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The Next Contestant

Page 13

by Dani Evans

  It’s too much. I can’t stay here any longer. I don’t want to ruin the night for the girls, but eventually, one of them will notice Jax… with her, and they’ll all freak out and ask questions I don’t feel like answering.

  I could hail a cab, but I’m so depressed that I decide to walk home.

  THIRTY MINUTES OF walking. Ug. What was I thinking? I give up and hail a cab. The cab driver is too chummy, too chatty and happy and god. I’ve never been happier to be home as I slip out of the cab after paying the fee.

  After numbly stepping into my room, I strip down to my panties and don’t bother putting on a cami. I fall into bed and stare at the ceiling.

  I’m so close, so close to drifting off when my cell phone buzzes.

  Shit. It’s a text from Tiffany. I forgot to tell her I’d left the bar.

  Tiffany: Ohmigod! What is going on? Where the hell are you? Jax just cornered me! He asks “You playing a game too?” And before I could answer, he shook his head and stormed off! What. Is. Going. On?

  Me: I’m so sorry. You have no idea. I left. I’m at home. I’m calling you right now so answer your phone.

  She answers and I fill her in on the events she missed, no doubt she was all wrapped up in Vincenzo’s arms.

  “Oh girl! I’m so sorry! You okay?”

  “Yes. No. I’m hurt, and numb. But I’ll be okay. Call or text me tomorrow. I’m going to bed.”

  “K, girl. Love you.”

  I GUESS I’M all about killing myself, make that my heart because I’d never actually kill myself over Jax, or any guy.

  My brother invited the girls and I to their fraternity house to party. Guess Kolby’s not worried about Jax wanting me, not after he’s most likely witnessed Jax with her. So back to the invite… Of course, we go. For Sandy, mostly. Maybe she’s the key? If she gets Kolby to a point, which I think she can, that point where he’s all ‘I gotta have her’ then maybe he’ll forget about his retarded oath. If I’m off limits to his ‘brothers’ then my friends are off limits to him. That’s only fair, right?

  I’m sorely disappointed when I see the bitch is here. I can’t believe she was invited. I catch Jax whispering in Timber’s ear… then he eyes me, winks, and makes his way toward me, dragging her along with him.

  My heart skitters before it sinks.

  “Timber, this is my friend, Timber. Funny there’d be two of you.” The look in Jax’s eyes tells me everything I feared. He’s over me, us, if there ever was an us.

  My heart sinks further.

  “Yeah, we’re well acquainted,” Timber sneers. “Her name is not Timber, it’s Kimber, as in Kolby’s kid sister.”

  Jax clears his throat. “Ah, sorry. I was informed otherwise.”

  Bitch laughs and wraps herself around him. “I’m sorry, but Kimber will never be me, though I’m sure she’d enjoy being me right about now.”

  First, she called me a kid sister. Now she’s stating I’d want to be her. Then she’s draped herself over the man who owns… scratch that, had owned my heart. I’m pissed… and hurt. “It wouldn’t be hard. All I have to do is act like a whore.”

  Timber huffs and before this conversation gets heated, Kolby picks this moment to slip through the crowd and makes his way over to us. Great.

  “So nice to finally meet you…?” Jax reaches out his hand. He’s playing me. Kolby glances at me, at Jax, at Timber, and back at me again. I can’t afford to ignore Jax.

  “It’s Kimber.” I shake his hand.

  “Right. Kimber,” Jax says and squeezes my hand so hard it almost hurts. I yank it back.

  I take in some deep breaths, and step back.

  Oh my god! I’m so fucked! Jax. Did he already bone her… is that why… Oh, I just want to cry right now.

  “Kolby, your sister looks nothing like you. You’re right, she does look like your mom. Too bad you got the ugly genes,” Jax says in a voice full of sarcasm that only I can detect. He eyes me warily. Oh, he’s playing me, playing me real good.

  “Yeah, well, fuck-stick…” Kolby continues to brag, probably about himself, but I ignore the rest of whatever conversation they’re having.

  Why is this my life? Why can’t I have a normal college experience, and not have to worry who I date? Devin. And here I thought he was done ruining my life. I should have listened to Kolby and stayed far away from his fraternity brothers because right now, Jax is acting like the rest of them assholes.

