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Life as We Know It (Love Not Included) (Volume 4)

Page 14

by J. D. Hollyfield

  “Mr. Claremont. I was not expecting you. Let me grab some files and we can take this into a meeting room.” Sam walks over to his desk not taking his eyes of our guest. Our guest on the other hand doesn’t take his eyes off me.

  Unable to take the stare down, I finally speak. “Hello.” I wave kindly.

  “Hello,” he responds back, his facial expression changing from surprise to what can be defined as curiosity. He begins to walk my way, so I politely stand. Pulling out his hand for a hand shake, I step forward, but he doesn’t make it into my personal space before Sam’s hard voice redirects him.

  “Mr. Claremont, like I said, we can take this in the conference room.” Halting Mr. Claremont, Sam approaches us taking a stand in between our two bodies.

  “Yes, yes of course.” Mr. Claremont turns to me, nods and continues to pivot, walking out of the office. Sam briefly looks my way, letting me know he will be back shortly and then disappears.

  What the hell was that about?

  Sam came back in a fouler mood than when he left. I tried to poke but he wasn’t having it. I’m not an expert on relationships but I’m pretty sure keeping secrets is a no-no. At least sharing what has the other so bothered seems like a checked to-do on that list. I mean what the heck? We have only been an official couple for almost four days and he is already keeping things from me.

  I, of course, begin this huge battle in my head. My mood falls alongside his and I find myself turning my back to him or snapping at simple questions he asks. He can tell his mood is affecting mine but does nothing to ease the tension. By the time it hits five o’clock I’m racing to grab my stuff and leave. Sam watches me collect my things while he finishes up a call. Slowly figuring out my game plan he attempts to rush off the phone.

  “Hold on Jack—Pen where are you going?” he asks covering the receiver.

  “Oh who me? You noticed I was even still here? Well I’m going home.” I turn and head toward the door.

  “For God’s sakes, why? Just wait a second,” he argues back with me. I know he’s frustrated. That’s clearly written all over his face.

  “Sorry. Got things to do. Busy night and all. See you at work tomorrow,” I say as I put my bag strap over my shoulder and walk out. I hear him yell my name but I keep walking. I decide that going straight home is not on my agenda either. I need advice. And it has to come from the only person I truly do trust.

  “So wait—” Patti stops to stuff another bite of her burrito into her mouth. “—Let me get this straight. So I leave you for four days to go home and visit my parents and in that time, you have new employment, a new neighbor, a boyfriend and a very sore vagina?”

  “Oh come on, Patti” I try and shush her while looking around for wandering ears.

  “What? Don’t be ashamed, I’m sure half the bitches in here wished they had a sore vagina, Shit. I wish I had a sore vagina.”

  “It’s not about my sore vagina. Jesus.” I swirl my margarita.

  “Hey, you gonna eat that?” She points to my side plate of beans.

  “Ew, no.” I push them towards her.

  “Sweet! Okay, so I get the whole being mad about his crabby pants and all, but I’m still failing to see the issue here. From what you said he sounds like he’s pretty fucking amazing.”

  Yeah with a side of mood swings.

  “Pats, he just acted weird. Like he was hiding something. And that guy. Something was strange. I mean why hide it? He is so all about wanting me, but why, out of nowhere, turn into this secretive person? It was obvious the guy bothered him showing up all unannounced. And I tell ya, the way he looked at me…it was creepy.”

  “And did you ask Sam about it?”

  “Hello! Have you been listening to anything I’ve been saying?”

  “Well yeah, but I kinda stopped after sore vagina, and I’m so hungry, I couldn’t really focus on anything but eating this big burrito.” She smiles guiltily. “Sorry. I was going to backtrack once my stomach was happy.”

  Ugh… I take a drink of my margarita.

  “Okay, so what are you going to do? Besides waste this meal. Are you going to eat those?” I look at the chips she is pointing at, and push them her way.

  “I don’t know. I obviously can’t avoid him. That would be childish.” Which I’m not opposed to.

