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Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC

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by J. J. Marstead

  Viper ‘The Brimstone Kings MC’

  J.J. Marstead

  Copyrighted @ J.J. Marstead

  Formatted by: Natasha Banks

  Cover Design by: Natasha Banks

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


  Viper ‘The Brimstone Kings MC’ is a work of fiction.

  All characters, Organizations and events portrayed in this novel are products of the author’s imagination. No part of this story can be used for the person(s) personal use. No re-production of this story is allowed.


  I remember the first time, I ever saw Tammy. She was working at Bare Essentials. I went in like I do, every Friday night to have a beer and chill with the guys after a long day at the shop and see the girls dance and get a little something extra, if you get what I mean.

  But seeing her working behind the bar like she doesn’t know what she’s doing, I was hooked from that day on. I tried my hardest to find out more about her, but the girls weren’t helpful in telling me about her. I think they were a bit jealous of the fact, that I asked about the new girl and didn’t have one of them against the bathroom wall, fucking the shit out of them.

  You fuck them once, and they seem to think that you’re a couple, that you’re theirs and it’s a whole relationship afterward. It’s fucking annoying having a whiney chick on your heels, everywhere you go. I’m captivated by the beauty behind the bar; she flows gracefully as Anne talks to her about the ropes.

  It’s a full house tonight, the girls are dancing and giving head to anyone and everyone who wants, and right now, I could care less. Any other night, I would be all up for it. But now that woman has me under her spell with my stomach in knots. Tonight, that fine woman will be underneath me in my bed, calling out my name over and over again. While I fuck her into next week.

  I finish my now warm fucking beer in one gulp; warm beer tastes like fucking piss. I stand up from the table; Ace gives me a grin as if he knows what the fuck I’m thinking. I need to make my move before any of these fuckers do. I can see Judge and a few of the other guys looking over every now and then, staring at her, and there is no way any of those sons of bitches get to her before I do. I’m calling dibs. She’s mine.

  I take in a deep breath in. I make my way over to the bar and just on cue like she knows I’m coming, her head snaps up. I give her my crook grin, that the lady’s love and she scowls at me. What the fuck? Why in the hell is she giving me that look for? Well, shit this one might be harder to crack. Even when she’s scowling at me, she’s fucking gorgeous.

  I can imagine how her pouty lips will look wrapped around my cock. My jeans are becoming tighter imagining her on her knees, bobbing up and down my dick. Fuck! I shift my erection in my pants, and she catches me, she looks down, and her eyes widen, taking in the sheer size of the tent in my pants. Yup, that’s right baby. Once you jump on this bad boy, you won’t want any other cock to even touch that sweet pussy!

  Jesus Christ, she has no idea the things I can do to her if she lets me.

  I get to the bar, and she busies herself with other customers. She looks my way every once in a while, but she doesn’t come my way. She sends Annie over to me.

  “What’s up, buttercup, you’re looking down,” she snickers at me.

  Annie has been working here for four years, ever since we bought the strip club. The only reason I haven’t touched Annie is because she would cut my fucking balls off. She’s scary as fuck, and she’s a lesbian so, there’s another reason I won’t touch her. Believe me, I’ve tried to coax her to switch sides and let’s just say, that didn’t turn out too fucking well; I got a knee to the balls.

  “Who’s the new girl?” I ask. Annie looks over to the brunette beauty and back to me. She shakes her head and laughs.

  “There’s no chance in hell you’ll get with her. She’s got some high-profile boyfriend. I think a cop or something like that.”

  My body is tight with annoyance because she can’t just give me a simple fucking answer. I didn’t fucking ask if she has a boyfriend. I just want to know her name for fuck sake. It doesn’t matter to me if she has a boyfriend or not because before she even thinks of him, she’ll be in my bed screaming my name out, not his.

  “Annie, I didn’t ask if she had a boyfriend. I want her fucking name,” I growl out in annoyance. Annie huffs and glares at me.

  “Fine, her name is Tammy, happy now? I’m warning you, Dalton, just walk away.”

  Well hell, I might have walked away, but now that sweet Annie has warned me off. I don’t think so. I love a challenge, and that’s what Tammy is now. A sweet challenge that I’m going to win and she’ll be my prize. Annie is the only woman to use my real name. She has earned that right when she stood up for herself and kneed me in the nuts. I can imagine how it would sound coming from Tammy’s sweet lips, ‘Dalton.' I mentally groan, turning my head down Tammy’s way, watching her laugh and flirt with the other guys around the bar.

  “I want Tammy to wait on me. Tell her to get her sweet ass down here.” Annie raises her brow, she’s not used to being told what to do, but right now, fuck if I care. I want Tammy in front of me, taking my drink over and it’ll give me a chance to work my charm on her. Annie gives me a deadly glare before walking over to Tammy.

  I notice a guy chatting it up with Tammy and it boils my ass, knowing he’s talking to her and she won’t even take my drink order. She laughs innocently at something he says, and it takes everything in me, to stay in my seat and not get up and go over there to choke the ever-loving shit out of him. I swear, if he touches her, I can’t promise he’ll be walking out of here uninjured.

