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Coming Off the Bench: A Sports Romance

Page 3

by Autumn Avery

  “So go talk to her, man,” I tell him, waving my hand dismissively in her direction.

  “You think she’d fuck me in the bathroom?” He asks eagerly. “Maybe I could get another one to bring back tonight.”

  “You’re an animal, man,” I laugh. “An animal.”

  Joey grins, gives me a fist bump and starts shoving his way through the crowd. I watch as he steps up beside her, and from the grin she throws his way, it’s pretty obvious he’s going to close the deal.

  “Tommy?” I hear a girl’s squeal behind me. “Tommy Mason?”

  I turn to find a wide-eyed freshman behind me – one of the ones whispering about me back outside the dorm.

  “Nah,” I tease her. “My name’s Keith.”

  “Uh, uh!” She laughs, waving a finger back at me, totally not buying it. “You are Tommy Mason. You are on the basketball team!”

  “There’s no fooling you,” I grin. She’s cute, and on any other night, I’d probably go for it.

  “What are you doing here?” She asks. “Shouldn’t you be at some…VIP party or something?”

  “VIP?” I chuckle. “Nah, you gotta wait for the professional leagues before you start partying with the celebrities.”

  She bursts out laughing with the most over the top, fake laugh I’ve ever heard and starts jumping up and down to make her tits bounce. She might as well just pull her pants off right now and invite me in, and honestly, it’s a little desperate and turning me off.

  “So funny!” She says, and actually claps her hands like I’m a stand-up comedian. I roll my eyes, not caring if she notices. “I saw your friend left. I guess you’re all alone now, huh?”

  This girl’s got some big balls, and actually moves right in and presses herself up against me, running her fingertips up my arm.

  “Why don’t you come back for a drink at my place?”

  Her breath smells like cigarettes and beer and makes me want to gag. I’m not even hard, but talk about a boner killer.

  “I think I’m all right,” I tell her. But she either doesn’t get the message, or doesn’t even hear me. Without hesitation, she slides her hand under my shirt and tries to shove it down my pants.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,” I say, grabbing her wrist and pulling her arm away. I back up and put my hands up. “Take it easy there, killer. What do you think I am? A piece of meat?”

  I’m half kidding with her, hoping to avoid a drunken freak out, but I really do want her to get away from me. For a second, I can’t tell what her reaction’s going to be, but then, as I see her eyes starting to tear up, I realize I’m on the edge of a shit storm.

  “You – you don’t like me?” She asks. I don’t even let myself feel bad, because I can see she’s about to turn on me. And here it comes. “You’re an asshole,” she snaps. “Everyone knows it! I bet the stories about your huge fucking dick are all a bunch of shit!”

  She holds up a pinky in front of my face and flexes it up and down.

  “More like Millimeter Peter!”

  I roll my eyes and turn away from her. Joey’s going to be fine with big-boobed Cindy, and my heart’s just not in Dover House tonight. Going out partying is a lot like going out on the court. If you’re heart isn’t in it, if you’re mind is somewhere else, you’re just not going to have fun. And tonight is one of those nights.

  I walk away from the freaking out freshman as she hurls more insults my way. She goes even crazier as I hear her friends try to calm her down. No way I’m sticking around for that shit.

  If I’ve read her right, I’d put money on that girl from the bathroom being in for the night. She didn’t strike me as a big party girl. Time to find out which room is hers and what her name is.

  She’s going to be a challenge. But I’m Tommy-fucking-Mason, and I never back down from a challenge.




  * * *

  It’s not even midnight and I’ve run out of things to do to keep my mind busy.

  I’ve set up all my notebooks for class, gone over my schedule a hundred times, written my name in my books and organized them by size, read all of the introductions and gotten up to refill my water bottle at least five times, which of course means I’ve been to the bathroom to pee about five times as well.

  And I still can’t get Tommy off my mind.

  This is just ridiculous. How can one man, who I only “met” for about a minute, have some power over me already? And without even being here!

