The Next Contestant

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The Next Contestant Page 10

by Dani Evans

  We all nod.

  “Okay. So that night Sandy and I ran into you two at Muze, well, this guy Nick—”

  “Little dickey Nicky?” Tiffany interrupts.

  Darcy giggles. “Yeah, that’d be him, little dick and all. Anyway. We danced, we drank and we danced some more. Then we did a little petting and you know?”

  “No, we don’t know,” Sandy says. “Please be more specific. What exactly did you do with little Nicky?”

  “Uh. So embarrassing! He took me to one of the rooms upstairs and then we were just standing there and he was staring at me. And I’m like what’s the problem. Why are you staring at me like that for? Then he leans in and whispers this in my ear, I want you to tell me everything you want me to do to you. I want to lick, suck, and taste every inch of you and I want you to do the same for me. But I need you to say it out loud. Because I was drunk and horny, and what he said was hot, I did it, told him everything I wanted him to do. And then I did it to him.”

  Sandy starts laughing and throws a hand over her heart. “Why, you little whore bag. Here I thought you were so innocent. He must have sucked in the sack because you never mentioned him after that night. Until now.”

  “Bitch. I never slept with him! I like meat between my thighs, not Vienna sausage. And believe me, sucking on him was like sucking a little smoky. I was sucking and sucking and it wasn’t getting any bigger. For some reason, I started thinking about shriveled up worms and started laughing. I couldn’t stop and I was in tears. He flipped out and told me to get the fuck out.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Oh, girl. I could have told you Nick and his overblown aggrandizing boasting is key to his actual size.” They all look at me, slack jawed, even Tiffany. “Oh, no. No, no. Don’t look at me like that. I’ve never been with him. I’ve listened to him, watched him and his grandiose self, enough to know only a man who is lacking has to make up for his less than stellar size. Sure, he’s great on the eyes, but if you’ve been around him as long as I have, you’d know he uses big words, enticing even, but it’s all a façade. So what happened after he booted you?”

  “Well, after I quickly dressed and got the hell out of there, he caught up to me in the elevator. No words were exchanged, but when we exited the elevator, he unlocked the door leading to Muze, followed me out, and keyed the deadbolt. Later that night, I saw him dancing and flirting with another girl and he dragged her off the floor and lead her upstairs. Every time we go to Muze, I watch the exit that leads upstairs and there is a lot traffic coming and going through that door. And it has only ever been Kappa Alpha Omega men escorting girls in and out of there.”

  Kappa Alpha Omega men. The words sound like a beacon, a loud alarm going off in my head. Jax is one of them. Is he involved? Escorting women to the second floor? He has ample time during the week since we spend most of our time together on weekends.

  “This is him, girls.”

  “What? You’re kidding. Stop kidding.” Another girl huffs. “Tell them, Jax. You were with me!”

  “Ah, fuck,” Jax hisses. “I’m not with any of you; never promised anything. Yeah, we had fun, but that’s all it was. Not my fault y’all are friends. Never promised anything, especially exclusivity. And it’s not like I was with any of you at the same time.”

  “You bastard!” one of the girls shouts. “You’re a user and a fucking pig.”

  I glance at the door, then back at the girls, who are all watching me, and I know they know what I’m silently questioning. Darcy’s somber face answers my query.

  “Fuck!” I shove off the couch. “Who wants to go to Muze tonight?”

  The girls all look at me. Then they push up and begin cheering as we all primp ourselves.

  We head to Muze. A little part of my heart seizes. I hope to hell I don’t see Jax. I mean, I want to see him, just not at Muze… with some other chick.

  Darcy leads the way and we find a table close to… well, the secret door, I guess. And shitballs! “Oh my god,” slips from my mouth when I see little Nicky boy pausing in front of the door, keying it and then slipping inside, with a girl, and then closes it.

  We all watch, dumbfounded by my brother’s fraternity and whatever shit they have going on behind said door. So far, we’ve seen Kolby, Nick, and some guy come in and out of that door with different girls each time. I sigh heavily and the girls all turn to look at me.

  “What? Can’t I breathe when I feel relief, knowing Jax isn’t doing…” I point to the door, “what they’re all doing?”

