The Next Contestant

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The Next Contestant Page 12

by Dani Evans

  “Have you been here before?” I ask, breaking the silence between us.

  “Yes. I’ve been here with Dev—” she catches herself, and then hesitates. I know instantly what she almost let slip. “With Kolby, my ex, and his friend, Devin,” she corrects herself as she raises her thickly lashed eyelids to glance at me. So fucking innocent, yet she can’t bring herself to tell me the truth about who she really is.

  As we move further along the trail, I reach for her hand. She locks her fingers with mine but glances nervously at others passing by. Once we reach the rock, Kimber pauses, closes her eyes, and takes in a deep breath. She opens her eyes and smiles.

  “Thirsty?” I ask.


  Dropping the cooler, I unzip it and pull two water bottles out. Kimber snags one from me, opens it, and chugs half the bottle. “Ah,” she says as she wipes the dribbles of water from her chin.

  Smiling, I grab the cooler, reach for her hand, and lead her up the steps carved into the boulder.

  Indian Rock displays a breathtaking view of the San Francisco Bay. It’s a cloudless evening so the skyline will be amazing at sunset.

  There are a few people scattered about but plenty of room and privacy for Kimber and I.

  “Wow. I forgot how pretty it is up here,” Kimber says as she gazes at the bay.

  The sun is fading and the air is cooler. Kimber shivers so I snag the blanket from the cooler—yeah, kind of girly to pack one, but I knew she wouldn’t likely have a jacket—and step behind her, draping the blanket over her shoulders. I wrap my arms around her waist, pull her back against my chest, and hook my chin over her shoulder.

  God, she smells so damn good that I have to restrain myself from kissing her neck.

  “Mm. Thanks,” she says as she drapes her hands over mine and leans her head into my chest.

  Inching my fingers down her abdomen, I pause to see if she’ll protest. When she doesn’t, I slip my hands under her shirt and softly stroke her stomach. Working my hands upward, I secretly search for the scar where her loser ex stabbed her. Apparently I’m his replacement on the team and in the fraternity, though his previous room is Nick’s room, which would explain why Kimber wasn’t bothered by sleeping in my bedroom.

  Kimber shifts uncomfortably and places her hands over mine. When I reach a spot slightly between her ribcage and left hip, I let my fingers settle over the raised thickened area. She grunts and squirms and then she tugs my hand away from the scar.

  “What happened?” I ask.

  “It was a long time ago,” she says but doesn’t give me anything more.

  I flip her around, crouch down, lift her shirt, place my lips over the old wound, and kiss lightly. Kimber is staring down at me wide-eyed and guarded. Then she grabs my hair and pulls me away.

  “Don’t.” She observes me warily.


  “I don’t like it.” She pushes my head back, pulls her shirt down, and tucks it tightly into her jeans.

  Coming up to stand in front of her, I reach for her hands and rub my thumbs in circles over her palms. Why can’t she just come out and tell me the truth, make this a lot easier on me.

  Kimber’s cheeks flush and she won’t look at me. She presses her lips together, brows furrowing. The tip of her tongue darts out and she licks her lips nervously.

  “Did someone hurt you; cut you?” If that isn’t enough of a hint, I don’t know what is.

  Kimber’s eyes go wide, jaw slack. She closes it, opens it, and closes it again. Finally, she glances at me but won’t meet me eye-to-eye. “No. I flipped over a fence and a piece of uncapped fencing was bent up and caught my flesh. That’s all. I don’t like the ugly scar and I don’t want to talk about it,” she bristles.

  The sun is setting; the beauty of it lost while I struggle to keep it together. My anger is rising. My heart is falling. I want to pretend I never discovered the truth, that she will ultimately put me up against the fraternity and ruin me. I hate this, hate that I’m forced to push her away.

  Stepping back, I shake my head and rake my fingers through my hair.


  Kimber turns away and stares at the falling sunset. “It’s beautiful; all the colors rolling on the clouds, the stretch of ocean.”

  “Yeah. Well, I think we need to go,” I say bitterly.

