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Moore than Forever

Page 12

by Julie Richman

  Handing her the bottle just inside the shower door, where she still stood, “You are a man of surprises,” she noted, lifting the bottle to her lips, devil grin glowing.

  Pulling down the zipper on his faded jeans, freeing his pent up erection, “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” Stepping out of his jeans, he took the bottle from her as he joined her in the shower.

  “I take it we’re celebrating?” Mia pushed her wet bangs from her eyes.

  “Baby Girl, you haven’t even begun to take it yet,” his smile was mesmerizing as he turned her around and pulled her back snugly against his stomach. Reaching for the shower gel, he squeezed a healthy amount into his palm before replacing the tube and then rubbing his hands together, lathering and warming the cool gel. Slowly, he rubbed his hands down the sides of her neck down to her shoulders.

  “Why are you assuming I’m a dirty girl?” her voice already breathy from his stroking hands.

  “Even though you’ve been in this shower long enough to turn you into a prune, I know my little wild girl likes it hot, rough and dirty.” His hands continued to slide down her arms to her hands, fingers interlocking with hers, he brought her hands up to her breasts and hand over hand had her start pinching her own nipple as he controlled her fingers like a puppet. “Feels good, doesn’t it,” he whispered hoarsely in her ear.

  “Yes, it feels really good,” her sentence ending in a moan.

  “I love watching you do yourself,” he pinched her fingers tighter to hear her whimper. “I love making you do yourself for me.”

  “Yeah, I’ve noticed. And it’s a good thing because I like doing myself for you.”

  “Don’t stop playing with your nipples,” he removed his hands from hers and reached for a washcloth and the gel. As he squirted the gel onto the washcloth, he kissed the length of her neck, “Do you know how much I love you, Mia?”

  Nodding, “I think so, but you might want to remind me.”

  Pulling her hips tight against him so that she could feel how hard she had made him, “Does that refresh your memory, Baby Girl?”

  “I think I get your point,” she ground her ass into his hard cock.

  “I plan on making my point over and over again,” with his face buried in her neck, his right hand slid the washcloth between her legs, “but first I want to hear you come for me.” Slowly he pulled the washcloth from front to back, making her moan from the rough sensation. Sinking his teeth into her neck, he felt her weight shift to him as she began to whimper. Tossing the washcloth to the floor, he pressed her clit with his index finger and inserted the next two fingers into her. With his left arm across her chest he held her to him.

  “You know what I want to do to you, don’t you?” his lips grazed her ear as his fingers skillfully moved in and out in a “come here” motion that made her quiver.

  “Yes,” her voice was trembling, “it’s been too long.”

  Laughing, “You’re right. It has been too long.” Grabbing another tube off the shelf, “Is this the same stuff we have out at the beach?”

  “Yes, the mango butter lotion,” she nodded, “give it to me.”

  “You want it?” his expression was most amused.

  “Give it to me, Pretty Boy,” she held out her hand over her shoulder.

  “All yours, Baby Girl,” he handed it to her.

  Turning around to face him, she flipped open the top of the tube and brought it up to her nose, inhaling deeply, the aroma inducing a smile at the memory it evoked. Holding it up to Schooner’s nose, he too took a deep whiff of the scent.

  “Reminds me of summer,” Mia’s eyes were smiling.

  “I can’t wait to get out there.”

  “Me too,” she squirted a healthy amount onto her palm and put it back on the shelf, “I can’t wait to see how Nathaniel reacts to the sand and ocean,” looking up at him with a devil smile, “but for right now, I just want to see how you react to this.” Taking his cock in both hands, she slathered him in the rich lotion.

  “I think you got the reaction you were going for.”

  “You know how I hate to fail,” she slowly slid her tightened hands up the length of him, one after the other, feeling him grow harder and harder.

  “Failure is not an option here, Baby Girl,” his voice was choked as he reached for the mango butter tube, “turn around.”

  Complying, she placed her hands on the wall for leverage. Hearing the top flip open on the lotion’s tube made her shiver. Not warming the lotion in his hands, he pulled her butt cheeks apart and swiped the lotion up her crack.

