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Marooned on Eden

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by Robert L. Forward; Martha Dodson Forward

  Shirley Everett—Chief engineer and pilot. Height: 190 cm (6'3"). Weight: 85 kg (185 lbs). Effective Age: 48 years. Shirley is the epitome of a tall, strong, tanned, blue-eyed, blond-haired "California Surfer Girl." At USC, she obtained a B.S. in electrical engineering with minors in nuclear engineering and mechanical engineering. She played on both women's and men's basketball teams in college, and became the third woman to play on a men's professional basketball team, but gave up her pro-basketball career as a second-string forward for the Los Angeles Lakers to return to USC to get an Engineering Doctorate. After learning to fly, she went to work for the company that designed and built the aerospace planes used on the Expedition. With her eidetic memory, Shirley knows everything about the spacecraft they fly, except details of the computer software programs, where David Greystoke takes over. She can fix anything, not with the proverbial hairpin—she is too well trained and equipped for that—but could if she had to.

  Cinnamon Byrd—Levichthyhusbandry specialist, medic, and pilot. Height: 172 cm (5'8"). Weight: 53 kg (117 lb). Effective Age: 43 years. Tall and skinny, Cinnamon wears her long straight black hair in two low braids to cover her large ears. Cinnamon was born in Alaska to an Eskimo woman and her outback doctor husband, altruistic scion of a prominent East Coast family. By 16, Cinnamon had become both a pilot and an emergency medical technician in order to help her father during emergencies. She studied oceanic fish-farming (ichthyhusbandry) at the University of Alaska. Through the International Space University, she did graduate work in levichthyhusbandry at Goddard Station, where she met Nels Larson and proved to be invaluable to him. She was brought along on the Expedition largely at Nels's request, although it helped that she aced the GNASA piloting tests and qualified as a back-up pilot for both the rocket landers and the aerospace planes.

  Richard Redwing—Planetary geoscientist. Height: 195 cm (6'4"). Weight: 110 kg (225 lbs). Effective Age: 49 years. Richard is a very large, very strong outdoorsman of American Indian heritage. He was a college champion weight lifter and won a gold medal in the 2012 Olympics. He earned his B.S. in geophysics in 2014 and started work for a mining company in the Alps. He was also a part-time mountain-climbing guide who distinguished himself in a mountain rescue that cost him his two little toes. He grew tired of the lack of mental challenge and returned to school to get his Ph.D. in planetary physics and geophysics. He did his post-doctoral field training on the Moon and Mars, participated in the Ceres and Vesta expeditions, and was part of Callisto field crew when he was accepted for the Barnard Star Expedition.

  Carmen Cortez—Communications engineer. Height: 165 cm (5'5"). Weight: 80 kg (176 lbs). Effective Age: 43 years. Carmen is a chunky, very feminine Spanish seÒorita, with black, nearly-afro, curly hair. She always wears makeup and a tightly tailored uniform. She went to the University of Guadalajara in 2015, and became president of the College Radio Amateur Club. She was in charge of the generator-powered base station during a radio field day, when the 9.1 magnitude earthquake struck Salamanca, Mexico in 2018. For 48 hours she ran the only operational emergency communication services in West Central Mexico. She obtained her B.S. in Engineering from the University of Guadalajara in 2019, then a Doctor of Electrical Engineering magna cum laude from University of California, San Diego in 2022. She applied for the Barnard Star Expedition upon graduation and was placed on the back-up list. She was in training on Titan for the Alpha Centauri Expedition when she was activated for the mission at the last minute in order to replace a primary crew member who had to return to Earth for health reasons.

