The Next Contestant

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The Next Contestant Page 16

by Dani Evans

  I watch him drag his snug navy blue t-shirt over his head and his blue eyes pierce mine. He’s got his belt, button, and zipper open and while he drags his jeans and sliders off, I think my jaw drops when his erection springs free. He’s hotter than sin as he strokes the length of his shaft and damn if I don’t shake a little. He’s… huge. It’s not like I didn’t know this, really, but he’s never been inside me.

  He grabs my ankles, spreads my legs wide and crawls in between my fully parted thighs. He’s lying on top of me, his breath coming in rapid succession, his eyes burning into mine, leaving me breathless with their intensity.

  Licking his lower lip slowly, seductively, he inhales sharply and in a husky voice, “You’re so goddam beautiful, all of you. I’ve been thinking about you for so long, wanting to fuck you with my fingers, my tongue, and then fill your pussy with my cock, my cum,” he says heatedly.

  Before I can even absorb what he’s just said, his lips are softly, sensually covering mine, swallowing my gasp. His wet hot mouth, his delicious tongue, tasting, stroking and rolling sharply with my own, the depth at which he’s pushing it in… I can’t take it any longer. My body is a mass of overwhelming sensations burning hot right down to the deepest depths of my core.

  He stops his tortuous assault in my mouth and his eyes bore into me, so primal, so penetrating, and those perfectly sculpted lips, full and swollen, are slightly parted, his breath hitching.

  Slowly, he drags his lengthy tongue down my jaw, along my neck, until he reaches my breast. He lathers it, then sucks it in mercilessly in a pleasurably painful way that has me arching into him, wanting, needing more. He does the same with my other breast, then kisses down my abdomen, slides between my legs… oh, god. His hot mouth is all over, rough, gentle, biting, amazing tongue licking, biting, sucking my clit, parting my folds in a long sensual stroke, and then he’s pushing it firmly, deeply inside of me.

  I writhe against him and it spurs him further and I swear, this man is so fucking good, he could teach the mastery of eating pussy. God! I’ve turned into an internally dirty minded, foul-mouthed harlot. What the hell is he doing to me? I’m dying a nearly orgasmic death!

  I’m taken out of my internal slumber when I swear I hear a rap-tap-tap at my front door. I ignore it, thinking I’ve suddenly become paranoid, but when the rap-tap-tap turns into loud banging, I clamp my legs in complete shock, around Jax’s head.

  It’s getting louder, and then… “Kimber! Open the fucking door. I know you’re in there,” Kolby shouts. Jax instantly unburies his head, pushing and pulling away from my now parted legs.

  “Fuck,” he whispers. “Fuck,” he says again and then he’s rushing, collecting his clothes, and quickly dressing. “He’ll kill me, kick me out of the fraternity and my father will fucking flip!” He’s searching the room, dragging his hands repeatedly through his messy blond hair.

  “My bed,” I whisper shout. “Get under my bed, Jax!” I’m frantic now and fear Kolby will kick my door in. He knows something is up. I have to think fast, and I rush off the bed, dig a pair of shorts and t-shirt out of my dresser, and dress quickly.

  Dashing out of my room, I turn back to make sure Jax isn’t still standing there raking his fingers through his hair, but he’s not so I know he’s finally crawled under my bed.

  I rub my eyes, and rumple my already messy hair before opening my front door.

  “God, Kolby! I was sleeping perfectly sound. Why are you beating on my door, waking me at this hour? Did someone die?” I step back as he pushes through, not bothering to close the door behind him.

  He’s storming through the living room, the bathroom, and my nerves are on edge when he scours my room, even opening the closet and pushing clothes aside, as if someone is hiding behind them. It’s starting to piss me off.

  I reel in my temper, knowing it will not get rid of him sooner, and step into my room. Kolby eyes me warily, but I ignore him and crawl back into bed, pulling the covers over me.

  “Shut and lock my door when you’re done with whatever it is you came here for,” I say in a false sleepy bravado.

  To my surprise, I think it works because Kolby comes and sits on my bed by my head.