  She drops her head and slowly turns toward me but again, she doesn’t lift her head to meet my gaze. “Okay,” she whispers.

  We walk the trail in silence.

  We drive in silence.

  Several times I glance over at Kimber. She has her head against the headrest and stares out the window. I’m pissed that she doesn’t question my anger or the silence between us. I pull in and park in front of her building.

  The longer we sit here, the more I want to fucking rip my hair out. How can she do this? Pretend she has no clue when I know damn well she has to suspect I’m on to her little lie. Pretty good fucking acting. I should clap my hands or bow down. Pft! I shut the car off, slide out and slam my door. Then I force myself to open her door, roughly. When she doesn’t move, I prompt her.

  “We have classes tomorrow. I’ll see you to your dorm,” I tell her, which prompts her to scurry out of the car.

  “No. Don’t bother, Jax. You’re obviously pissed so I’ll let you go.” Without waiting for my reply, she rushes to the front door while digging for her keys. She lets herself in and continues on without a backward glance.

  “Fuck!” I slam the passenger side door shut and then slam mine after I slip into my seat. I’m fuming and peel the fuck out of there.

  Kimber wants to toy with me, let the motherfucking games begin!

  The entire week, I’ve either ignored Kimber’s texts, or replied with shrewd single word answers. I’ve also done nothing but lie in bed and stare at the ceiling, depressed over the entire situation, at the idea of not seeing her or being with her. It’s killing me, for us to be apart, but I’m running in circles, not getting the truth out of her and I have no choice but to push her away.

  I’M ENTERING THE house and of course it’s party central. I’m not in the fucking mood, not after my shitty week. I push through the crowd.

  “Jax! Dude, your girlfriend is here,” Jaden shouts from the living room. I search frantically for her, wondering why the fuck she’d come here and blow her cover in front of the guys, especially Kolby. What the hell am I going to say? Your sister is at fault. I had no idea she was your sister. She said she was your ex? But then he’ll demand to know why I didn’t tell him when we went to her dorm, why I didn’t tell him what his sister did, how she lied.

  I turn toward Jaden who is now working his way toward me, a tall blonde following right behind him, and it’s not her! As they approach, I see a striking resemblance between the tall blonde and Kimber.

  Ah fuck. This must be the real Timber. How the fuck am I gonna get out of this one? Fucking Kimber. I’m going to find a way to fuck her over the way she’s just done to me.

  Jaden pushes the blonde in my direction. She’s looking at me, a single brow raised in question.

  If the guys find out I’m not dating this girl, they’re going to think I’m a liar. I do the only thing I can think of. I grab her hand and drag her through the crowd, toward the stairs.

  “Wait!” she cries and tries to pull away from me, but I keep dragging her along until she trips and falls against me. I turn, lift her up, and wrap my arms around her when she tries to get away.

  “Let me—” she starts to holler, attracting attention, but I stop her by grasping her jaw in my hand, pulling her head back against my chest.

  I whisper in her ear, “Sh, sh. I need to explain why they think you’re my girlfriend. Please, just come upstairs with me. I swear I’m not going to hurt you.”

  She nods her head and reluctantly, I let go of her chin. She smiles at the audience now watching us, then she turns around, wraps her arms around my neck and whispers in my ear, “This better be good because you’re f
reaking me the fuck out.” Then she pecks me on the cheek, obviously putting on a show for our spectators.

  Once we enter my room and I shut and lock the door, she flips around, her eyes narrowed, teeth gritting. Looking at her closely, I notice she has light brown eyes and her face is too thin. From a distance, she resembles Kimber, but up close, not so much. The blonde wavy hair is the only thing they have in common.

  “Well? I’m waiting,” she says, hands on hips, foot tapping. She’s quite the bitch if you ask me.

  “They think you’re my girlfriend because my soon to be former girlfriend said she was you.”

  She smirks. “Is that the best line you’ve got, because I’ve got to admit, it’s a clever come-on.”

  Well shit. “Sorry, but it’s not a line, it’s the truth. Now I’m fucked because A. They’ll think I made up a story about dating Kolby’s ex. B. If I tell them the truth, Kolby’s gonna flip the fuck out because I broke my oath, but not purposely.”