  I feel like one of those girls in a sappy movie that falls in love with a guy the second he lays eyes on her.


  What am I saying? Right now, if I’ve fallen in anything, it’s lust. I don’t even know the guy, and asking me if I “see anything I like” is not enough to win my heart over. But right now, it’s not my heart that’s driving me, just like it wasn’t his when he invited me into the shower with him.

  But I have to say. Besides the beautiful body and the monster penis, there is something else about him…something elusive…something intriguing, that has my mind spinning.

  Maybe it’s just the sheer confidence that surprised me. I’m used to high school boys that are all bravado and bullshit and when you get them away from their guy friends, they end up turning into little boys in the blink of an eye.

  Tommy isn’t like that. Tommy is a man in every sense of the word, and he’s only a year older than me. You don’t get that way simply by sleeping with a lot of girls. Some guys are born to grow into men and some aren’t. That’s all there is to it.

  I don’t know how I know that but I do.

  There’s more to Tommy Mason than his panty-melting grin and his hypnotic eyes. At least that’s what I’ve been telling myself all evening…

  Shannon’s watching some show on her laptop on the top bunk. She invited me to watch it with her, but it’s season two of something I’ve never watched and I had no idea who anybody was. It’s not like I could concentrate anyway.

  So – what else is there to do? Go fill up my water bottle again!

  “Be right back,” I tell her, getting up from my chair.

  “More water?” Shannon laughs. I shrug and open the door and step out into the hall.

  There’s a water fountain just past the door to the bathroom.

  I wonder if he’s showering in there.

  But of course he isn’t. That’s just my mind drifting back to our brief encounter earlier. I doubt I’ll ever be able to go into that bathroom again, or even look at the door, without the image of Tommy’s glistening body jumping into my head.

  Those ab muscles…and then what’s below…

  What would he do to me with that thing? How would it even fit?

  No guy has even had his hands down there before. Having sex with Tommy would be like never having swam before and immediately going cliff diving into a roaring ocean filled with sharks and rocks.

  But how could I not wonder? It’s only natural.

  I unscrew my water bottle and hold it up to the water fountain.

  I bet it would split me in half. It would definitely hurt.

  I don’t know why, but that thought turns me on. It would be like going to the gym. You work out and it sucks, but you know the payoff is going to be amazing. Of course it would hurt, fitting something that big inside me, but after it would feel amazing. Wouldn’t it?

  A huge part of me wishes I’d gotten into the shower with him. I can only imagine how that body would feel against mine. And he’s so tall! He has to be at least six feet. I’m average height and would love to look up at him as he wrapped his arms around me.

  But maybe Shannon is right. Maybe all this thinking is bad for me and I should just purge all thoughts of Tommy Mason from my mind. What would a guy like him want with me anyway – after the initial conquest, of course.

  I realize my water bottle is overflowing and water is spilling onto my hand. I dump some out and screw the cap back on and take a sip. The floor is silent. A
ll the doors are closed. Everybody must be out partying.

  I’ve never been a real party girl. Most Friday nights I’d rather be in curled up with a blanket and a book or a good show than out being an idiot at one of the parties. They always ended up getting busted by the cops anyway. One of them, I think it was Chrissie McDowell’s, had everyone sign into the party with their real names and Facebook links…so when the cops showed up, after the neighbors called them, everyone was instantly busted, even if they ran off.

  I roll my eyes. High school.

  I turn back toward my room and take another sip of my water. Please, somebody, give me something to do to take my mind off him! And that’s when the door to the stairwell at the end of the hall opens, and Tommy Mason steps through.

  I swear my heart skips a beat and my breath catches in my chest.

  What is he doing here? Shouldn’t he be out partying?

  For a brief second, he looks surprised to see me. But that look is instantly replaced by that same smile from the bathroom, a slight curling of his lips at the side of his mouth and an intensity from his eyes that makes me feel like I’m naked.

  “Hey, you,” he says and starts walking toward me.

