Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC

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Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC Page 17

by J. J. Marstead

  “What is it that you want to say, Tammy. Awe, your blushing baby,” I say and she blushes beet red.

  “Well, I want to be the dominant one tonight. I want to be your Mistress.”

  I stare at her not sure what to say. I’ve never let a woman tell me what to do in the bedroom before. I’ve never been a submissive guy, in and out of the bedroom. She’s looking at me with hopeful eyes.

  “You want me to be your slave, your submissive?” I ask, already knowing the answer but I want her to say it, to say the words.

  “I want you to be my submissive,” she murmurs, biting her lip.

  I grin at her and pull her tight against me. I know a dominant man, it’s hard to change. “What would you like me to call you?” I ask and she bites her lip, thinking.

  “Umm, call me Goddess,” she says confident and I’m shocked. I could have sworn she would have said Mistress or something like that. Goddess, she’s a hot leathered one, that’s for sure.

  “I’m all yours,” I say with a grin, with my arms our wide. She smiles and then her smile disappears just as fast.

  “On the bed now, slave,” she says her voice calm and unnerving. Wow, she’s hot when she’s like this. Maybe she’ll spank me afterward. I’m not too sure how I’ll feel about that part, never got my ass spanked by a woman before, besides my mother but that doesn’t count in this situation.

  I sit at the edge of the bed and lean back on my hands, staring at my woman. She amazes me. “Now what, baby,” I say and she glares at me.

  “You will address me as ‘Goddess’, slave,” she hisses. She moves around the bed going to her side and she reaches under the bed for something, when she gets up I notice a crop in her hand and I gulp loudly. Oh shit, where the fuck did she get that from? I’ve never seen that and it sure ain’t fucking mine. I would remember, if I had that shit lying around. Hell, I would’ve used it from time to time, if I would’ve known. Her delicious cheeks red from the crop, gets my dick, pulsing with need. But I’m not in charge tonight, she’s in charge. I’ll do as she asks for tonight.

  “Yes, Goddess,” I murmur through an unsteady breath. Jesus, I’m acting like a teenager ready to shoot my load.

  “Now, remove your shirt,” she says and I start removing it but she tsks me, lightly hitting my leg with the crop. I look up at her and she smirks before going straight face again. “Nice and slow,” she adds firmly and I do as she tells me.

  “Now, your pants, remove them slowly,” she says and I nod my head.

  “Yes Goddess,” I stand up removing my pants nice and slow as she asked. Her breathing picks up a bit when she see’s my cock nice and hard for her.

  She licks her bottom lip and bites it. “Good. That’s a good slave,” she says, rewarding me with a light touch to my head, grabbing my hair lightly, tilting my head to the side, she nips at my pulse, a pleasure of mine that I love, her teeth on me, it shoots right to my balls and I groan, closing my eyes.

  “Sit back down,” she says and I sit.

  “Take off my boots… unzip them with your teeth,” she hisses out and my hand twitches for her ass, but I bite my lip and move in, taking the zipper of her boot with my teeth and slowly pull it down. I repeat the same action to the other boot.

  “Good boy, now I want you to lay me down on the bed gently,” she says and I do what she asks me. I lift her up and lightly lay her down in the middle of the bed. My breathing is rough now because I want nothing more than to fuck her into next week.

  “What do you want me to do next, Goddess?” I ask with my head down, showing her my submissive side. A side I had no fucking idea, I could give but I’ll give her whatever she wants and if she wants this. I’ll do my best to please her.

  “I want you to kiss me, starting here and move your way up,” she says pointing down to her feet.

  “Yes, Goddess,” I say.

  I start kissing her toes and move my way up, she twitches every so often because I know she’s ticklish. I’m driving her wild. I know she’s ready to crack. She groans when my mouth touches her thighs.

  “Fuck, it. It’s been so long, I need you know Dalton. Fuck me,” she growls out grabbing my hair and bringing me up her body and my weight pushes down between her legs and she moans, attacking my lips. Her panties are crotchless, oh fuck. I’m like a possessed man, I line my cock up at her entrance, rubbing my head around and she’s fucking soaked. She licks my lip and she fuels my fire within. I slam myself in and she cries out, then bites my shoulder. I groan loud as I feel her teeth marking me.

