The Next Contestant

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The Next Contestant Page 15

by Dani Evans

  I’m slightly nervous as Erik and I enter the fraternity house. The party is obviously in full force. There are people everywhere. I play nice with Erik for a bit, but eventually, I wander off, manage to ditch Erik, and fortunately avoid Jax, and the bitches I’ve noticed leeching on him. Wonder where the biggest bitch is and why she’s not here wrapping herself around him.

  Doesn’t matter. I’m stressed, and wander into the kitchen, the only place in the house that isn’t packed with sweaty bodies.

  And wouldn’t you know it? Who walks in to the kitchen? His eyes lock on mine, but I refuse to be held there. I turn slightly, avoiding him and begin searching my phone, pretending to be occupied, as if I could give a crap that he’s in the same room with me.

  I feel heat spread across my cheeks, knowing he’s staring at me. I don’t want to look at him but he brushes up next to me, grasps my chin in his hand, and forces me to look at him. There’s daggers in his eyes and I know what he’s going to say.

  “You should have never lied to me. We could have worked it out, you know,” he says somewhat remorseful. Then his face contorts and he whispers, his words severe, and unforgiving. “But now I’m stuck parading that bitch around because of your lie. Do you have any idea what you’ve done to me?”

  I slap his hand off my chin, step back, and walk away from Jax. I head toward the living room, and startle at the sound of fists slamming against a cabinet, but I continue toward the front door. I need fresh air before I go back inside… to find my… date… and lots of alcohol.

  KIMBER. I CAN’T believe she’s here, and the fact she still acts like she did nothing wrong. Even worse, she’s with some dick-wad who has his arm locked with hers. It makes me sick, and even sicker when he whispers in her ear and she blushes.

  Does she like him? What did he whisper in her ear that made her flush? All kinds of thoughts, and not good ones, roll around in my head.

  Fuck it. Two can play this game. I go in search of the twins who were leeching on me earlier.

  I parade them around her and dick-wad. She narrows her eyes at me and quickly looks away. I toy with her for a while but it’s eating at me to watch that dork she’s with touch her cheek, then run his fingers through her hair. She giggles and it totally pisses me off. Then she politely removes his hand, whispers something in his ear, and gets up. I push the twins away from me and when they clutch me again, I rip their hands off of me and tell them to get lost. They huff and puff and walk off cursing.

  I trail Kimber. She stops, I stop. She walks, I follow. Finally she halts and turns around. And glares at me. I grin in response. She tries to ditch me but I keep following her.

  “Stop it,” she snarls at me.

  “Stop what?”

  “Following me.”


  She halts, turns, cocks her hip, and slaps her hand over the crest of it. “Because you’re just being a dick, so leave. You can’t be with me, remember? So go follow one of your other whores.”

  “Really? So you make it sound like you’re one of my whores too, but you’d rather I follow your fellow whoredom.” It takes everything I have not to burst out in laughter when her jaw drops in obvious disgust.

  “I’m not a whore. Your new girlfriend… or should I say girlfriends are, as you are as well.”

  She’s got me all wrong. “I’m not the one who goes around passing myself off as my brother’s ex-girlfriend.”

  “Oh, look. Here comes your… drum roll please… biggest whores!” She spins on a heel and storms off.

  “Kimber, Wait! I’m sorr—” Petite hands lock on both of my arms. I turn to glance at the invasion only to find the two chicks I used to make Kimber jealous, hanging on me, again. By the time I shake them off and ditch them, it’s too late. Kimber’s already disappeared.

  I find her slamming drinks with her friends, and that dickhead, who she came here with, eyeing her from across the table. I turn to walk away because if I stay, I’m gonna lose my shit and beat the fuck out of that fucker.

  Next thing I know, there’s cheering, lots of it, and when I turn around, I find one trashed Kimber lying on the table, her shirt pulled up past her bra and that same motherfucker pouring tequila in her navel, which already has a ring of salt traced around it and a lime wedge pressed between her breasts. I push through the crowd and before asshole leans over to take the body shot, I do it.