  “Kimber,” he says, his voice soft but with an edge to it. “I shouldn’t have sent you home with that guy… Erik. Jax threw it in my face and then tore out of here making me feel like a piece of shit brother for letting someone I don’t know take you home in your drunken state.”

  “I may have had too much to drink, but I’m not ten, Kolby. I came to the party with Erik, and he dropped me off. I’m fine. Now go home and let me sleep.” I reach out and teasingly shove his shoulder. He grins and gives me a hug.

  Finally, he gets up and exits my room, but then he pauses in the entry, shakes his head and as he slowly walks out, he says, “Goodnight, Sis.”

  “Night, Bro, and thanks for checking on me.”

  “Yup,” I hear him say as he fiddles with the lock and the front door finally closes. I slip out of bed and watch Jax slide out from underneath. There’s a sheen of sweat dampening his forehead and he lets out a long exasperated sigh.

  Needing to be sure my brother has left the premises, I glance out my bedroom window and nearly faint when I see Kolby with his hands on his hips, hovering over Jax’s Jag.

  Jax notices too as he leans over my shoulder.

  “Shit!” we both cry when Kolby glances up at my window. And then my ever so brilliant mind works quickly, coming up with a plan.

  Turning to face Jax, I begin pushing him back. “Go down to Tiffany’s right the hell now. I’ll call her and tell her your coming. Then the two of you come back up here together. Go now,” I push him further until he finally understands my plan. Like lightning, he bolts out of my dorm.

  I call Tiffany. When I get her voicemail, I call again. Answer! Fucking answer goddammit!

  In a sleep induced voice, “H-hello,” whispers through the line.

  “Tiffany! Get your ass up. Jax is coming down. I need you to cover my ass,” and as Tiffany tries to speak, I cut her off. “Kolby! He knows Jax is here. You are my cover. Jax will fill you in.” I hang up, scramble into bed, but then get back up knowing Kolby is about to beat on my door.

  And the pounding begins. This time, I slam the door open, furious at my brother, mostly for ruining my sexcapade with Jax.

  “What the hell are you doing—”

  Kolby slams the door shut and shoves past me. “Where the fuck is he?” he screams and again, starts searching high and low but this time, he drops down to search under my bed, dragging boxes out, covering every square inch until he comes up with nothing.

  “Where is who?” I scream back at him and storm into my room. “What the hell is wrong with you?” He doesn’t answer, only knocks me out of his way and stomps into my living room. He searches behind the couch then crouches down and…

  I can’t help it, I laugh. As if Jax or any human would fit under my couch. Kolby comes up, red faced and furious.

  Fortunately, there’s a soft knock on my door. I turn away from Kolby to answer it, but he’s hot on my heels and breathing hotly over my shoulder as I open it. I feign shock at the sight of Tiffany and Jax.

  “Hey,” Tiffany says softly while Jax stands behind her. I can tell he’s struggling to act as if he’s shocked to see my brother breathing down my back.

  “Wow. Is everyone bent on keeping me from sleeping tonight… this morning? What the hell?”

  Jax clears his throat. “Sorry for bothering you but I was worried after you left with what’s his face. Tiffany is the only one I could think to call, after getting her number from Vincenzo. She kindly buzzed me through and we met outside her room. So here we are, but clearly, you’re fine. And your brother,” he says vindictively. “Looks like he came to his senses after sending you off with god knows, he could have been a rapist,” he scoffs and scorns Kolby with an evil glare.

  “Fuck you,” is Kolby’s response and he shoves past me. “She’s f
ine, as you can see, so lets go.” He knocks Jax in the shoulder and heads toward the elevator.

  Jax flashes me a mischievous smile and winks before turning quickly, just as my brother turns around in search of him, and walks calmly toward Kolby.

  Once they are in the elevator, out of ears shot, Tiffany plows past me. “Girl! That was damn close. What would you have done had I not answered my phone? You, little princess, must be more cautious. Don’t think you’re out of the clear with your brother. He’s most definitely suspicious.”

  “God, I know! This is so effed up,” I tell her.

  She smiles deviously at me. “Out with it. I want details you little hussy,” she squeals.

