli twisted in his arms. Liam loosened his grip so Eli could turn and face him.

  “I’m yours,” Eli whispered. “I’ll be devoted and loyal to you until our dying day.”

  Eli’s words felt like a wedding vow, but their bond was so much deeper than the concept of a human wedding. Eli rested his head against his chest. Liam found himself touching Eli’s flat stomach. Eli looked at him with sleepy eyes.

  “Steve put this baby in me,” Eli said.

  The Omega looked suddenly awake. Wary.

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” Liam said. “This baby’s ours. I’ll raise him or her like my own.”

  Eli blinked at him. The Omega studied him for a few seconds. “You mean it?”

  “Of course I do. Haven’t I told you before? The baby’s father doesn’t matter.”

  Liam kissed Eli and he took his time. Eli no longer looked worried. Good. He didn’t like seeing his Omega looking distressed.

  “Maybe he or she would like a sibling,” Liam added.

  It was a bold suggestion. They’ve only known each other for a little while, and yet Eli felt like the missing half Liam had been searching for his entire life. Destiny led Eli to him for a reason. To make him whole.

  After his parents died, Liam and his brothers were left broken. Their inner grizzlies had never been the same again. The entire town turning against them didn’t help.

  Being called monsters made them start seeing themselves as one. That wasn’t true at all. It only took one person to change his entire perspective.

  Eli didn’t see him as the son of a vicious killer. Eli initially came here, seeking sanctuary. Eli was also everything Liam thought he could never have. A mate. A shot at a dream he never dared uttered out loud to himself or his brothers.

  Liam wanted a family to anchor to his savage beast, a mate to soothe his violent impulses. Laughter bubbled out of Eli. A good sound.

  Liam made it his private mission to give Eli a reason to laugh every single day.

  “Wait. You’re serious?” Eli asked him, wide-eyed.

  “I know you want more children,” Liam said.

  Eli had spoken about it before. Didn’t his Omega know Liam paid attention to every little thing Eli did or say?

  “I do.” Eli bit on his bottom lip. “When I was with Steve, I scared for my baby and my life. I always imagined if I had a caring mate and protective mate, I wouldn’t be so terrified to want more.”

  “You have that now.” Liam reminded him. “You’ll always be safe with me and my brothers. They might not look it but they will always have my back.”

  “That’s right.” Eli smiled. “And yes, I want more kids.”

  Liam felt like he needed to bring something up.

  “You know about my family history,” Liam began.

  “I do and you don’t have to tell me. I understand the fears you’re harboring.”

  Eli traced his fingers down his arm.

  Liam raised an eyebrow. “Yeah?”

  “Liam, you’re never going to end up like your dad. You’ll never turn Rogue. You’ll be an amazing mate and a kick-ass father to our kids.”

  Liam let out a breath. Eli’s confidence in him stunned him.

  “You’re sure of that?” He asked.

  “Nothing about the future is certain but I do know this. I won’t let you turn Rogue, Liam. I want you to be there for me, for our future kids.”

  Liam ran his fingers through Eli’s hair. He kissed his mate on the mouth and wondered how the hell he got so lucky.



  “You already had trouble reeling in your Omega. Now you tell me you still haven’t found him? Christ, Steve. It’s been two weeks.”

  Steve Bonner finished his glass of wine. His father wasn’t done ranting. Steve listened with half an ear. In his experience, his old man could go on like this for the rest of the night.

  He snapped his fingers at one of his father’s numerous maids. She neared him, looking apprehensive. Every member of the household had every right to be edgy. It wasn’t just his father’s mercurial mood they had to face, but also his.

  “Get me a bottle of whiskey,” he told the maid.

  She scurried to obey.

  “Lloyd Reeves was furious,” his father went on. “Neither he nor I could comprehend how you let this happen.”

  What the hell was his father saying? Steve had no control over Eli’s actions. Eli left for reasons unknown to Steve. In his mind’s eye, he imagined Eli silently laughing at him and clenched his fists.

  Rage boiled inside him. Steve was pissed but he had no outlet
for his anger in his father’s house. The maid returned with his drink. Steve didn’t bother with the glass or with manners.

