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Tormented Love: A Christian Romance (The True Love Series Book 3)

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by Juliette Duncan

  Your friend in Christ,


  Tessa leaned back in her chair and stared at the screen. Strong faith? She wasn’t so sure about that. For Ben’s sake she’d stayed as positive as she could over the past few weeks, but did she really believe God would answer their prayers and bring Jayden back? Margaret would make a better leader, surely. How many years had she prayed faithfully for Harrison to let go of the past and forgive her? Never once had she given up hope, even though she would have liked God to have answered more quickly.

  Tessa began to type a response but picked up the phone instead and dialed Margaret’s number. Margaret answered within three rings.

  “Margaret, Tessa here. Thought I’d call instead of emailing.” Tessa swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’ve got some news…” As she shared about Jayden’s leaving, Tessa struggled to keep her emotions intact and fought to finish the story without breaking down completely. Maybe she should have just replied to Margaret’s email.

  “Tessa, my poor girl, that’s terrible news.” Margaret’s compassionate voice was almost Tessa’s undoing.

  Tessa gripped the receiver and forced herself to stay in control. “I know, Margaret. Ben and I are devastated. Can you please pray? We’d really appreciate your support.”

  “Of course, Tessa. I’ll contact the prayer group right away.”

  Tessa gulped. “Thank you.”

  As soon as Tessa hung up, her phone rang—it was Ben. Unusual for him to call during the day. She grabbed the phone and answered. “Hey Ben, how are you doing?”

  Ben let out a dejected sigh. “Just came back from meeting with Preston.”

  “Any progress?”

  “A little. Kathryn’s split with Luke Emerson, which we kind of guessed. Jayden doesn’t have a visa, so he can only stay in the States for ninety days legally, but Preston thinks that doesn’t mean a thing. Lots of people overstay, sometimes for years. He reckons they’ll just keep moving. Maybe even disappear.”

  “Oh Ben.” Tessa’s heart plummetted. At least there was half a chance of getting Jayden back if they knew where he was, but if he and Kathryn disappeared? Tessa lowered her voice. She didn’t want Harrison or any of the staff listening in. “Has Preston made contact with her?”

  “Not directly, but he’s got her address.”

  “Well, that’s a start. When’s he lodging the child abduction application?”

  “Soon. It’s just about ready, but he doesn’t hold much hope.” Ben’s voice had a resigned ring to it.

  “We need to keep strong, Ben, and keep praying.” Tessa closed her eyes as she held the phone to her ear. If only she was as confident as she sounded.

  “I know, Tess, but it’s so hard.” Ben let out a sad sigh.

  “We’ll get through this, Ben. I know we will.” Please let that be true, God.

  “I love you, Tess.” Ben’s voice caught.

  Tessa squeezed back tears. “I love you too, Ben.”

  After Tessa hung up, she rested her head on her folded arms and let her tears flow. Early afternoon sunshine flooded her office but her body remained cold. Despite her assurances to Ben and pleas to God, despair had begun to creep into her heart. Would Jayden ever return?

  Chapter 3

  Four weeks earlier

  Jayden's chest tightened as the private jet carrying him and Kathryn circled above Miami International Airport. He peered out the window at the sprawling city below. Water and skyscrapers—not so different from the Gold Coast. Just bigger. The sky was awash with streaks of red, pink, and orange as the sun inched itself slowly above the horizon. He shielded his eyes from the sun’s brilliant rays as the plane banked before commencing its descent.

  "Excited?" Kathryn flashed Jayden another of her over-the-top smiles from her leather reclining chair opposite him. During the flight, which had been the coolest flight he’d ever been on, the plane being decked out like a small fancy apartment with leather lounges, flat screen televisions, and full surround sound, Jayden had got the feeling that his mum was trying too hard. There was something fake about her smile, as if she was trying to convince herself and him that she was happy. And she’d hugged him way too much. He was fifteen, for goodness’ sake, not five.

  Jayden nodded. “Yeah. It looks great.” He tried to sound enthusiastic, but truth was, he didn’t know whether to be excited or nervous. Was his decision to leave Dad and Tessa and start a new life with his mum in Florida a good one? She’d promised him so much, but he didn’t really know her anymore. He continued gazing out the window until the plane hit the runway and began taxiing towards the terminal.

