Tormented Love: A Christian Romance (The True Love Series Book 3)

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Tormented Love: A Christian Romance (The True Love Series Book 3) Page 14

by Juliette Duncan

  As Elliott drove them to the airport the following morning, Tessa drank in the colours and sights and sounds of the countryside, entrusting them to her memory. She’d never forget this place nor its people. She squeezed Ben’s hand. They’d hardly said a word. Even Elliott was unusually subdued.

  “I’m going to miss you, sis.” Elliott’s eyes misted over as he gave her one last hug.

  “We’re going to miss you, too. Thank you for everything, Elliott.” She smiled into his eyes and sucked in a breath. “Come and visit soon? I know Mum would love to see you.”

  He nodded and waved as they turned and walked toward the Departures area.

  Circling above Brisbane just over twenty-four hours later, Tessa gazed down on her hometown with excitement, although a tinge of sadness sat in her heart. The most difficult part of the trip had been the transit in Los Angeles. Both she and Ben couldn’t help but wonder if Jayden was nearby, but they had no way of knowing. He’d had no communication with Neil or anyone else for months, and so they had no choice but to continue trusting that he was okay.

  Eleanor and Telford met them at the airport, and Tessa once again couldn’t control her emotions and teared up at first sight of her parents. Eleanor hugged her tightly, offering congratulations on her pregnancy. Telford wrapped her in a bear hug and told her how much he’d missed them both.

  After catching up over a light lunch at Bussey’s, Eleanor and Telford delivered them home, promising to come by again in the next day or so once they’d recovered from the flight.

  Stepping inside their house, Tessa’s eyes popped. It was huge. And so white. And so clean.

  Ben slipped his arms around her and nuzzled her neck. “What say we brighten it up?”

  Tessa nodded as she gazed around. “Yes, no more white!”

  Ben laughed and turned her around. “Well, Mrs Williams, this is another beginning.”

  Tessa gazed into Ben’s eyes and lifted her hand to his cheek. “I’m happy to be home, Ben.”

  “So am I, Tess.”

  Her body tingled as he leaned down and kissed her on the lips. She chuckled when he swept her off her feet and carried her upstairs to their bedroom. “You could never have done that before we went to Ecuador!”

  He laughed as he lowered her onto their king-sized bed, but then his expression sobered as he gazed into her eyes. “Tessa, I didn’t think I could love you more than I did on our wedding day, but I do. I love you so much.” He stroked her cheek gently with his fingers. Her heart thumped as he continued. “Thank you for supporting me when I was so miserable, and always believing in me. I wouldn’t have survived without you.” His eyes moistened, causing hers to do the same.

  “Oh Ben. Stop your talking and just kiss me.” She pulled his head down and buried herself in his love.

  The couple who’d rented their home had kept the house and yard in good condition, and Jayden’s bedroom was still untouched and remained just the way he’d left it, a condition of the rental agreement.

  “So much mail.” Tessa sighed as she began checking the pile she’d ignored over the few days since they’d returned. “I certainly didn’t miss this while we were away.”

  “Me either.” Ben pulled up a chair and started sorting through the pile. Tessa chuckled when he began placing the mail into neat stacks. Some things never change.

  “I’ll get that,” Tessa said as the phone rang. She swung into the hall and picked up the receiver. “Hi, Tess,” Fran greeted from the other end. “I’m glad you’re back. Did you enjoy your time away?” Fran’s tone was still so business like, although there was a tinge of warmth to her voice.

  “Very much so.” Tessa smiled as a memory of the village flashed through her mind. “We actually really loved it.” Her heart warmed as she gazed at the assorted handmade gifts now taking pride of place on the display cabinet in the living room.

  “I’m glad you had a good time, Tessa. Just a quick call to touch base and to run something past you.”


  “We’ve been unusually busy, so I’ve hired two more employees.” Fran paused. She was holding something back. Fran cleared her throat. “Harrison’s been doing a fantastic job as manager. You chose the right person to take over while you were away, Tessa. I was actually thinking I’d like to keep him on as manager, at least for a time.”