  “Fuck,” I snarl and she doesn’t ease up. She’s scratching at my back and I’m done for, she’s in for a hell ’va fucking. “You. Thrust. Like. Thrust. That?” I growl. And she’s melting against me, chanting my name over and over again. My cock hitting her sweet spot and I put my hand in between us and rub her clit, her mouth parts and she moans.

  “Come for me, Goddess. Come around my cock. Choke me with your tight pussy.”

  I can feel her getting tighter with each word, and she throws her head back and screams into her hand as she comes undone. I take her hand away and claim her lips with mine. I groan into her mouth when my climax hits.

  “Yes, give it to me,” she moans.

  “Fuck, Tammy,” I groan jerking inside of her.

  Thank God, she’s on birth control that doesn’t affect her breast milk, because there was no way, I would have been able to stop, to get a condom.

  “That was awesome,” she says breathlessly and I chuckle. I try to catch my breath.

  “Fuck. It was awesome, amazing, hot. Jesus, Tammy,” I say falling beside her on the bed. She giggles, kissing my nose before getting up from the bed and walks to the bathroom.

  I watch her leave, shutting the bathroom door and my cock’s still hard and ready for more. Well, I guess my little Goddess is in for it tonight.

  Chapter 21

  Three weeks later…

  Well, in the past three weeks it has been one crazy whirlwind of craziness. Destiny got out of the hospital two days after she was taken in. She was borderline overdosed to the point of no return. She seemed to smarten up for a few days, but then it seemed like she slipped right back at it. Last night she was supposed to pick Jackson up and she never came to get him. Viper texts her but he hasn’t heard anything back.

  “I’m going to head over to Destiny’s place with Jackson to drop him off. Hopefully, she’s just sleeping,” he says.

  “Alright, I’m going to stay home with Mia. Alison’s supposed to be heading over later with Geri-Ann.” It’s adorable to see, Geri-Ann so protective of Mia. Every time Mia whines Geri-Ann checks on her.

  “I love you,” Dalton says. He leans in and kisses my lips and heads out the door with Jackson in his arms.

  “I love you too,” I say chuckling, shaking my head. He’s supposed to head over to Ace’s after he drops Jackson off. I guess, he needs some guy time.

  Destiny is probably at home all fucked up from all the drinking and what not she did yesterday. I feel sorry for Jackson, to have a mother like that. No one should have to have a parent who cares more for the drink or drugs, then their child. It saddens me deeply that he must go through that growing up.

  About 20 minutes later…

  “Knock, knock,” Alison’s voice sounds through the front door.

  I place Mia in her baby seat and turn on the mobile, her hands wave in the air as she coos at it. I open the front door and a healthier and happier Alison greets me. Well, seems like she’s gotten a good night sleep last night. “Well, don’t you look better than you did three weeks ago,” I mention and she grins at me.

  “Yeah, Geri-Ann finally started sleeping her nights two days ago,” Alison replies.

  “That’s great. Come in,” I say grabbing the diaper bag off her shoulder. She comes in with Geri-Ann in her arms, she giggles when she sees me.

  “Hi Geri-Ann, did you miss auntie?” I ask and she giggles again. “Mia’s in the living room in her chair,” as soon as
the name Mia left my lips you hear Geri-Ann hum a Mia softly and Alison and I stare at each other in wonder. Wow, I’ve never heard Geri-Ann say Mia’s name before.

  “Oh, my God, Tammy she just said ‘Mia’,” Alison says trying to keep a hold on her daughter but she was not having it. Alison leans down and puts Geri-Ann on the floor. Geri-Ann crawls off towards the living room where Mia is. I chuckle seeing her go. It’s cute.

  “You want a coffee or something?” I ask my sister and she nods.

  “Can I have a water,” she replies and I raise a brow.

  She looks at me and shrugs. “What?” she asks.

  “You sick, you don’t want coffee?” she shakes her head.

  “It’s too hot outside for coffee.”