  Arielle Trudeau—Aerodynamicist and aerospaceplane pilot. Height: 165 cm (5'5"). Weight: 50 kg (110 lbs). Effective Age: 50 years. Arielle is thin, delicate, beautiful, shy, and fair-skinned, with short, curly light-brown hair and deep-brown eyes. She was born and raised in Quebec, Canada before the secession of Quebec from Canada. She emigrated to the United States and became an American citizen after the absorption of the rest of the Canadian provinces into the Greater United States of America in 2006. Her father taught her how to fly at an early age and she has hundreds of hours experience in a glider. She obtained a Ph.D. in aerodynamics at CalTech and entered the space program as a non-pilot mission specialist. On her first flight into space, there was a cockpit explosion that killed both Super-Shuttle pilots. Single-handed, encumbered by a spacesuit, she brought the crippled Super-Shuttle safely down in the smoothest landing ever recorded in the shuttle program. Arielle was given special dispensation to take Super-Shuttle pilot training after public acclaim, later became one of the best shuttle pilots. She was training for lunar pilot status when the Barnard Star Expedition let her travel to the stars.

  John Kennedy—Engineer and nurse. Height: 183 cm (6'0"). Weight: 80 kg (176 lb). Effective Age: 47 years. John bears a striking resemblance to his distant relative. He tried the premed curriculum at USC, but gave it up when he didn't get a high enough score on the MSATs, and went on to get a Ph.D in electromechanical engineering. He didn't feel satisfied working solely on machines and went back to get his R.N. His strange mix of talents just fit a slot on the Expedition.

  Nels Larson—Leviponics specialist. Height: 178 cm (5'10"). Weight: 75 kg (165 lb). Effective Age: 48 years. Nels has very muscular arms, a barrel torso, and a large handsome head with a strong jaw, light-blue eyes, and long yellow-white hair that he combs straight back. When Nels was born with flipper-like feet in place of legs, his parents quit their jobs on Earth and moved to Goddard Station where Nels grew up. He took college courses by video and apprenticed in levibotany and levihusbandry at the Leviponics Research Facility on Goddard. He initiated the famous Larson chicken breast tissue culture ("Chicken Little" to most astronauts) and many new strains of algae with various exotic flavors. Nels's initial primary duties were on Prometheus, where, with its near free-fall environment, legs were more of a handicap than a help. While on Rocheworld, Nels was instructed by the flouwen on a method for regeneration of limbs in advanced species. Using this knowledge, Nels built a custom-made hydroponics "bed" where he grew himself a new pair of legs.

  David Greystoke—Electronics and computer engineer. Height: 158 cm (5'2"). Weight: 50 kg (110 lbs). Effective Age: 50 years. David is short, thin, and red-haired, but quiet and calm in temperament. He has perfect pitch and perfect color sense, and can see color differences in the flouwen that others cannot see. An undergraduate at the prestigious liberal arts college at Grinnell, Iowa, he went on to Carnegie-Mellon University for a Ph.D. in robotics and computer programming, with a minor in music. He wrote most of the programs used on the computers operating the various vehicles. David's hobby is creating computer generated animated art-music forms and laser light shows.

  Sailcraft Crew

  The backup crew in space, on Prometheus, consist of:

  Colonel George G. Gudunov—Second-in-Command of Barnard Star Expedition, commander of the sailcraft Prometheus. Height: 185 cm (6'1"). Weight: 100 kg (220 lbs). Effective Age: 66 years. George is the oldest person on the mission. He obtained an Air Force ROTC commission from University of Maryland and was first in his class in flight school. His first assignment was with the Space Command Laser Forts project. When a twenty-three-year-old Captain, he suggested testing the laser fort system by using them to send interstellar probes to the nearest star systems. When a number of space laser forts suffered catastrophic failure under this two day test, he was commended by Congress for exposing the problems, but the military brass never forgave him. When the positive reports from the Barnard probe came in twenty-four years later, he had only just made Lieutenant Colonel. Despite his age, he was promoted to Colonel and allowed to go on the Expedition.

  Katrina Kauffmann—Nurse and biochemist. Height: 150 cm (4'11"). Weight: 45 kg (99 lbs). Effective Age: 55 years. Katrina is a small, compact, efficient no-nonsense scientist with a short cap of straight brown hair. Trained in Europe, she had started out in a nursing school, but after getting her R.N. she found she liked working more on scientific problems than wo
rking with sick people, so switched professions. She received a Diploma in Biophysics at the University of Frankfurt a.M., Germany in 2010, and went on to get a Ph.D. in Biochemistry. She came to the Greater United States on a post-doctoral fellowship and stayed until picked for the mission.

