Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC

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Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC Page 16

by J. J. Marstead

  “Yes, Dalton, it’s normal, we have a newborn and it’s an adjustment, that’s all. I’ll be better in a day or two.” He nods.

  “I’ll take care of Mia. You go and rest, baby.”

  I walk over to my mother, who has Mia in her arms. I lean over and kiss Mia’s cheek and she smiles at me. For only being two days old, she loves her facial expressions. It’s cute to see.

  I tell everyone that I’ll be back after, I just need my cat nap and everybody chuckles. Dalton helps me upstairs to our room and lays me down on the bed. My eyes close and he kisses my forehead.

  “I love you baby,” he whispers and I mutter it back and before I know it. I’m knocked out solid.

  I don’t have any idea how long I’ve been napping for, but the hurried footsteps of someone coming up the stairs and the bedroom being flung open and the door to hits the wall. I jump up in bed and look around wide-eyed, not sure what to expect. There’s a little pain in my side from moving so fast and I wince. I’m glad that Viper didn’t see because he would be so worried about me. I’m still a little sore from the delivery. I had eight stitches, EIGHT! The doctor said it’s normal. He gave me meds for it but I don’t like taking them because they make me sleepy.

  I see the person standing there is Dalton with a distressed look on his face. “What’s wrong?”

  I start to panic because he doesn’t say anything right off the bat. “What happened?” I ask.

  Dalton sighs heavily and grabs his hair. “Destiny was taken to the hospital for an overdose. She had her new boyfriend over and they were shooting up. Thank God, Jackson was with her parents, but her parents found her passed out.” his voice cracks from emotion. Oh, my God!

  “Oh, My God, is Jackson okay?” I ask and he looks like he’s ready to lose it.

  “I have to go… I have to go, get Jackson,” Dalton whispers and I nod my head. He’s torn on what the hell is going on. Today, was a great day and then boom, this happens.

  “You go. I’ll stay here with Mia. Is everyone still downstairs?” I ask, while Dalton moves around the room, looking for his wallet.

  Dalton’s head snaps up. “Your parents and Ace and your sister are still here. Everyone else went home,” he presses.

  “I hope Destiny is okay,” I murmur. She might not be my favorite person in the world but still she has a son with the man I love. What the hell was she thinking. Heroine on top of it.

  Dalton’s eyes flare with fire. “Destiny needs to get her fucking act together. She’s a mother, she shouldn’t be shooting fucking heroine with her low-life boyfriend,” he snarls.

  Dalton told me a week ago, that he talked to Destiny about me adopting Jackson because she hasn’t shown any motherly traits. She’s always out partying and fucking anything that has a dick. She’s too busy to take care for Jackson, it’s like she can’t be bothered with him.

  Dalton kisses me before he leaves to go get Jackson. I’m sitting down outside with my parents and Alison in shock about what has happened. I’m holding Mia tight to my chest and she whimpers like she knows her older brother is in distress.

  “Don’t worry, Mia. Jackson will be home soon and he’ll be safe,” I whisper, rocking her in my arms.

  Chapter 20

  I can’t fucking believe the phone call I got from Destiny’s parent’s. The ambulance just picked her up. She fucking overdose, at her place with her fucking boyfriend. I’m pissed beyond anything, I’ve ever felt. She’s lucky she didn’t have my son there while she was shooting up. I would take Jackson away so fucking fast, her head would spin.

  After leaving the house I made my way to the hospital. Destiny’s mother told me the name of the hospital and she told me that she’ll have Jackson with them, so I could pick him up. I don’t want him there right now. He might be just a baby but he doesn’t need to be there and end up catching something there.

  Destiny was pissed off at me, that much I know. Did she do it because of me? I told her to stop partying and fucking every Tom dick or Harry that she meets. She hasn’t acted like a mother to Jackson since she left the hospital. So, I did something that I think would work out for both of us, I told her about Tammy adopting Jackson. She blew up in my face about it. She told me there was no fucking way that Tammy was ever going to be his mother. I told her she’s his step-mother and she went haywire, throwing things around in her apartment. She was doing drugs in front of our son for fuck sakes. What did she expect me to do? Be okay with the fact that she’s fucking smoking up or shooting up, whichever she can get her hands on that day.

