Coming Off the Bench: A Sports Romance

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Coming Off the Bench: A Sports Romance Page 6

by Autumn Avery

  Before I can respond, he shuts the door.

  Alpha fucking Phi Ki? What is that?

  I pull out my phone and text

  Shannon: What is the Alpha Phi Ki house?

  She responds almost instantly:

  Some stupid sorority on sorority row. Sluts known for their parties. Why?

  Sluts known for their parties! Of course that’s why he’s there!

  I grip my phone so tight I worry I might break my case. So Tommy skips class, misses out on the lecture, then goes out partying while I stay home to do all the work? Yeah, that’s not happening.

  I grab my keys from my room and head downstairs, punching in sorority row into my GPS on my phone. This campus is huge and I have no idea where it is, but it looks like it’s only about a ten-minute walk away.

  I head out past the library and the science building and the gym. The sun is just setting and thankfully there’s a nice breeze, without which I’d probably be overheating. I’m so annoyed I want to scream.

  I realize I’m closing in on my destination as I start to hear the shouts and giggles of the girls, and the jeers and cheers of the bros. I round the corner onto the street and feel instantly out of place.

  It’s like stepping into a college version of Lord of the Flies. I almost can’t believe a place like this exists. Every stereotypical college party portrayed in movies doesn’t even come close to the mayhem going on here.

  Keg stands, Solo cups everywhere, hordes of guys and girls standing at the steps of the sorority houses, beer pong and guys throwing footballs and Frisbees. As I start up the sidewalk, I hear a loud cheer and some guy streaks right past me, a bottle of whiskey held high above his head.

  “Hey,” I shout to a guy slouched against a tree beside me. “Which way to Alpha Phi Ki?”

  “Huh?” He looks at me through a drunken stupor. “Oh, Alpha…Alpha…it’s that way.”

  He points down the block to the left.

  “Thanks,” I tell him quickly as I head down the street. It smells like beer and cigarettes and various clouds of stripper perfume as I pass the lawns of each house. Is this really what everyone else’s life is really like? I find myself suddenly yearning for my dorm, a cup of hot tea and some homework.

  But I’m on a mission. A mission to give Tommy Mason a piece of my mind!

  There are Greek letters over each house, but I have no idea what any of them mean. That’s one thing I must have missed out studying back in high school.

  “Hey,” I ask a random passer by who looks like he can’t be more than sixteen. “Alpha… Phi—”

  Before I can finish he points to a house two doors down on my left and staggers off. No way that guy’s in college. Probably a local who came here to party and is hoping the cops don’t show up.

  I make my way up the lawn to the front door of the sorority and find my path blocked by a very snobby-looking blonde with a clipboard.

  “Name, please,” she demands.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Name,” she repeats. “If you’re not on the list, you’re not getting in.”

  “I’m not on the list,” I tell her. “But my…friend’s in there.”

  She nods at me like a teacher catching a student trying to pull a fast one on her. “Mmmhmm. Everyone’s friend is in there. But if you’re not on the list, you’re not getting in.”

  “Look, I’ll just be five minutes,” I protest. “I just need to tell him something and then I’ll go.”

  I try to step by her, but she moves right in front of me like a bouncer – a bouncer wearing heels, a skirt and a tight white turtleneck sweater. And of course, stripper perfume.

  “If you’re not on the list,” she repeats like it’s a law written in stone. “You’re not getting in.”

  Is she for real?

  For a second, I wish I didn’t have such self-control, because right now I want to grab this girl by the hair and toss her bimbo ass off the steps. But like I said, I have too much self-control.

  Maybe this is a good thing. Coming here probably wasn’t the best idea. Chewing Tommy out at a party isn’t going to get either of us anywhere. But just as I turn away to leave, I see him through the window, red Solo cup in hand, chatting up two girls who apparently just have to see his biceps.

  He flexes for them, and as they both take a squeeze of his arm, I snap.

