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The Debt: The Complete Series (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)

Page 7

by Kelly Favor

  “Great,” he told her.

  She explained it would be for just her, one double bed would be fine, non-smoking. He clickety clacked away at the computer keyboard and told her that it would cost sixty-eight dollars.

  “That’s fine,” she said, feeling weary, just wanting to get to her room already. She was already imagining a nice hot shower, turn on the TV and fall asleep. Wake up tomorrow with a new attitude.

  She handed over her credit card and waited for her room key.

  The attendant got a strange look on his face after swiping her card. “I’m sorry,” he said, after a long moment. “This card’s been declined, ma’am.”

  Raven couldn’t believe what she was hearing, and yet, she totally knew it was true. “Could you try again?” she asked.

  “Do you perhaps have another card we could use?”

  “Just try it again,” she said dully.

  In the end, he tried two more times. Each time, the card was declined.

  Raven left the motel and walked slowly to her car. She called the credit card’s customer service line. The representative was concise with his delivery of the news.

  “I’m sorry, this account’s been closed, Ms. Hartley.”

  “I didn’t close it,” she said.

  “I’m afraid I’m not able to give you any more information at this time.”

  “Do I owe money? I don’t understand how you could just close my account for no reason. I made all my payments, I’ve never been late even once.”

  “Ms. Hartley, all I can tell you is that the account’s closed and we’re not going to be able to re-open it at this time.”

  Eventually, she got off the phone. She was still sitting in the parking lot, having nowhere else to go.

  She now had no credit card, about thirty dollars in her purse, and not much more in her checking account. How long would it be before they got to that account as well?

  They might even have done it already, but Raven wasn’t sure she cared anymore.

  It’s over, she thought.

  It really is.

  The truth sank in as she sat in the nearly empty parking lot, and she cried, breaking down in tears and sobbing for the first time in a very long time. In a way, the crying felt good, and the release of everything seemed to clear her mind.

  The time had come to make a phone call she’d been dreading. But now that she’d made the decision, it didn’t feel quite as difficult as she’d imagined it would be.

  The other line rang only twice before Max Mendez answered. “Raven Hartley,” he said, as if genuinely glad to hear from her. “How are you?”

  “I think you know the answer,” she said. “Thanks for getting me kicked out of my home, getting me fired from my job, and leaving me broke on the street.”

  “Nothing personal, Raven. Just business.”

  There were a lot of nasty replies to his comment, but Raven knew better than to say any of them. She bit her tongue. “If you say so,” was all she managed.

  “So can I assume from the fact that I’m hearing your voice right now, you’ve finally come around to our way of seeing things?” Max asked.

  “I guess you could say that.”

  “So you’re ready to honor your contract with us.”

  “Yes.” It hurt to say the word, but it was also liberating in a strange way.

  “That’s very good. We can start immediately. The client will be very pleased.”

  “I’m not going to have sex, though,” she said. “That’s not on the table.”

  “What you do with your time is between you and the client, so you’ll have to negotiate that separately. Club Alpha doesn’t concern itself with what you do on your time, as long as the client’s needs are met.”

  “And if he wants sex from me?”

  “Like I said, what goes on specifically is not our concern. It’s between you and the client.”

  “You mean me and Jake Novak.”

  “Miss Hartley, I don’t know who or what you’re talking about. But what I will do is contact our client and get back to you with next steps.”

  She laughed, enjoying the feeling of having maybe ruffled Max Mendez’s feathers a little bit. “I look forward to hearing from you about Jake Novak,” she said, needling him again.

  “That name has absolutely no meaning to me, Miss Hartley. I will be in touch shortly.”

  The line went dead.

  Raven dropped the phone on her lap and started giggling, and then she was laughing, and she kept laughing for a long time.

  Four Seasons. Penthouse suite. Be there in 1 hour.

  That was the text she’d received from Max Mendez, and now Raven was taking the elevator up to the penthouse suite.

  She’d managed to get out of her old clothes and into the new ones in the car without anyone seeing her, although it hadn’t been the most comfortable costume change.

  Raven was now wearing a short black cocktail dress and black high heels, a thong and lacy black bra underneath.

  It was rather strange how quickly she’d adjusted to the role, once she’d made the decision to stop fighting Club Alpha and just give into their demands. Now she was decked out in her slinkiest escort gear, and she had to admit that it felt kind of neat.

  Her old life had been steadily becoming more and more stagnant, and oftentimes over the last few years she’d begun to feel much older than her chronological age indicated she should feel.

  But suddenly she felt her age, felt twenty-one, wild and dangerous. The elevator stopped and let her off on the very top floor of the hotel. Moments later she was knocking on the door of one of the most powerful men alive, and she had no idea what was going to happen next.

  Would he decide that he didn’t want her after all?

  Would he try to talk her into having sex…and what if she didn’t want to say no?

  The door swung open and Jake Novak stood before her wearing a black Armani button-down shirt with the top few buttons undone, revealing his muscular chest. The sleeves were partly rolled up, showing off his sinewy forearms.