  I suck the amber liquid from her belly, then drag my tongue in a slow circle around the ring of salt and lick it up. I feel her abdomen quiver at my touch so I suck harder, then lick and kiss my way up to her breasts. Her eyes lock on mine and I see it, the lust in her baby blues. It fuels me, and my dick strains harder against my jeans. I grin but before I go for the lime wedged in her cleavage, I climb on the table and lay on top of her.

  The cheers get louder.

  People are shouting for me to do vile things and believe me, I want nothing more than to oblige but not here, not now, not in front of a crowd and certainly not anywhere her brother could possibly witness it. I settle for sucking on the lime, then drag my tongue up her chest, over her bunched up shirt, her neck, her jaw and along the shell of her ear. I can feel her heartbeat pounding excitedly against her chest when I whisper in her ear, “I want you so fucking bad right now, but it’d be wrong on so many levels so I’m just going to kiss the shit out of you, okay?”

  She doesn’t say yes or no, but only, “Mm,” and wraps her arms around me. I waste no time and take her mouth, forcing my tongue inside, taste every inch of her, sucking her tongue into my mouth and then slowly releasing it. She surprises me when she sucks mine into her mouth and without releasing it, she turns her head, raising it off the table, coming as close as she can without physically crawling inside me.

  Fuck it, I can’t take it anymore.

  JAX SURPRISES ME when dives into my belly and steals the body shot meant for whatever his name is. My heart flutters and his tongue, oh god, his tongue! I can only feel the heat, the tingling and the quiver of my stomach he’s creating. He sucks harder, nips and licks his way up my abdomen and everyone around us fades. He stops between my breasts. I open my eyes and glance at him, wondering why he stopped. He grins, climbs on the table, and lays on top of me. He sucks the lime wedged between my breasts, drags his tongue up my chest, over my shirt, my neck, my jaw and along the shell of my ear.

  I shouldn’t let him, and I know I’m setting my heart up for more pain, but god, he’s so… so perfect, so gorgeous, so creating a beautiful disaster of my female parts, and I can’t stop him. Don’t want to stop him… My heart is beating frantically with want; I’m certain he can feel it because I can feel his as well and I know he’s feeling the same way.

  Jax whispers in my ear, “I want you so fucking bad right now, but it’d be wrong on so many levels so I’m just going to kiss the shit out of you, okay?”

  I have no words but answer with an “Mm,” and wrap my arms around him. His mouth, his hot mouth is covering mine and he plunges his tongue inside, licking every corner, then sucking my tongue into his mouth. He slowly releases but now it’s my turn. I suck his tongue into my mouth, angle my head, raising it off the table, wanting to be as close to him as physically possible.

  I startle and gasp at the sudden loss of Jax.

  Kolby’s ripped him off me and has him pressed against the wall with his forearm pressed into his neck.

  I scramble off the table and stumble toward them. “Stop it! Let him go, Kolby.”

  Kolby releases Jax but orders him to “Stay the fuck here. Don’t move one motherfucking inch.”

  “And you!” Kolby points at me. “What. The. Fuck. What the fuck, Kimber? Whores do that shit.” He waves at the table indicating my prior position.

  Right now, I hate my brother. Hate him!

  “Fuck you, Kolby. Fuck you.” Probably not the best thing to say to your big brother, but oh well. I think the shots I did are all kicking in. The room begins to spin and all coherent thought escapes me.

  I stumble away and hear faint scuffling in the background. Probably Kolby and Jax going at each other. Nothing I can do in this shitty drunken body.

  The stairs never looked so long, so 3D. I fall back and my ass hits the edge of the step. “Owe,” I moan.

  “You okay?” A soft, deep voice, which isn’t Jax, asks. “Let me take you home.” It’s what’s his face, Erik, the guy Jax stole my body shot from. Take me home?

  He chuckles as if he’s heard my silent thought. “I promise I won’t try anything with you. Not after his tongue was all over you.”

  Okay, so I feel even trashier now, but I let him take me back to the dorms. When he tries to escort me to the front door, I wave him off. “I got this. Thanks for the ride and sorry for… I dunno, but… drive safe, and later.” I barely make it inside before I hurl in the front entry trash bin. I manage to get to my room, unlock the door, and run to the bathroom where I hurl some more.