  It was just he and his father tonight. They had no other guests to entertain. He downed the bottle. Shifters didn’t get drunk easily but with enough incentive, Steve could accomplish his goal.

  He just wanted this entire nightmare to be over.

  “Lloyd shouldn’t have given me his defective son in the first place,” he said with a snarl.

  Alcohol made him a little braver.

  “You have no idea what that useless Omega put me through.” Steve added.

  Eli had always been mouthy from the start. When Lloyd Reeves presented the Omega to Steve and his father six months ago, Eli had been obedient. Eli kept his gaze down during the entire meeting, as was proper.

  It was all a damn act because once Eli was in his house, the Omega finally showed his true colors. Eli wasn’t broken in after all and he was ill-trained.

  “Stop whining like a little bitch. I thought I raised a better son,” his father was saying.

  A little bitch? Furious, Steve finished the rest of the bottle and yelled for another. The maid nearly dropped the bottle and he yelled at the clumsy fool.

  “Give that to me,” he told the maid.

  “Are you paying attention, Steven?” His father demanded. “Because I’m starting to think this is all a joke to you.”

  A joke? Did his father really think he wanted Eli to leave? Why should he continue listening to this senseless drivel anyway?

  Steve had it with his father’s admonitions. He was a grown man, an Alpha. Steve had his own house and ran his own business.

  Well, technically, he was the CEO of a shipping company his father handed down to him. Still, his father had no right to order him around anymore.

  “Or maybe you’re not man enough to discipline your Omega,” his father added.

  That broke the final straw. Steve growled, his left hand turning into claws. He slashed at the table cloth. Then he shattered his plate and glass.

  Hearing expensive things shattering and breaking, always put him in a better mood. Eli would always cringe whenever he broke something.

  The Omega always looked like he had something to say to him but in the end, wisely kept his mouth shut. He hated to admit it, but he missed his punching bag.

  Steve had only started getting violent recently with Eli but what did it matter? Eli existed to serve his needs. Steve could do whatever he wanted with his damn property.

  “Stop throwing a fucking tantrum. You’re no longer a pup,” his father said with a sneer.

  Steve wished he could wipe that arrogant look off the fucker’s face but he remembered he couldn’t. He willed his anger back and let it continue to stew inside him.

  His father made it clear Steve would only get his inheritance once he secured the family bloodline. It wasn’t his fault that Eli was spoiled goods.

  No matter how many times Steve seeded Eli, the result was the same. His equipment was certainly working fine. Steve had gotten a couple of Omegas pregnant in the past. He paid them generously to keep their pie hole shut.

  They weren’t important. Unlike Eli, they didn’t come from a prominent shifter family. Lloyd Reeves should have his son checked.

  Oh, Lloyd had given him the necessary papers that assured Steve and his father Eli was fertile. Maybe Lloyd Reeves had faked those tests. That was probably it. Lloyd and his son probably wanted to make Steve and his father laughing stocks of society.

  “You will continue to handle this situation on your own. Lloyd and I don’t want this news getting out to the press. If they heard my only son couldn’t even hold onto his Omega, our reputation is finished.”

  His father fixed him a glare.

  “I expect better results soon.” His father added.

  Steve didn’t give two shits about reputation.

  “I’m on it,” he said. “I have a PI who’s closing in on Eli’s trail.”

  An outright lie. Steve had nothing but he wouldn’t be able to leave his father’s house if he admitted his failure.

  “When will you hear from this PI?”

  “Tonight or latest by tomorrow morning.”

  “He better have good news, because I don’t think our family could continue to endure this embarrassment. Fix this problem, Steve, and do it fast.”

  He silently seethed. Steve endured his father’s rants. It was close to midnight by the time the wretched old man released him from dinner.

  Steve drove back to his townhouse, more livid than ever. Eli’s stupid face wasn’t there to greet him by the door. There was no warm supper waiting for him.

  The Omega had been gone for two weeks and the entire place was a mess. Dirty. Uncared for.

  Take-out food boxes, beer bottles, and laundry littered the living room and the rest of the house. Garbage continued to multiply in the kitchen. The entire place stank.

  His father refused to loan out his staff to clean Steve’s town house. Hell, his old man refused to lend him any help at all. Steve needed to cough up his own funds to hire private investigators.