  “Pen, from the way you seem to be all sad and shit over it, just go talk to him. I’m sure he will explain. I said it before and I will say it again. He seems to really be taken by you. I saw it on the cruise and everything you’ve said since confirms it. I’m sure he has a good reason. But you won’t know unless you ask.”

  She’s right. I won’t do secrets. I won’t have him being hot and cold towards me and be okay with it. He wanted me for me? Well then he is going to get my fiery side when I walk into that office tomorrow guns blazing demanding answers!

  I decide to finally dig into my enchiladas because I’m going to need my strength for the battle I have in store for tomorrow.

  THE ELEVATOR DINGS AT Dresden Architects, telling me I’ve hit my destination, and I take my shaky hand and wipe the building sweat from my forehead.

  I wanted to be late today. I wanted to make Sam think I wasn’t coming and make him sweat. Then I grew up a bit. But of course, life doesn’t allow for me to be on time and I had to run three blocks out of my way, due to some filming crew blocking off my normal route to work. It probably was a Hemsworth movie, throwing karma back in my face for my prior trickery. So now, between my new perspiration issues and my out of control nerves I’m the one sweating.


  The elevator dings and I storm out. Stick to the plan. Guns blazing.

  I walk past Bethany who has an extra special smirk on her face today. “He’s in a meeting,” she sneers at me. I pay no attention and go to turn the knob to Sam’s office just as the door opens. Falling into the now open entryway, I practically land in Cassandra’s arms.

  “Oh dear. Where on earth are you going?” She rudely snaps at me.

  “I was… I was…” I can’t seem to remember because the only thing swirling in my brain is why the fuck is she here? I look past her to Sam who has an angry expression on his face.


  “Well excuse me, Dear, I’m already late for a champagne breakfast.” She turns back to Sam. “Thanks again for your time, Sam. Let’s do lunch soon. Don’t be a stranger.” She turns back, dismisses me with her evil smile and exits stage left. I stand there staring at Sam, hoping he does the right thing and spits out why she was here. And fast.

  “Sit down,” he demands instead.

  “Um, excuse me?” This is not how I thought this battle was going to go down.

  “Shut the door Pen, and sit the hell down, now.”

  NOBODY tells me what to do! Okay, so maybe this guy. He seems really mad about something and I can only imagine Cassandra’s visit has something to do with it.

  I walk over to his desk while mentally cataloging everything that I have ever done illegally that he might now know about and only that stupid theft charge pops back up. But if you ask me, if the bandmates don’t lock their van, then taking whatever is in an open vehicle sounds like fair game to me.

  I make it to the chair and pause. He waits for me to obey then snaps, “Sit.”

  And down I go.

  He picks up a manila folder and slams it on his desk. He sits, brushing his face with his strong hands ending at the bottom of his chin.

  “Penny, is there something that you would like to tell me?” he asks. Face blank.

  I feel like this is a trick question.

  “Um… I didn’t do it?” I mumble.

  He opens the file and flips through paper after paper.

  Yep. My file.

  That bitch.

  “Public Indecency, drug charges. Reckless abandonment?” He looks at me waiting for me to say something. His anger is not so much anger anymore, but slowly transforming into a… is that a grin?

  “My sweet, sweet Penny,
I knew you were a fierce one but I didn’t realize what a little spitfire you are.” He is now full blown grinning.

  “Excuse me? Uh you kinda have me lost here.” Is he mad or senile? Because I’m not sure how he is taking my record.

  “Well, it seems Ms. Winters is worried about my well-being. She thought after seeing us together the other night she would save me the embarrassment and supply me with your record. Which, may I add, is very impressive,” he smiles. “She assumed by showing me this, I would probably want to break things off with you to save my image.”

  My jaw has fallen, allowing bugs to fly in and out of my gaping mouth. He stands and pushes himself away from his desk. Presses on his intercom he gets Bethany’s attention.

  “Yes, Mr. Dresden.” She catlike purrs into the speaker.

  “I need you to hold all my calls until further notice. I do not want to be disturbed…for anything.”

  “Yes, Mr. Dresden.”