  -Flash Back-

  I have to pick up my son at Destiny’s. She’s supposed to work tonight at the club so, I told her I’ll keep Jackson over night. Jackson and Mia get along together great. We had them on a blanket beside each other and I swear I saw them holding hands, but when I yelled for Tammy to come check it out, their hands weren’t even together anymore. She thought it was all in my head. I know it wasn’t, I know what I saw.

  When I pull up to Destiny’s apartment. I notice a car parked behind hers and I grit my teeth. It’s probably her boyfriend she’s had for a few weeks now. The fucker is a real piece of work. I don’t like him being around my son but Destiny doesn’t seem to have a problem with him there. I don’t know if she’s doing this to get back at me or what. A few weeks back she told me she wanted us to be together and a family to raise Jackson. I simply told her that I love Tammy and we’re getting married. She had a shit fit. She yelled and screamed and told me that I wouldn’t see Jackson. Let’s just say she got a rude wake-up call when I told her in a deadly voice that she’ll pay if she did that. No one fucks with members of the club.

  When I made it to her apartment to pick Jack up, the first thing I heard was the wails coming from my son in the other room. Destiny was there smoking up, laughing with her man. I shake my head in disgust and slam the front door. Which caused both of them to quiet down and they looked at me. Destiny’s eyes like of a deer. “What the fuck is going on?” I growl out, staring between them both. Destiny fidgets where her ass is parked.

  “You’re here smoking up when Jackson is crying in the next room. Did you even get up and check on him?” I hiss at her.

  She smirks at me. “He’s doing what babies do, Viper.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?” I say, glaring at her.

  “They cry. That’s all they do.” I shake my head; how can she be a mother?

  I leave Destiny and her new beau out there on the couch and walk into the room where my son is on his back, whining. I look in the crib and check to see if he needs a diaper change and indeed he does. After changing him, I pack a bag of clothes and what not that he’ll need for the weekend with me. I walk back out and Destiny and her man are all over each other. I put Jackson in his car seat, and I tie him in.

  “What kind of mother are you?” I look at her and she glares at me.

  “You have no right, it’s none of your business what happens here,” she snarls at me.

  I walk over closer to her and she leans back into the couch with a worried look on her face, good she’s scared. “I have every fucking right to know what is going on here. He’s MY son,” I growl out, grabbing the carrier and I walk out the door with Jackson. I can’t even talk to her when she’s high as a fucking kite. She can’t be reasoned with when she’s like that. There’s no point. She won’t even fucking remember what happened, tomorrow.

  -End of Flashback-

  I park in the hospital parking lot and get out. I walk through the emergency doors and I see Destiny’s parents down the hall. I’ve met them once when I took Jackson back to Destiny’s apartment. They were there visiting. Her mother sees me and she has tears in her eyes. “Oh Dalton, I don’t understand what is going on with her,” she says her voice broken. Her husband looks tired and worried about what’s happening and Jackson’s sleeping soundly in his car seat.

  “You need to get your daughter help, Laura. She’s been on drugs since she’s given birth,” I menti
on and Laura’s eyes widen as she looks at her husband.

  “Oh Henry, what are we going to do?” she says sobbing on her husband’s shoulder. I feel sorry for them. I really do. I don’t want to think of anything like that happening to Jackson or Mia for that matter.

  “Why is she doing this?” Laura asks. Should I tell her why Destiny has been pissed off, more than usual and doing drugs to replace her emptiness?

  I sigh, not sure where to start. “Destiny wanted us to be together but as you know I’m with Tammy and I love her and our little girl. I love Jackson so much but I can’t be with Destiny. I told her this and she flipped out and started doing harder drugs. I told her to get some help and she wouldn’t. She stopped being a mother to Jackson and he needs a mother. I told her I wanted Tammy to adopt Jackson, if she can’t be the mother he needs,” I say softly. I have a feeling Laura is going to be pissed.

  “I’m not upset that you decided on that Dalton. In your shoes, I would have done the same thing. My daughter has problems, I know that now,” she sighs heavily. My eyes go wide in shock, wow. She understands? I didn’t think she would.