  “Well, here we are, Jay!” Kathryn leaned forward and squeezed his knee as she flashed him another one of those smiles. Jayden winced at the nickname she’d given him. Neither Dad, Tessa, nor Neil had ever shortened his name. A lump formed in his throat. They’d probably be out looking for him.

  “Come on Jay, grab your bag and let’s get out of here.” Kathryn stood and adjusted her shirt. She flicked her hair over her shoulder as Jayden pulled his lime-green and black duffle bag out of the storage shelf. Slinging the bag over his shoulder, he followed Kathryn down the stairs. She looked more like a model than a mother in her skinny jeans and tight fitting shirt.

  They whizzed through Passport Control. Arriving by private jet must hold certain privileges. Kathryn led the way to a fancy looking black convertible parked near the terminal. Jayden whistled under his breath as he climbed in and clicked on his seatbelt. Mum really has done all right for herself.

  “Like it?” Kathryn tilted her head, raising one eyebrow as she lowered the roof.

  “Yeah, it’s cool.” Jayden turned his head and held his mother’s gaze. “Is this the car you said I can learn on?”

  “The very one.” Kathryn smiled smugly as she brought the car to life and accelerated towards the freeway.

  The faintest of smiles grew on Jayden’s face. Maybe it was going to be all right after all.

  "You're so quiet, Jay," Kathryn shouted as she looked over her designer sunglasses at him. The wind whipped her hair as she zipped around the slower cars.

  Jayden let out a shaky laugh. “It’s hard to talk over the noise.” But really, he wasn’t sure what to say. He’d like to know if Luke would be there when they arrived. She’d only mentioned him once the whole time they were on the plane, which was kind of strange. Last time he’d seen his mum was at that Pro-Am tournament in Brisbane. The day he’d discovered she’d left Dad for Luke Emerson, the international golfer he’d admired for years. Jayden’s chest heaved at the memory. He’d been so angry that day, and he’d vowed never to see her, or Luke, again. So what was he doing sitting in a car with her now? And what would it be like living in a house with Luke Emerson? Jayden’s heartbeat quickened.

  He had to know if Luke would be there. Jayden swallowed hard and stared ahead, waiting until Kathryn slowed down. When she exited the freeway and entered a residential area, he cleared his throat. "I…I was just wondering who’s going to be there.” He gulped as he waited for the answer.

  Kathryn glanced at him as she turned into a broad tree-lined avenue. Huge mansions stretched into the distance as far as the eye could see, but the streets were empty. “No-one, Jay. It’s just you and me.” Her voice was slightly high-pitched and wobbly.

  Jayden’s head shot around. “You’re not with Luke anymore?”

  "Didn’t I tell you?" Kathryn gave a dismissive wave of her hand and lifted her chin.

  Jayden let out a huge sigh of relief.

  Kathryn opened her mouth as if to say something else, but instead, raised her hand to her cheek. Was she wiping tears from her eyes? He wasn’t sure. She glanced at him and swallowed before she gave him another of her smiles. “We’re going to have such fun together, Jay.”

  Jayden drew in a deep breath as he tried to control the thumping in his chest. Surely Mum didn’t just want me here because Luke’s gone. She wouldn’t do that, would she? He studied her as she co
ntinued talking, a little too fast and a little too upbeat. Maybe she was just nervous.

  "My place is new, and I think you’ll love it, Jay. It’s right on the water and we’ll be able to do so many things together."

  Jayden forced a smile before turning to look out the window. The clear crystal water and sunny blue sky reminded him of Australia and his last outing to the Gold Coast with Dad and Tessa. He hadn’t wanted to go, but Dad had made him. At least he’d got to go jet-skiing.

  The ring of Jayden’s cell phone sounded from his pocket. He pulled it out and sighed. Dad. Again. How many times has he called? Every time the plane had stopped to fuel up, all Dad’s missed calls had popped up, but this one was live. Dad was calling right now. Jayden’s pulse quickened. Should he answer? Every time he thought about the way he’d left, without an explanation and without even saying goodbye, his chest tightened. Jayden shifted in his seat and was tempted to answer, but then the ringing stopped.