  “Ahhh,” she jumped at the contact with the cold cream, “you bastard.”

  Schooner laughed and reached around her pinching her nipples, “Make that cruel bastard.”

  “Mmm, you’d never be cruel to me, would you?”

  Pinching harder, “We’ll have to see about that. Now give me that ass. Grabbing the mango butter tube, he quickly covered two fingers, inserting a long index finger slowly and easing it out before pressing two fingers back, “God, you’re tight. I can’t wait to be in there,” and he slowly pulled them out.

  Pressing the head of his rock hard cock at the opening of her ass, his teeth grazed her neck, as he pushed in, he pulled her head to the side and bit down.

  “Oh, fuck,” she moaned.

  “Are you ready to take it?”

  “As much as you can give me,” she challenged, bracing herself against the marble wall.

  “That’s my girl,” and he pulled out, till just the tip of his cock rested against her and without warning, rammed all the way back in until he was completely buried inside of her.

  Her moan resonated in his ears, propelling him into a rhythm where he got lost in the tight, gripping sensation of her ass, “Oh God, I love you,” he growled in a deep whisper. “Your ass is so damn tight around my cock.” He wasn’t sure if the sounds he was hearing were his or hers, a primal symphony of lust, want and satisfaction taking him to a space far away as he pounded as hard as he could into her. “I own your ass, you know that don’t you, I own it.”

  “Yes,” was all she could manage, lost to the overwhelming sensations, “so good,” her voice an actual whimper, “so good.”

  Grinding into her, he stilled, totally embedded within her, his arms wrapped around her tightly. “I have something to tell you,” and with his right arm he reached out and grabbed the bottle of Cristal off the shelf. Holding it to her lips, he tipped it back, cold champagne going into her mouth and dribbling down her chin before dripping onto her shower-warmed breasts. “God, you’re so hot.” Lifting the bottle to his own lips, he took a healthy swig and placed it back on the shelf. Wrapping both arms around her again, he began to drive into her relentlessly, at a fast pace, the friction making his balls tighten as the pressure climbed and expanded inside his cock.

  She reached a fevered pitch, her moans testifying that she had gone someplace else, somewhere deep inside herself, lost to the sensations of the heightened nerve endings he was voraciously stroking deep inside of her.

  Ramming as hard as he could, all control gone, he shot deep into her. It was at that moment, he chose to share more than just his seed, “I’m all yours, Baby Girl. I’m divorced.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Repeatedly kissing Nathaniel’s cheek, “I am going to miss you so much, my sweet boy.”

  “He’ll be fine,” Lois reassured her. “Seth and I have it covered.”

  “Will you be a good boy for Nana and Uncle Seth?” Mia could feel the aching tug in her heart, a combination of both longing and the guilt of leaving Nathaniel for the first time. “I love you so much, sweet boy.”

  “So why are you going again?” Seth’s idea of adventure was taking a subway to Brooklyn to shop for ethnic foods. “I can’t believe he’s turning you into a do-gooder.”

  Laughing, “You just want to go with him. Admit it.”

  “BBC, there isn’t anything I don’t want to do with that man,” Seth licked his lips.

  “He is rather nice looking,” Lois added.

  “Rather nice looking?” Seth raised his eyebrows.

  “Ok, ok, he’s hot and if I were thirty years younger.”

  “Ewww, Mom, stop that. He’s going to be your son-in-law. He’s the father of your grandchild.” The look on Mia’s face was of pure disgust.

  “Oh wipe that look off your face. I’m not dead and the man is hot. And just remember, I saw him first.”

  “Nathaniel, I cannot believe we are having this conversation,” Mia said seriously to her smiling son.

  As if on cue, the elevator to the loft opened and in walked Schooner, faded jeans, pink Ralph Lauren button down rolled at the cuffs, exposing muscular forearms and a pair of beat up Gold Cup Topsiders. In his right hand he carried a long cardboard tube.

  “All my favorite people in one place,” he hit them with the smile.

  “He’s talking about me,” Seth whispered to Lois.