  “Out of my way!” I shout, shoving the would-be bouncer out of my way.

  “Hey!” She shouts from behind me, but I’m already pulling open the door. I’m inside in seconds and step through the crowd into the living room. I spot him instantly. Even in a crowded party, Tommy stands out like a sore thumb, his monstrous frame towering above everyone.

  I make my way toward him when a couple of guys win their beer pong game and chest bump in celebration. One of them dumps his entire cup of beer on my shirt.

  “Seriously!?” I shout, doing my best to wipe it away before it soaks through.

  “Oooooh,” one of them groans, putting a fist in his mouth. “Shiiiit, sorry!”

  This is a nightmare. I’m ready to snap. I whip around and march straight toward Tommy, who is now showing off his abs to the two girls.

  “You!” I shout, aiming my finger at his face. I can’t remember ever being this angry. “What the Hell do you think you’re doing?”

  It looks like somebody pressed pause on just Tommy alone. He stands there frozen, staring at me, for what seems to be quite a long time, before finally speaking.

  “Uh – what’s it look like I’m doing?”

  “It looks like you’re being a total asshole,” I explain to him, my face flushed with rage. “Where the Hell were you today!?”


  “We had sociology!” I remind him, fuming.

  “Who is this girl?” One of Tommy’s fangirls sneers from beside me.

  “Beat it, would you?” Tommy says to them without looking. They both give each other side-eyed glances, but they listen and vanish.

  “If you think I’m doing this project all alone,” I tell Tommy, stepping closer to him. It’s incredible how small I feel in front of him. “You are sorely mistaken! You think, just because you’re some big shot basketball player you can just do whatever you want? Well, not with me, mister!”

  There. I laid it all on the line for him. He either accepts what I say, or…well, I don’t know what else. I hadn’t really thought much past this. But when I look back at Tommy, I don’t see what I expected to see.

  He’s not being arrogant or giving me a look like he thinks I’m funny – or can’t stand me. He looks actually…contemplative. But then, his face twists into that Tommy Mason smile, and he opens his mouth.

  “Well, that’s what I need you for,” he chuckles. “To do all the work.”

  My jaw almost hits the floor.

  Did he really just say that!?

  I make the world’s biggest pouty face. I know I am, but there’s nothing I can do about it. Inside I’m a swirling, boiling pot of angry soup, and now I have no idea what to do. Just as I’m about to say something, Tommy interrupts.

  “I’m kidding,” he says with a laugh. He reaches out and pats me on the shoulder. My whole body reacts like I’ve been shocked and I actually jump back a step. And Tommy looks at me with amusement. It’s impossible to shake this guy!

  “All right, Grace,” Tommy says, setting his drink down on a table. “You wanna work? Let’s work.”

  He steps past me toward the door to the outside, clearly expecting me to follow.

  “Wait, what!?”

  I turn on my heels and chase after him. The crowd parts around Tommy as he moves, creating a wake behind him like a boat through the water. I’m able to get to the door with ease.

  “Where are you going!?” I ask him as he steps outside.

  “Back to the dorm,” he shrugs. “You said we’ve got to work.”

  “Now?” I exclaim, unable to believe what I’m hearing. Is he serious?

  “No better tim
e than the present!” He shouts over his shoulder. I rush to catch up with him. He’s so much taller than me that his strides are enormous and I have to power walk just to stay by his side.

  People hoot and holler as Tommy goes by. It really is like being with a celebrity. How could anyone ever get used to this kind of attention? I can barely handle people in class looking at me when I’m talking, let alone being shouted at by half the student body on campus.

  “You want to work…now?” I finally ask him as we get to the end of sorority row.

  “Yeah,” Tommy says, turning to me with a smile. “What’s the matter? Afraid of being alone with me?”

  “Hah!” I exclaim, taking the lead and walking quickly in the direction of the dorm. I can almost hear Tommy grinning behind me as he follows me. What am I going to do? It’s late, we’re going back to my dorm. What am I going to do?