  “Girl, this is one night out of the week. I don’t mean to be harsh, but even I know Jax has a reputation,” Sandy says and shakes her head.

  “Well, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Jax go through that door,” Darcy says and pats my hand.

  But Sandy’s comment kind of pisses me off. I let it slide. Sort of. “My brother has a reputation too, Sandy. Do you still find him attractive?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I do. Would I date him? Probably. Here’s the thing, I’m not looking for Mr. Fucking Perfect, just some hot piece of ass, and damn. Your brother definitely has a nice one. I’d let him take me upstairs as long as he has something to offer, unlike Nick,” Sandy says as she turns toward Darcy. We all bust out laughing and then we call it a night since we all have a full day of school tomorrow.

  I ONLY HAD a few classes today and since it’s sunny and warm, I decide to drive to Maritn Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park to study for an upcoming test.

  I grab a small blanket from my trunk, snag my book bag, and head toward a tree close to the water. After tossing out the blanket, I smooth it down and stretch my legs out, and lean against the tree. There are people scattered here and there around the park, some jogging, some tossing a Frisbee, others walking dogs, and students, like me, studying.

  I begin working on a history project for a good hour before I begin to feel tired. I slip on my sunglasses, slide down on the blanket, and prop my head on my book bag. And doze off.

  A rustling sound…

  A loud bark…

  A man yelling…

  I jolt straight up, startled by the sounds. Slipping my shades off, I see several offenders a few feet away—a black jogging suit, a four-legged animal fleeing, and one soccer ball in the lead. It’s rather… comical. And I believe the dog agrees. It yaps, flits in a circle, wags its tail, hunches down on its front legs, and when the man is almost within petting distance, the dog flips around and bats the ball forward with its nose and keeps on going.

  The man stops, lies on the ground, and stares at the sky. I can’t help it. I laugh. I laugh harder when the dog realizes his challenge gave up and flips the ball in the direction of said challenge. My laughter gains the man’s attention and he snaps his eyes in my direction. My breath hitches when I recognize who it is.

  He sits up, cocks his head to the side and a slow, sexy smile spreads across his lips. He stands and slowly walks toward me. Sitting down next to me, he extends his legs out and leans in close to me. I can’t help but grin. Jax is here, at the same park I chose to relax and study… and well, take a nap.

  “So,” Jax says sarcastically. “You think that dog is pretty hilarious stealing my ball, eh?”

  “Absolutely. And by the looks of it, I’d say the pooch won. Jax, the soccer star, lost his game to a… dog.” I laugh again. He sidles up closer to me, so close his sweaty body is rubbing off on me. “Ewe. You’re all sweaty!” I attempt to push him away but he presses into me harder.

  “Still think it’s funny, Cinderella?” His lips are so close, his eyes hint humor and desire.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  “Yeah,” he whispers back as he reaches a hand behind my neck, pulls me closer, and flicks his tongue along my lips. He pulls back slightly, grins, leans further into me, then drags his tongue lightly down my throat. I shiver. Slowly, he crawls on top of me and drags me down so I’m lying flat on my back, Jax now on top of me. In a public place.

  Reaching his hands underneath me, he slides them u
p under my head and stares heatedly down at me. His lips find my ear and his breathing picks up as he grinds his hips against mine. I wrap my arms around him, tangle my fingers in his hair, and raise my hips slightly. He groans and kisses my neck. Then, he moves his lips down over my breast and shockingly, bites my nipple through the thin fabric of my form-fitting tee. I gasp.

  Coming back up, Jax brings his lips near mine but doesn’t quite touch me. “I want you so damn bad,” he says and presses between my thighs roughly. He stays there, swaying his hips suggestively and I can feel just how much he wants me.

  I pull his mouth closer, trying to bring his lips to mine, but he pulls back. I try again, and again, he pulls back. I release him and he looks at me, heat in his eyes and then he drops his head against my shoulder. He proceeds to press his hips into me harder and then abruptly pulls himself up. “But not here. Not… yet.” He looks up at the sky, rubs a hand over his jaw, then looks down at me. Staring, like he’s in deep thought, he lets out a sigh and offers me his hand. I take it, wondering what he’s thinking.

