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Neon District: ALPHA (The Neon District Trilogy, Book 1)

Page 34

by Chad Campbell

  “Who are you? What do you want from me?” Caiden asked the knight.

  “I, the White Knight, have been ordered to see you to your eternal resting place,” it said in a digitized male voice.

  “Shit! My night just keeps getting worse,” Caiden said to himself.

  Caiden put his gunblade to gun mode, aiming at the White Knight, who was slowly closing in on him. White Knight stopped. Tension mounted as the rain continued to pour down on them both as they stood a few meters away from each other. Caiden refused to blink. The danger that emanated from the White Knight permeated the very air that Caiden breathed. It was stifling.

  “You make one wrong move and I will shoot your head clean off!” Caiden shouted.

  The White knight was as still as a statue, his menacing red energy sword in position, ready to attack. Rain droplets evaporated upon touching the blade; a steamy mist began to form around it, and eventually around the White Knight. The closer he edged to Caiden, the more he could hear a low frequency noise, presumably coming from the blade.

  This guy gives me the creeps, Caiden nervously thought to himself. Caiden felt the cool night air slowly caress his water-soaked face. The nightmarish aura emanating from his frightening foe was so dense, so intense, that he could feel the energy as it raised goosebumps on his skin. Without warning, the White Knight closed the distance and swung his sword downward at Caiden. The light of the sword left a lasting impression in his retinas, as if there was a line of light still hanging in the air. Caiden reacted with near prescient instinct, leaping backward, dodging as best as he could.

  The sword barely grazed him, but Caiden could feel a burning sensation across his chest as it seared his skin and sliced through his clothes. He stumbled backward and tumbled into some trash cans, almost blacking out from the shock. Luckily, the slash wasn’t too deep.

  “Interesting. That swing would’ve killed a normal man, but you appear to have avoided a fatal strike,” the white knight remarked.

  Caiden focused all his energy on recovering and escaping as quickly as possible. I gotta get outta here! This thing is gonna kill me if I don't! Move! Move! he frantically thought. His NOVO Lenses were still active and looking for any kind of weakness he could exploit, scanning the makeup of this powerful foe that stood before him. The knight stood over Caiden. Blood had begun to seep from the laceration across Caiden’s torso. The pain was unbearable.

  The adrenaline and the nanocells began to temporarily numb the injury, and slowed the bleeding. He needed to make a break for it. The fallen trash cans concealed the fact that Caiden still had a hold of his gun with his finger on the trigger. The White Knight held his sword above his head, bringing it down toward Caiden to end it all. Caiden avoided the blow at the last second, shifting his body to the side. The knight had missed by inches.

  In one quick motion, Caiden pressed the barrel of the gun to the knight’s chest and pulled the trigger. A loud shot rang out. The White Knight evaded the shot at point-blank range by using his powerful legs to jump backward. You gotta be kidding me! Caiden thought to himself in disbelief. Though the knight had dodged the shot, it did allow Caiden some respite by putting some decent distance between his enemy and him. He leapt into action, shooting five bullets in the Knight’s direction; two toward the knees, two toward the arms, and one toward the head. The knight deflected all the shots with his energy sword in one fluid motion.

  “Never bring a knife to a gunfight,” Caiden remarked with sarcasm.

  The White Knight dashed toward Caiden again, but the NOVO Lenses allowed Caiden to anticipate his opponent's next strike. He turned his gun to blade mode, planting his feet into the ground as best he could and deflected the White Knights high speed bull rush. They were in a power struggle as they locked blades. Despite the high levels of heat from the red energy blade, Caiden’s sword was effectively keeping him at bay thanks to its unique structural makeup.

  The White Knight’s brute strength was frightening. Even Caiden, with his own remarkable strength, paled in comparison to the White Knight. This sword fight was much different than the one with Neo. Despite his cybernetic enhancements, Neo fought with the mind of a skilled human. The knight had no human reservations or emotions, such as mercy or guilt. The White Knight was simply a cold-blooded killing machine. Caiden used the knight’s strength against him by completely letting up on the sword lock.