  Raven was once again shocked by the power of his physical presence, as if he had a force field around him that radiated sex and animal magnetism.

  “So you decided to show up after all,” he said, looking her over but giving no sign of approval or disapproval at her choice of outfit. He stepped aside and let her enter the enormous suite.

  It was by far the most luxurious room she’d ever been in. The main room was enormous, with a view of the city skyline out the window. In front of the huge picture window was a baby grand piano, and near to that, a little glass table and a few chairs that might have served as a breakfast nook. Surrounding all of that were beautiful wood bookcases filled with ornate books, a full bar, and on the wall near the couch and chairs, a gigantic mounted flat screen television.

  “Wow, this is amazing,” she said, looking around.

  Jake closed the door to the hotel room and gestured for her to sit down. She crossed her legs carefully, a little self-conscious at the way her dress rode up her thighs.

  “Drink?” he asked.

  “Maybe later,” she said.

  “I think you should have one,” he replied, and crossed to the bar where he poured them both vodka tonics. He came back and handed her the drink and then sat down on the black leather chair across from her.

  I’m sitting in Jake Novak’s penthouse suite.

  I am Jake Novak’s escort.

  Her heart started to beat faster and faster, and now she was glad for the drink in her hand, sipping it and noticing the burn in the back of her throat as it went down.

  “What happens now?” she asked him. “I’ve never done this before, obviously.”

  Jake was watching her intently with his brown eyes, and he took a long drink before answering. “What happens now is up to me,” he told her. “You work for me.”

  “I work for Club Alpha.”

  He smiled tightly. “I’m the client, Raven. And remember, after
the way you spoke to me yesterday, I’m doing you a favor. One call to Max and I could make the rest of your life a living hell.”

  “You’re threatening me now?”

  “I’m just telling it like it is. You need to understand that the game has changed. I say how things go, not you. This isn’t an equal partnership. This is a business arrangement.”

  “I won’t have sex with you,” she challenged, meeting his gaze and not wavering.

  He smirked. “I never said anything about sex. Don’t be so presumptuous.”

  “A paid escort usually has sex, doesn’t she?”

  “I don’t know, you’ll have to ask one of them. All I know is that it’s not what I’m paying you for.”

  Strangely, Raven was disappointed in this revelation. She told herself that she wouldn’t have had sex with him anyway, that it was a good thing. But somewhere inside, she wanted him to try and make her do it, needed to know that he wanted her that way.

  That scared her. It scared her a lot, and now she was confused again. Her feelings were tumultuous, out of control. As usual, Jake’s presence completely unnerved her. “Then what are you paying me for?” she said, finally, after gathering her wits.

  Jake stood up and ran a hand through his hair, not quite able to meet her gaze. “The truth is,” he said, “I’m not sure you can do the job.”

  “I can’t tell you if I can do it unless I know what it is.” She held her glass tightly, waiting.

  He finally looked at her. “Apologize,” he said abruptly.


  “Put your drink down and stand up.”

  “I’m not sure—“

  “Just do it, Raven.”

  So she did. She placed her drink on the ornate coffee table and stood up, the beginnings of perspiration on her forehead as she swallowed drily. “What am I apologizing for?”

  He stared coldly at her. “For wasting my time at the party.”

  “I’m sorry I wasted your time.”

  He stepped closer to her. “For showing up to my concert unannounced.”

  “I’m very sorry for that,” she said, her chest tightening.

  He stepped closer yet again, and now he was very close to her indeed. “For calling me a fraud who takes the easy way out.” His jaw twitched as he said it.

  “I’m sorry, I had no right to say that to you.”

  He glared at her, searching her eyes for more. “I don’t think you’re sorry at all,” he said softly.

  “I’ll be whatever you need me to be,” she whispered. And suddenly her nipples were stiffening and she was getting wet.

  She realized that she meant it, that she wanted it to be true at least as much as he did, maybe more.

  “We’ll see about that,” Jake told her, then turned away and sipped his drink, as if needing more distance.

  “When?” she said.

  He turned and faced her again. “When what?”

  “When will we see about that?” she said, purposely being flirtatious, maybe even taunting him.

  His eyes narrowed. “When I say it’s time.”

  “I’m not scared anymore,” she told him. “I’m ready.”

  “Oh, you’re ready?” he said.

  “Yes.” She stared straight at him. She was sick of the game playing, sick of waiting to find out what he wanted from her. She couldn’t stand it anymore.

  He walked slowly to the bar and put his drink down. “Go to the piano,” he said.

  “Okay, fine.” She walked to the piano, and every step, she was aware that Jake Novak was watching her progress. She turned to glance at him.

  “Don’t look at me,” he commanded.

  Out of the corner of her eye, though, she saw that he’d been rolling up his sleeves even further.

  When she got to the piano, he started walking toward her. She could hear his footsteps and even feel him getting nearer. “I want you to put your elbows on the piano, lean over it,” he told her, his voice changed. It was low, throaty, husky with anger or frustration or…maybe it was simply desire.

