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Talon's Heart

Page 10

by Jordan Silver

"You…are...the…" He growled making me laugh.

  "Oh yeah, well you're not so bad yourself."

  I loved it when he was playful like this in fact I loved everything about my caveman, that's why I had a special surprise for thanksgiving.

  Chapter 14


  "Wake up sweetheart we're here." I kissed her hair as she came out of her nap, she'd slept for the last two hours of the flight while I spent my time either reading or watching her. Sometimes it hit me out of nowhere that this amazing creature was really mine. That I’d been lucky enough to find someone who could make me feel. I had all but despaired of that ever happening. Growing up around the love between my parents and grandparents and later seeing my brother find his own forever, I’d secretly believed that the family legend had skipped one after all. I just never found that burning desire with anyone else, until now.

  "Hmmmmmm?" She started to wake up. I’d opted to use the family plane after all because dealing with holiday travelers did not seem appealing at all, besides we got here faster.

  She was so cute when she first woke up, like a little kitten all cuddly and sweet. I held her as she went through her routine of eye rubbing, yawn, snuggle into my chest for one last cuddle and then she was good to go.

  Fuck if I'd let her wake up with someone else ever. No, all that sweet innocence was mine now and forever.

  She'd finally got up the nerve to tell her family that she was spending the holidays with me. They weren't too happy but I'd put a bug in her father's ear about alienating his only kid and that seemed to put the kibosh on that shit. My girl is going to have a guilt free holiday no matter what, especially since it was our first of many, I planned on going all out. Since this was going to be her reality for the rest of her life I wanted her to not only enjoy it, but to see that she wanted to be here instead of anywhere else. Not necessarily fair, but her family had lost points with the way they had handled shit.

  I'd extended the invitation to her parents and even mom had put in a call, they'd said maybe for Xmas, whatever. I didn’t care if they ever came to our home but for her it would be good. Maybe sometime in the not too distant future when I wasn’t still so pissed I would put forth the effort to get them on board but as things stood I wasn’t too jazzed. It might be the one area that I wasn’t willing to compromise and let her have her way. I’ll find a way to make it up to her.

  I got up from my seat when the plane was through taxiing with her still in my arms.

  "You want me to carry you baby, you still half asleep?"

  "No I'm good I can walk." One quick stolen kiss that turned into a tongue wrestle and then I set her down on her feet.

  I followed her off the plane leaving the luggage for the crew to handle. Rye and Bianca were waiting for us and of course he had to act like the bear he is, picking my woman up and twirling her and shit. I snatched her out of his hands and had them all laughing as I scowled.

  "Ass." I punched his shoulder and kept her under my arm out of harm’s way.

  "Happy Thanksgiving to you too little brother, welcome Skylar."

  "Hi Ryder, hi Bianca, thanks for coming to meet us." She moved to hug Bianca and the two of them walked off to get in the backseat. Probably yakking about shopping already. How do women do that shit? They just met the one time weeks ago and already they act as if they’d known each other for a lifetime. Not that I’m complaining I love the fact that she was already drawn into the family circle, it made things that much easier.

  Rye and I talked about mundane things on the way to the house as we all took turns pointing out landmarks and places of interest to Skylar who was wide eyed. I’d forgotten that my girl wasn’t use to the big city and things that I’d taken for granted since I was a young boy was new and exciting to her. She had a million questions and I promised to give her a tour of the city before we headed back to college at the end of our break. I found myself actually excited at the idea of showing her my hometown. It might be fun seeing it through her eyes.

  At home mom was going crazy with the preparations for Thanksgiving dinner, which was just a day away. Of course the servants had the house sparkling from top to bottom and everyone was bustling around. “Welcome home Skylar.” She looked up at me in awe, her mouth almost to the ground. Most people had that reaction when first coming to our home. It was a throwback to an old European castle or some shit. Not what you’d expect to find in the middle of a bustling metropolis, though our house was set back away from the others and seemed almost like it was on its own with the surrounding land and gardens.

  “You want a tour now or later?” I hugged her shoulders, as she seemed a bit intimidated. “There’s nothing to be apprehensive about babydoll this is going to be your home soon.” I decided to save the tour for later since she seemed to have lost the ability to speak. Instead I took her upstairs to get her bearings before the rest of the brood got here.

  My room was all set up for us with some kind of girly shit on the bed. At least mom had the good sense not to try separating us, which was something Skylar had assured me her parents would've done. Not going to happen. If we ever spent the night away from each other again in this lifetime somebody had better be hurt and in the hospital. Barring that I couldn’t see myself agreeing to her being away from me at bedtime.

  “You need to finish your nap babe or are you ready to go down? I don’t think mom will give you much rest while you’re here she’s all excited that you came.”

  “I’m fine the nap on the plane refreshed me; I wish you would stop worrying Talon I told you I’m not sick anymore.” My ass, she didn’t see herself in that hospital bed hooked up to tubes and shit.

  I didn’t need to be reminded of that shit, not when I was feeling helpless with no leads. I’m not thinking about that shit now though. I had a woman to impress.

