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Darklands Book 2: Something Wild This Way Comes

Page 19

by Autumn Dawn

  The constable looked worried. “Sir, perhaps we should wait for back-up—especially if he might be dangerous."

  "Can't wait until they get here. Tell them to approach with extreme caution, okay?"

  Rowan came up. “Max is on his way right now. He'll look after Elizabeth. Nathan—"

  "This is police business, Rowan. I don't have time—"

  She gave him a searing look. “Camille needs both of us right now."

  Nathan looked at her for a long moment, before nodding. “Fair enough, but the ground's pretty rough and I don't have time to wait for you."

  He didn't give her any time to respond. He moved steadily and quietly through the bush, his eyes observing the ground and bushes for signs of disturbance. He could hear Rowan behind him for a few minutes, then his greater pace drew him away and he was surrounded by silence. He found he was able to follow the trail quite efficiently.

  In some areas it was quite evident from trampled leaves that someone had passed by recently, and he found an occasional drop of blood to guide him though not enough to cause undue concern about Camille's injury. In one place he even found a cream-colored thread caught on the branch of a tree that he could have sworn came from Camille's shirt.

  He moved grimly forward in the gloom of the towering forest. Little light penetrated the canopy of trees and there were few clearings. As he walked, he could hear the sound of water becoming louder. He'd lost some of his sense of direction while following the trail but he realized he couldn't be too far from the ocean.

  His mouth tightened into a grim line. “Where the hell are they going?” he muttered.

  * * * *

  "Sh ... shut up. Just shut up!” Lord was stuttering now and his voice held an edge of panic. He stumbled again but didn't lose his balance. “I said keep walking. I don't like it when you argue. She argued!"

  "Yeah, okay, calm down. I'm just worried about the tide, that's all. You can see how fast it's covering the beach."

  There was barely any sand left and every so often the surf would reach as far as Camille's shoes. She was going to have to act in a minute, timing or not.

  "It does ... doesn't matter,” shouted Lord. “Nothing mat ... matters anymore."

  Camille was about to turn and confront him when she heard a faint but familiar baritone floating down from above. She felt her heart squeeze at Nathan's commanding voice.

  "All right, Lord, it's all over. Stop right there. Drop the gun, mate, and back away from it."

  Camille turned toward Lord hoping he would do what Nathan said. “Malcolm. The police are here. Look. Put down the gun and we can talk things through."

  But Lord's face contorted with rage. “What's he doing here? It's nothing to do with him. I planned this. He sh ... shouldn't be here!"

  "Lord, put the fucking gun down. Now!” Nathan's voice was closer now and Camille could see him sprinting toward the start of the cliff path as Lord continued to train his weapon on her.

  She jumped as a wave drenched her jeans to the ankles. The tide was swamping the beach. They had to get off it.

  "Malcolm, listen. The surf's right up. We have to get off the beach or we'll drown. We have to head back to the path.” She looked around but the path they'd come down was the only one in sight. Otherwise the cliff was a sheer face of nearly fifty feet. More in some places.

  "Sh ... shut up, both of you,” Lord screamed. ‘I can't think.” His finger touched the trigger, but Camille's attention was focused on the water. It could protect her. The little book of magicke had said so.

  As if at her command, the water surged. A wave, bigger and faster than the rest, pounded toward Lord, catching him unawares. It crashed into him and he lost his balance sending the bullet over Camille's head. The gun's report sent a reverberation cracking off the cliff, sounding like a mini explosion.

  As Camille was hurled backward by the wave, she heard Nathan's anguished cry, and then she was fighting to find her feet. The water retreated fractionally and her feet found hard sand. She dug in and glanced back at Lord who was still struggling to keep the gun above water.

  "Camille. Move! Now!” She heard Nathan's voice and realized he was sliding down the path toward her. She began to move slowly through the water toward him.

  "Camille!” Lord screamed. “You can't do this to me. You can't go to him. Come with me and we can have everything. He promised me."

  Nathan's voice came strongly from just ahead of her. “Drop the gun, Lord, or I shoot."

  She looked back at her brother-in-law. God, he was closer than she had thought. She saw his malicious smile as he raised the gun.

  Camille spoke quickly, her words desperately honest. “You made a deal with the dark one, Malcolm,” she said. “He brought you what you wanted. Wealth, success, power. But he didn't tell you that there are some things you'll never have."

  She glanced up and saw Rowan appear at the top of the cliff. Their eyes caught and Camille felt a rush of adrenalin. Then she focused on the water, sending another more powerful surge of water toward Lord. It drew the rising tide away from her and she was able to scramble in the direction of the cliff face.

  She glanced back. Lord's gun was turning toward her, at her. There was another sharp report and Lord's expression of hate turned to stunned surprise as blood bloomed on his right shoulder. He grabbed it with his left hand and staggered back into the water.

  "Camille. You're nearly there. Come on, honey.” Nathan was standing, with legs braced, gun still in hands as Camille reached the path, gasping for breath. She clung weakly to the lower rock as the water receded.

  There was the sound of small stones falling from above and she looked up, brushing the damp hair feebly from her eyes. Nathan's boots were just ahead of her, and with the last of her energy, she reached out an arm, feeling his warm hand grip hers tightly.