  Okay, yeah, it is hot outside but it could be boiling hot, and if I need coffee. Well, I make some. Oh well, her loss. I’m hooked on the stuff, but not as bad as I was before getting pregnant because it’s not good to have too much caffeine when I was pregnant. So, I did cut down on it.

  “Well, go take a seat in the living room. I’ll bring you a water bottle.” Alison nods and heads towards the living room, I hear Mia and cooing still and Geri-Ann giggling.

  I head to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water for Alison and make my way to the living room. Alison’s sitting on the couch in front of Mia and Geri-Ann. I make my way to the couch and take a seat beside Alison, handing her the bottle of water. She mutters a ‘thank you’ and opens it taking a sip from it.

  I look at Geri-Ann who is standing beside Mia in the seat, she’s holding onto the chair balancing herself. “Alison, she’s going to be walking in no time. Look at how she’s holding herself,” I murmur and Alison whips her head my way and glares at me.

  “Don’t say that. I can’t handle her growing up so fast.” She whines and I can’t help but laugh at her. But truth be told, I’m sure I’ll be the same way.

  My phone pings, reaching over for it on the coffee table. I see there’s new text message. It can’t Alison because she’s with me. It’s either my mother or Dalton.

  That’s all he gives me. I text him back and he just tells me that we need to talk about some stuff when he gets home after from Ace’s. He said he should be home in about two hours or so. He’s helping Ace with something on his bike that he’s having troubles with.

  I have a feeling this has something to do with Destiny.

  Two hours later…

  I hear Viper’s car come in the driveway. Mia is sleeping but I’m going to have to wake her up soon for supper. The front door opens and I get up from the couch and walk into the hall but I stop short when I see Dalton has Jackson in his arms. What?

  “What happened? Destiny wasn’t home?” I ask and Dalton grunts.

  “She was home, but she was drunk out of her mind. I called her parents to let them know but there was no fucking way, I was going to leave Jackson there,” he hisses.

  “Of course, I wouldn’t expect you too.”

  “Can you watch Jackson, while I go for a shower?” he asks.

  “Yes, go. You stink,” I say making a face and Dalton glares at me playfully.

  “You’ll pay for that,” he murmurs. He hands Jackson to me and kisses my lips softly.

  “We’ll talk once I’m done,” he says and heads upstairs.

  I look at Jackson who is staring at me. “Well, Bud, it’s just you and me,” I say and he giggles. “Mia’s sleeping right now, I’ll get you some carrots warmed up for supper, how does that sound?” he coos at me. Mia wakes up two minutes later. So, I warm up some food for them both.

  I’m feeding them both in their high chair, when Dalton comes downstairs.

  “Feel better?” I ask, teasingly.

  “Yes,” he grunts.

  “So, what did you want to talk about?” I ask. I have a feeling I know what he wants to talk about.

  “Well, as you know. I went to Destiny’s and she was drunk. So, I had enough of this. She’ll never change. I called the club’s lawyer and he’s working on the adoption papers now and a complaint against Destiny for being an unfit mother. I took photos of the apartment with all the beer bottles around and Destiny on the couch passed out. Her parents said they’ll testify against her as well, if it’s needed.”

  Once he’s done my mouth is open to the floor. I can’t believe it. She said she would try harder not to go back down that road. She was doing well for a few days and then ‘boom’ her boyfriend comes over and now look what happened.

  “Okay, so what happens now?” I ask timidly.

  “We have an appointment in two days with the lawyer to sign some documents and then we’ll see what the judge decides.”

  I nod my head. “Okay,” I say looking at Jackson then Mia then back to Jackson. Will he truly be mine?

  “I want full custody of Jackson. She can’t even look after herself,” he sighs. “Then we’ll go ahead with you adopting Jackson,” he adds.

  “Okay, hopefully, everything goes good with the judge and he grants it,” I mutter.

  Dalton grins at me. “Of course, he’ll grant us full custody. He would be an idiot not too.”

  He holds me from behind and kisses the top of my head lightly. I lean my head back to look up at him, he captures my lips with a soft kiss.

  “I’m going to start a bath for Mia and Jackson, then we’ll put them to bed.”