  I rehash my night with Jax to Tiffany and after many ‘oh my gods’ and ‘he did what’s,’ to ‘I’m going to orgasm, he’s so hot,’ Tiffany finally goes back to her room and leaves me to my own wet, delicious recollections. I finally, FINALLY, sleep undisturbed.

  AFTER OUR GLORIOUS night, minus Kolby’s interruption, I assume Jax will either call or at least text me today. I know he’s probably lying low on account of my brother, but seriously. He could at least text me!

  All day I mope and wait and pray that he’ll text me. Mid-evening, I force myself to work out, but it doesn’t settle my unsettled thoughts. Was he using me? I give up and soak my sad self in a hot shower.

  I make a salad, drag my homework out, and get busy on my art assignment. After, I work on my English Comp then finally retire to my room.

  Nearly an hour passes, and still, I lie in bed unable to sleep. I meditate, taking deep calming breaths, telling my muscles, my body to relax, and finally, my eyelids feel heavy. I’m almost to the point of sleep when my phone buzzes and startles me.

  I lay momentarily before lazily reaching over and grabbing my phone off my nightstand.

  Glancing at the screen, expecting it to be Tiffany, I’m ecstatic when I see the identity of the messenger.


  Quickly swiping the screen, I read his text.

  J: Your brother is hot on my ass! Everywhere I go, whoever I text, he’s right there, badgering me. I wanted to text you earlier, but he made it impossible. I had to forward my fucking text meant for you to her knowing he was going to question me. Asshole asked who I was texting. Then he forced me to let him see the text. Thank fuck I hadn’t texted anything dirty!

  God, my brother is such a control freak. What an ass! I quickly reply.

  K: I know. He’s psycho. Maybe I should talk to him, tell him the truth?

  J: You can’t do that. I can’t afford to be kicked out of the fraternity. My dad won’t fund my education and I’ll be forced to give up soccer in order to work, and even that won’t be enough to cover tuition.

  Wow. Now I feel totally guilty, and selfish.

  K: You’re right. I’d never want to be the cause of you giving up what you love, or your education.

  J: I miss you already. Can’t stop thinking about last night. Your sexy as hell body. God, you’re so beautiful. I don’t deserve you.

  K: Don’t say that. And you’re the sexy one, not me.

  J: Bullshit. Girls only want me for my status. Star soccer player. Fraternity brother. Friend of Kolby, who is very well known and obviously loved. They don’t know me, who I really am, what I want. But you, you’re beautiful, smart, and you have a big heart.

  K: That’s not true. Any girl would be lucky to have you, and they know that, want that. I know because I want you too. Not for your status, but because you’re also kind, and I know you’re a giving person. I may not have known you long, but I know there is more to you than what you let on.

  J: I don’t want to let you go. I want to give you what you want, what I want, but I don’t know how, how to work around this mess. We have to lie low, which means we can’t speak, and I might not be able to text, but don’t freak out, okay? It’s just to divert your brother. He’ll chill and eventually stop trailing me when he realizes there is nothing going on with us. LOL! We’ll figure it out. Just don’t give up on me. Promise me?

  K: I agree, and promise not to give up on you, on us.

  What am I agreeing to? How long am I supposed to wait, go without talking to him?

  J: Please, please, don’t take this wrong. I hope you don’t and understand that I don’t want to be with her but I have to pretend I do in order to appease Kolby and to keep the bitch from ratting me out, you out. So if you see me with her, don’t go getting your head in a mess over it. It’s not what you think. I have zero feelings for her. She’s a vindictive bitch and I know you know this, so promise me you won’t flip out?

  K: I promise I won’t flip out but I can’t guarantee I won’t be upset. I hate her and hate seeing you with anyone other than me.

  J: Remember, it’s only temporary. I’ve got to go. Kolby is shouting for me to get my ass downstairs. I miss you already!

  K: Okay. You better get going. Look forward to the next time we can talk. I miss you too.

  I exit out of the text and set my phone back on the nightstand. I feel more unsettled than I did before his text. How long is temporary? When will I hear from him again?