  Annie taps Tammy on the shoulder, she turns with a smile on her face, but soon drops it when Annie leans in and whispers in her ear, pointing down the bar towards my way. Her eyes widen, then a frown appears on her face. Well fuck, I’m not that bad. Every woman in this club wants a piece of this beast. Technically, every woman in this club may have had a piece of me already, but that’s not the point, the point is that the main woman on my mind right now is Tammy.

  She throws a small smile at the guy she was chatting with, and he turns my way giving me a glare, if I was a pussy, I would run with my tail between my legs, but guess what? I ain’t fucking

  scared of that little prick. I give him a glare of my own, he fucking turns his head away. Good boy, I wouldn’t want to fucking rough that asshole up for questioning me.

  She walks her tight little ass my way, she stops in front of me. When the scent of her perfume hits my nose, it takes everything in me not to groan and grab her and bring her to me. I take a deep breath and lightly groan. Damn, she smells good.

  “What can I get you?” she asks in a sharp tone. Oh, baby. That’s a loaded question, only if you could give me what I really want right now. I must bite my tongue from saying ‘you on the bar with your legs spread open so I can devour your sweet pussy.' I’m pretty fucking sure she would slap the shit out of me if I said that. Not only would she slap me but I’m fucking positive Annie would jump over the bar
with a baseball bat, and take me out. She’s a fucking crazy bitch when she’s pissed off.

  I lean forward on the bar a little, and she backs away some, and I smirk. Oh, this is going to be fun. She’s nervous, I can tell that much by the way she’s biting her lip and rubbing her hands over her arms like she’s standing naked in front of me.

  “A Budweiser would be great,” I say my voice soft and gentle. I don’t want to freak the shit out of her by pouring my charm on her right off the bat. I cast the line, now I need to wait for her to take the bite so I can reel her in. She nods her head and walks over to the fridge, bending over to grab the bud, and her ass is in plain view for all the assholes at the bar. A growl escapes my lips. The man sitting on the barstool beside me, his eyes widen, and he looks everywhere else but at Tammy, who’s reaching for my beer. That’s right motherfucker, that’s mine. Well, technically she isn’t mine yet, but soon, very soon.

  She twists the cap off and sets the beer down in front of me. I take out a ten and throw it on the counter, she grabs it, walks over to the cash register and gets the change the comes back and she places it in front of me. I give her a genuine smile with takes her back a bit and I push the change towards her. “Keep the change,” the huskiness in my voice surprises me and her eyes brighten a little. She bites her lips, and she nods.

  “Thank you,” her voice soft and sweet. Her voice makes my knees weak. I thought her sharp tone was hot; well, her sweet tone is even more of a fucking turn on. My jaw dropped, and I’m speechless. Annie comes over and snickers at me.

  “You might want to pick your jaw up there, lover boy. It’s not going to happen, she’s too sweet for the likes of you,” hearing those words, I know it’s true but hell if I care at this point. She took the bite on the line and now I’m going to reel her in slowly. I need a taste of her. I want her in my bed no matter, what it takes me and if her little cop boyfriend has anything to say about it. I’ll fucking let him know where to shove it.

  She goes back to serving customers. I’m staring at her like some creep, but hey, I can’t help it. I’m drawn to her for some reason. She doesn’t look like the sweet innocent woman that Annie says she is. I call bullshit to the fullest. She’s probably even wilder than the woman dancing on stage right now.

  When she comes back over to check if I need another, let’s just say I fucked up my chances of having her in my bed for the night. My alpha fucking ego came out when the guy beside me was trying to talk to her. She called me every name in the fucking swear book.

  I know she feels something towards me, but she’s acting like I don’t affect her. I know that’s not true. She squirms while she tries to stand still; she bites her lip nervously when she looks at me, and when her eyes look at me, they dilate like she’s just as horny as I am. I know it’s just a matter of time before she’s in my bed, riding my cock with her screaming out my name in ecstasy.

  Turns out her so-called boyfriend was just a fling, and it was nothing too serious. But that is going to end. If I have anything to do with it.

  Chapter 1

  Ace and Alison’s wedding was perfect. They had the time of their lives, dancing and eating cake. They’ve been through hell, but they made it, they’re stronger than ever now. I envy Ace for what he has with, Alison. It seems like they got they’re happily ever after.

  Now on my end, only if it were that simple. Things were going great at the wedding, but then Tammy was off towards me, all day and night, which doesn’t sit well with me. So, I finally got her alone for a few minutes to see what was up. She’s thrown out that she loves me, but we can’t be together bullshit. I tell you that woman makes me so mad that I can’t see straight, and it makes me want to strangle her. I thought everything was going good for us, and then she comes out and tells me this, at my best friend’s wedding out of all the places, her sister’s wedding too.

  Tammy hasn’t been the same since we lost the baby a few weeks ago, she mentioned that she was going to go to the doctors and see what was happening with all that. I know when I found out she was pregnant, I was over the moon happy. I was going to be a daddy. I know what you must be thinking, what the hell a big bad biker, mean as shit, going to be a daddy. Well, news flash, I’m human. Club business of course, I must be tough as hell, but there’s nothing more that I want, then having Tammy carry my babies.