  God, I hope Shannon’s back.




  * * *

  Thank God her roommate’s not here, I think as we step into Grace’s dorm room. It’s not so much that she doesn’t like me – I’m used to the occasional stuck-up bitch thinking I’m the world’s biggest asshole – it’s that I get to be alone with Grace.

  There’s no telling how she’s going to react, and that’s what’s got me excited. I stayed behind her the entire walk back to Northwest, and for one main reason; I got to watch her ass.

  I asked her if she did sports in high school, and she said she ran track for one season but it wasn’t for her. So where the Hell did she get an ass like that? Just good genetics, I guess. Her mom must be a looker. Grace has just enough meat on her bones, and I’m sure she feels soft to the touch, but she’s obviously got some firmness underneath that I could really work with.

  I had to stop myself from spanking her as she took the stairs in front of me. I wanted to lean forward and give her a nice bite on her right cheek and see how she reacted. But I didn’t do that. I showed some restraint.

  This girl isn’t like all the other girls, I reminded myself. Gotta do things differently.

  I can see Grace pause when we step into her room and she realizes we’re alone together. She was hoping her roommate would be there. It smells like apple pie or something in here. Chicks love to make their rooms comfortable, and they always smell great.

  Grace smells great. It’s intoxicating. Really everything about her has got me going. And the more time I spend around her the worse it gets. That’s the thing with going through girls at the rate I’ve been going. You never really get a chance to appreciate them. You’re in and out in one night and they’re gone. You never get a chance to explore or try new things. But being around Grace and having barely even touched her, I’m bursting at the seams.

  Literally. My dick’s been at least half-mast since sorority row when Grace started walking ahead of me, and now that we’re alone in her room, it’s getting downright uncomfortable inside my jeans. I don’t know what I was thinking wearing them. I should have just thrown on some shorts again and given myself some room.

  She’s got her back to me and it’s all I can do not to reach out and touch her. There’s something so inviting about how she appears to be completely oblivious to the fact that I’m running my eyes up and down her. Or maybe she isn’t. Maybe she knows exactly what’s up and is playing dumb.

  Some girls like to play innocent, or act like they’re not into you, but in reality they’re just waiting for you to take the lead and make a move. Is that what’s going on here?

  All I know is that my dick’s doing most of the thinking right now, and if she stands there any longer, I’m gonna have to listen to it. But just as I’m thinking about giving in and moving closer, Grace turns around.

  “Okay, mister,” she says in an almost pouty voice. “Let’s work.”

  She says it almost like she doesn’t believe I’m serious, and honestly, I don’t blame her. Nothing I’ve done so far could have really inspired her to have any faith in me.

  “What’s our topic again?” I ask her. I know damn well what it is, I just want to screw with her. It’s fun watching her twist up her lips when she’s angry. This time she actually puts one hand on her hip like she’s feeling extra sassy.

  “Are you telling me you don’t even—”

  “Relax, princess,” I say with a chuckle. “I’m just fucking with you.”

  I can tell she wants to say something but doesn’t. Instead, she glares at me. If looks could kill! Then, she turns to her desk and bends over to get something from her bag.

  Fuck! I have to stop myself from actually saying it out loud.

  She’s got those goddamn yoga pants on again, and with her bending over, I can see her panties. She’s wearing a thong. No, not a thong. More like a G-string. It’s barely even underwear, like a piece of floss going up her ass. Now, what is a virgin doing in something sexy like that?

  Before I can get a real eyeful, she stands up and turns around, holding her notebook and book.

  “Okay,” she says. “If you’re actually serious, let’s get started.”

  “I’m ready,” I tell her as I take a seat on her bed. She just stands there looking at me.

  “Really?” She asks.


  “The bed? You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “It’s more comfortable than those chairs,” I say, waving my hand dismissively toward her desk. “You should replace them with something better. That’s what I did.”

