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The Debt: The Complete Series (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)

Page 114

by Kelly Favor

  But there was none of that.

  Just Noah and I, standing in the street.

  “Here,” Noah said, pointing to a brick door shaped like a half-circle that blended in with the building. On the bottom of the door, in tiny little stenciled letters were the words FORCE. You could barely see them, they were so small and faded.

  “Wow,” I said sarcastically. “They’ve really spared no expense.”

  The side of Noah’s mouth twisted into a wry smile. He gave me a long, appraising look. I saw a flash of doubt move over his face – it was subtle, and it didn’t last long, but it was definitely there.

  “Noah,” I said, taking his hand and squeezing it. “I want to be here with you more than anything.”

  “Say that after we go inside,” he said.

  He opened the door.

  A long hallway stretched in front of us, the walls painted a dark cranberry color. The floor was black and concrete. There were doors leading off the hallway, but everything was silent. There were no sounds coming from anywhere.

  I swallowed, suddenly nervous. Where were all the people, the sex, the whips and chains and ropes?

  Noah’s hand tightened around mine as he began leading me down the hallway. Lamps hung down from the ceiling, shedding a dim industrial light over everything. The faint smell of must and smoke permeated the air.

  When we reached the end of the hallway, the corridor forked off into three different tunnels – one tunnel was right in front of us, one was to our left, and one was to our right. All of them were lit with the same dim flickering light, the walls painted in a swirling abstract pattern of black and blood red that made me feel dizzy. As we got closer, the sound of something scurrying came out of tunnel to the right. A man in a gimp suit came skittering by, crawling on his hands and knees as he passed by.

  I almost screamed, not because he was in a gimp suit, but because it was so shocking and surprising to have the still, almost eerie quiet broken so suddenly.

  Noah turned and led me down the hallway to the far left, and I was relieved that we weren’t going down the hall the gimp had just come from.

  There were doors off this hall too, and the hall became twistier, branching off into what seemed like a million different directions. Noah took turn after turn, and I had the sensation of being led further underground, almost like the floor was angled downward.

  I wanted to ask him where we were going, where he was taking me, but I forced myself to trust.

  After what seemed like forever, I finally heard the distant sound of music, a slow sensuous rhythm that seemed to reverberate off the walls. In the distance, I could see a clearing, a huge room with voices and a spotlight that seemed to be moving lazily over the crowd.

  As we got closer, one of the doors off the hall opened and a man wearing leather chaps and holding a whip came walking out, followed by a line of girls, their hands shackled together as they walked single file.

  I watched them as they passed – each of them was dressed in a gold loincloth with tiny gold tassels over their nipples and nothing else. Their skin had a translucent look to it, and their bodies glittered under the lights. All of them wore matching gold eye shadow and dark eyeliner.

  I studied their faces as they went by, but their expressions were blank.

  “Where are they going?” I whispered to Noah, afraid that if I talked too loud, I’d be forced to join them.

  Noah glanced over, disinterested, like a line of almost-naked handcuffed women was an every day occurrence. “To the auction,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “They’re getting auctioned off?”

  “Yes.” He looked at me with amusement. “Would you like to join them?”

  I shook my head no quickly, and Noah laughed. “Come on,” he said. “We’re almost there.”

  He pulled me toward the music, and once we were in the main room, I breathed a sigh of relief, happy to be away from the winding corridors that felt like a basement maze.

  There was a built man with a mustache sitting at the front of the open doorway, and he stood up when he saw us. His head was freshly shaved, his arms a sleeve of tattoos. When he saw Noah, he nodded and let him pass into the room.

  It was filled with people, men and women of all shapes and sizes, some of them in costumes or masks, most of them dressed in black. There were scuffed metal tables and folding chairs scattered throughout the room, and the word FORCE was written in huge black letters across the low ceiling. I stayed close to Noah as we pushed through the crowd. The men in the room watched me as we passed, their eyes moving up my body, ogling my breasts, my legs, my ass.

  Noah led me to a row of doors that were lined up across the back of the room.As we went, we passed a beautiful woman spread out on a table.

  She was on top of a man, spread eagle, as he moved his cock in and out of her ass. He held her hands tight behind her, keeping her pinned so she couldn’t move. Another man, muscular and tattooed, had unbuttoned his pants and pulled his cock out, getting ready to enter her pussy. I averted my eyes right before he did, but I could hear the woman’s moan, a guttural mix of pain and pleasure as she was filled by two cocks.

  My heart began pounding again, and the spotlight passed over the room, making me feel slightly dizzy.

  “Can I … I need to sit down, I think,” I said to Noah.

  He nodded and quickened his pace, pulling me through a door at the back of the club. It was quieter back here, and less dungeon-like, with a leather couch pushed up against one wall and a gold wardrobe standing in the corner.

  “Are you okay?” Noah asked.

  “Yes.” I nodded.

  “Here, sit down.” He led me to the couch and I sat down.

  He sat down next to me. “Do you want to leave?”