  What do I do!?

  Panic floods through me. My room is between him and me and he’s walking closer! If I don’t move now, I won’t be able to reach my door before him! Why do I even want to get into my room? Haven’t I wanted to see him all night?

  But my feet won’t budge.

  Move! Move, damn it!

  But they won’t listen. Tommy’s walking toward me, and he’s saying something, but I’m freaking out too hard to hear him. Finally, I manage to urge myself forward and stride quickly toward my door.

  I reach it just before he does and grab the handle.

  “Hey, what’s the rush—?” He starts to say, but before he can finish, I shove the door in, hurl myself inside and slam it behind me.

  That was close!

  “What the Hell?” Shannon asks, looking up from her bunk.

  I mouth, “Tommy Mason,” at her and point behind me.

  “Oooooh,” she nods. Quickly, she pauses her show, puts her laptop aside and climbs down from the top bunk.

  “What do I do?” I whisper.

  “Don’t worry,” she says. “I’ll handle this.”

  Before I can react, Shannon brushes me aside and pulls open the door. I leap onto my bed, praying Tommy can’t see me from where he’s standing.

  “Hey,” Shannon says blankly.

  “Uh…hey,” Tommy replies, obviously confused. “You’re not who I’m looking for.”

  “And who is it you’re looking for?” Shannon asks.

  “I uh – I don’t know her name,” he confesses. “The other girl who lives here.”

  “No one else lives here,” Shannon lies. Tommy knows it’s a lie, but Shannon doesn’t care.

  “Then who just came in here a second ago?”


  “Come on, quit bullshitting me,” he says. I peek out from my bunk and see him eyeing through the crack in the door for clues. His eyes land on my desk and my corkboard above it, right where I’ve written my name in big bold letters.

  “Grace!” He says, pointing and laughing. “I’m looking for Grace! Grace, you here?!”

  Part of me wants to curl up under the sheets, melt into a puddle of goo, drip through the floor and outside and then slither off back to my mom’s house. But another part of me wants to kick Shannon out the door, grab Tommy by the neck and drag him on top of me.

  “Leave her alone,” Shannon says, making the decision for me. “You wouldn’t be interested in her anyway.”

  “Oh, yeah? Why’s that.”

  “Because,” she says. “She’s a virgin!”

  My heart almost explodes.

  Shannon slams the door in his face.




  * * *

  A virgin!? I think, staring at the dark brown fake wood of the door to Grace’s room.

  Grace. What a perfect name, I think. Before I’m done with her, Grace will definitely fall – into bed with me!

  And she’s a virgin. Seriously?

  Shannon told me to turn me off and get rid of me. Obviously Shannon is aware of who I am and my reputation. I don’t run into too many virgins at the kind of parties I frequent. Those girls have a little more mileage on them. I guess she expected me to gasp, shout, “Virgin!?” and run for the hills. But to be honest…it’s had the opposite effect.

  Grace. Untouched. Innocent. Beautiful. She has no idea what I could do to her, and now I want to show her even more. Just the thought of sliding my cock into territory where no man has gone before has my jeans bulging as I saunter down the hall and back into my room.

  I lay back on my bed and loosen up my shorts, giving my dick some room to move. I’m not fully hard, but when you’re as big as I am, you’re never really comfortable being stuffed into anything.

  Now I’ve got even more to think about with Grace. Before it was just what she looked like naked, but now it’s much, much more.

  So she’s a virgin. What does that mean? Obviously she’s never had a dick inside her, but what else has she done? Has she seen a cock? Jerked a guy off? Given a blowjob?

  I hope it’s none of the above…

  Making Grace mine, and teaching her all those things, introducing her to a man’s body and how to please him, has got me horny as Hell. I bet no one’s ever gone down on her either. My mouth waters at the thought of laying her down on her bed, spreading her legs wide and burying my face in her pussy.