  Tessa pressed her lips together and tried to steady her breathing. Is Fran actually saying what I think she’s saying? She wants to replace me with Harrison as manager? Didn’t she think I was the best person for the job?

  “However, Harrison can’t manage effectively while also being head surgeon, so if you’d like to return to your old job as surgeon, he could certainly use your help.” Fran paused. “Any thoughts on that, Tessa?”

  Tessa pondered her response before replying. She had to admit she was a little put out, but then, hadn’t she promised God to trust him, regardless? Maybe this had been put before her to test her resolve. She could react badly, make a scene, or just accept the situation gracefully. She didn’t have to be manager. She still had a job she loved, and she should be grateful. Besides, she’d be stopping work shortly anyway. Placing her hand on her tummy, Tessa caressed the baby growing inside her. “I think that’s a fine decision, Fran. Harrison has great skills, and I’ll look forward to getting my gloves back on. Oh, and also, I’m pregnant.”

  Fran remained silent for a few seconds before congratulating her. “I guess it was the right decision then.” She let out a small laugh.

  “Tess, Tess! Come quickly!” Ben called from the kitchen.

  “I’ve got to go, Fran. Talk soon.” Tessa hung up and ran to the kitchen

  Ben held up an envelope. His eyes were brimming. “It’s from Jayden. He wrote us a letter.”

  Tessa’s heart pounded as she took the envelope and inspected it. “It’s dated two weeks ago. And he’s way up north. How did he get there?”

  “He explains it all in the letter. I’ve quickly scanned it. He’s okay. He’s found a job and is staying in his own place, but he’s also looking after Kathryn. He says he can’t leave her right now for some reason. I don’t know why, but I have the feeling he’s not happy with her anymore.”

  Tessa sat down and quickly read through Jayden’s entire letter for herself, wiping tears from her eyes as she read. She lifted her eyes to Ben’s and smiled though her tears. “I believe this means he’ll be coming home sometime soon.”

  “I think you’re right, Tess. I really do.”

  Ben, Tessa and Jayden’s story concludes in…


  Thank you for reading TORMENTED LOVE. I hope you enjoyed it. Ben, Tessa and Jayden’s story continues in TRIUMPHANT LOVE. Some surprises will be in store for all three, so make sure you get your copy!

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  Other Books by Juliette Duncan

  “The True Love Series” Books 1 - 4

  Triumphant Love - Book 4 in “The True Love Series”

  FREE TO READ ON KINDLE UNLIMITED Having received a letter from Jayden after their arrival home from Ecuador, Ben and Tessa had hoped he’d be on his way home soon, but concerns about Jayden’s growing attachment to the young, beautiful Angela Morgan make them wonder if he’ll ever be prepared to leave her and come home to them. They have n
o choice but to pray and wait. Meanwhile, Jayden falls deeper in love. He attaches himself to Angie’s family, who have problems of their own in the form of an unexpected pregnancy. Jayden is amazed at how Angie’s parents handle what could be every parent’s worst nightmare in a loving, caring, non-judgmental way. As Jayden’s sixteenth birthday is celebrated on both of sides of the world, changes are afoot. Jayden has started attending a Bible Study run by Angie’s youth group, and although he’s interested, he needs proof God is real and is determined not to get caught up in any of the emotion. Will he tell her the truth about himself, even if it means he might lose her? Kathryn goes from bad and worse, but Jayden never expected to see her on the headlines of the news. What has his mother done? Although they’d rather Jayden was home, Tessa and Ben make the most of their time alone prior to the birth of their baby, but when Tessa is rushed to hospital and Ben is unable to be contacted, all Tessa can do is pray.

  Here’s what one reader has to say about “Triumphant Love”: Wow! Wow! Wow! What a wonderful book. I could not put down until I finished it. A wonderful story of love for family and God and a family that cares about others and helped Jayden. It really touched my heart and made me cry. The way you showed how Ben and Tessa found ways to help each other and trusted in God to help them was how we should react but don’t always do. The scripture you used just made the story stronger. I can’t wait for the new series coming in 2017 and also to hear more about Harrison and Zoe. I have really loved this series. Bev

  True Love at Christmas

  A stand alone short story, “True Love at Christmas” features Margaret and Harold from “The True Love Series”, and fits between books 2 and 3. This short story is free to read on Amazon.