  Captain Thomas St. Thomas—Astrodynamicist and lander pilot. Height: 188 cm (6'2"). Weight: 85 kg (187 lbs). Effective Age: 48 years. Thomas is good looking and clean shaven, with Air Force trim short black hair, and a light-brown skin from a Jamaican heritage. After graduation from the U.S. Air Force Academy, he became a Rhodes scholar in 2014, and obtained his Ph.D. in astrodynamics at Oxford in England. On return, he went into Air Force pilot training and became a heavy-lift rocket pilot in 2019. He had over five years of experience raising and lowering the heavy, cumbersome rockets in Earth's gravity before joining the Barnard Star Expedition. He is also an amateur photographer who takes strikingly artistic photographs of the exotic locales visited by the Expedition.

  Caroline Tanaka—Fiber-optics engineer and astronomer. Height: 165 cm (5'5"). Weight: 60 kg (132 lb). Effective Age: 48 years. Caroline has long dark-brown hair, brown eyes, and light-brown skin from a mixed Hawaiian heritage. Although moderately good-looking, she is an intense, hard-working engineer who pays no attention to her looks. Caroline did all the design, fabrication (with the help of the Christmas Bush), installation, and check-out of a laser communicator that was left behind for use by the flouwen on Rocheworld after the humans had departed their world. The flouwen use the laser to communicate with the Expedition crew on the lightcraft Prometheus, as well as human scientists back in the solar system.

  Captain Anthony "Tony" Roma—Lightsail and aerospace plane pilot. Height: 168 cm (5'6"). Weight: 70 kg (155 lb). Effective Age: 45 years. Tony is small and very handsome, with a dark complexion, dark eyes, dark wavy hair, and a neat mustache. He was a cadet in the first class at the Space Force Academy and went directly from aircraft pilot school into lightsail pilot training. When picked for the mission, he was on assignment as a pilot in General Virginia Jones's Space Marines Interceptor Fleet, where he invented a number of new lightsail maneuvers.

  Elizabeth "Red" Vengeance—Asteroidologist and lander pilot. Height: 178 cm (5'10"). Weight: 70 kg (154 lbs). Effective Age: 53 years. Red is tall and thin, with an aristocratic nose, a short, straight cap of red hair, green eyes, and the typical redhead complexion with freckles resulting from an Irish heritage. She has over 150 hours of credits in mining and mineralogy from University of Arizona but no degree. Elizabeth was one of the first independent prospectors in the asteroid belt. She struck it rich, became a billionaire, and then realized that there were more interesting things to do than loafing for the rest of her life. Her extensive space experience as an asteroid prospector and heavy-lift asteroid-tug operator got her selected for the Barnard Star Expedition.

  Sam Houston—Planetary geoscientist. Height: 200 cm (6'7"). Weight: 80 kg (176 lbs). Effective Age: 60 years. Sam is very tall and very thin, with pale face and skin, long bones with knobby joints, gray-blue eyes, and long graying hair. He does not have a doctorate, but instead has years of experience in the field. He started field exploration in 2003 on the Canadian shield with Exxon. By the next decade, he had worked on all the continents, both poles, and the continental shelves of five of the seven seas. One of the first full-time geologists on the Moon, he spent 2015 making a preliminary geological map of the backside, then spent two years on Mars with the first Mars colony. He was the lead geologist on the 2018 "Big-Four" asteroid mapping expedition, and his experiences on Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, and Juno, followed by two moons of Jupiter—Ganymede and Callisto—made him an obvious choice for the Barnard Star Expedition.

  Linda Regan—Solar astrophysicist. Height: 155 cm (5'1"). Weight: 55 kg (121 lb). Effective Age: 46 years. Linda is a short, stocky, bouncy "cheerleader" type, with sparkling green eyes, curly brown hair, and lots of energy. She took physics at USC, went on to get a Ph.D. in astronomy at CalTech, and earned her way to a position at the Solar Observatory around Mercury, then onto the Barnard Star Expedition.

