The President’s Bitch
Page 16
Putting down the coup played the biggest role in my re-election, my campaign trumpeting strength and patriotism. Even secessionists grudgingly agreed that type of leadership is needed in foreign affairs.
Jack’s sound asleep. I turn out the light and listen to him snore. He’s pretty soft for a big guy. Morrie was like a freight train. My eyes go moist, thinking of Morrie. How lucky can I be to have two men who have loved me with their whole hearts, so different, but so similar in some ways?
I can only be grateful for luck. If that governor hadn’t gone down for pathological sexting, I’d have served out my term as mayor and stayed home, probably practicing law. Part of me will always rest in sorrow over losing Morrie, but the adventure has been impossibly thrilling. “Gotta take the good with the bad,” Gramps always said.
For the wedding Jack and I tried to get away with a small, private gathering in Punxsutawney, close to my childhood home. The media and upper-crust D.C. nabobs were having none of that. My pride said, “The hell with ‘em,” but Carm made me eat my words. “Votes baby, think votes.” I caved, and it turned out lovely, Anna twirling down the aisle scattering cherry blossoms in lieu of rose petals.
And since the day of the second attack, feeling the shotgun slam into my shoulder and seeing my shot hit the mark, I haven’t had a nuclear nightmare. Someday I’ll have to ask a professional about that.
The war with North Korea went as well as it could. Li kept his promise, but Park couldn’t help himself and launched another missile. The U.S. lost fewer than a thousand in the invasion and airstrikes, and we got back all of our prisoners of war, eventually. My heart wept for the people of North Korea, though. Thank God we didn’t have to use nukes, but we did cause a ton of collateral damage, deaths near a hundred thousand.
The shocking part was when Gorodinsky of Russia joined me in putting pressure on President Li to pay for much of the rebuilding. Li yielded, not without massive trade concessions, but I think we got out of the whole thing in fairly good shape. No nukes for the NKs forever, the Park dynasty dissolved and Hawaii spared. We’re keeping our fingers crossed, anyway.
You can’t win in this business, though. It’s not a new idea, but I lobbed it at Congress anyway: why don’t fundamentalist terrorists go after China, or for that matter, Russia? Because they know they’d get spanked, fast and hard, that’s why. After interminable debate, the legislative herd finally gave me the go-ahead to put together an alliance to wipe out ISIL. Since all of the real shock and awe had been negotiated out, it only succeeded in driving the assholes back to Africa. Rooting them out of Nigeria and Rwanda is our next challenge. I can’t even summon the energy for a good sigh.
There’s a bright spot. To serve out the rest of my first term, I chose an old white guy, Governor Chadwick, as VP. It made sense, and he looked great touring disasters and speaking to Congress while I scurried around in the background putting out fires.
For my second term I put my foot down. It damn near wrecked the party, but I didn’t care. I needed the right man for the job.
It took me weeks to convince Josh to do it, and it took months for me to ram it past the elites and the money boys. With arm-twisting, and promises I’ll never be able to keep, I pulled it off. For the party to have a quarter-black, quarter-Hispanic, half-Jew female as President, and a full-on black man as Vice-President, has been a major meltdown. But it’ll all work out. We’ve come a long way, baby.
I sigh, lying on my back, hands behind my head, trying to get comfortable. I’ve found it hard to do, six months pregnant. Again. My first two were no easier, but I wouldn’t trade John Allen, Jr. and Carmel Kayla Runyon for anything. I would abdicate the Presidency for those kids. I don’t have to, though. I’ve firmly maintained that I can do my job, and Josh can handle it for a few hours a year. This old mansion needs the freshness of youth.
Most of the women in the country saw my logic. The election was a landslide. There may have been a few million men faced with the decision of whether to sleep on the couch or at least pay lip service to me. So what? They’ll get a chance to elect a man in four years.
Carefully I roll on my side. Pregnant gets me horny. Not that I need a push. Since Jack came into my life, I’ve grown fonder and fonder of sex. Strands of grey in my hair, I’m pretty sure I’ll go through the change soon. I wonder if things will be different. I doubt it. The closeness and intimacy can’t be replaced.