  Fuck this. Steve went on a rampage. He broke his favorite lamp, slashed at the paintings on the walls.

  Every single thing in this house was chosen and purchased with care by him. The old him would’ve been appalled at what he was doing but something had snapped inside him tonight.

  It didn’t matter.

  Material goods could be replaced. Any Omega would’ve been lucky to have him. Steve had been more than generous. Steve had given Eli a nice house and expensive things.

  Hell, Eli didn’t have to work a single day in his entire life. He didn’t even understand why Eli would want to leave the safety of their home.

  Other Omegas born in less than desirable circumstances would kill to have Eli’s place. How did the conniving little shit pay him back?

  Eli ran away, knowing he’d put Steve in this kind of embarrassing situation. All the Omega had to do was get pregnant and give Steve an heir. Was that so hard to do?

  The numerous private investigators he sent out had had zero luck so luck. How was that even possible?Steve would be immediately be notified by his bank if Eli used one of his credit cards. Too bad Eli had been careful not to leave a trace.

  Who knew the Omega could be so crafty? Maybe the little snake had been planning this for a while. Perhaps Eli had extra help. That could explain it although Steve didn’t realize Eli had any friends.

  Steve had already torn the townhouse apart, looking for clues. He ended up back in the living room, silently cursing Eli for ruining his fucking life.

  Eli had been spoiled rotten. Once Eli was returned to him, Steve would shackle him to the house. He’d keep Eli a prisoner. Steve would even hire a bodyguard to make sure nothing like this would ever happen again.

  Then he’d seed Eli and finally get him pregnant. Steve sat on the sofa and finally noticed the old desktop computer in the corner of the room. He had the entire townhouse searched but he hadn’t thought about turning the computer on.

  Eli used that machine on occasion, he remembered. Steve got up and fired up the desktop. He needed a password. Steve received errors when he tried a bunch of combinations.

  He clenched his jaw and tried again to no avail.Steve was tempted to destroy the damn machine but decided against it. He would take it to an expert tomorrow, someone who would be able to crack the password.

  Steve wasn’t sure why, but he was now certain this computer held the answers he needed. Eli would taste the culmination of his wrath. Steve had endured nothing but humiliation and scorn since Eli’s departure.

  For all he knew, the ungrateful Omega was relaxing on some exotic beach somewhere. Eli probably found another gullible Alpha to look after him.

  Steve never figured Eli had any brains but he would never make the mistake of underestimating the Omega again. Once Eli was returned to him, there would be hell to pay.




  Liam had trouble focusing. He should be painting the wall in front of him. Logan glowering at him from the sidelines made it hard to accomplish his task.

  “Remind me why we’re doing this again?” Logan demanded.

  Liam ignored the aggressive waves of energy Logan was emitting. He applied a fresh coat of white paint over the dull grey wall. Logan watched him work for a couple of minutes, before letting out an impatient growl.

  “Eli’s right. This place could some renovations,” he answered.

  “Something breaks, we fix it. That’s all,” Logan said.

  “It’s not enough.”

  “Why should we bother? It’s not like we have any other guests staying over but your Omega.”

  Logan hadn’t been too happy after Liam announced to his brothers that he officially mated Eli. Almost three weeks had passed since Eli had come to the lodge.

  Hearing Eli’s laughter, mingling with Lucas’ voice in the dining area, made him pause from his work. His Omega was just the thing they needed to brighten this gloomy shit hole up.

  Eli had started taking online courses in web design two weeks ago. Judging by the new website Eli created for the site, those lessons seemed to have paid off.

  Unlike the clunky interface they had before, the new site looked modern, sleek, and professionally done. Eli was going to launch the site soon, and hopefully, it would draw more tourists. Liam told his brother all this. Logan didn’t look convinced.

  “Changing our website isn’t going to change the town’s opinion of us,” Logan said, crossing his arms.

  “Their opinion doesn’t matter,” Eli said, joining their conversation.

  It seemed his Omega had taken a break from the computer to make them both sandwiches. How Eli was able to use that old piece of junk had surprised him.

  Liam offered to replace that ancient PC but Eli stubbornly refused his generosity.Eli had started working on some freelance projects and told Liam he’d be able to buy his own laptop soon.


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