  My head finally stops spinning and I feel a little better. After sitting up and blowing my nose, I feel the stickiness on my belly from the tequila and alcohol… and maybe a little of Jax. I strip down, grab toothpaste and a toothbrush, and climb in the shower. I brush my teeth, wash and condition my hair, cleanse my skin and stand under the warm spray of the water. I think about Jax and the things he did to me, what he’d have continued to do to me….

  THE DOOR SLAMS shut and I curse. Kimber left seconds ago and I can barely keep it together. The subtle hint of her perfume still lingers in the air. I yearn to touch her, to kiss her, and my painfully erect shaft craves to be inside her. But I can’t move past my subconscious, which reminds me why I can’t have her.

  I can’t believe this shit. Kolby let her leave with that little weasel. He comes back for me, presses me against the wall with his chest and his face is beat red.

  “You have ten seconds to explain yourself,” he spits.

  “Would you have rather let that little punk have his tongue all over her? Have you seen the way he devours her with his eyes? Have you?” I shove him off of me.

  “He’s not a brother. You are. Remember the oath? You fucking took it.”

  “Fuck the oath, Kolby. She’s your sister and you let her leave with some fucking puke who could easily take advantage of her in her drunken state. All because I took that shot and kissed her.”

  Kolby mutters “Fuck you” several times but I ignore him and walk out the front door.

  I hop in my Jag and drive down the road. I’m telling myself I just want to make sure she gets home safely but really, I don’t want that fucker taking advantage of her ’cause I don’t know how much she drank. I may have blown it with her, but I’m not gonna give up.

  A few girls are heading toward the door and I catch it before it closes.

  Taking the stairs, I rush up two at a time and enter the fourth floor. I notice her door isn’t closed and my blood boils at what he could be doing to her. When I reach it, I step in and holy hell. Her normally spotless living room is a sea of papers, clothes and who knows what else is scattered everywhere. Inching forward, toward her bedroom, I hear the spray of the shower. I don’t hear any moaning or anything to indicate anyone else is here but her.

  Her clothes are the only clothes lying on the floor and the bathroom door is partly open, steam rolling out and damping my cheeks. I can’t see her; the shower curtain is deep maroon and pulled shut.

  The water turns off. Shit! I step back, my heart hammering in my chest. What the hell am I gonna do if she walks out and finds me here? She’ll probably scream and then beat the shit outta me. I don’t hear anything so I brave a look in the bathroom and fuck me. I can’t walk away now! Hell no. Kimber’s thrown a towel on the ground and she’s lying there, naked. Eyes closed, cheeks flush, wet strands of hair sprawled out to the sides… but that’s not what’s holding me here.

  I unbutton my jeans and release my full on erection, pre cum and all. Slowly stroking myself, I watch her squirt clear liquid—probably KY—down her slit. Her raised knees are bent and she spreads them wide, her naked self, right there for my eyes to take in. I smother my gasp. She’s all sexy and smooth, not a lick of hair on her pussy. I can only imagine how she tastes. I want to lick her, finger her, and then fuck her. She begins rubbing her clit softly, slowly… then picking up the pace. She grunts a little and then moans. I grind my hips, thrusting and pumping my cock harder wishing I were inside of her.

  Kimber raises her hips, her middle finger sliding down her folds and she dips it inside. I lose it and cum on the spot. Fuck. I need to get out of here.

  “J-Ja—ohhh g-god,” Kimber moans and then shudders. I do too, but I don’t know if it was because she looks so fucking hot fucking herself, or if it’s because I’m fairly certain she was grunting my name. I tuck my goods back into my pants, cum and all, and button up. Before I sneak out of here, I take another look at her. She’s flush, a few stray strands of hair stick to the beads of sweat lacing her forehead, and her eyes are closed, mouth parted and slightly upturned.

  I know without a doubt I’m gonna have this girl, and not for one night, not for a game, not for a piece of ass. No, this girl is going to be mine. Eventually. And no matter how hard she tries to push me away, I’m not going to let her. She wants me; the proof of her little display not meant for me to see, is crystal clear.