  “I thought for sure you would be upset. That you would fight on behalf of Destiny,” I say, baffled that she’s not screaming at me.

  “Dalton, I know my daughter hasn’t done great with her life, throwing it away on drugs. She can’t be the mother little Jackson needs. I just hope that you won’t keep us from seeing Jackson,” she says, her lip trembling with unleashed tears at the corner of her eyes.

  “I would never stop you or Henry from seeing your grandchild. Even though Destiny isn’t fit to be a mom, your still his grandparents.” She nods her head and sniffles as she walks back over to Henry, who holds her and brings her tight against him.

  “We’ll call you later son, to check up on Jackson and let you know what’s happening with Destiny. We’ll try to talk some sense into Destiny soon about Tammy adopting little Jacks. He needs a strong woman in his life and I’m sorry to say but my daughter is far from it,” he says and I nod my head agreeing with him.

  “Thank you,” I mumble through the emotion resting thick on my chest. I feel the air around me shift and the weight lifted off my shoulders. I grab the car seat and walk down the hall, towards the exit. I just want to get home to Tammy and Mia, and bring Jackson home.

  When I get home, Tammy’s on the front porch with a sleeping Mia. I open the car door and get out. I open the back door slowly and take the car seat out. Jackson’s still sleeping. I make my way up the steps towards Tammy, she gives a smile when she see’s a sleeping Jackson. I kiss her forehead. “Hey baby,” I whisper against her forehead.

  She looks up at me when I pull away and gives me a little smile. “How is she?” she asks.

  I sigh, placing the car seat down on the porch and sit on a step. “I don’t know much about how she is. When I got there, they just got her in. I talked to Laura and Henry about what we talked about. Well, what I talked about. You adopting Jackson,” Tammy’s eyes go wide and gasps.

  “Dalton, please tell me you didn’t. Her parents must have been raging mad,” she mutters and I shake my head.

  “No, that’s the thing. They weren’t, they actually agreed with me,” I mention.

  She reaches over, taking my hand in hers. “Really? They weren’t mad about me wanting to adopt Jackson?” she asks in a worried tone.

  “No, baby. They agreed that Destiny isn’t fit to be a mother. I guess, she has some mental problems, that I didn’t know about.” Tammy goes silent for a few minutes.

  “Well, we better get inside. The air is a bit cool tonight, don’t want the babies outside and catch a cold.” Tammy says getting up from the step with Mia and goes in the house. I grab the car seat and head inside.

  30 minutes later…

  I’m standing at the entrance of the living room and Tammy has Jackson and Mia in those swinging swings, fuck, I can’t remember the name of them. They’re both giggling at the faces Tammy’s making at them. It’s cute to see, I know the big bad biker using the word ‘cute’ but that’s exactly, what it is.

  “Who’s a pretty baby,” Tammy’s baby voice repeats over and over, again. I bite my lip from laughing out loud. I don’t want to disturb them. But it's like Tammy knows I’m there, she looks at me from the corner of her eye. “I know you’re standing there, Dalton. And don’t you dare laugh at me,” she snips and I crack out laughing, I’m bending over, slapping my knees with my hands.

  “Oh hush, you,” she hisses. She gets up from the floor and walks over slapping my arm lightly and then kisses me lips. “I’m going to get a bottle ready for them, we’ll feed them, then change them. We can have some time alone after,” she says with a wink. A grin stretches across my face, it’s been two months or more since we’ve had sex and my balls are aching to no end. Blue balls don’t even cover what they are feeling right now. They are so tight, it’s painful.

  A couple minutes later Tammy comes in the living room with a bottle in hand. “Ready to head up and feed them?” she asks with a devilish smirk on her face. I nod my head with my mouth agape. I can’t wait to get her alone. My dick is screaming at me, wanting attention from the dark hair beauty, soon-to-be wife of mine.

  Tammy grabs Mia and heads upstairs. I watch her as she leaves the room, her ass swaying as she walks. I growl low in my throat. Damn, her ass, I could eat pie off it all day and never get bored. Once she’s out of my sight, I lean down and unhook Jackson from the swing, he whines a little, when I pick him up. He loves that swing, he hates being out of it.