  I decide to make good use of my time here.

  Kolby wanders off and I’m left standing in front of her and him. She brushes her fingers through his hair, drags her hand down his neck, tilts her head to the side, and bites her lip seductively as he whispers in her ear.

  I rush after Kolby, not bothering to excuse myself. I bump into him and he turns to face me. “Hey, can you let me in your room? I don’t feel so good.” I feign a stomach ache and hold my belly. “Please? Unless you want me to ask one of the other brothers?”

  “Don’t be stupid,” Kolby says and fishes out his keys. “It’s this one with the yellow rubber ring.” He hands me the keys. I weave through the crowd, careful not to run into… them and make my way up to Kolby’s room.

  After unlocking the door, I lock it again and sit on his bed. He has several key rings on his keychain. There is a single gold one in the mix of silver. Knowing my brother, he would pick a special key for whatever secret he’s got going on. I examine the key and out of all his keys, this one is unmarked. I know without a doubt that this is the key to the ‘special’ door at Muze.

  I take the key off the ring and dig through my purse to find my own keys. I have several gold ones so I take one that I have no idea what it goes to, and replace his missing key with mine. Believe me, Kolby would notice the single gold key missing from his key ring. Now he won’t notice… until he goes to use the replacement and finds it doesn’t work.

  I hang out in his room for an hour or so, but thinking about Jax with that bitch, possibly a few rooms over… ugh! My stomach sours. I decide to get out of here.

  I lock Kolby’s door behind me, find him sitting on the couch with… Sandy? Oh, how cute! “Hey, lovebirds,” I say and Sandy’s cheeks turn pink. Kolby grins and I hand him his keys. “You can have your room, a little privacy maybe?” I can’t help but tease.

  Oh am I ever going to give her shit at our next practice. Kolby takes his keys and I’m thankful I drove my own car and that Tiffany drove hers as well. I send Tiffany a text to let her know I left the party.

  I FEEL SHITTY about the incident at Blast, but feel even shittier for shoving Timber in Kimber’s face. It was an asshole way of telling her I’ve discovered her lie. But she should have told me the truth.

  I find an empty spot on the couch and drop down. I suck down another beer, my seventh to be exact. I should be halfway cocked, but I’m not. Too stressed over the whole situation. Kimber… Timber… Kimber being Timber… Timber the real bitch now holding this shit over my head, using me as a way to what? Get even with Kolby—little does she realize it’s never going to work in her favor. Kolby can’t stand her and I can totally see why.

  “Ah fuck,” I say in an undertone as guess who stalks toward me? Of course she can’t leave me alone. She shoves through the crowd and plops her bony ass on my lap. What the fuck does she want now?

  “Well, well, here you are. I’ve been looking for you. I wanted to tell you that you did a great job. With Kimber. And me. So.” She leans in and presses her lips against my ear. “Wanna go upstairs? Since you are… technically… my boyfriend.” She licks my ear and it makes me sick.

  I shove her off my lap and she lands on her ass, her face all twisted in what? Hurt? Please. I can’t stand this bitch. I stand and stare down at her. She smirks, pushes herself up, and slides her hands down her slutty ass skirt to smooth it out.

  Pointing a perfectly manicured nail in my face, she snips, “That better have been an accident!” She steps closer, so close that I know I’m the only one that can hear her. “Ot
herwise your ass is mine. And when I say mine, I mean I’ll shove your dick down your throat. Now make it right and act like I’m all that you want, because Kolby is eyeing us. I’ll blow your cover and tell him you’ve been fucking his sister, willingly and knowingly. And that you blew her off to fuck me. He’ll have your ass thrown out of this house so fast you won’t know what hit you.”

  I shove a hand through my hair to keep myself from shoving her out of my face. “Yeah, well you can follow me up, watch me sleep if you want. Don’t get any ideas ’cause you’re not welcome in my bed. You can take the floor.”

  Of course I head upstairs. Of course she follows me. Is this shit for real? I just cut her down and she still wants to follow me upstairs. I head for my closet, shuck my jeans and t-shirt and throw on a pair of sweats. No way am I sleeping in my sliders with her in my room. I step out and watch her momentarily. She slips her sandals off and drops her purse.