  I turn to leave, but shit! She’s quicker than I thought and I barely make it out of her bedroom when she swings the bathroom door open, unaware that I’m here. I rush toward the front door, which is partly open, slip through the crack, and begin to knock as she steps out of the bathroom and into her room. She lets out a little yelp and places her hand over her heart, her eyes wide as they lock with mine.

  “Hey. Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you but your door was open. I wanted to make sure you made it home, safely. You know, with that douchebag your brother let you leave with.” Damn. Her cheeks are pink, as if she knows or suspects I might have seen her little sexcapade with me being the star in her fantasy. I want to make that fantasy a reality. Fuck yeah I do.

  “Um. Well, I’m here… in one piece,” she says, kind of tripping over her words. “So yeah, I’m… safe… in my home.” She fidgets a bit, and then cinches her robe tight, hands fisted on the knot.

  Oh how I’d love to tell her I’ve already seen her sexy ass goods, her sweet little pussy… Shit. My dicks getting hard with the visuals.

  “Can I come in?”

  “Um. Okay. I guess.” She nods toward her bedroom. “I need to get dressed so…”

  I kick my shoes off and ask, “Can I use your bathroom?” I can’t help it. I want to stir her up. She’s hot when she’s flustered—and her bathroom is inside her bedroom so I know the wheels are turning in her head. She keeps glancing at the bathroom, then her room, and back at me.

  “Don’t worry, darlin’. I promise I won’t come out of the bathroom until you finish dressing.”

  Without waiting for a reply, I step inside, close and lock the door and head toward her. She’s still leaning against the wooden doorframe in her bedroom.

  Pausing in front of her, I lean down and whisper in her ear. “Unless you want me to… finish what we started earlier.” She smells so damn good, like vanilla and sugar. I drag my lips down her neck and when she doesn’t move, but only gasps, I lick, nip, and suck on her skin.

  Kimber inhales sharply, then whispers, “J-Jax” like she did when she was pleasuring herself, and that’s it. I can’t stop myself. I grab her face, trace her lower jaw with my thumb and press down on her chin. I take her in, suck on her lower lip, and then kiss her. Hard. She wraps her arms around my neck, fingers fisting in my hair.

  I drop my hands to her hips, pull her against me and then deepen the kiss as I walk her back toward her bed, until her legs greet the mattress.

  JAX HAS ME backed against my bed. He breaks the kiss and reaches for my hands as he stares into my eyes. He raises my—Oh god! He takes my fingers, the same fingers I just used to pleasure myself, and puts th
em in his mouth. He sucks on them, his tongue weaving between and around them, as if he’s licking them clean, as if he knows what I’ve done. He groans, sucks harder, thrusting his hips against me and I can feel his dick swelling against me, higher and higher it climbs against my belly. My cheeks heat up when he slowly pulls my fingers out of his mouth and smirks.

  He pulls me closer, tilts my head, presses his lips against my neck, and slowly kisses his way up to my ear. He slides a hand inside my robe, his palm flat on my lower abdomen while his other hand is in my hair controlling the angle of my head, his lips still on the shell of my ear.

  “God, Kimber. I want to touch you so bad.” His palm slides past my navel. “This okay?” he says huskily.

  “Yeah,” I say equally breathy. His fingers slowly descend between my legs and he slips a single digit between my folds. I’m already wet, and he groans when he feels how wet I am for him. My knees buckle when he dips his finger inside me. He curls it just right, pressing it forward, hitting a sensitive spot inside and then pumps his finger against it.

  I let out a gasp from the sensation he’s creating, but then he suddenly pulls out and it startles me. He watches me as he raises his damp fingers and places the middle one he was pleasuring me with into his mouth. He sucks on it and “Mms” as he slowly pulls it out. Then he leans into me and with his weight, pushes me further back on the bed. Jax straddles me, places an arm under me and drags me into the center of the mattress. He looks down at my fully parted robe and examines my naked flesh.

  “Take your robe off,” he says as he slowly backs off the bed. I slip my arms out of the sleeves, Jax watches, now standing at the edge of the bed. I feel so exposed as he runs his eyes over my entire naked flesh.


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