  Kathryn peered over. "You know you can block his number so you don't have to be bothered with him calling."

  Jayden stared at the phone for a second and then slipped it back into his pocket. He shrugged. It was too soon to block Dad’s number.

  Kathryn slowed the car and turned into a parking lot with a well-lit sign reading ‘Biscayne Bay Luxury Homes’.

  Jayden’s eyebrows lifted. Fancy. Very fancy. He followed her to the entrance of the luxury condo.

  “Well, here we are, Jay. What do you think?” Kathryn held the door open, her eyes bright and expectant.

  Jayden stepped inside. The house at New Farm was pretty cool, not that he’d ever told Dad and Tessa that, but this was sick. The water was right there, just through the glass doors. Jayden couldn’t hide the excitement in his voice as he walked towards the view. “It’s amazing!”

  “And there’s more, Jay. Let me show you your room.” Kathryn tossed her purse onto the glossy kitchen counter and ran upstairs ahead of him. “Come on.”

  Jayden followed her up, taking the steps two at a time. His bedroom was twice as large as his room back home, and had sliding glass doors opening onto a balcony overlooking the bay. Miami's downtown skyline filled the horizon to the left. The view made Jayden's jaw drop. He dragged himself away and took in the rest of his room. A new computer sat on a glossy white desk; an HD television with surround sound speakers had been fitted onto the wall at the foot of his bed, a collection of CDs was stacked beside his bed and posters of some of his favourite rock bands hung in frames on the wall. But his eyes popped at the shiny, new, Gibson guitar sitting on a stand beside his bed.

  Jayden dropped his duffle bag onto the floor and picked the guitar up. He caressed its smooth finish and ran his hands lightly across the strings. He’d always dreamed of owning a guitar like this, but had never expected to get one.

  "Do you like it, Jay?"

  Jayden lifted his head. Kathryn stood in the doorway. Her eyes glowed and she was fidgeting with her hands. He hesitated, but then put the guitar down and stepped towards her.

  "I love it. I really do.” He gulped and lifted his gaze to meet hers. “Thank you. Mum."

  "You're welcome." Kathryn’s eyes glistened as her face expanded into a warm smile. She took Jayden’s hands. “I’m so glad you like it, Jay.” She led him to the balcony and leaned on the railing, looking out at the expansive bay. “There’s so much to do here, Jay; you can go swimming or jet-skiing whenever you like. Or bike riding or roller blading, whatever you want.” She turned to face him. “You’re going to have a great time here, I just know it.” He tilted his head. Mum’s eyes were so bright, and bluer than he remembered, almost too blue. Maybe she’s done something to them. Before Jayden knew it, tears welled in her eyes and she was drawing him into a big hug. Here we go again. He stood with his arms by his side for a moment, but he inhaled slowly and finally lifted his arms, hugging her back. He owed her that at least for all she’d done for him. She’d better not expect it all the time, though.

  When Kathryn finally let him go, she wiped her face with a tissue and ran her finger under her eye. Black stuff had run onto her cheeks, but she smeared it and made it worse. “I’ll just go and freshen up, Jay, and then we can hang out for a while.”

  As soon as she left, Jayden flopped backwards onto his bed, placing his hands behind his head. He stared up at the ceiling and smiled. If all he had to do was put up with an emotional mother to have all this luxury right at his fingertips, maybe he could forget all about Brisbane and Dad and Tessa.

  Chapter 4

  Early the next morning, Jayden lifted his head slowly from his pillow and rubbed sleep from his eyes. His head spun. Where was he? Crazy dreams about ski slopes, airplanes, and Mum and Dad fighting over him confused his thinking. Jerking up in bed, he flicked on the lamp and then flopped back on his pillow. That’s right. He was in his new bedroom at Mum’s condo, in Miami, Florida. And it was Sunday.

  He lay there for a few moments gathering his thoughts. If he was at home, Dad and Tessa would be making him go to church. Mum probably didn’t go anymore, so that meant he could spend the day exploring.