  Bending down to kiss Mia, he took Nathaniel from her arms. “Want to see something cool?” he asked the infant.

  Nathaniel responded with an open goopy kiss to Schooner’s nose.

  “Are you trying to eat my face?” Schooner responded with a raspberry to his son’s neck, eliciting a giggle from the baby.

  “Do not even say it,” Lois warned Seth.

  “You were thinking it, too, BBC Mom.”

  Sitting down on the couch, he handed Mia the tube. She popped off the plastic end and reached for the documents inside. Sitting down next to Schooner and Nathaniel, she unrolled a set of blueprints on the table and smoothed down the paper.

  Looking at Schooner with a huge smile, “Coach Schooner, you are truly going to be a legend there.”

  Motioning for Seth and Lois to come over to their side of the table, he walked everyone through the plans.

  “My architect has got contractors from Germany that are very familiar with working in Lusaka and they are going to oversee the construction. You enter here into a reception area with intake offices and that leads into the main physical therapy area. We’ll have most of the exercise equipment here and this will be the main hub. Over here to the left will be hydrotherapy and these rooms here are private treatment rooms. We’re actually going to add this small wing as a workshop lab area for making and fitting prosthetics. Across from that is the children’s therapy area. Oh, and over here, will be a waiting area outfitted with toys and games for children and siblings who have to wait. I remember that was a huge issue when I was in Macha and it was why I started the soccer camp.”

  Mia poured over the blueprints looking at the flow and traffic patterns. “Where are bathrooms and kitchen? Staff break area? Will there be separate employee bathrooms?”

  “Good catch, that was not put in. Public bathrooms are here,” he pointed to a spot, “but you’re right, we really need a bathroom and a shower over here with some employee lockers.” Slinging an arm over her shoulder and pulling her to him, he kissed the top of her head. Picking up his phone, he quickly texted his architect. “Now is the time to catch this stuff.”

  “Why don’t you two look,” Mia said to Lois and Seth, “you both have good eyes for this.”

  Taking over the couch, Lois and Seth poured over the blueprints and began to discuss it in fine detail.

  “Are you going to be ok leaving him?” Schooner asked Mia as Nathaniel babbled at the two of them.

  “No. I can’t even imagine what a day is going to be like without him. Are the copies of our wills back yet? I want to make sure everything is in place before we go.”

  “We should actually have them by the end of the day today, so don’t worry about that.”

  Indicating that he should follow her down the hall away from Seth and Lois, Schooner followed Mia into Nathaniel’s jungle room.

  “What’s up?” he cocked his head.

  “I was thinking. Do you want to just go down to City Hall and get married before we go?”

  “Are you kidding?”

  “No. I’m not. This way with us being married, if something should happen,” she didn’t finish her sentence.

  Shaking his head no, “Mia, from a legal standpoint should something happen to either or both of us, we have everything locked down, married or not. It’s all taken care of. I’m all for getting married sooner rather than later, but you know what, you deserve a wedding. We deserve to celebrate with everyone we love.”

  “But I don’t need,” she began her protest.

  “No, you don’t need. But what I would like for you to have, what I’d like for us to be able to share together, are wonderful memories of a day we’ve waited for since we were kids. This was our dream, Mia. Me and you. Married. That was our dream.”

  Nodding, “You’re right. You’re absolutely right.”

  Taking a sleepy Nathaniel from him, she laid him down in his crib. Standing beside her, Schooner pulled her close to him. “And this is the other part of our dream, Baby Girl,” they stood and watched him as he fell asleep, this beautiful little angel who brought light to everyone’s life.

  “Here’s what I think,” he began, “let’s go to Zambia and make some dreams come true for other people, and then we’ll come home and make the rest of our dream come true. How does that sound?”

  Mia smiled and nodded. She couldn’t speak for fear her voice would crack. Here was this man, this beautiful man, who told her that she made him a better man. That she made him want to be a better man. How could that be? It was he that made her a far better person. Didn’t he see that?

  As she stood looking at Nathaniel’s sweet face, she wondered what Schooner would think if he knew all her secrets. Would he still look at her the same way? Would he still feel that she made him a better man?