  Jax continues to hold my hands, me standing in front of him, his eyes never leaving mine. Is he… I swallow hard, worry flickering through me. Is he hiding something… does he have another… god, I can’t even go there. If there’s another girl, or girls, and I’m nothing more than—no, he wouldn’t use me, would he?

  “Stop it,” he says, interrupting my thoughts.

  “What?” I ask, wondering what exactly I’m supposed to stop.

  “Biting your lip. Worrying. Whatever’s in that pretty little head of yours causing you stress, you need not to worry. I…,” he wraps his arms around my waist and brings me into him. “… was trying to figure out my schedule, and I do believe I have no games this weekend. I want to spend it with you. All of it, with only you. No friends, no parties, no interruptions.” He snakes his hand up my side, over my shoulder and behind my neck. Dragging me closer, he licks my lips. I open instantly and his wet mouth, the sweetness of his tongue, the depth at which he’s pressing it in, stroking my tongue, has my already sensitive skin tingling. I groan into his mouth, take him zealously. He deepens the kiss, angling my head whichever way he chooses, his tongue rolling hard, perfect and passionately with my own.

  “Toby!” a man shouts, breaking our heated moment. Jax grins sexily and steps away from me as the man gets closer and whistles. “Come on, boy, let’s go.”

  The dog, a retriever, I think, comes running down the trail barking and wagging its tail.

  Jax reaches in his pocket, drags his cell phone out and glances at it. “Shit. I’ve got to go. Practice is in thirty minutes and I’ve got to go dress out.” He caresses my cheek, leans in and swiftly kisses me, then steps away. “I’ll call or text you after practice, okay?”

  “Okay,” I say and smile warmly as I watch him retreat. I watch him jog down the trail and my heart feels all fluttery when he turns back, winks at me, and then heads away from me in a full sprint.

  I sigh and begin folding the blanket, then grab my book bag, sunglasses, and head to my car. Then I remember the soccer ball that Jax apparently forgot about. I toss my stuff into the car and head back to the park. After a bit of searching, I find it by a tree where the dog apparently abandoned it, and collect it. I’m so keeping it!

  The ride to the dorm is a blur of images, sensations, and all things Jax.

  MY MIND IS buzzing after seeing Jax at the park. He wants to spend all weekend with me. All weekend! My buzz fades when I realize I have a rehearsal Saturday morning. There is no way out of it.

  Rummaging through my freezer, I pull out a frozen meal of carrots, glazed chicken, and a fat free brownie. After heating it in the microwave, I move into the living room and plop down on the couch. My only company is the television. I’m not watching it. I’m daydreaming… or midevening dreaming, of Jax.

  I can’t imagine what a weekend with Jax would entail. My eyelids fall and my mind drifts.

  His body presses against mine, his lips so close I feel his breath against my skin… his intoxicating smell, the sweet taste of his tongue in a heated tango with mine… hands gliding down my throat, his lips following. Rolling my head to the side, eyes closing. My breathing speeding up... He moans softly then exhales raggedly. Jax slowly stripping me bare… then undressing himself. His flesh is warm, solid, sinfully sexy…

  Jax’s long tongue is dragging along my nipple, licking, nibbling, tasting. Slowly, he pulls me down onto his bed. The moment changes when his eyes rake over my body, his hands exploring every inch of me. The weight of him as he lies on top of me… the moment he presses his erection—

  I wake with a start at the sound of my phone ringing. “Shit!” My half-eaten entree is now upside down on the floor. Why me? Pushing off the couch, I step over the mess and retrieve my phone from the kitchen counter. And smile warmly when I see the caller ID.

  “Hi,” I answer a little too excitedly.

  “Hello, there. What is the most beautiful woman I know, up to? You sound breathless.” Jax’s husky voice has me melting.

  If he only knew what I had been conjuring up moments ago. “Ah. Well, I was eating my dinner, and then I fell asleep. I have a mess to clean up after the ringing of my phone startled me awake and sent the microwaved platter onto the floor as I rushed to answer it.”

  He chuckles lightly. “I’m not even there and I’m already causing trouble. You must like me just a little bit to go through all that trouble, eh?”

  “I suppose I do, Mr. Nash. Are you calling for something specific or do you just want to hear my voice?”