  When I get to our bedroom, Tammy’s on the bed breastfeeding our daughter. She holds out the bottle to me for Jackson. I make my way over to the bed and sit down taking the bottle from her hands, then I begin feeding Jackson. Tammy burps Mia and then changes her diaper and she begins softly swaying back and forth slowly, humming in her throat, trying to put Mia asleep. I watch her swaying with our daughter in her hands, and nothing is sexier knowing she’s given me everything in this world, that I never knew I wanted to begin with. She’s hotter than hell, even after giving birth, her luscious breasts are mouth watering. Her curves, her hips wider than before. Fuck, she’s a wet dream. She’s worried about how she looks to me now, but she looks the same to me, nothing has changed on my end. She’s even sexier now because she carried our daughter. Every stretch mark will be cherished and kissed.

  She looks over at me and smiles. “I’m going to put Mia down now. She’s sound asleep. I’ll come in and get Jackson once your finished,” she says and I shake my head ‘no’. She gives me a puzzled look.

  “I’ll bring him in after I change him and get him to sleep.” She nods and heads out of the room across the hall to the baby’s room. Mia and Jackson are both sharing a room. It’s easier right now to have them both in the same room together. They seem to sleep better. The first night Jackson was here for the night, they were in separate rooms and Mia and Jackson weren’t having it. They cried and cried all night long. I was about ready to pull my hair out. But now, with them in the same room, the nights are quiet and they sleep peacefully. Thank, Fuck because I don’t know what I would do if they kept up with all the crying. It’s hard to get any sleep with them like that. Not knowing what the hell is going on, is fucking hard as hell.

  I burp Jackson and change him. I hold him in my arms and he’s out like a light. I walk across the hall and put him in his crib. Tammy tucks Mia in and then does the same to Jackson. I smile because I can’t help it, this is my life now. I’m a dad, soon-to-be husband. If you would’ve told me this six years ago, I probably would have ran for the hills.

  “I’m going to get ready for bed, why don’t you go lock up,” she says kisses my cheek then turns around and leaves the room. I look down at both kids, checking on them. I walk over to the dresser and turn on the baby monitor and leave the room, closing the door over a little. I wince when the door creaks a bit. I stand frozen and listen to see if they’ll wake up crying and I sigh in relief, when
I hear nothing coming from the other side of the door.

  I peak into our bedroom and the bathroom door is closed, Tammy’s getting ready for bed, just thinking of her naked body has me hard. I groan, shifting my cock in my jeans. I march down the stairs and lock the front door, checking outside the window and everything seems fine outside. I head through the house towards the back door in the kitchen. I lock the door and close the blinds. After locking everything up, I head back upstairs ready to pleasure my woman.

  I walk in the room and come short, I stare wide-eyed at a leathered-up Tammy. Holy shit, I almost swallow my tongue. My mouth waters and drops open, I’m sure I’m drooling. “Hey lover, you ready to play?” she purrs and I shallow roughly. Damn, this side of Tammy is new to me and it’s turning me on big time. Seeing the leather hugging her hips and God, holding her breasts that are threatening to spill from the confinements of leather.

  I close the door over a bit and my feet are walking on their own before my brain can even comprehend. “Baby, you're sexy as fuck right now,” I grit out as she turns around rubbing her ass into my crotch. “Fuck,” I hiss. I’m so fucking hard, I want her at my mercy.

  “I was thinking of us playing around a bit, tonight,” she says with an evil grin. Oh crap, what does she have planned?

  I wrap my arms around her, breathing in the scent of her hair. “And what is that?” I ask, kissing her neck. She shivers like she always does, she turns her head and smirks.

  “I want to role play,” she says and I get excited and clap my hands together. Fucking bring it on. I’m ready.

  “Down boy, probably not what you're thinking,” she chuckles at the pout on my face.

  “Well, what do you want to do?” I ask. I’m so horny at this point that I don’t care, just want to have my hands on her.

  “Well, I’ve seen something that I would like to try and see how we both like it. I know you’re a dominant man in nature,” she trails off and I nod because I am, that’s just who I am. Don’t get me wrong, having a strong woman is a major turn on too.


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