  He exits the kitchen and heads upstairs to the bathroom and I hear the water running. I look at Mia and Jackson. I was so focused on the conversation that I didn’t realize that they got a hold of their food and it is now, all over them. I can’t help but giggle. Carrots and peas all over them and plastered in their hair. Oh, my God. The bath water is going to be disgusting.

  Viper comes back downstairs and chuckles at me staring at them both, the amount of food everywhere. All over the tray and on the floor, too bad we don’t have a dog because he would be in heaven right now.

  “Let’s get these two washed up,” Dalton says and I couldn’t agree with him more.

  An hour in a half later…

  They are both washed and ready for bed. When we get them both in the crib they are sound asleep and at that point, I’m ready for bed myself. After putting the baby monitor on, Viper and I leave the room. Dalton heads downstairs to lock up, while I get ready for bed.

  I’m in bed before Dalton gets back upstairs. I feel the bed dip when Dalton gets in and he kisses the back of my neck. “I love you, baby,” he hums into my hair and I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

  Chapter 22

  Two days later…

  Tammy looks over at me nervous about what the lawyer will say. I hold her hand to ease her worry. She has nothing to worry about. I’m sure it’ll work out for us. Destiny can’t take care of Jackson. “Okay, Dalton. I’ve issued a full-custody doc to the judge and adoption papers for Miss. Murphy for Jackson, to the judge as well. When he looks over it, we’ll get a court date.”

  “Destiny was served with these papers yesterday. She’ll also be at the court date probably trying to get an appeal,” the lawyer warns.

  “Thank you,” Tammy whispers. “Thank you for everything,” she adds.

  “Not a problem, ma’am,” Tammy playfully looks at him and hisses.

  “I’m too young to be called Ma’am. So, if you don’t mind, please call me Tammy. When you say Miss. Murphy, it’s like your addressing my mother,” she adds and he nods his head.

  “Dalton, I will contact you soon with the court date. If you fail to come to said court date. You automatically forfeit the right to full custody and the adoption of Jackson.”

  “So, that’s it?” I ask and the lawyer nods his head.

  “That’s it,” he replies and Tammy squeezes my hand. It’s a relief knowing this is really happening. Jackson deserves a mother like Tammy, not Destiny. I feel bad for my boy having a mother like that. I was always worried that it would be me, that would leave my kids and so forth but it’s Destiny who’s showing traits of my father, no
t me. I would die for my kids, for Tammy.

  “Let’s go home,” I mention and Tammy nods her head.

  Tammy’s parents are watching the Jackson and Mia right now. I want to take my lovely woman out to celebrate. Ice cream seems like a good fit. Oh boy, I can’t wait to give the kids their first taste of ice cream. They’ll be in heaven. Tammy tells me they are still too young for that but man, when they hit a year maybe a year in a half, boom, it’s on like Donkey Kong. What in the fuck did I say? Am I really quoting Donkey Kong?

  Thirty minutes later…

  We get home and Donna and Garrett are sitting in the living room watching TV while the kids are in the playpen sleeping.

  “Hey, thanks for watching them while we took care of things,” I say taking a seat on the other sofa in the living room.

  “Oh, don’t mention it. We were happy to watch the little ones,” Donna says with a smile.

  “So, what did the lawyer have to say?” Garrett asks, his voice firm.

  “The lawyer said the papers were served yesterday to Destiny. Which I’m surprised she hasn’t blown up my phone because of it. We’re just waiting on a court date now.” Tammy’s father nods his head a few times.

  “I hope it goes in your favor. Which I’m sure it will. From what you’ve both been telling me. This Destiny, can’t even take care of herself let alone a baby.”

  Donna looks at her husband. “It’s time to go, let's give them the rest of their night,” she says getting up from the couch. Garrett follows, Donna grabs her purse and kisses Tammy’s cheek. “If there’s anything, just call.” She gives me a wave and then heads to the door. Garrett, slaps my back not too hard but hard even that it’s a manly goodbye and then kisses the top of Tammy’s head. Garrett follows his wife out the door.

  I look at Tammy and give her a little pout. “What do you want Dalton?” she asks chuckling.

  “I was thinking of going to the club to have a beer with Ace and Blaze. Do you think you can hold down the fort?” I ask nicely.


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