  Promises of Love

  This book follows on from "True Love at Christmas", but can be read as a stand-alone. When Harrison proposed to Zoe on Christmas Day, she was over the moon and in love, but after Zoe recommits her life to the Lord and has an unexpected confrontation with a face from the past, she’s wondering if the promise she made was too hasty. While she and Harrison visit her parents on their drought stricken property, she struggles with this dilemma, but she also discovers the true state of her parents’ situation and takes it on herself to save the life they’ve always known. As Zoe plans to seek counsel from her dear Grandma, the unthinkable happens, and Zoe finds herself on a frantic race to the city to save Grandma’s life, but it’s Zoe’s ex-boyfriend, Spencer Coleman, not Harrison, who helps facilitate the trip. Zoe and Harrison’s journey to the altar is not certain. She’s made two promises - which one can she keep? Or can she keep both?

  The Shadows Trilogy

  An inspirational romance, a story of passion and love, and of God’s inexplicable desire to free people from pasts that haunt them so they can live a life full of His peace, love and forgiveness, regardless of the circumstances. “Lingering Shadows” is set in England, and follows the story of Lizzy, a headstrong, impulsive young lady from a privileged background, and Daniel, a roguish Irishman who sweeps her off her feet. But can Lizzy leave the shadows of her past behind and give Daniel the love he deserves, and will Daniel find freedom and release in God?

  Secrets and Sacrifice

  The sequel to "The Shadows Trilogy", but can be read as a stand-alone.

  When Grace O’Connor arrives in the Scottish Highlands, she’s hiding a secret and trailing more baggage than she cares to admit. Grace’s sister, Brianna, has a history linked to Grace’s secret. There, amongst the rugged Scottish Highlands and a community of caring, loving Christians, Grace meets the handsome Ryan McGregor, an ex- military Paratrooper with a history of his own. As the secrets of Grace’s past unravel and the sacrifices she’s made are thrown back at her, Grace faces the biggest decision of her life. As everything Grace has believed is turned upside down, she realizes that the walls she’s worked so hard at building have been for no reason whatsoever, and she now needs to discover who she really is.

  Hank and Sarah - A Love Story

  The Prequel to “The Madeleine Richards Series” is a FREE thank you gift for joining my mailing list. You will also be the first to hear about my next books and get exclusive sneak previews.

  The Madeleine Richards Series

  Although the 3 book series is intended mainly for pre-teen/Tweenage girls, it’s been read and enjoyed by people of all ages. Here’s what one reader had to say about it: “Juliette has a fabulous way of bringing her characters to life. Maddy is at typical teenager with authentic views and actions that truly make it feel like you are feeling her pain and angst. You want to enter into her situation and make everything better. Mom and soon to be dad respond to her with love and gentle persuasion while maintaining their faith and trust in Jesus, whom they know, will give them wisdom as they continue on their lives journey. Appropriate for teenage readers but any age can enjoy.” Amazon Reader

  About the Author

  Juliette Duncan is a Christian fiction author, passionate about writing stories that will touch her readers’ hearts and make a difference in their lives. Although a trained school teacher, Juliette spent many years working alongside her husband in their own business, but is now relishing the opportunity to follow her passion for writing stories she herself would love to read. Based in Brisbane, Australia, Juliette and her husband have five adult children, seven grandchildren, and an elderly long haired dachshund.

  Apart from writing, Juliette loves exploring the great world we live in, and has travelled extensively, both within Australia and overseas. She also enjoys social dancing and eating out.

  Juliette’s first published series, “The Madeleine Richards Series”, was written specifically for middle grade girls as she has a real interest in that age group, and she believes the more they can be encouraged to read good, wholesome books the better. Her most recent series, “The True Love Series”, is a Contemporary Christian romance set in her home town/city of Brisbane, Australia.

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