Book Read Free

Hart Attack

Page 22

by Cristin Harber

  The dude jumped up and ran for the door. It slammed behind him.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” A dress? Shit that goes with a dress? What kind of douche did that? As if any of that would impress Beth or not make the guy seem like a gigantic shit.

  She shrugged sheepishly. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize to me.” This was getting ridiculous. Where was Naydenov-the-asshole now? He pictured Naydenov running around the room, hopping from—hopping? The guy was totally hopped up. “What’s his file say about drug use?”

  Her face tightened. Maybe a light was dawning for both of them, causing some of Naydenov’s actions make more sense. A banging on the door stole Roman’s attention. What was up with this day? The banging continued.

  “Beth?” Naydenov’s voice was high-strung and high-pitched.

  “Are you kidding me?” Roman turned to her. “That’s your boy Naydenov?”

  She stared at the door. “I guess…”

  “Sounds off.”

  “Sounds… yeah.”

  More banging. Every plan today had crapped out. Nothing major, but enough deviations that Roman’s overcautious-self hesitated. He put his hand up. “Babe. Stay here for a minute.”

  Gun resting at her side, she moved to the couch and tucked his Glock in an easy-to-reach nook.

  Roman approached the door, finger near his trigger, and opened it a couple of inches, gun and Beth hidden from Naydenov’s beady eyes. “What do you want?”


  “That’s right.” He blocked Naydenov’s entrance. “What’s with banging on the door?”

  Naydenov rubbed his nose with a jittery hand. “I need to see her. Talk to her.” His words ran too quick. Droplets of sweat shone on his well-clipped sideburns, and his forehead glistened.

  Roman scowled. “You been drinking?”

  Naydenov’s bloodshot eyes darted around. “Excuse me?”

  “Are you fucked up?”

  He tried to push around Roman. “Move.”

  “Like hell.”

  The guy used the back of a jittery hand to scratch his nose again. This wasn’t the classy, stick-up-his-ass Gregori Naydenov. This was a dude who’d fallen face first into more coke than he could handle. Naydenov was a coke head? This day was getting more complicated by the minute. Beth should’ve been read into the guy’s drug use. “Stay.”

  Naydenov glared but stayed, shifting. Roman shut the door and turned back to Beth.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “Dude have a nose-candy problem?”

  Her brow furrowed. “Not that I know of. But…”


  “I wouldn’t put it past him.”

  Roman looked at the closed door, thinking about the eyes, the nose, the twitches. Maybe a post-victory snort? “He’s all kinds of hopped up.”

  “You want to bring him in here? See if he’ll give us anything?”

  “Your call, babe. But if he comes in here, high as a fuckin’ kite and running his mouth, I’m gonna shut him down.”

  She bit her lip.

  “Do you have what you need, Beth? Mission objective met?”

  “Yes, and then some.”

  “Then fuck it. Let’s go home. Job’s done. He’s whacked. Something else is going on. I don’t like it, and we can’t figure it out.”

  “I don’t either.” She stood. “Alright.”

  “Alright? We go home?”

  She nodded. “I trust you. You have a bad feeling. I have a bad feeling. Let’s roll.”

  “I’ll deal with Naydenov.”

  She laughed. “I bet you will.”

  But when Roman opened the door, the guy was gone. One less headache to deal with. They could get their own ride back to the US. He pulled out his phone and called Parker, wanting to know every move Naydenov made and needing headshots of each person at the auction. Maybe if she had enough intel for the CIA, they could get her off this asshole’s job and be done with it, even after she got back to the States.

  Roman was watching Beth kick off her shoes when his boy picked up. “Hey, Parker—”

  “Was just calling you,” Parker said. “Boss man’s got something big. Something near your part of the world.”

  “Fine. But tell Jared we need a ride home. Now. This Naydenov guy is on the move with something hot, and we need out.”

  “Okay…” He said something off the phone. “You might need to stay put.”

  “Say again?”

  “Get a hold of Jared,” Parker muttered.