  The forward momentum forced the knight downward toward the concrete as Caiden stepped to the side to parry the White Knight’s blade, leaving a small opening. He followed up with a powerful punch, connecting with the knight’s lower jaw. Caiden could feel the metal jaw contort and twist. The White Knight countered with a powerful kick to Caiden’s rib cage as it fell face first toward the concrete. Caiden’s punch disrupted the knight just enough to lessen the impact of the knight’s kick. It still took the air out of him and managed to crack a few ribs, while sending him flying into the adjoining alleyway, skidding across the damp concrete!

  Blood trickled down from Caiden’s forehead. The downpour of rain continued its onslaught as he struggled to his feet with the help of his sword. Why? Why do I keep standing? I lost her. I lost everything! Why fight? he hopelessly thought to himself. As soon as he regained his footing he looked up and found a dumpster flying toward him! He instinctively dodged and sought to gain a clear visual of his enemy when another dumpster was sent flying toward him! Caiden leapt back. Metal trash cans were being thrown at him. The trash cans obstructed his vision, leaving him no choice but to maintain his defensive maneuvers. White Knight barreled through with a powerful jump kick to Caiden’s stomach. Caiden partially blocked the attack, but it still sent him flying back.

  Caiden was sprawled out on the ground. His vision was blurred from the combination of the agony and the rain falling. Through his clouded vision, he saw the White Knight standing over him, the tip of the energy blade an inch from his face. Shit, I guess this is it. Yvora, I’m sorry I couldn’t save you. Nami and Hitomi, I’m really sorry I couldn’t get you back home. And Vantz, I don’t know what to say, he solemnly thought to himself as tears began to well up in his eyes. The White Knight grabbed Caiden by the front of his shirt and held him up with one hand. Caiden’s gunblade dematerialized and returned into his forearm; he didn’t have the strength to use it.

  “Termination of Caiden Nyx; complete,” White Knight heartlessly remarked.

  Caiden defiantly laughed as more blood and tears flowed down his cheeks. The White Knight tucked his sword away and held up his open palm to Caiden’s chest. The middle of his metal palm showed a strange red circular device. Some sort of palm blaster, Caiden thought to himself. The circular device began to glow brighter when there was a loud screeching sound. It was a reverse shock wave mechanism built into his palm. Caiden mustered up just enough strength to swing his body to the side as the White Knight fired his palm blast. The power of the palm blast blew Caiden away, sending him crashing through a brick wall across the alley. The damage was devastating, it compromised the buildings structural integrity. Dust, debris, and bricks came tumbling down as a result. As the dust cleared, the White Knight strolled over to the broken wall to inspect Caiden’s dead body.

  He found nothing; no trace of blood or human remains, no weapon, no sign of life. He dug through the rubble; still nothing. From inside the building, a small rectangular device flew toward the knight and stuck to his armor like a magnet. After a five second delay, the White Knight was rendered immobile. The White Knight began convulsing due to the electric shock overriding his inner circuits.

  “M-Michael. My name is Mi-Michael. M-Michael. M-Michael. Michael,” the knight began to say while glitching. His voice was cutting in and out like bad static on an old TV.

  The White Knight managed to lift his head just enough to look up. Through the bolts of electricity distorting his visual feed he saw Caiden, glaring at him with intense turquoise eyes from the darkness. If looks could kill, the White Knight would’ve exploded. Who the fuck i
s Michael? Caiden wondered. The White Knight helplessly watched as Caiden made his escape through one of the doors inside the building.

  Vantz turned off the TV. “Caide, I hate asking this, and maybe my eyes are fucking with me, but is it me, or did that composite picture look kinda like you?” Vantz cautiously asked.

  “What the hell is going on?” Caiden asked as he sat on the edge of his bed.

  “Caide, I know this is crazy of me to ask you, and I really feel like an asshole for having to ask this, but please, please tell me that wasn’t you. You didn’t do this right?” Vantz asked nervously.

  “Vantz, are you fucking serious? Why in the world would I, of all people, do something like that? You know me way better than that,” Caiden said.

  “Phew! Okay, this is good. I know. I’m sorry dude, but I had to ask just to be sure. So if you didn’t do this, then who?”

  “I dunno man! One thing is for sure; I didn’t do this! But I’m gonna find out who did,” Caiden said with conviction.

  “How?” Vantz asked.

  “How else?” Caiden said suggestively.