  “You want me to—“

  “Lean over the piano, Raven. Do it now.”

  Her breath caught in her chest. This was where the line was drawn. So far, she hadn’t truly crossed that line—she hadn’t done anything sexual in exchange for money. But if she did this, she would be changing everything.

  I’ll be a prostitute.

  Prostitutes have sex for money.

  Then what will I be?

  She didn’t know. But she did know that she wanted to do it. She was excited, that was the fact. And in some strange way she couldn’t put words to, she trusted Jake Novak.

  Besides, the decision had already been made when she came to this suite in her sexy little dress.

  Raven took a slow, deep breath, and then she leaned over the piano, putting her elbows on the shiny black surface.

  “Now stick your ass out for me,” he said, and he was even closer. She instinctually turned her head to look at him, wanting to know where he was and what he intended to do to her.

  “I said don’t look at me. Disobey me one more time and so help me, I will kick you out of here and you’ll never get back in.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said urgently. “It was an accident.”

  “I don’t care. Keep your eyes forward. Stay in position, legs straight, elbows on the piano.”

  She did as she was told. The position put some stress on her legs and arms. She was shaking a little, whether from exertion or fear or excitement. It was everything all at once, she realized.

  “Next time, you’ll do what I say when I say it, no questions. Is that understood?”


  Suddenly, she felt his hand connecting with her buttocks, a stinging slap through the thin material of her cocktail dress.

  She inhaled sharply.

  Jake Novak had just spanked her bottom. She resisted the urge to turn her head and look at him again. He was standing directly behind her now, and she could feel his body heat although he wasn’t quite touching her yet.

  “Do you have a problem with what I just did?” he said, his voice harsh and formal.

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Say it again, louder.”

  “No,” she said, her voice raspy with emotion.

  He slapped her ass again, harder this time. It stung, but it also felt…she couldn’t put a name to it. Her mind was racing. None of this had been expected. This was so strange, so completely sideways from anything she’d ever concocted in her wildest fantasies.

  But then he spanked her ass again and she realized the word was actually simple.

  It felt good.

  It felt amazing.

  The pain was short and sharp, and then it quickly faded to a dull burn that radiated heat throughout her backside. But the way she felt when his hand made contact with her body was nothing short of unbelievable.

  She was getting turned on, and she didn’t know if that’s what he wanted or not. But it was happening nonetheless.

  He slapped her right buttock and then her left.

  She could hear his breathing now, as his left hand gripped her bare shoulder, and then with his right hand he paddled her behind with the same consistent force.

  His slaps were rhythmic, pulsating on her ass, and when his hand cupped her ass sometimes, she could feel his fingers inching closer to her pussy.

  Can he tell how wet I am?

  She didn’t know. All she knew was he was spanking her. Jake Novak with his strong arms and his steely grip was spanking her.

  She was naughty.

  Raven felt naughtier by the second. She moaned, an uncontrollable moan that came from deep in her throat.

  He spanked her butt again, gripping it tightly, and she came unexpectedly, her hips flexing. When she came, her moans grew louder, rippling through the quiet of the penthouse suite.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered, as he let go of her and stepped away.

  “I think that’
s enough for tonight,” he said, his voice sounding spent. He walked back to the bar and picked up his drink as Raven stood up straight, pulled down her skirt, tried to find her poise.

  She was afraid to look at him for many different reasons now.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.


  “I’ll order room service.” Jake smiled at her, his eyes a little kinder. And then he was on the hotel phone, ordering what sounded like a feast.

  When he got off the phone he looked at her again. “Why don’t you take a bath and I’ll let you know when its ready.”

  She just stared at him.

  “Go on,” he said. “Enjoy the bathtub, it’s worth the price of admission.”

  Raven sighed, told herself not to think too much, not to question. For now, she should just do as he said. And so she walked into the enormous bedroom and then made her way into the master bath, which literally was astounding.

  She thought it looked like something the King and Queen of England would have been at home using.

  As she closed the door to the bathroom and then started the water running in the deep tub that actually more resembled a small pool, Raven had to admit that she could get used to this kind of life.

  She soaked in the tub for close to twenty minutes, allowing the hot water to soothe her red buttocks. Looking at herself afterward, in the mirror, she could see the redness, and touching it she found it tender.

  But it also kind of turned her on. It reminded her of him—it made her remember the way he’d taken her, the way his hand had felt slapping against her flesh, and then when he’d cupped her buttocks, how it had triggered a powerful orgasm.

  No man had ever touched her like that.

  Raven got dressed again in her same outfit, wishing she had a change of clothes. When she was ready and presentable, she exited the bathroom and found Jake uncovering multiple large trays of food that room service must have brought while she was soaking.

  “Ready to eat?” he asked, glancing up at her.

  “Sure,” she shrugged.

  Am I still on the clock? Is this all part of it?

  She didn’t know what was happening, it was so completely new and surreal.

  “We’ve got filet mignon, duck confit, ahi tuna, mixed greens, sweet potato risotto, and garlic mashed potatoes. I figure one of these things will be to your liking.”


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