  “And this is my problem, why?”


  “It’s not your problem. It’s my problem and I’m asking you to help a guy out.” This is so fucked up. I’d like to call her a fucking cunt because she is one and I hate bitches like her. I would have loved to meet her while I was in the game, use her ass and kick her to the fucking curb. That’s the only hard on I’d get from a girl like her because her attitude sucks ass.

  “Hm.” She taps her lips with a single pink fingernail. “And what’s in it for me? Because you know this is major, what you’re asking of me. Kolby can be a real ass and if he thinks I’m involved in any way, in this little charade you’ve got going on, he’ll find a way to ruin me.”

  I dig my wallet out of my back pocket and flip it open. “How much do you want?” I pull out a few hundred.

  She starts laughing. “Do I look like I need that?” She slides her purse around and points to a symbol or whatever. “Prada. I have plenty of money. Offer me something I don’t have.”

  “And what don’t you have?” Jeesh. What the fuck could she possibly want then?

  She grins big. It’s a fucked up grin and I know instantly that I’m going to regret this shit. “A boyfriend. Not because I don’t have prospects, I have many. But… Kolby. I’d like to… well, I’m all about showing you off in front of him. You know, since this is the first time you’ll be able to show me off.”

  I rub my chin, torn between right and wrong, but Kimber wronged me so why not? Kolby already gave me his approval when I asked about dating his ex.

  The door handle rattles. Timber is opening the fucking door. Shit.

  “It’s okay. I’ll just go on downstairs and tell them the truth for you. No worries.” She steps out.

  “Wait!” I launch toward her. She steps out a little further. “Okay, okay. I’ll do it.”

  She steps back in, closes the door, and slithers toward me. Reaching a hand behind my neck, she pulls me forward and whispers in my ear. “Thought so.” Then she steps back. “Relax,” she says. “This could be a lot of fun. I have issues with Kimber. That bitch is a little rat and I want pay back.”

  I sit on the edge of my bed as she paces the room, telling me all her brilliant ideas. It’s so fucked up and I want to back out, tell her to go on ahead and rat me out. I feel sick over her shitty plans at getting even.

  We make our way downstairs, back to the party. Begrudgingly, I wrap my arm around her and parade her around like she’s some prize to be won. God. No wonder Kolby dumped her.

  I survive the night, and thankfully, she’s on her way out after making me walk her to her Royce. I notice Kolby in the front room, glancing out the window. At us. Obviously she notices too because she pulls me close and plants a wet one on my lips. I pull back and open her door, hinting this night is over. She slides in, winks and then drives off. Thank fucking Peter, Paul, and Mary.

  I go back in and get shitfaced.

  The next week is hard. I’ve ignored Kimber’s texts. By the fifth night, I’m fuming, ready to burst when she texts me.

  K: What did I do? Why are you ignoring me? If we’re over, just say so.

  J: Anything you want to tell me?

  K: What’s that supposed to mean?

  J: Oh, idk. Maybe something about yourself?

  K: Nothing comes to mind, why? What’s going on, Jax?

  J: Nothing. Nvr mind. Any plans this week?

  K: School. Practice. Possibly Blast at Blaze for a little nineties music with the girls on Wednesday night. HBU?

  J: Same ol same ol. Maybe a night out with Ryan, Finch, and Sloup.

  As in her brother, Nick and Jaden, but she knows this, knows their last names and certainly knows her brother. I’m hoping to get her to admit her lie by using last names, especially her own blood.

  There’s a long pause. I’m about to lay my phone down, thinking she gets the hint and gave up, but then my phone buzzes.

  K: Have fun. Maybe I’ll see you around.

  Yeah, maybe so. Fuck. She’s still holding on to her game.

  J: Maybe so. Gotta go. Later.

  This time, she doesn’t reply back.

  A few days later, Timber springs it on me. We’re going out. I take her to Blaze knowing Kimber is here. I want to avoid Blaze, but Timber knows where her target is tonight, and I’m forced to take her to… Blast. Sick that she knows where to find Kimber, and me being the key to her revenge. I have to get my head in the game, and remember that she lied to me, continues to lie, and this will wake her up to the fact that I know I’ve been played. But it still feels very wrong, very fucked up.