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Driving down the Jacaranda lined streets of Lusaka, Mia was amazed at how the city was so cosmopolitan, its vitality exuding a different and unique beat than she was used to hearing.

  “I don’t know what I expected. I knew it was the capital, but somehow the wilds of Africa were in my head.”

  Joined by Berto, his wife Marit and their daughter, Liliana, who had just completed her freshman year at Yale, they were doing a mini-tour prior to heading over to the first hospital facility.

  Turning around in his seat, Berto explained, “You are going to see a huge divergence in lifestyles here, from walled suburban communities to shantytowns. There’s been a huge influx of residents from rural areas into the city. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been a boomtown and unemployment is at about sixty percent.”

  “Sixty percent? Holy smokes. That is beyond significantly high,” Mia frowned, as she watched the scenery pass outside the van’s window.

  “This afternoon, we will visit Kabwata Village and that’ll give you an opportunity to really get a flavor for the people and the culture,” Berto explained.

  “And to shop,” Marit added.

  “You just said the magic words,” Schooner smiled at Mia.

  Pulling up to the first facility, Berto explained a lot of what they could expect. “This is a newer facility and you’ll find from a technology standpoint they are pretty well equipped. This is one of the facilities where I think we can help fill in the gaps in their PT Rehab area with equipment, but in general, this facility is offering premiere level service in Lusaka. Unfortunately, they can only see so many patients. So not everyone is getting this level of treatment.”

  After touring the PT Rehab center, Schooner, Mia and Berto sat down with the department director and Marit and Lily went to go tour the pediatrics’ floor.

  “I’m very impressed with what you’ve got in place. What’s visibly missing are the multi-stack/multi-station gyms, and I would venture to guess you could probably use a few more leg extension/leg curl stations.”

  The director, a distinguished grey haired gentleman who appeared to be in his mid-50’s, laughed, “Have you been reading my memos to administration?”

  “If we can put in just two of
the multi-stacks, you’ll be able to see so many more patients a day,” Schooner continued to survey the facility.

  “With just those pieces of equipment, we should be able to accommodate at least a fifteen percent increase in patients. And that’s a conservative estimate.”

  Nodding, Schooner tapped his finger against his lips, “I don’t see any issues with us being able to provide that.” He walked over to where a therapist was working with a patient who had sustained a leg injury and watched them work through a series of exercises.

  “I understand we’re going to have PT’s here on loan as part of a scholarship program you’re setting up,” the director mentioned as they were departing the facility.

  “What we’re envisioning is to bring them over to work at the facilities here in Lusaka first as they acclimate to being in country and then cycle them through some of the more rural facilities. We’re going to try and assess some equipment and training needs for those areas, as well.”

  “Let me know how I can be of help in all this, Coach Schooner,” the director’s smile glinted in his eyes.

  The surprise on Schooner’s face at being addressed as ‘Coach Schooner’ was evident. In his eyes flashed a deep emotional response that wouldn’t have been detected by anyone but Mia. On his face was his All-American boy smile. But it wasn’t his real smile.

  Schooner Moore was wearing a mask and Mia Silver was wondering why.

  The next stop brought them to a hospital that wasn’t nearly as financially endowed. Walking the old tile hallway, Mia’s heart felt heavy. There didn’t seem to be the hope in these corridors as there had been in the first hospital.

  “Adjacent to this, on the property is where we will be breaking ground later this week for the new rehab facility,” Berto explained. “There’s also a small orphanage that is part of the facility.”

  Looking at the expressions fleeting across Liliana Castillo’s face, Mia instinctively knew that they were both feeling a sense of uneasiness and frustration. There was so much that could be done to help, and so many superfluous things in their everyday lives, things that they would never miss, that could make a significant difference in the lives of these people. Walking over to her, Mia could feel the protective force field she had erected around herself. Mia knew it well. Lily might be protected by Human Shield v.2, a wall impenetrable by other human beings, but it didn’t put Mia off, after all she had been the inventor of the original Human Shield v.1.


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