  He releases the phone and walks around his desk toward me like a predator.

  “Up we go, Pen.”

  Oh shit.

  “What? Why?” I ask nervously.

  “I said up.” I jump to my feet, seriously unsure of what the hell is going on.

  He gets into my personal space, capturing my hips in his large hands. Spinning me, bringing my back to his chest, he places his palm on my lower spine, guiding my stomach to the table. I bring my hands to his desk for support, while looking behind me for an explanation.

  “My naughty, little girl. I think someone needs a really good spanking for all the bad things she has done,” he chuckles and then brings his hand gently to my ass. One, two, three gentle spanks to my rear and I am silently thanking my former self for being such a wild child.

  “Thinking about you being reckless makes me hard as hell, and I just need to show you how hot you make me.” He leans into me, and I can feel just how hard he wants to show me.

  He takes the hem of my skirt and shimmies it up until it is over my butt cheeks. He doesn’t disappoint when he brings the tiny purple fabric in between his fingers and pulls. When I hear the sound of the condom wrapper and then him positioning himself, I get an idea of just how hot I’m making him.

  The first thrust home sends a noise so unattractive from my vocal cords I truly pray he didn’t hear it. The second and third are muted by his own moans and groans as he works himself in and out of me, creating the world’s best friction two people can create.

  Sam’s body has become my weakness, so it doesn’t take long before I’m already close to exploding. I’m trying my best to hold on to the desk but he’s so strong and his movements are urgent. “God, this body was made for me.” In and out. “Your beautiful pussy is only for me.”

  Seriously, dirty talk is hot.

  “Sam, hurry, I can’t…” Because in this position, it’s like he’s hitting such a deep place, my orgasm is going to end with me losing years off my life.

  Thankfully Sam is in no better shape. The closer he gets the harder it is for him to continue talking. He has stopped his dirty talk and the only sound leaving his beautiful mouth is grunt after grunt as he pounds into me.

  “Fuck, Penny…” he hisses, his fingers almost bruising my hips. “I need to see your beautiful eyes when you come, baby.” He pulls out and flips me around, lifting my ass to the edge of his desk. As I open my legs wide for him he plunges into my sex. Our eyes lock and we stare at one another as he drives into me.



  And then it happens.


  Beautiful, white dots explode in my vision, and I start to close my eyes to stay conscious.

  “Keep them open, baby, I want to watch you fall apart around my cock.”

  And I do. I stare into his fiery eyes, as I allow my orgasm to take control. “Fuck, you’re so damn beautiful.” He thrusts in one last time and explodes inside me.

  I’m still trying to catch my breath while he walks to his garbage can to dispose of the condom, and then returns to peel me off the desk. He sits us both on the chair cradling me in his arms.

  “I’m sorry about yesterday,” he mumbles into my hair. “I shouldn’t have been such an ass. I can’t really share right now. I know you have questions, but in time, I will explain everything.”

  Not the answers I was hoping to get, but the apology I will take. Obviously something was up with that visitor. I was right about that. I lift off his shoulder and stare into his baby blues. “Please don’t lie to me. Or keep secrets. Because that is a deal breaker for me.”

  He stiffens, the worry in his eyes prominent. “I would never do anything to hurt you Pen. Ever.”

  I nod and lay my head back into the nook of his neck.

  “Can I ask you a question, though?” he asks.

  “Sure, anything.”

  “What exactly does someone have to do to get a reckless abandonment charge?”

  “NO THAT BITCH DIDN’T!” Yep, Patti.

  “Oh, she did. Said she was just trying to do him a favor.”

  “Bullshit, I smell jealousy. Sounds like she wants to get her hooks in your old man and your new one.”

  My lower bits might still be humming their satisfaction from the ride of a lifetime Sam gave me all Friday night and into the morning but my brain and temper are still raging mad. That sleuth bitch is not going to get away with this.

  I would ask how she keeps digging up all my records, which you’d think were confidential, but then again, she works for a governmental campaign and Sam’s comment about using money to dig up dirt has it all making sense.