  I shook my head no. Although now that I was here, I had no idea how I was going to even begin to find Audi James. With all the corridors and hallways and paths, it was going to be impossible. There were people in masks, people in costumes, their faces obscured…it would be hard enough to find someone in this place if no one was wearing masks and you knew exactly where you were going.

  “I want to give you something,” Noah said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box. He handed it to me, his eyes locking on mine, the electricity between us almost palpable. “I wanted to get you something to commemorate this night.”

  I opened the box slowly. A delicate diamond bracelet stared back at me, its stones shimmering in the light. I gasped.

  “Do you like it?” Noah asked, pulling it out of the box and fastening it around my wrist.

  “It’s beautiful,” I breathed. I had never owned something so gorgeous. All the jewelry I had was purchased at Target or cheap accessory stores, the kind of jewelry that turned your skin green and ended up rusting.

  I turned my wrist, staring at the delicate chain that looped the stones together.

  “Not as beautiful as you.” Noah raised my hand to his lips and kissed the back of it softly.

  “Thank you,” I said. “Really, thank you.”

  He tilted my chin toward him. “Look at me,” he said. “Really look at me when I tell you this. I know it’s not easy, being with me. But I want you to know that you coming here with me tonight, it really does mean a lot to me.”

  I nodded. “It means a lot to me, too.” Guilt was blooming in my chest, threatening to take over every other emotion I was feeling. How could I be here, with him, accepting this gift, and not tell him the true reason I wanted to come here?

  I couldn’t.

  If I was willing to trust some stranger on the phone more than I was willing to trust Noah, then I shouldn’t have been here with him.

  And that’s when I decided I wasn’t going to try to find Audi James.

  I was going to be here, completely, to give myself to Noah in whatever way he wanted to take me.

  Noah stood up and walked over to the side of the room. There was a small wooden chest sitting on the floor, and he twirled
the combination lock until it popped open. He took something out of the chest before crossing the room back to me.

  “How did you know the combination?” I asked.

  “This is my room.”

  “Your room?”

  “Yes, Charlotte. The rooms here are private, assigned to different members. You’re not allowed to enter any room without being invited.”

  I nodded, trying not to think about Noah being a member here, trying not to think about all the other women he’d had in this room. Dani and Nora, of course, the two women who’d been killed. He’d met Dani at Force, and Nora had been his fiancé. How many others? Had he come here after work most nights, picked a girl out from the crowd, brought her back here and done what he wanted to her? Had he attended the auction, paid money for one of those beautiful girls with the dead eyes so he could owe her for a night?

  How was I different? Was I even different? And if so, why? It was still hard to wrap my brain around the fact that Noah could have any woman he wanted and yet he chose to be here with me.

  Noah sat back down next to me and set a book down on my lap.

  It was a thin volume, but heavy, and bound in black leather.

  “What is this?” I asked.

  “Open it,” he instructed.

  I opened the book. The first page was a title page, the words written in a swirly calligraphy script, the letters sparkly gold and slightly raised off the page.

  “Contract of Domination/Submission,” it read. “To be entered into between Noah Cutler and Charlotte Holloway.”

  I ran my hand over the words, tracing the loopy C of my name. “Our contract?” I asked.

  “Yes.” Noah took my hand and held it. His touch was warm and comforting. “I had this made the night I met you.”

  I turned and looked at him, our eyes meeting over the page.

  “It outlines very specifically everything I require of you,” he said.

  I flipped through it, reading.

  “…sub agrees that dom will be in charge of her diet…”

  “…sub agrees not to travel on public transportation or put herself in situations deemed unnecessarily dangerous…”

  “…sub shall not socialize with persons that have not been approved by the dom…”

  “…sub shall agree to a minimum of eight hours of sleep per night…”

  “…sub shall be available to the dom at his discretion, whenever he requires…”

  It went on like that, pages and pages of rules and restrictions. I bit my lip, wondering what kind of person voluntarily signed her life over to another person.

  A person in love. A person who wants to make the man she’s with happy. A person who wants to go deep with that person, to experience what it means to trust someone completely, to give themselves over to someone fully, to explore their darkest desires as a couple.

  “Charlotte,” Noah said, as if he could sense my hesitation, “if you’re not ready…”

  “I’m ready,” I said. There was a pen attached to the book by a golden tassel, and I gabbed it and signed my name in big letters.

  Noah took the pen and did the same.

  It was official now.

  I belonged to him.

  Noah shut the book and stood up.

  The vibe in the room had changed, his demeanor shifting from one of romance and concern to one filled with lust and the need to control.

  I had been so focused on reading the contract that I hadn’t taken time to fully take in my surroundings, but now I was beginning to notice other things in the room – there was the gold wardrobe in the corner, the chest and the couch, but there was also what looked like a kneeling bench. It was wooden and worn, with dings and scratches all over it. This wasn’t like the other club we’d been to, with its posh exterior. That had looked like a fancy nightclub, the truth of what it really was hidden deep beneath the surface. Here, at Force, there was no question as to what people came for.

  Noah shucked off the black sweater he was wearing, exposing his flat abs and chiseled shoulders. He looked at me sitting there on the couch, his eyes blazing.

  “Kneel,” he commanded, his voice low and guttural.