  Tammy never told anyone she was pregnant. I know it was killing her but she said it was too early to tell everyone, she wanted to wait a week or two. So, I agreed with her. What do you want me to do? Tell her no and tell everyone that we’re going to have a baby? I didn’t want to add any stress on her. So, I kept my mouth shut.

  When she called me crying, telling me that she lost the baby, it was like my whole life came crashing down. How can I feel such a loss about something that I never had a chance to lay eyes on? It killed me inside, knowing that Tammy was hurting even more than me because she was the one carrying our baby. I know that couples argue and disagree, it’s normal, and it's part of life. But you don’t just walk away from your problems. She was depressed and tried her hardest to push me away, but nothing worked, until the night of Ace’s and Alison’s wedding. What she said, it was like taking a knife, and she stabbed me right through the heart.

  We were just outside near the cars, ready to leave and she’s been quiet all night. I was getting nervous about her mood. Wondering what was going on inside that head of hers.

  “Tammy, baby, what’s wrong?” I ask my voice comforting. She’s shaking her head and looks up at me with tears in her eyes. What the hell?

  “I can’t do this anymore, Dalton. We can’t be together. We’re no good together,” her words pierce through my heart.

  “What are you talking about? We’re perfect together.”

  She continues to shake her head, and it’s killing me. What is going on inside that head of hers? Does she really think, I’m going to let her walk away after everything we've been through? That is not happening, no way in hell.

  “Babe, come on. I know things have been rough these last couple of weeks, but we can work on them,” I coax out trying to get her to see that I’m in this, until the end. What she says next kills me even more than losing our precious baby.

  “I’m sorry, Dalton, but I can’t be with you when I cheated on you with another man. I want to be with him, not you.”

  I stand there in front of her stunned, she can’t be telling the truth. Why in the fuck is she saying this to me?

  “You’re shitting me, right?” I laugh nervously, and she looks up. It breaks my heart because she looks so broken that she has steady tears running down her face.

  “I’m not shitting you, Dalton. It’s over!” she wipes the tears away from her eyes, and with that being said, she turns around and leaves with Annie.

  My fists are balled so tight that I feel my tough skin, almost cracking from the pressure. What the hell did she just tell me? She cheated on me, no she couldn’t have. She wouldn’t do that to me, to us. I’m so lost that I don’t even hear anyone talking to me. I wave everyone off and head to my car and get in. It’s a blur all the way home like I’m in some sort of trance. When I get home the place has a few of Tammy’s things lying around. I head right to the fridge.

  The words she told me at the wedding keep replaying in my head. I grab a beer from the fridge, emptying it within three chugs. Then in a fit of rage, I throw the bottle at the wall and tears spring to my eyes. I’m usually not one to fucking cry, but with all the shit that has happened in the last few weeks, it's taking a toll on me. I lost my baby, and now, I lost the love of my life. I scream out in the empty house at the top of my lungs, my screams echoing off the walls. I’ve lost everything I’ve ever cared and loved.

  I chug another three beers, trying to ease the heartache, then I head upstairs to take a shower. My mind wanders to what the fuck happened today. I woke up with Tammy in my arms and everything seemed to be fine, she was a little off but nothing to be unexpected then tonight she gave me t
he boot. Did I fuck up somehow and she didn’t tell me? I want to yell and scream for her to tell me, what the hell I did wrong but she’s not answering any of my calls or texts. I can’t call Alison to see what the fuck is going on because it’s their wedding night. I’m so confused and pissed off right now. I don’t know if I’m coming or going at this point. I feel totally numb. My mind barely working.

  Once I’m done my shower. I get out and wrap a towel around my waist. I brush my teeth. I turn off the light in the bathroom and walk into my room, I throw on a pair of boxers. I turn off the little table light that’s on my side of the bed. When my head hits my pillow, it’s so close the Tammy’s that the sweet scent of her lingers on the pillow; my eyes begin to mist a little. Hey, I might be a biker, but when that woman, who I love with everything in me ends up telling me that she cheated on me and doesn’t want me, but him. My ego took a huge hit for starters, and then she tells me it’s over between us. I can’t help but feel like this is the end of the world for me.

  I bring the pillow close to me, and I wrap my arms around it bringing it to my chest. It takes only a few minutes, and I begin to drift off to sleep. I just hope that tomorrow this all was some kind of fucking nightmare and it never happened.

  Chapter 2

  After leaving Dalton standing there in shock and taking off with Annie, I end up crying my eyes out like a baby. I can’t believe I did that to him. I lied to him, he’s going to hate me now for sure. I lied when I said I cheated on him. Annie knows about what I had planned. We’ve become very close friends since I started working at the club. She’s been there for me more times than I can count. My sister doesn’t even know, what I’ve done tonight and I don’t want her to know till after the honeymoon. I don’t want to ruin their night with my drama.

  If she knew, she would slap the shit right out of me. I know, how she is. Annie understands me even if she doesn’t totally agree, with how I handled it but she understands my decision.


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