  “Well? So what’s the plan? It’s never been your motto to let shit like this slide. I mean you didn’t get the nickname wrecking ball in college for nothing.”

  I swear I’m never going to live that one down. I simply, after too much tequila, offered to avenge anyone’s honor who had a sleazy boyfriend who cheated. This was, of course after my boyfriend at the time, Tim, was caught with his hands in the cookie jar, aka Tracy Weaver’s pants. To everyone’s amazement, a handful of girls stepped forward claiming their story of deceit. And well, I spent the whole night egging houses and slashing tires. It wasn’t until dawn when I made it to the last house that I set the grass on fire, and accidently set my hair on fire with it.

  Words to the wise. Short hair is not attractive on all women.

  “Well, I’m certainly not going to let her get away with this. First things first. Henry. He’s going to get a piece of my mind.”

  “Oh yeah, now we’re talkin! When we going?”

  “Not we, me. I don’t need you getting us arrested again.”

  “Hey! You said you forgave me for that,” she whines.

  “I do, and I know you didn’t mean to but when your only job is to be the getaway driver, you don’t decide it’s time to get gas mid-getaway.”

  “I know but I told you a billion times, we were on empty. And we were hiding out in a gas station parking lot! If I didn’t fill up, we wouldn’t have made it two blocks. It just made sense at the time.”

  “Patti, we drove off, making it less than two feet before the nozzle was ripped off the tank, having forgotten to take it out of my car! Running out of gas would have been a lot easier than trying to talk ourselves out of attempted homicide by gas station explosion.”

  “Well they didn’t have to arrest us. That’s all I’m saying.”

  True, I mean it’s not like it hasn’t happened before.

  “Either way. I’m going alone. This one I have to take care of, but don’t worry, I’ll let you in on my revenge against Cassandra.”

  “Fine, but make sure to kick the Duchess in the balls really hard for me.”

  “Will do cupcake.”

  “Call as soon as you get home. We’re drinking. You, me, and this mystery neighbor of yours.”

  “Deal,” I state as I end my call with Patti. Before I even have the chance to call Henry my phone rings and his name covers my screen. Hmmm. Wel
l isn’t this convenient?

  “Hello?” I ask super rudely.

  “Hello, Love. Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  “Who is this?” Had to throw that jab in there.

  “Um, it’s Henry. Didn’t you see my number on your screen?”

  “Oh, no, sorry. I took you out of my phone and I didn’t recognize the number. What do you want, Henry?”

  “Listen, Love, I need to see you. Immediately. We need to talk. Can you meet me at Amelia’s?”

  Normally I would tell him to eat shit but I have plans for him so I oblige. “I’m really busy Henry, but I’m leaving a massage appointment—I was super sore after my escapades last night—so I’ll stop by. You can have two minutes of my time.” Then I hang up. I really was at a massage appointment. Sam had to leave for the weekend because of some family obligations so, feeling bad for abandoning me and for all the ways he bent, maneuvered and stretched me last night, he suggested and paid for a top notch, professional rub down. I told him he didn’t have to pay for it, but he said it was an even trade, proposing that I could spend the weekend putting in a few good words with Chelsea for him. Take notes girls, when you find a man who cares about what your cat thinks, you sink your claws in him and never let go. Get it? Claws? Okay, I’m done.

  I catch a cab from the salon and make it to Amelia’s in under fifteen minutes. As we pull up I notice Henry already standing outside the coffee shop, a man in an all-black suit standing next to him. He’s needs hired henchmen now? Must be moving on up in the senate race to get bodyguards.

  Rolling my eyes, I pay the cab and get out. “You have a minute and fifty seconds left, what do you want?” I say while I approach him. Startling me, he grabs me and puts his arms around me for a hug. Fighting out of his grip, he releases me and I stumble back.

  “What the fuck, Henry!?”

  “I’m sorry, Love, I just… I missed you.”

  “Well, tough shit. You touch me again, and you’re going to be missing your balls.”

  He looks shocked at the way I spoke to him. Probably because I just swore twice in a row and used the word balls in a vulgar manner.


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