  Grace just looks at me and I can see her mind working overtime as she tries to decide. Part of her wants to sit down – I can tell. She doesn’t want me to notice, but I do. She’s blushing. It’s barely noticeable, but it’s there. Finally, she sighs and sits down next to me.

  Her scent fills my nostrils instantly and I almost lose it. Keeping up this nonchalant act is becoming harder by the second, just like something else…

  This may be the most time I’ve ever spent around a girl I wanted to fuck before getting in her pants, and still, there’s no guarantee I’m getting in there tonight.

  She’s so close to me I can her hear breathe. As she thumbs through her book, I run my eyes across the skin of her shoulder and neck and imagine what it would be like to close my lips around her and bite down, ever so slightly, just enough to make her gasp, before tossing her on her back and pulling those yoga pants down around her ankles.

  I want to do dirty things to her. There’s nothing I want more right now than to turn Grace into my own personal slut – not anyone else’s. She’ll do all the things I want her to and I’ll introduce her to all of them.

  I want to bend her over the bed, barely pull those pants down to her thighs, pull her panties aside and slide my dick into her, grab her by the hair and pull her head back so she can’t move – so she can’t do anything but take me inside her as I fuck her, burying my cock deep as I fill her with my cum.

  She should have started talking about the project already, but I can see she’s stalling, pretending like she’s reading over her notes. A girl like her probably already has them memorized and doesn’t even need to take them. I can just tell she’s smart. But she’s stalling for a reason.

  “I am sorry,” I say in almost a whisper. It gets her to look up and as we lock eyes I can see her defenses starting to fall. “I shouldn’t have bailed on you for class.”

  There really was nothing I could do. When coach says jump, you jump. But she needs an apology and I do actually feel bad. And as I look into her eyes, I just can’t help myself.

  I move in for the kiss – and she doesn’t back away. Every urge inside me is threatening to overwhelm me, and as our lips touch, I almost lose control.

  She opens her mouth and I slide my tongue in. I run my left hand up her back and pull her toward me. Her breasts press against my chest and I can feel her heartbeat. It’s racing. Then she kisses back.

  Hungrily, she pushes her tongue back against mine and slips one arm around my neck.
She wants me. I’ve never been this fucking horny just by making out with a chick, but just as I’m sliding my hand up her shirt – the door opens.




  * * *

  I leap back as Shannon steps into the room, and out of reflex, completely overcompensating, I slap Tommy in the face.

  “What the fuck!?” Shannon shouts, slamming her bag down on the ground. “Are you doing!?”

  Tommy looks at me like he’s just been betrayed by his closest friend, but the look only stays a second before he turns to Shannon.

  “What’s it look like?” He says back. “We’re working.”

  There’s that Tommy Mason sarcasm. Even now he’s able to pull it off, after being walked in on and getting a slap in the face. I, on the other hand, am on the verge of panic.

  Shannon told me to stay clear of him, and not only did I tell her I would, I also made a promise to myself. One that I just broke. But I couldn’t help it. He’s just so – everything! I can’t even put it into words, but something about Tommy is just driving me wild. He’s got his hooks in me, and no matter what I do, he manages to drive them deeper.

  I went to sorority row ready to tell him off, and he completely turned it around on me. Not only did I end up backing down from what I had intended on doing, but I let him come back to my dorm and let him kiss me.

  And the truth is – I wanted him to. I know that now, but what I don’t know how to do is tell Shannon. She’s my only friend right now, and if she finds out that I actually like Tommy – what will she do? How will she react?

  “Working, my ass!” Shannon shouts. She raises her arm and points to the hall. “Out. Now!”

  Tommy looks at me, and obviously he wants me to say something. But my tongue is tied. This entire situation is too much. I’m a smalltown girl at a big university, with the biggest man on campus in my room, and every part of my body telling me I want him, with my roommate and only friend telling me I shouldn’t.


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