  “Ah, no. I love your voice but I’d rather be with you to ogle your fine assets.” He guffaws. “Just kidding. Sort of. So, how about this weekend? You, me, all weekend?”

  I sigh.

  “No?” he questions, alarm in his tone.

  “I’d love to, but I have an obligation I can’t get out of Saturday morning. I’m free after that.”

  “Hmm. Well shit. I have obligations Sunday, but we can spend all of Saturday together if you’ll be free by noon?”

  “Better than that. How about ten-thirty?”

  “Perfect. Bring a swimsuit and don’t ask questions. It’s a surprise. I’ll pick you up at ten-thirty.”

  A swimsuit. Great. He would pick this time to choose something with water involved when I’ve just started my damn period. “All right. Pack a swimsuit and be ready by ten-thirty. Anything else?”

  “Nope. Just bring your sexy ass and I’ll see you Saturday.”

  I confirm again and Jax lets me go.

  THURSDAY AND FRIDAY drag. I’m so excited I can hardly stand it. Why is time so much slower when you’re anxious to skip ahead?! My Saturday getaway bag has been packed since Wednesday night.

  “Kimber!” Coach Step snaps pulling me out of my cloudy bubble. Crap! The girls are no longer stretching but standing in their assigned positions ready for practice.

  I push off the floor and scurry to the front row. “Sorry, Coach.” She shakes her head at me before she turns the music on.

  After practice, Tiffany smacks me on the ass. “What the hell has you all fogged up, girl? Wait! Don’t answer that. I’ll guess. Jax?!”

  “Hell yes. God, Tiffany. I have to get out of here. He is picking me up at ten-thirty. We’re spending the entire day together. Don’t ask where. I have no clue. Something that requires a swimsuit.”

  “Oh, girl! You are so going to get boned!” She smacks my ass, again.

  “Uh, no. Water, swimsuit, and red china do NOT go well together.”

  “Ah, bullshit. He could earn some red wings this weekend,” she says and sniggers.

  “That. Is. Disgusting!” No fucking way.

  Tiffany continues her rant about red wings all the way back to the dorms. Once we’re inside, I speed-walk down the hall and then rush to get ready.

  Unsure of what Jax has planned, I decide to wear my favorite faded denim jeans with a navy blue halter over my modest black swimsuit. The botto
ms are the boy cut style. No way am I risking wearing one of my skimpier suits. If I leak—what a dreadful thing that would be—at least it won’t show. I weave a white diamond studded belt through the loops of my shorts and slip on a matching pair of navy blue flip-flops.

  Jax texts me just as I’m gathering my purse and bag. Of course he wants to come in but that is so not happening. I hurry out and before I reach the front door, I text him telling him I’m in the lobby. I’m about to hit send when I crash into someone.

  “Wha—” Warm smirking blue eyes and fluffy lips smile down at me. I inhale his sinfully scrumptious scent before I find my voice again. “How’d you get in here?” I see a few girls checking him out. Obviously they let him in. “Never mind.”

  Without a word or a hello, Jax greets me with a kiss. It’s gentle and teasing, and then he steps in further, slides his hands along my neck, and thrusts his tongue deeper. Tingling bubbles ripple over my flesh and migrate between my thighs. Red china. Remember?

  Someone clears their throat. We pull apart, and pause to catch our breath. I stare into Jax’s lusty blue eyes.

  “We’d better go,” he says, his voice husky. “But damn, you look amazing.”

  I wiggle my brows. “You look mighty fine yourself, Jax.” And he totally does. I realize he’s wearing a form fitting t-shirt. Navy-blue. Same color I chose. He’s also wearing navy blue flip-flops with dark denim jeans.

  Stepping back, he grabs my bag and then my hand, and leads me out to his Jaguar. I love his freaking car. Ever the gentleman, he opens my door and then slides my seatbelt over my chest, making it click.

  I’VE TRIED TO get Jax to tell me where he’s taking me, but he refuses to budge. I’m not sure how long we’ve been in the car but I have a hunch that whatever his plans are, it has something to do with San Francisco Bay. I see hang gliders sailing in the air and boats in the bay. “We’re going boating, aren’t we?”

  “Give up, already. We’re almost there.” He slows the car and turns into the Richmond Marina.


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