  “Fine. But until I have orders saying otherwise, I’m bringing Beth home. Help me out, man.”

  “Just saying, job might not be as done as you think it is,” Parker said. “But give me a couple hours, and you’ll have a jet waiting for you.”

  “Thanks. Alright.” Roman motioned for Beth to grab her shit. When she was out of earshot, he went back to Parker. “Look, something’s going down here. I don't know who or what, but there are players here. We don’t have backup. She’s been fed a crock from her handler. We are flappin’ in the fuckin’ wind, and I have no idea which way the storm’s coming from. Hell, I don’t even know what kind of storm it is. But it’s here, and I want her safe. Got me?”

  “Reading ya, man. But I’m telling you, you need to talk to Jared.”

  “Fine,” Roman grumbled. “Will do. Can you find out who’s here and everything else that comes with that?”

  “Already on it.”

  Already on it? Roman pinched the bridge of his nose. Shit was a-brewin’. “What else is happening?”

  “Rocco’s better. Nicola’s sick. You need a jet in the Middle East, like now, and Jared and a few of the boys have gone off the grid. Easy part of my day is finding you the closest Titan jet and skipping you two back home. If that’s what happens. So that’s what I know is going on.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “If I knew, I’d say. But something is. I think Boss Man is working something out.”

  “Great. Thanks, dude. Catch ya later.” Roman hung up and rubbed his head. Then went in search of Beth. “Titan’s sending us a ride home.”

  “Good. Anything else?”

  Yeah, but he didn’t know what. “Nic still has the flu. So stay clear.”

  Her lips went flat. “Flu. That sucks.”

  “Something’s working with a Titan job. I’ll probably hit the road soon as we’re wheels down.”

  Beth sighed. “Talking to Evan’s gonna suck. I’ll have to explain ditching Naydenov.” She gnawed on her bottom lip. “But you know what? The guy likes to impress people. If he thinks I’m completely unimpressed with a coke problem—which I am—he’ll spend some time kissing ass.”

  “Maybe.” Roman rubbed his chin. “Give the dude some room. Not joking when I say something’s not right.”

  “Except for today, didn’t Greg almost seem kind of… normal?”

  “Hell no.” Roman shook his head. “No one who does what he does can ever be normal, even if that’s what they want.”

  “You think he wants normal?” Beth asked.


  “Yeah. I get this vibe, this turn-over-a-new-leaf desire from him. Like maybe I stand for something different in life he wants but doesn’t know how to get.”

  “Well, he can go to hell.” That was about all Roman could offer. Naydenov wanted Beth in his life? Along with a normal life? Too fuckin’ bad. Normal didn’t exist. Beth was Roman’s, and that dude didn’t deserve anything with a happy ending. End of story.


  Beth finished packing then watched Roman pace in front of the expansive windows, checking his watch every few steps. She wouldn’t call it nerves, but he was seriously uncomfortable with their lack of intelligence. He’d put the kibosh on asking Evan for more information, then he had reached out to Jared with no response.

  “You okay?”

  He pivoted, a line etched on his forehead and no sign of the swee
t dimple in his chin. “Yeah.”

  “You’re stressed?”

  His eyes narrowed. “Not a chance, sweetheart.” But he resumed pacing. Whatever his concerns, he wasn’t sharing.

  She didn’t like him holding anything back. “I think you are.”

  “Think again.”


  “Beth, not now.”

  She approached, wanting to touch him, to know his concerns. “If not stressed, then what?”

  Fidgeting as though he had energy to burn, he locked eyes with her. “In this room, we’re safe from just about anything. Know that.”

  “Okay.” Though she didn’t know why, she believed him.

  “But there’s a difference from knowing there are eyes watching our entrances, security lining these walls, and monitors that could alert me within a second of anything I don’t like. There are weapons hidden around this room. This hotel. This is my comfort zone. The world doesn’t know that. But I know it. Titan knows it. Now you know it.”