  I wonder if she shaves. Now that’s a question. Does a girl that’s a virgin shave her pussy? Does she maintain it at all? Little landing strip? Maybe she just trims.

  To be honest, I don’t really care. All I want to do is get my face and tongue down there and go to town. I bet she has a pretty pussy. I don’t know why, but I just get the feeling. I bet her body is slammin’ too.

  Something about the way she moved and how her ass looked under that towel as she walked away from me in the bathroom just makes me think she’s fit as fuck.

  God, the things I’ll do to her.

  Joey won’t be home for a while, and I’m all worked up over this chick, so I slide my shorts off and kick them aside, then pull my briefs down and grab my cock with one hand. I’m already pretty much fully hard, and with a couple of strokes I’m at full mast.

  Grace isn’t a big girl. The image of my dick sliding into her tiny pussy comes into my mind and I feel myself getting even more worked up. I start jerking my dick as I picture the first time I put it in her.

  She’s going to be nervous, of course. She’ll look up at me as she lies there on her back, and I’ll look down at her. “Go slow,” she’ll say. “I will. Don’t worry.” Then I’ll put it in – but not all the way. Just the tip. Her lips will spread just a bit as I push and I’ll watch her eyes open wide as she starts to feel it.


  I know it will be hard to hold back. I’ll want to slam all my inches inside her and pound her until she’s a wet, blubbering mess on the bed. But I won’t. I’ll slide it in slowly and savor every one of her reactions.

  “Oh my God,” I bet she’ll say as I get almost halfway in. She’ll gasp and grab the sheets with both hands and look down between her legs as I start to push more inside. I hope she asks me, “Is it really going to all fit?”

  “Oh, it will,” I’ll tell her. And then I’ll push. Not too fast, but not slow enough to let her pull away. I’ll grab her hips and drive my cock home, right where it’s meant to be, feeling how wet she is.

  I’m jerking my cock faster now as I picture Grace’s naked body beneath me. It’s hard, because I have no idea what she looks like under there. How are her hips shaped? What are her tits like?

  I feel a bead of precum drip from the top of my cock, and I spread it over my fingers, using it as lube as I keep stroking. My dick’s as har
d as steel and I can feel my balls filling with cum. I wish she was here so I could spray it all inside her, or shoot it over her tits and face.

  I want to break her in and then turn her into a dirty girl for me. She has no idea what she’s in for with me. I’m going to give her the best first time of her life and then I’m going to show her how Tommy Mason, a man, fucks. I’m going to blow her mind, fill her with my cum and claim her so that no other man can ever have her. But, hey – after I fuck her, she won’t want anyone else anyway.

  She’ll be nervous her first time and probably won’t make much noise or say too much. But once she’s used to having me inside her, I’ll start giving it to her hard. Not as hard as I can. She won’t be ready for that yet, and if I pound her too hard, she’ll be sore all week and I won’t be able to have her again. No, I’ll hold back, but I’ll fuck her until she starts moaning. I need to hear that from her.

  Grace, the shy blushing girl from the showers, moaning as her tight pussy grabs ahold of my cock as I drive it in and out of her.

  Fuck, that’s hot, I think, feeling my cock twitch in my hands.

  I’m ready to cum already. I can’t even remember the last time I jerked off to pure fantasy. Hell, I can’t remember the last time I even had to jerk off. Finding a willing chick to handle that for me has never been an issue. But here I am, ready to bust over a girl I haven’t even seen naked yet.

  She’ll moan for me, and I’ll want to take her doggy style to get a view of her ass. But will I? Will she be ready for that? I’ll have to read her and see, but if she’s moaning…if she starts talking…I’ll have to do it.

  I’ll grab her by the hips and flip her over. I’ll have to take my cock out so I can get her in the right position – get her legs spread nice and wide, her head down and her ass up where I can get my hands around her hips. And when I stick it back in, she’ll gasp.

  “Oh!” Maybe she’ll exclaim. Or, “Fuck!” I wonder if she’s got a dirty mouth waiting to come out.


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