  “Can I borrow a t-shirt?” she has the balls to ask.

  I dig through my drawer for the shittiest one I can find and toss it at her. “Bathroom is behind you.” I throw my thumb over my shoulder without turning to face her. While she’s in there, I toss a pillow and a blanket on the floor, though I really don’t want her here, and crawl into bed. I roll on my side away from her so I won’t have to deal with her and scroll through my phone. I stare at my favorite picture of Kimber in that silky bra and panty set she’d sent me a while back, and wonder what she’s doing, if she’s thinking about me.

  I want her so bad it’s sickening. But how? Had she just told me from the beginning and not lied, we could have snuck around her brother and the fraternity brothers. Now? Now it’s not possible because of the bitch lying on my floor. I know her kind. She’s going to watch me like a hawk, dig her claws in if I show any sign of interest in Kimber, and then she’ll use it to threaten me. The only other alternative would be to leave the fraternity, but that isn’t an option either. My father will flip his shit and cut any and all funds to support me. He’s already threatened it. If I tell Kolby, who knows what he’ll do. I can’t risk it. I don’t know him well enough to know how he’d react. And then the brothers. We all took that oath so I can’t break it if they can’t. Fuck!

  After stressing myself out over this whole situation, I finally fall asleep.

  When I wake the next morning, I swear I hear her voice. Her sweet, yet somehow sad voice. I hear her mention something about her keys and her car. I chuckle, realizing she’s probably locked her keys in her car again.

  Then I remember the bitch on my floor. I roll over and notice the pillow and blanket are still there, but she isn’t. Thank fuck!

  But then I notice her purse against the wall next to her shoes… and clothes. Where the hell is she? I push out of bed, head toward the door, and when I look into the hall, I see Kimber, and I know it’s her by the sexy ass legs in a pair of black spandex shorts, moving down the stairs.

  Then the front door slams shut and I wonder if she ran into… shit. I hear tires squeal in the driveway and know Kimber’s left. Probably pissed.

  I step back into my room, head to my closet, throw a t-shirt on and leave before my worst nightmare returns. I only hope she’s gone when I return to dress out, and head for the game we have this afternoon.

  I drive to a small café a couple of miles from the fraternity. After sliding into a booth, putting in my order, I sit and stare at my phone. Screw it. I pull up Kimber and send her a text.

  I wish you’d have been straight with me from the start. I hate that we can’t be together, but we could have, had I known. You’ve put me in a bad position and I don’t see how I can get out of it. I hope you understand.

  I hit send before I change my mind. While I eat my eggs and bacon, I check my phone constantly, but she doesn’t reply. After I’ve finished my breakfast, chugged my OJ, and pay my bill, she still hasn’t responded.

  By the time I pull into the driveway, there’s still no response from Kimber.

  The only reason I smile is because the nitwit’s car is gone. I make my way to my room and sigh with relief when I see my tattered t-shirt flung on my bed along with the pillow and blanket. Her clothes, shoes, and purse are gone as well.

  Thank fuck! I dress out for the game, head downstairs and the guys start giving me shit about Timber sleeping with me. I set them straight. No goddamn way I want anyone thinking I slept with her. Physically. Yeah, they don’t believe me. I grab my bag, and climb into Kolby’s Escalade.

  The entire ride, I continue to check my phone, hoping she’ll reply, but I’m sorely disappointed. Before I know it, we’re parked and piling out of the escalade. I shift my head into game mode and pump myself up along with the guys.

  We’re going to take this game, and win!

  ALL NIGHT I toss and turn, but images of Jax and Timber plague me. When I finally do fall asleep at who knows what hour, my freaking alarm goes off. I toss the covers off and slide out of bed.

  After getting ready for practice, I search everywhere, EVERYWHERE for my damn keys but to no avail. I swear!

  I head down to Tiffany’s to wake her ass up, as usual. She groans, flips me off and buries her head under her pillow.

  “Asswipe, get up,” I say and smack her with a pillow. “You better be up when I come back.” She groans again as I leave her room. I head downstairs, outside and then peer inside the passenger side window of my car. And there they lie on the driver’s side seat.

  “God!” I bang my head on the glass. I really need a car that doesn’t have an auto lock system. I dread knowing I’m going to have to get Kolby to give me my spare keys. I rush up to Tiffany’s and thankfully she’s out of bed.