  I’m absolutely dreading what I have to do, what I’m forced to do next.

  I’M DISTRAUGHT. MY heart tells me Jax is done with me. I’m nobody special. He’s toyed with me like he’s done so many times before me.

  The girls and I enter Blaze, and head into Blast. We needed a change of music and atmosphere.

  After several drinks, Tiffany, Darcy, Sandy, Janice, Angela, Diana, Trena and I all head to the dance floor and pool in the center. We’re laughing, dancing, and getting a little wild. Bumping asses, twisting and throwing each other around, and then we mellow out as a slower song begins to play. The girls head toward the bar, but I stay back, wanting to be alone… to think. My mind wanders to my first encounter with Jax. How he sought me out, when he found me dancing at Muze, how he slipped in behind me, his hands gliding over my hips dragging me into him. His heated tone as he whispered the very explicit lyrics of Closer….

  Shaking my head, to snap out of the Jax Nash cloud I’d so often found myself in, I glance at the people surrounding me on the floor. Most are couples embracing as they slowly sway to the music, then my eyes lock on… him. He’s with… another girl? I instantly feel sick as I notice his hand is on her lower back, and hers are wrapped around his neck, like they’re lovers. He brings his other hand around to rest in the same spot on her lower back and he glances over her shoulder, eyes locking with mine.

  I should turn and walk away, but I can’t. My body locks in place, along with my eyes. There’s a glint in his eyes, but I’m not sure if it’s sorrow or amusement. I swallow hard to keep the tears at bay. My shock instantly shifts to anger when she turns around to see what has his attention.

  “Oh my god.” It’s fucking Timber. But how… when… and why did she come back? She was supposed to be in Florida! And how the hell does she know Jax? Does it matter?

  Jax whispers in her ear, releases her and she walks off the dance floor, but not without glancing back, at me, and smiles smugly before flitting off, getting swallowed into the crowd.

  I turn to walk away, but Jax catches my arm and grips it tightly.

  “Let me go, Jax. Go back to the trash you came in with,” I sneer.

  “What? This wasn’t a part of your charade?” he quips.

  “I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t. Not yet.”

  “Then when? When were you going to tell me who you really are? Enlighten me, please,” he snaps.
br />   He’s being so cruel, the way he’s speaking to me, the tone of his voice. I can’t answer him. I would have told him, but it hadn’t been the right time.

  “I… I couldn’t tell you. And if I did, in the beginning, you would never have given me a chance.”

  “You don’t know that. You didn’t even know me. Our first encounter, you lied. You continue to lie and you didn’t stop there. All that shit about which dorm you live in, about not being able to go to the frat, and everything about you is all bullshit. How could I possibly trust you?”

  “You don’t under—”

  Jax cuts me off. “Why would you do this?” His voice is barely above a whisper, words harsh, and clipped. “Do you have any idea what position you’ve put me in? With your brother, with the fraternity, and now with the real Timber?”

  He’s waiting for me to comment, but I can’t, not when there’s a lump forming in the back of my throat.

  “Fine. Don’t answer me. I can’t date you anymore. Now that I know who you are. Do you have any fucking idea what your brother will do if he finds out you were the girl? Fucking hell, Tim… Kim… Kimber?” He lets out a hard low chuckle.

  I can’t help it. A tear escapes and tumbles down my cheek. “You don’t get it. My… my brother, he wouldn’t—”

  “When I walk away, you remember you did this, not me. We can’t be together. This is the end. End of us, end of the lie. If you tell your brother, be sure to tell him the truth, or I will.” Jax turns and pushes through the crowd, leaving me a hot mess. I want to leave. I won’t be able to stomach the sight of him with… her!

  I stay at Blast for a while, but only because I don’t want to ruin the evening for my friends. They’re all having a blast, all with their new guys… who have just arrived, apparently.

  I see Jax several times throughout the evening—a few times with the bitch, Timber, and other times alone.


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