  TWO WEEKS!! IT’S been two, long, dreadful weeks since I’ve heard from Jax. I sent him a couple of texts, but he didn’t reply. It angered me that he hadn’t responded. Hell, just a quick how you doing would be enough. But nothing. NOTHING. I’m furious, hurt, and confused. Do I let go, forget about him? God, I don’t know if I could forget about him. Unless… Is he with her? I’m so stupid! Why else wouldn’t he text, unless he’s falling for her.

  I’m so depressed. Part of me just wants to drag my brother aside and tell him, let him know it was all me, my lie and not Jax’s and that I want to be with him. Beg Kolby not to do anything to Jax because it’s not his fault or his doing. It was all me, and Jax did the right thing; he pushed me away, refusing to break his oath.

  My phone rings, temporarily taking out of my confusing thoughts. I look at the screen and nearly faint. It’s Jax! And he’s calling, not texting, but I can’t answer it. I’m too emotional right now.

  He leaves a voicemail. I’m elated and pissed. Why the fuck did it take him over two weeks to call me?

  I listen to his voicemail.

  We need to talk. There is a long pause before he speaks again. I miss you. I tried to call, to text, but your number was no longer in my phone. I swear that the bitch deleted your number! I couldn’t very well ask your brother or any of the guys. I attempted to drive to your dorm, but caught Kolby trailing me. Another time, the bitch was trailing me. Each of those times, I drove past the exit to Mills and continued driving ten miles past it and stopped at some of my old classmates house. It’s the same house we shot down some tequila, and sour gummy worms, the night I brought you to the frat house, never having a clue you were Kolby’s sister. His tone is scolding yet humorous.

  I’m humbled, but uncertain. How’d he miraculously get my number then? If the bloody bitch deleted it? I listen to the rest of his message.

  I talked to Jaden, the technology geek, told him my phone was acting up and a bunch of apps and contacts were missing. He informed me I could restore my phone to factory settings, and then use the backups I’d done to restore my phone to a back date prior to the missing apps and contacts. Thank fuck I use the restore frequently because it worked.

  Huh. Do I believe him? Everyone knows you can use the back up to restore your missing content, don’t they? And how often is he with her, what do they do when she’s around?

  Please call me back if you get this message in the next hour. I’m free to talk as I’m sitting in a hole in the wall restaurant that I know none of the brothers would dare set foot in. Please call.

  Even though I’m not sure I believe him, a part of me is giddy and needing to see what else he has to say, or what he wants.

  I break down and call him.

  I FINALLY TALK Kimber into going to dinner with me. I park several dormitories over from hers. Yeah, it’s shitty, but
I can’t risk being seen, and it’s the only way we won’t be noticed. I text her to let her know I’m here. I want to take her to my house, but I know the repercussions that could bring if she ever finds out about the bet. She won’t understand she wasn’t a part of it, that once I laid eyes on her, I stopped playing for points. No, girls think too much and twist things around. The last thing I need is another woman scorned.

  The guys are scoring nightly while I’ve been hung up on Kimber. They think I’m a little bitch who’s pussy whipped over… yeah, Timberly. The thought of her makes me ill.

  Flowing blonde hair and the most beautiful face I’ve ever seen comes around the corner. Suddenly I feel nervous, but I step out of the car, walk around the front, and greet her at the passenger side where I open the door for her. She smiles up at me as she slides in and before I can lean in and buckle her in, she’s already making it click. But that doesn’t stop me from staring at her. She’s got on this thin white button down. Yeah, I know it doesn’t sound sexy, but damn, the neckline is loose, exposing her neck and part of her chest and shoulder. She must have on an unpadded bra because the buds of her nipples are perfectly erect. Fuck if I don’t want to lean over and bite those pert little mounds. Her chest is rising and falling in quicker succession telling me she knows exactly what I’m looking at, what I’m thinking.

  “Um… are you going to get in the car or hover over me all night?” When I say nothing and continue to stare, she raises an eyebrow and smirks.

  Smiling, I shake my head and shut her door.

  Once we pull out of the parking lot and escape the vicinity of Mills College, Kimber relaxes and rests her head back. I eye her from the side. Her eyes are closed and a slight smile warms her face as the wind from the sunroof catches wisps of her hair, but she doesn’t seem to mind.


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