  This is going to be our home after marriage; it’s kind of a thing with my parents. They’d set up the estate so that Rye and I never had to leave, though my sister was allowed to move away to live with her husband. Seems like some kind of archaic tradition or some shit but whatever. There was more than enough room for everyone.

  We’d discussed it a time or two but I’m not so sure that she’d heard me. She tends to think I’m thinking too far ahead when it comes to that stuff. She’s under the impression that we need to know each other a lot longer before we start talking weddings and forever, hah. I had her and had no plans on ever letting her go, I don’t know what the hell she thought that meant. As far as I’m concerned it meant the sooner I put my ring on her finger the better. Maybe I should start that ball rolling then I wouldn’t have to deal with that ass ex of hers again.

  Mom, nonna and Bianca hogged my girl all day and then once my sister Kinsley showed up she joined in. For some reason her and Skye became joint at the hip; it was all good as far as I’m concerned, after all this was going to be her holiday experience for the rest of her life, better she get used to it now.

  Dad, Rye and I along with grandpa and Mason Kinsley's guy hung out playing billiards and telling lies.

  I hadn't told my family that I'd walked off the football team, I'm sure it wouldn't be too big of a deal, but I didn't think now was the time. Everyone was in a festive mood because of the holiday and this year they had something else to be thankful for. I’m sure my family was as excited as I am about me finally finding the right girl. I know mom was, now I won’t have to listen to her bemoaning the fact that I was a playboy as she so fondly called me in the past. Football and that other fuckery on campus had no place here, I’ll tell them later.

  The coach, that fuck, had been calling me nonstop, he'd even come by a time or two but I ignored his ass, he could go fuck himself.

  Kevin must've told the others it was a lost cause because they’d given up trying to get me back after the second day of trying. My boys know I’m a hardheaded fuck, and just because I wasn’t on the team didn’t mean we couldn’t hang. It would just be
under different circumstances.

  The list of people who were going on my fuck you list was growing by leaps and bounds.

  Skye's parents were about to get their asses thrown on there too if they weren't careful.

  I didn't like the way they'd tried to pressure her into coming home. She’s an adult after all and you'd think they'd understand her not wanting to be in the same air space as Robert and her sleazy cousin who they hadn’t planned on uninviting, because as her clueless father had said ‘she’s still family’. Fuck that

  On top of that, her father was being very vague all of a sudden about this marriage agreement between him and Stark's father or who the fuck ever. Whatever.

  Damien has assured me that in this country Skylar was an adult and no one else had the right to force her into anything she didn't want. Like some fucked up antiquated marriage betrothal or whatever the fuck else they had cooking. I give a fuck; if they pushed me I'd just fuck everybody's shit up. I'm sure nonna would have fun finding ways to bankrupt their asses. Always hit them where it hurt.

  "So Talon, I hear you finally took the plunge." Mason's voice brought me back from my thoughts.

  "Yep, what of it?"

  "Nothing, nothing, just saying welcome to the club."

  Mason was about as crazy about Kinsley as the men in my family were about their wives, only thing is I think he was missing the real crazy gene, he got an extra helping of gentleman instead. Bastard thinks he’s fucking Rhett Butler or some shit.

  "I'm not whipped dude, not like the rest of you clowns anyway."

  They started laughing at me. Okay, even I knew I was talking out my ass but hey I couldn't go out like that. They each had something to say about my plight and everybody had advice on how to proceed. I ignored all their bullshit, as much as I admired their relationships and the strength and unity I saw there I wasn’t about to let Skylar run me. That shit would never work, I have to be the one in charge that’s just who I am. With my mind set I got down to the serious business of kicking billiard ass.

  “Boy take it from me, you might as well give it up now. By the time your grandmother gets through with her your goose will be as good as cooked.”

  “Gramps this isn’t the stone ages when you and nonna got hitched. I know these women are slick but I can out slick Skye any day of the week.”

  “Oh yeah big shot? Let’s see if you’re still singing that tune in a year or so.” They were off and laughing again.

  “You clowns plan on playing or gossiping all day? Like I said, my girl does what I tell her.” I didn’t miss the smirks and the looks they passed between each other. No matter what they said I planned on running my shit, it’s just not in me to do otherwise.

  Chapter 15


  The whole family went out to dinner that night. There was lots of laughter and bantering back and forth. Nonna was in her glory running rough shod over our egos. From where the conversation was heading I have to remember to hide the damn family albums once we got back home before I ended up knee deep in naked toddler pictures of my ass.

  "I had a nice chat with my Kevin earlier."

  She looked at me squarely, fuck; I'd forgotten about that angle. There was no doubt that the little tattletale had spilled his guts. Then again it could be about something else, nonna has a way of fishing for shit and getting things out of you when she didn’t know shit to begin with. The old sneak.

  "Oh yeah? what did your little stool pigeon have to say?" I know if it’s about the team this old tyrant is gonna give me shit, just what I was trying to avoid.

  "Played any football lately?"