  Confirmation. She was right. This was a covert, albeit unimaginable, safe house of sorts. Titan owned the skyscraper? Sure, why the hell not? “Understood.”


  “But?” she asked.

  “I don’t like what I don’t know, because it puts you in harm’s way.”


  “No.” He shook his head. “You get me. I know you do. And you know that you’ve inched yourself into my world. And now that you’re there, I’m—” He shook his head again, lips flat and brow furrowed. “You can take care of yourself. I get that. But I don’t like it.”

  “You don’t like… it?”

  “The job. CIA playing their games. You in the field, lacking intel.” His glare was deadly cold. “The idea that I have you and could lose you.”

  “You’re not going to lose me, Roman.”

  He turned to the window. “Shit happens.”

  Beth closed the distance and cupped his cheeks in her hands. “I’m not going to lose you. How about that?”

  “Sweetheart, we say all kinds of things. That doesn’t mean we can control the world.”

  She bit her lip, wishing he weren’t struggling with the unknown. Her hands ran down his chest, and God, it was cut perfection. He was worked up over her safety, and her heart tripped over that. Beth’s hands paused on his belt, then before she thought better of it, she began undoing the buckle.

  He stilled. “Whoa! Working now.”

  “Shut up, Roman.”


  “Roman.” She unzipped his pants and released him. “I might not be able to control the world, but I can control this.”

  He shifted, understanding washing over his face, and she dropped to her knees.

  “Beth, honey.” His voice softened.

  He was aroused. The weight of him hardened in her hand, then she took him deep in her mouth, while locking eyes with him. Roman focused on her. Not focused on protecting her, but just her.

  Using her tongue, teeth, and hands, she loved how he reacted. Roman groaned. His lips parted when she teased the thick ridge of his crown, and he swayed when she flicked her tongue over his slit.

  “Hands off, baby,” he whispered.

  Her palms moved to his muscled ass, fingernails digging in when he started to pump.

  Roman found her hair, his fingers threading into it and tugging. “Baby, baby, baby…”

  She loved how he sounded, how he whispered so quietly. She loved making him feel better, loved having him inside her. Really, she just loved him.

  “Beth.” Her name sounded ragged, and he fisted her hair, holding her head in place. She closed her eyes when he came, knowing wherever his thoughts had been before, his mind was calm now.

  “C’mere.” His hands had dropped to her shoulders as he shifted back. “My girl.” As she stood, he adjusted himself, never taking his eyes off her. “You’re good to me.”

  “You’re good to me,” she gave him back.

  “This works. You and me.”

  “I know.”

  He wove his fingers into hers. “I was keyed up.”

  A grin she couldn’t hide blossomed on her face. “But not anymore.”

  He chuckled low, pulling her tightly against him. “But not anymore.”

  “You better now?”

  “Yeah, baby. I am.” He kissed her lips then her forehead.

  A knock sounded from the door.

  He sighed and checked his watch. “Bellboy. Right on time.”

  Roman gave her one long look then took his 9mm and answered the door. The bellboy entered, greeted Roman, and started loading Beth’s bags onto a cart. He completely ignored the gun. Roman snaked his hand around hers and pulled her out the door behind her luggage.

  “What about Greg?” she asked. “Should I drop a note? Say bye?”

  “Screw him.”


  He squeezed her hand. “Tell him you’re banging the help.”

  She would’ve said something, but another bellboy down the hall caught her eye. Roman’s luggage was packed and on a cart. The guy spoke to Roman, and then both sets of luggage, with their accompanying staff members, were headed toward a service elevator. Talk about service. They’d packed Roman… while he was being serviced. Beth cheeks heated.

  Roman looked at her as the elevator doors opened. “What’s up?”

  Lord, she wasn’t telling him that. But then again, why not? She giggled and waited until the doors were closed. It was just them—well, and probably someone watching from a surveillance room—so she went on her toes and whispered in his ear, “Just thinking about taking you in my mouth.”

  He groaned.

  “And how your mouth feels on me.”