  I got down on my knees.

  “No.” He shook his head and pointed to the bench.

  I started to stand up, but he stopped me again.

  “No,” he said. “Crawl.”

  I crawled over to the bench. The bench was hardwood, with no plush covering, and my knees screamed in protest as I crawled on top of it, kneeling and bent over, my ass in the air.

  Noah leaned down and pulled up the back of my dress, so that my backside was exposed to him. The tiny thong I was wearing would offer no protection.

  He crossed in front of me to the gold wardrobe. He reached inside and pulled out what looked like a paddle. He stood behind me and ran the paddle over my bare ass.

  The wood was smooth and hard against my skin and I felt my pussy start to get wet.

  “Charlotte,” he said. “Do you understand how important trust is in the sub/dom relationship?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  He pulled the paddle back and slapped it against my ass. A burning sensation ripped through my skin, more painful than anything he’d done to me in the past.

  I bit my lip to keep from crying out as my pussy got wetter.

  “You like that, don’t you?” Noah demanded.

  “Yes,” I moaned. His fingers reached down and slid into my pussy.

  “You’re getting wet already, aren’t you, Charlotte?”

  “Yes,” I moaned. “Yes, I am.”

  “You were very argumentative today, Charlotte. You like when I punish you for that, don’t you?”


  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, I like when you punish me.”

  The paddle slapped against my ass again, pain and pleasure vibrating through my body in waves.




  Three more strokes of the paddle hit my ass, each one harder than the last. Noah slid another finger inside of me, spreading me around him.

  “God, you are wet,” he said.

  I forced myself to stay still, enjoying the feel of his fingers moving in and out of me, faster and faster. I tried to stay quiet, but I couldn’t. It felt too good, the paddle on my ass while he finger fucked me. A soft moan escaped my lips.

  “I want to come,” I pleaded, hearing the desperation lacing through my voice. I couldn’t believe I was going to come already. I’d been turned on even before he’d made me kneel, even before he’d started spanking me. I’d been turned on by him owning me, by signing that contract, by knowing he had control over every part of me.

  “No,” he said, and pulled completely away.

  I looked over my shoulder, trying to see where he was, where he was going, but he grabbed the back of my head, turned it away from him so that I was facing back toward the wall.

  I heard his footsteps moving across the concrete floor, followed by the flick of the light switch. The room plunged into darkness, and panic rose in my chest. For a moment, all I could hear was the sound of my own heavy breathing, my own blood pumping through my veins.

  But now that the light was off, the sounds coming from the main room began to seem somehow amplified. The moans of the women. The whooshing sounds of whips cutting through the air. The clink of chins. The jeering of the men. And the music, soft, but with such a strong beat I could feel it reverberating in my chest.

  After a moment, I felt Noah’s hands on my hips, pulling me roughly back toward him. And then, with no warning, I felt the head of his cock plunging into my pussy. I groaned as he began fucking me, hard and fast, without any warm up. I couldn’t see anything, could just feel the hard bench beneath my knees, the feel of Noah’s cock inside of me.

  His hands held onto my ass as he fucked me, in and out, harder and faster.

  After a moment, he reached down and pulled me off the bench, shoving
me onto the floor. His hand found the back of my neck, pushed me down so that my cheek was pressed against the hard concrete floor. I could feel the grit of dirt against the side of my face. Noah’s hand was tight on my neck, his fingers wrapped around me, almost grabbing at my throat as he fucked me.

  I could feel his balls slapping against my bare pussy. He hadn’t even taken his pants off, had just pulled his cock out, and I could feel the cool metal of his belt buckle pushing against me with every stroke.

  One of his hands was still wrapped around my throat, and the other was on one of my ass cheeks, spreading me open with each thrust. He’d abandoned the paddle and now he was using his hand, spanking me hard every time he slid into me.

  Finally, he stopped spanking me and leaned down so that his full weight was on my body. He used his hand to pull my hair, yanking my head back so that his mouth was right against mine.

  “Do you know what happens when you don’t trust me, Charlotte?” he growled.

  “I get punished,” I whimpered. His finger slipped into my mouth and I sucked it hungrily.

  “Yes,” he said. “You get punished.” He reached down and pulled at the front of my dress, yanking it down so he could get at my tits. I heard the ripping of the fabric as he pulled on it, tearing it off of me. His fingers grabbed my nipple and squeezed so hard I yelped.

  I was going to have bruises all over my body tomorrow, and the thought of it excited me. I pushed back against him, but he held me still.

  “No,” he said. “Stop.”

  He stayed completely still for a moment, his hand tightening around my throat until my breath came in short gasps. That, coupled with the darkness of the room, made me have a slight moment of panic, but just when it was about to be too much, he pulled his hand away and continued his assault.

  He fucked me even harder and faster than before.

  “I’m going to come inside you now,” he said. “Beg me.”

  “Please,” I said. “Please, come inside me. I want to feel it.”

  “Come on my dick, baby,” he said. “Come on me.”

  The words sent spasms of pleasure through my pussy, and I came hard and fast. A second later, I felt him erupt, his seed shooting inside of me and warming my center.


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