  Throwing off the covers, Jayden jumped out of bed and opened the shutters. Below, the crystal clear water of the bay shimmered in the early morning sunshine. A number of speed boats were heading out to deeper waters, presumably to fish, leaving a spray of white water behind them, and closer in to shore, stand-up paddle boarders bobbed up and down in the gentle waves as they moved along the shoreline. Early morning joggers and cyclists shared the pathway that weaved along the water’s edge. The Brisbane River had nothing on this, and Jayden couldn’t wait to get down there.

  He turned from the window and padded down the darkened hallway before knocking tentatively on his mum’s door. No response. He knocked again, this time a little louder. She must still be asleep. He’d almost given up when she called out.

  “Come in, Jay.” She sounded sleepy. He must have woken her.

  Jayden drew a breath and pushed the door ajar. Mum was still in bed, struggling to sit up. Her eyes still had black smudges under them, and her hair, normally so shiny and straight, was disheveled and messy.

  "Good morning, Jay." Mum yawned, rubbing her eyes, making the black even more pronounced. She adjusted her pillows. "Awake already? I didn't think you’d be such an early riser, being a teenager and all."

  He stepped a little closer and leaned on the door. "I'm not normally. Must be jet lag."

  "If you're not going back to bed you could check out the beach and use the jet ski. I'll come down in a while. I need to get some more beauty sleep.” She yawned again. “Get yourself some breakfast. There’s plenty of food in the pantry." Mum slid back down and curled up, pulling the sheet around her before giving him a sleepy smile.

  "Okay." Jayden raised an eyebrow. Dad would never let him go out like that on his own. And Dad and Tessa were usually up before him. Most mornings they’d eat breakfast together, not that he really liked sitting at the table with them, but eating on his own? On the first morning? Jayden backed out of the room and shut the door. This was definitely different.

  He wandered down to the kitchen and opened the fridge. His eyes popped. Mum had gone overboard. Did she think he hadn’t eaten for a year or something? Piles of pre-cooked meals, bottles of soda, juice and milk filled every space. Next Jayden opened the pantry. It overflowed with cookies of all shapes and sizes, packets of potato chips, and six different cereals. All unopened.

  He filled his bowl with Chocolate Cheerios before plonking onto the couch and switching on the television. With no-one around to tell him off, he put his feet on the coffee table.

  As he ate, Jayden flicked through the channels, but his eyelids drooped. Maybe the exploration could wait—a little more sleep wouldn’t hurt. As he climbed back into his bed a few minutes later, he pulled out his phone and flipped through the messages. One text message from Neil and several from Dad. His heart grew heavy. The messages from Dad all said the same thing. He and Tessa w
anted to know if he was safe. They loved him and were praying for him to come home. They wanted to know why he’d left. Bindy and Sparky missed him too. Jayden fought back tears as he scrolled through the messages. He’d like to respond, but what would he say? Sorry? That sounded lame, and it certainly wouldn't make up for the hurt he’d caused. He sighed and slipped the phone under his pillow. He’d sleep on it. Tears pricked his eyes as images of Dad and Tessa and Bindy and Sparky drifted through his mind. Maybe he could stay with Mum for just a few days and then go home. But how could he do that? She’d been looking forward to him coming, and had bought all those things... Not only his head, but his heart, hurt. Squeezing his eyes shut, Jayden buried his face in his pillow and forced all those thoughts from his head.

  A little while later, Jayden woke to sunlight streaming in through the glass doors. The condo was completely quiet—Mum must still be sleeping. He took a shower and put on the wet-suit Mum had given him the night before and strolled down to the jetty to check out the jet skis. He couldn’t believe his own mother had a private jetty, let alone two jet skis and a fancy boat. Dad had a small sailboat, but nothing like this.

  The water of Biscayne Bay was warm and blue as Jayden gunned the powerful engine of the burnt orange jet ski and sped away from the wooden jetty. Being in the water, with the sun shining down on him, made him forget about the tears he’d shed earlier. As the wind whipped his hair and brushed his face, he cast any lingering doubts aside. Zooming across the water, he had not a care in the world.


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