  He pulled her closer to him. “Keep going.”

  “And how you make me come.”

  His chin touched the top of her head. “Only me.”

  “No one else does what you do.”

  “Got that right.”

  “No one else can touch my body. Not for the job. Not otherwise.”

  He stilled. Tightened. Then he dipped down to her ear. “Good. Glad you know what I know.”

  The doors opened to the lobby.

  “You ready?” Roman asked, game face immediately back on. “Move your sweet ass, Beth.”

  She turned as they passed the concierge and walked backward. “When you put it like that…”

  “Like what?”

  “All bossy and growly.”

  “Keep going. Get in our ride.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Are you trying to get me all worked up before we get into that car?”

  “The car? No. The jet? Hell, yes. Besides, I think you already are.”

  No kidding. She turned on the balls of her feet and booked it for the car. He didn’t chase. She knew he wouldn’t. It wouldn’t have fit his bodyguard role, but it also upped her anticipation. His rough hands would be all over her soon enough. She got in the waiting sedan and watched Roman stalk out of the hotel. He stopped and pulled out his phone. Looking down at the screen, he raised one finger at her. He put the phone to his ear, spoke briefly, then hung up, and continued toward her. Once Roman slid into the backseat, the driver shut the door.

  “Who was that?” she asked. “Greg come down from his high and ask where we are?”

  “Nope. Worse.” He pulled her under his arm. “Jared wants to talk to you. Know anything about that?”

  Her stomach soured as she wracked her brain. “Am I in trouble for stealing you away for a few days?”

  “Doubt it.” Roman held her close, and he smelled sigh-worthy. “He likes you. The phone cut out, though. Should hear back from him soon.”

  “Yay…” She mocked disinterest. Jared was a badass, and she liked him… when he wasn’t scaring her.

  The driver pulled out of the lot and merged into traffic.

  Still holding her under his arm, Roman stared out the window, distant, until, slowly, he shift
ed. “Would you come to Titan if he offered you a job?”

  She pulled back in surprise. “What? Why would he do that?”

  Roman shrugged. “Why does he want to talk to you?”

  “I don’t know, but it’s not that.” Because that would be insane. She wasn’t looking outside the Agency, and he wasn’t hiring. Well, actually, no one knew what Jared did, but she hadn’t heard whispers about intelligence openings.

  “He stole Nic from the CIA.”

  “Nic willingly went,” Beth pointed out.

  “And you wouldn’t?”

  “The Agency is the only thing I know. It’s how I’ve coped with stuff.”

  “Stuff? Don’t pretend with me. If that’s how you handled your ex—”

  “He wasn’t my ex,” she snipped. “He was my husband. A dead husband, but nothing ex about him.” Her eyes cut to Roman. “That came out wrong.”

  He shrugged.

  She lowered her voice. “Yes, that’s how I handled it. I was lucky they drowned me in work.”

  He rubbed his forehead. “One day, you’ll have to tell me the ground rules about mentioning your past. You don’t have to go on the defensive every time.”

  She cleared her throat, feeling like a bitch. “Back to Jared. He’s not going to offer me a job.”

  “But if he did, would you take it?”


  Surprise marred his chiseled face. “Why not? It’s Titan.”

  And Titan was about as good as it got. “Honestly?”


  Her nerves raced. “Because of you.”

  “Me?” He stared at her as if she’d lost her mind. “Beth, what the hell?”

  “We crossed a line. Whatever this is…” She flipped a hand between them. “This means something to me, whether it should or not. Whether there’s more for us in the future or not. If it ends, fine. But it would make working together miserable. You love your job. I love what I do, sort of. So, no, I couldn’t take a job with Titan. It’d mess too much up.”

  Working his jaw back and forth, Roman stared out the window. “Smart.”

  “Yup.” She watched him. “And practical.”

  He chuckled sarcastically, slowly shaking his head.


  “Ha. All very logical.”

  “You just scoffed at me.”

  Roman nodded. “Yeah, I did.”


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