  I'm going to kick his ass. Lucky for him he’d gone home with Stephanie for the holiday or else he’d be sitting right here with us, maybe taking some of the heat off my ass. Still I could try to waylay her, if only.

  "Nonna..." She held up her hand for silence, oh joy.

  "I've already put in a call to the president of the school."

  "What's going on mom?" Dad looked back and forth between us. “Something happen at school son?”

  "It appears the coach is an asshole." Geez nonna, hearing your silver haired queen of the manor grandma drop the A bomb is always a little shocking. I thought poor Skye was gonna choke to death on her wine.


  "Don't censor your mother boy, you know that only makes things worse." Grandpa scolded dad who rolled his eyes at both his parents.

  "Quite right hon, anyway, said asshole seems to have a problem with your future daughter in law being at practice, which apparently she's been attending without incident for some time. But because some other asshole followed her to school at which point your son, my grandson, proceeded to kick the ever living shit out of him, coach thinks she should be penalized."

  "I call bullshit."

  "Here, here Olivia, now as I was saying, I simply told Oliver to bench the fucker."

  She promptly took her shot of ouzo followed by an opa.

  "Nonna, you're not Greek."

  "Mind your manners boy, now what I want to know is why you didn't see fit to fill us in on this turn of events, I would've loved to set Damien loose on his degenerate ass."

  Grandpa quietly removed her wine glass from next to the old terror, about damn time. When she got into her cups it was hell dealing with her.

  My baby had been extremely quiet throughout this whole exchange, in fact she'd been quiet all evening.

  "You okay baby, tired from the flight?"

  "No I'm good."

  "You took your medicine?"

  "Talon what're you a dealer? stop pushing drugs." She teased me as she flicked my hair with her fingers.

  "Something's off, you're being way too quiet."

  "Stop worrying already would ya I'm just enjoying the camaraderie of your family. It's nice and nonna is a hoot."

  I left it alone but kept my arm around her as I listened to my busybody nonna tear into coach in between rehashing embarrassing moments from my brother's and my lives. Skye started to relax finally and everyone was talking about the coming holiday. The women asked Skylar lots of questions about her childhood, things I hadn’t even bothered to ask, but it was nice to hear of her joy in being raised on the farm. At least she’d had some good memories before that fuckwit messed shit up for her. She didn’t seem to be too bothered any longer about not going home which made me breathe a bit easier. For all my talk I only wanted her to be happy, so it was good to know that she was enjoying her time here with my family.

  After dinner where everyone had an opinion on my life and what I should do about my football playing, we headed back to the house.

  My babydoll was quiet once more as she laid her head on my shoulder on the drive home.

  "You sure you're okay? if you're not well we can have dad take a look or call someone who can."

  She rolled her eyes at me and basically ignored my ass.

  Fine I'll just have to keep an eye on her for the next few days.

  We said good night to the others as soon as we cleared the door and headed up to my room.

  I was ready for some fun time with my girl, we've been getting pretty down and dirty, trying new things but we still haven't gone all the way yet. No worries though, it was actually fun waiting. Don't get me wrong, if she gave me the go-ahead I will be on her in half a heartbeat, but for her I could wait. Though it might kill me.

  It’s strange that the one woman I wanted above all else was making me jump through hoops to get inside her and I had no problem giving her the time she needed, anyone else I would’ve been long gone. I guess that’s part of the Avery legend at play, this new ability to be patient and longsuffering.

  "Have I told you lately how much I love your ass?"

  I slapped her plump ass cheeks as she walked next to me up the stairs, leaving my hand to rest on her succulent flesh as I rubbed her there. My heart hurt in a good way when she laid her head on my shoulder for just a second before picking it up again to look up at me.

  She smiled at me shyly as I fondled her.

  "I'm glad you like it."

  "I want to bite it, in fact that's exactly what I'm going to do as soon as I get you naked."

  "Oh no you don't I have to do something first."

  My face fell into a frown, I know it's not her period she just had that shit, so...

  "What, what do you have to do? it feels like forever since I had my hands on you, or my mouth or...."


  "Nope...." I made a grab for her but she was quick, she ran away from me as soon as I opened the door, grabbing a little gift bag from beside the bed on her way.

  What the heck was she up to now?

  I stripped down to my bare skin since that's how I usually slept, my dick already seeking the action.

  He always knew when his mama was around or when it was time to play, he was always way ahead of the game.

  She came out of the bathroom and my tongue got stuck in my mouth.

  I'm pretty sure my eyes were like a cartoon character.

  "Fuck me..."

  She was almost wearing something in black and silver, the heart attack inducing ensemble left her tits high and her nipples bare.

  The material was some sort of peekaboo deal that hid some things and showcased others.

  I twirled my finger in the air and she turned.

  "Oh" English Talon; put two words together before you blow this. Fuck I can't even think much less talk.

  She’d better not be teasing me with this shit; didn't it mean something when a woman got dressed up in one of these numbers?

  I think my brain cells along with everything else of importance headed south.

  The... thing she was barely wearing had a string going up her ass leaving her cheeks bare and oh so fucking edible.

  My dick, forget about it, he was iron hard and standing tall.


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