  “Tiff, I need you to hurry up. You have to run me to Kolby’s.”

  She glances at me in the mirror, toothbrush now dangling from her mouth. “Againnnnn?” she mumbles.

  “Yes. So hurry up ’cause we have to go before dance practice. They have a game and will be gone by the time our practice ends, so yeah.”

  On the way to the frat house, Tiffany keeps yapping about me and my freaking keys. Finally we arrive and after Tiffany puts her car in park, I’m unable to move.

  “What’s wro—” she stops midsentence when she sees what’s holding me up. Timber, the bitch, her car is in the driveway parked next to Jax’s Jag. “Fuck her. Fuck him. Go in there with your nose up and bitch face on. They won’t last and you know it,” Tiffany says and gives me a sad smile.

  Taking a deep breath, I force myself to get out of the car and march up to the front door. I knock but nobody answers. I knock again and finally, the door opens.

  “Hey, beautiful-but-off -limits, what brings you here this fine morning?” Jaden grins and gives me a hug.


  “Let me guess. You’ve locked your keys in your car again?”

  “Ugh. Yes. I’m in a hurry. Dance practice is in thirty minutes.” I push past Jaden and make my way upstairs, to Kolby’s room. I’m so nervous, and angry, and pray I won’t run into… him… with… her. I rap gently on Kolby’s door and wait. When he doesn’t get up, I beat on it.

  Finally, Kolby drags the door open. His eyes go wide when he sees me. “What are you doing here, Sis?”

  Shit. “Keys,” I mumble.

  “What?” he says sleepily.

  “Don’t go off on me…” I pause when I see someone stirring in his bed. My mouth drops when I see who’s lying in it. Sandy. The little ho!

  Kolby grins at me but it pisses me off. A: his friends are off limits… mine should be too. And B: he better not fuck her over!

  I smack his chest. “Keys. I need the spare keys. To my car.”

  He groans and shakes his head. Then he gives me the third degree under his breath.

  I peek in at Sandy. “You coming to practice?”

  Sandy smirks. “Yeah, but I think I’m gonna be a little late. I’ll tell coach I locked my keys in my car.” She winks at me. Bitch!

  I laugh and turn slightly when I h
ear noise in his room. The door opens and when she walks out… in nothing but a long tattered t-shirt, his t-shirt, my heart plunders. The door is open wide enough for me to see Jax… in bed. Bare chest. Blanket tossed over his lower half.

  I feel sick.

  Timber smirks and rubs her lower abdomen. “Long night,” she says as she brushes past me, but pauses to whisper in my ear. “He’s fantastically huge. Wore me out, but I think I’ll keep him.” She steps away and locks herself in the bathroom when Kolby reappears with my keys.

  When I hear footsteps in Jax’s room, I snatch my keys and rush toward the stairs. I can’t get down them fast enough when I hear him trailing behind me. No way am I turning around to acknowledge his presence. I nearly trip as I rush out the door, slamming it behind me.

  ALL THROUGHOUT PRACTICE, I can’t get the thought of Jax screwing Timber out of my head. I can hardly concentrate on keeping a beat. Then Sandy finally shows up.

  “Sorry, Coach Step. My keys were locked in my car and Darcy had already left so I had to call my boyfriend. He has my spares. But I’m here. Sorry. Won’t happen again.” She turns and grins at me, which causes me to smile for the first time this morning.

  During the last half of practice, Sandy bumps into me. “Jax left this morning after you came and got your keys. That bitch was all huffy and yada this, yada that. She stormed out of there when she realized Jax took off without her knowing. Anyway. When he came back, the guys gave him shit about banging her.”

  “Sandy, I don’t want to hear about that. Why would you tell—”

  “Shut it!” she cuts me off. “Jax rolls his eyes and says ‘Whatever. She annoys the fuck out of me. I made her sleep on the floor, assholes.’ Kolby shakes his head and says’ ‘She’s only good for one thing.’ I elbowed him not wanting to know what one thing she was good for. Jax smirks but it wasn’t a knowing kind of smirk, so I don’t think he slept with her. Or got a blowjob from her, ’cause that’s what Kolby said she was good at, and not really even good at that!”


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