  Deirdre O'Connor—Biologist and Levihusbandry specialist. Height: 168 cm (5'6"). Weight: 60 kg (132 lb). Effective Age: 43 years. Pale green eyes and long reddish-brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. Her short ecstatically-happy marriage ended with the IRA murder of her husband, whom no one can replace. Her animal companion is a "woosel," a hitherto unknown weasel-like marsupial with a prehensile tail Deirdre found in the Amazon Basin. When the only known female died in an accident with six rice-grain-sized young hanging from teats in its pouch, Deirdre showed it was possible to deep freeze the young, transport them out of the jungle wilds, and construct an artificial teat that would nourish the embryos until they could cope on their own, saving the species. Now, one of their many great-grandchildren has joined her on this interstellar mission. It was kept as a frozen embryo for forty years while Deirdre and the others were "living" on No-Die, and brought to life to enjoy the care and attention of the savior of its species—and its friend.


  Dr. Robert L. Forward writes science fiction novels and short stories, as well as science fact books and magazine articles. Through his scientific consulting company, Forward Unlimited, he also engages in contracted research on advanced space propulsion and exotic physical phenomena. Dr. Forward obtained his Ph.D. in Gravitational Physics from the University of Maryland. For his thesis he constructed and operated the world's first bar antenna for the detection of gravitational radiation. The antenna is now at the Smithsonian museum.

  For 31 years, from 1956 until 1987, when he left in order to spend more time writing, Dr. Forward worked at the Hughes Aircraft Company Corporate Research Laboratories in Malibu, California in positions of increasing responsibility, culminating with the position of Senior Scientist on the staff to the Director of the Laboratories. During that time he constructed and operated the world's first laser gravitational radiation detector, invented the rotating gravitational mass sensor, published over 65 technical publications, and was awarded 18 patents.

  From 1983 to the present, Dr. Forward has had a series of contracts from the U.S. Air Force and NASA to explore the forefront of physics and engineering in order to find breakthrough concepts in space power and propulsion. He has published journal papers and contract reports on antiproton annihilation propulsion, laser beam and microwave beam interstellar propulsion, negative matter propulsion, space tethers, space warps, and a method for extracting electrical energy from vacuum fluctuations, and was awarded a patent for a Statite: a sunlight-levitated direct-broadcast solar-sail spacecraft that does not orbit the earth, but "hovers" over the North Pole.

  In addition to his professional publications, Dr. Forward has written over 80 popular science articles for publications such as the Encyclopaedia Britannica Yearbook, Omni, New Scientist, Aerospace America, Science Digest, Science 80, Analog, and Galaxy. His most recent science fact books are Future Magic and Mirror Matter: Pioneering Antimatter Physics (with Joel Davis). His science fiction novels are Dragon's Egg and its sequel Starquake, Martian Rainbow, Timemaster, The Flight of the Dragonfly (published by Baen Books in a longer version as Rocheworld), and Camelot 30K. He is presently in the process of writing four sequels to Rocheworld with members of his family. The first sequel, Return To Rocheworld, was written with his daughter, Julie Forward Fuller, while this sequel, Marooned On Eden, was written with his wife, Martha Dodson Forward. The novels are of the "hard" science fiction category, where the science is as accurate as possible.

  Dr. Forward is a Fellow of the British Interplanetary Society and former Editor of the Interstellar Studies issues of its Journal, Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and a member of the American Physical Society, Sigma Xi, Sigma Pi Sigma, National Space Society, the Science Fiction Writers of America, and the Author's Guild.

  Martha Dodson Forward obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the Univ
ersity of South Carolina in 1956 and took graduate courses at UCLA. Her primary literary output consists of letters to a wide circle of family and friends, some of whom save them assiduously with the fond and foolish hope of becoming wealthy from their publication after her demise.


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