  “Wait! No, dude. You’re gonna hack the feds? Isn’t that just a little too dangerous!? Like, they can lock you up for life! You know that, right?” Vantz asked.

  “Then I guess I have seven more lives to go, then,” Caiden replied.

  “Man, you’re nuts!’ Vantz said.


  ---usr/systems/server-x/DANGEROUS TREK HOME---

  By the time the White Knight had regained control of his limbs, Caiden was long gone. Still alive, still kickin’, Caiden thought to himself. The rain continued to pound the pavement. His insurmountable exhaustion left him clinging to the last threads of his consciousness as he struggled to move forward. Limping down the busy street, he checked his surroundings to ensure he wasn’t being followed. He waved down an oncoming taxi and slowly climbed inside while he hunched over, tenderly holding his torso. I feel like my guts are gonna spill out, he thought.

  “Where ya headed?” the cabbie asked.

  “BlackLight District,” Caiden replied.

  “Sure thing, ma friend” the cabbie said as he turned around briefly to look in the backseat.

  “Holy shit! What the hell happened to you?” the cab driver asked.

  “Typical day,” Caiden sarcastically replied.

  Caiden began to think about Yvora. It was the first time in his life he could remember losing someone close to him. Even worse, he had watched her die and was powerless to do anything about it. He felt overwhelmed by guilt and sadness. He wanted to die. He wanted to rid himself of any memory of Yvora. If there was anything to make the pain go away, he wanted it. No, he needed it.

  “Hey, Cabbie. You got any painkillers or something?” Caiden asked.

  “You had yourself a rager, didn’t you?” the cabbie joked. The cab driver was in his mid-twenties. He had high cheek bones, was slender, with a mohawk that leaned to one side. He had monolids and had skin on the lighter side.

  “Whatever, man. Do you have anything?” Caiden asked, losing his patience.

  “Okay, okay. Gimme a break! Sheesh! You’re a lucky man. I just so happen to have a small stash of stuff. That is, if you’re into that sorta thing. You’re not a cop, right?” the cabbie asked.

  “Fucking far from it. Gimme something, man!” Caiden yelled as he grimaced in pain.

  “Man, you need to relax. Work on your people skills. Anyway, I have some Mania powder, some potent stuff there, couple vials of regular mania, some Green Lizard, Red Rage, and some Sky Blue,” the cabbie replied.

  “Which one is the best painkiller, man?” Caiden asked, irritated.

  “Well, the others I mentioned are pretty hardcore, highly addictive stuff that will definitely numb the pain, but you’ll be strung out for sure. But soon, you’re gonna need more of it. Real easy to go through a load of ‘em. Sky Blue is a lot less addictive. It's more for the casual party goers looking for a little something, but not a lot of it,” the cabbie said.

  “Why aren’t you trying to sell me on the more addictive stuff, then?” Caiden pointed out.

  “I’m a dealer with a conscience, I guess you could say,” the cabbie replied.

  “Gimme the Sky Blue, then,” Caiden requested.

  “Okay, man. But you know you’re gonna have to pay for that, right?” Caiden gave him the kind of look that could kill a man.

  “What? You think I can feed my family and pay bills from being a lowly cabbie? You can’t be serious,” he said.

  “How much?” Caiden asked.

  “For you, since you look like shit right now, I’ll give you a whole pack of Sky Blue for half of what I normally charge. Just gimme sixty Creds for it.” The cabbie examined Caiden through rearview mirror. Caiden put his cred Codec up to the cabbie’s codec scanner and the Creds were transferred.

  “Nice doin’ business with ya. Oh, hey! I know I said Sky Blue is the least addictive of the other ones I mentioned, but still, be careful. Sky Blue will have you tweakin’ out, hallucinatin’ and shit, especially for green users like yourself. You look like the type to have never done drugs in your life. You’ll probably find the meaning of the universe on your first try or some shit like that,” the cabbie said. Caiden greedily snatched the packet of ten Sky Blue pills from the cabbie and sunk back into his seat.

  “People skills man, people skills,” the cabbie reiterated. “So, you sure you don’t wanna go to a hospital or somethin’?”

  “I’m sure. Just take me to Darkside, please,” Caiden replied.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, you never told me about going to Darkside, man! Why there of all places?” the cabbie asked.

  “None of your business,” Caiden coldly replied.