I slip my hand between his legs. He stirs and says something in his sleep. Sneaking my finger further in, I feel him start to throb.
“Uh, hello to you, too,” he murmurs.
I don’t say a thing, just start stroking. He stretches, then rolls around to face me. I grab him through the opening in his pajamas.
“We won,” I coo.
“No, I won.”
He attacks me, his tongue deep in my mouth. I kiss back savagely, giving him everything I’ve got, hungry for his weight between my legs.
Shifting, he deftly avoids crushing my belly. Since he’s been on a regular schedule at the White House, he’s had time to work out a lot more. He’s a friggin’ behemoth—two hundred sixty pounds of pure muscle and sinew. It turns me on, so I encourage it. Jack Jr., age two, wants in on the gym action now. He’s going to be a football player, for sure.
Jack Senior is ready. I’m wet as a Texas cloudburst. When he finally lets me come up for air, I say, “In.”
Not like he needs a second invitation. “When a lady asks, I have to oblige,” he whispers in my ear, and starts to fill me up.
“More,” I demand.
He sighs. “Guess I’m your bitch.”
“Guess so.”
He rams himself deep inside me, making me howl with lust.
“You’re just as fine as the first time,” he says softly.
I moan and clench harder. He gasps, then thrusts again.
“Oh, Jack.”
God, I love this man.
It can’t happen:
The campaign for the next President of the United States is suspected of murdering one of its own. Worse, someone inside the campaign might be plotting to assassinate the Candidate.
Assigned to guard a staffer, Secret Service agent Annie McCarthy investigates the murder and discovers a bold plot. Can she stop it in time?
Days before the Presidential election, traitors force the Candidate’s plane to land—somewhere. Agent Annie McCarthy is taken prisoner along with the campaign.
Did the hijackers fake a plane crash? Can Annie free the hostages? No one knows what happened—they’re just…missing.
Seven books, the five novels in the Control Series plus two prequels. Four allies battle a savage mob boss and a deadly terrorist—over 1,400 pages of vigilante justice, conspiracy, revenge, mysteries, a serial killer and espionage, with a nuclear climax.
U.S Version
U.K Version
The President's Bitch
by Andy King
Published 2016 by
Copyright © 2016 and Andy King
All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America
ISBN 978-1-944552-16-9
The President's Bitch is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, businesses, organizations, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and/or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.
In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher constitute unlawful piracy and theft of the author's intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at books@missiondev Thank you for your support of authors' rights.
First a professional musician, Andy King then worked in the motion picture business. Later demoted to the software industry, he realized that the keyboard had been following him around all this time…ah, write books! Sharing the stories he’d lived through was almost good works.
King’s debut novel, Illusion, was based on a person he knew, with a what-if twist: what if the former-drug-dealer-now-bar-owner was a nice guy, a moral guy, not a maniac, but pursued by consequences from his past? Crime thrillers evolved, like The Greatest Game, starring female sleuth, Charlotte Coil. A slice of inspirational romance with a dash of the paranormal came from other characters King has known, colorful people with checkered pasts, mashed up with urban legends.
The Control Series books feature dark romance, mystery and suspense, political figures, a serial killer, terrorists and a mafia assassin. The Secret Service, FBI and CIA have to get involved, but they’re no match for the creative vigilante justice dispensed by the lead characters. The books are disturbing and intriguing in the characters’ pursuit of vengeance, and ultimately freedom. One reviewer said: “Some of these characters you will love and some you will hate, but none will bore you.”
See for more books and other high value content, ventures and social media.
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Books by Andy King
The Greatest Game
The Control Series:
McKuen’s Revenge
Coil’s Cold Justice
Annie’s War
Carla’s Mission
The President's Bitch
The Control Saga
The Control Epic
The Glide Series:
Twin Break
Friday Night
The Stormchasers MC Erotic Romance Series:
X: Dark Riders on the Storm
Y: Wild Love
Z: Hard Solutions
HARD: The Stormchasers MC Series Box Set
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