  “Shit! Well, alright man, I’m taking the mid-town bridge so we avoid traffic, I don’t wanna keep you any longer than I have to,” the cabbie stated.

  “Gee, thanks, asshole,” Caiden replied.

  The cab driver waved him off. “Name’s Zolaaf, by the way.”


  “Oh, see? You can be polite when you try!” the cabbie said jokingly.

  “Well, Caiden, just sit back and relax.”

  Caiden sunk deeper into the backseat. The ride was smooth, soothing even, so much so that he fell asleep for a few minutes. Darkside was about fifteen minutes away when Caiden was jolted awake by the cab which came to an abrupt stop to prevent rear-ending another driver. As he peered forward, he saw slow moving traffic ahead.

  So much for avoiding traffic, Caiden thought to himself. With nothing else to do, he inspected the cab and began sifting through the displays on his holo-watch. He tried to keep his mind off everything that just happened. From the corner of his eye, he noticed a strange insignia ingrained on the door interior. Thinking nothing of it, he kept tinkering with his holo-watch. He then looked back at the insignia, recognizing it. This belongs to Chimera! Caiden summoned his gunblade from his forearm.

  “Hey, you prick! What the fuck do you have to do with Chimera?” Caiden asked.

  “What? What do you mean?” Zolaaf suspiciously responded.

  “Don’t play dumb with me! What’s your affiliation?” Caiden asked.

  “Alright, okay, okay. I guess you got me. Damn, you really are sharp. They weren’t kiddin’! But instead of worrying about me, you should probably worry about yourself right now,” Zolaaf said.

  Caiden heard a series of car horns, alarms and commotion nearby. With his gunblade still pointed at Zolaaf, he looked out the rear window and saw the White Knight in hot pursuit. He was jumping on car rooftops, heading toward him.

  “Drive! Now!” Caiden commanded.

  “I can’t do that,” Zolaaf said.

  “I swear to you, your brain will be removed from your skull and painted on this dashboard if you do not drive right now!” Caiden yelled.

  Seeing the fire in his eyes, Zolaaf decided not to take any chances. He drove off, with the White Knight trailing behind them. Caid
en kept the gun pointed at Zolaaf’s head. The cab was weaving through traffic, making it difficult for the White Knight to lock in and target the vehicle. A car pulled out in front of the cab, forcing Zolaaf to pound on the brakes. A moment later they felt the thump of someone jumping onto the roof. The White Kight’s bright red energy blade penetrated the roof, missing Zolaaf’s shoulder by mere centimeters.

  “The fuck is he trying to kill me for??” Zolaaf asked in disbelief.

  “Get this car moving, now!” Caiden ordered. Zolaaf pressed on the gas, causing the White Knight to tumble off. As Caiden looked back, he saw the Knight leap on top of a few other moving cars.

  “Hey, shithead! Keep this car steady! If you screw this up, I will die. And if that happens, I’m gonna come back from the dead and kill you myself! Steady the car!” Caiden shouted.

  “What’re you gonna do man?” Zolaaf replied.

  “Shoot this asshole down!” Caiden said with confidence.

  Zolaaf skillfully maneuvered through the heavy traffic. Caiden wound down the window and hung out of the car, aiming at the knight. His NOVO Lenses were working overtime. Judging from the speed and movement of the car as it weaved through the traffic, Caiden surmised that he would have to fire the bullets either left or right of the knight in order for them to even come close. He double checked the contents of his pocket. Good, I have one last EMP charge left. I gotta make it count. I can’t miss at a time like this! The White Knight was not making it any easier by being a moving target. The key was to make sure the EMP charge connected with the Knight. Bullets didn’t bother him because he dodged or deflected them.

  The Knight was three cars behind Caiden and Zolaaf in the right lane, closest to the guardrail on the bridge. Below the railing was a two hundred and twenty-two foot drop into the Kami River. The knight coasted on top of a small car. The goal was to fool the knight into believing that Caiden's aim was off due to the swerving vehicle. Caiden sold the act by shooting wildly on purpose, causing the knight to hesitate. Caiden then, looked at the moving car the knight was on and shot at the tire causing the car to spin uncontrollably. The White Knight maintained his balance and readied himself to jump to the car closest to Caiden.


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