  Camille sobbed with relief as she heard him say, “It's all right, darling. It's over.” And then she was being folded into his arms delicately as though she were some fragile butterfly. His warm hand was on her back, his face buried in her wet hair for a second and then he tipped her head back, looking anxiously at the side of her face.

  She winced as his fingers probed gently at the wound. “It's not too bad,” she said. “I've just got a bump there."

  "There was blood on the car. Not much, but I've never been so scared in my life,” he muttered, still holding her.

  Camille closed her eyes for a second. Being in Nathan's arms was like suddenly finding home without even realizing she was looking for it. She felt the weight of the past few weeks drift off her shoulders and slip away. A flash of metal caught her eye, and she pulled away from Nathan.


  He turned and together they saw Lord's hand, still gripping the gun, emerge from the ocean. He was floating face down not far from the path.

  "Can you make it to the top, honey?"

  Camille nodded although she honestly didn't know. The path seemed immensely steep and she felt emptied of all energy. She looked around and saw Nathan in the water dragging Lord's head from the water and propelling him toward the cliff path. She felt a sudden clench of fear. What if it was just a ruse? What if Lord's motionless appearance was just a pretence?

  She came to a halt on the path watching as Nathan pulled Lord clear of the water and bent over him to administer CPR. Rowan called to her from the cliff edge. “Camille, come on. There's nothing you can do."

  She was so exhausted she barely remembered the slow staggering climb until she was collapsing on the ground. She felt Rowan drape something over her shoulders. Elizabeth's rug.


  "Sshhh, it's all right. She's perfectly okay. The police are with her and Max was on his way to check her out. He should be there by now."

  Camille couldn't stop the trembling. Her eyes held Rowan's. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Rowan smiled. “Thank the Goddess,” she said. “She makes it all possible."

  They heard footsteps o
n the path and hurried to the edge as Nathan appeared. He was wet and panting heavily, and looked as though he'd seen a ghost. He looked too shocked to speak and simply pointed toward the cliff base where Lord's body had been.

  When Camille peered over the edge, she couldn't stop the gasp. Instead of a body, all that stood there was a vast black crow. It stared at her, its beady eyes unblinking. Then it flapped its wings and took off, disappearing into the gathering afternoon cloud.

  "He's gone,” she said as Nathan's arms came around her.

  "Lord's gone. He hasn't,” Rowan stressed. When Camille looked at her questioningly, she added, “He isn't finished with us yet."

  Camille felt her knees give way and Nathan was lifting her into his arms, holding her against his chest. His rough chin brushed against her head. He smelled of sea and man, and she never wanted him to let her go.

  "C'mon, honey. Let's get you out of here. Elizabeth's waiting for you and we need to get dry,” he murmured. He glanced over at Rowan. “And somehow I have to come up with something to put in my report."

  Rowan looked at him, considering. “The sea took him,” she said simply and walked on ahead.

  "I'm fine, I can walk,” Camille murmured. Nathan looked at her as if he didn't believe her, but he put her down and they walked back along the cliff path with Nathan's left arm tightly around her for support. Tired as they both were, it seemed an age before the trees ended and they came out on the road by the cars.

  "Elizabeth!” Camille couldn't restrain the cry that came when she saw the little girl being jiggled up and down in Max's arms. She ran toward her, and then Elizabeth's chubby arms were around her neck and Camille could smell her sweet baby scent. “Oh, Elizabeth!"

  The rug must have fallen from her shoulders because a second later, Nathan was draping it around her again, and Max was handing the baby to Rowan. “Let's get you checked out, sweetheart,” Nathan whispered. “I'm worried you have concussion."

  "I feel fine,” she protested but he made her sit in the Landcruiser while Max probed delicately at her head. It still pounded but it was lessening all the time. The doctor smiled as he felt gently along the gash. “Nothing too deep. Just take a headache pill if it gets too painful.” He cleaned it and stuck a bandage across it.

  When he'd finished, Rowan returned Elizabeth to Camille's arms while Nathan retrieved the baby capsule from the buckled Honda and fixed it into place in the Landcruiser. He had to duck under police tape which was tied around the cars and Camille was aware of other police moving around, talking in low, serious voices, but she felt too tired to care.

  Max told her he was taking Rowan home. The redhead looked tired and her hand was curved protectively around her belly. Camille heard Nathan telling Max he'd arrange for someone to drive Rowan's car back to Ravenswood House. He secured Elizabeth and then climbed in beside Camille.

  "Lord's dead,” he said without preamble, and Camille realized he was telling her how to play it. “They'll almost certainly bring in divers to search the area. All you have to do is tell them what happened. That the sea took him."

  Camille nodded. “Is it a problem for you?” she asked quietly.

  "There'll be questions. There always are when it's someone influential like Lord."

  Camille gripped his hand tightly. “I suppose we have to give written statements,” she said.

  He nodded. “Tomorrow. I've told them you're exhausted and in shock—"

  "And hungry,” she interrupted. “I haven't eaten since this morning and I don't think you have either.” She glanced over to the back seat where gentle snores were emanating. “And this one hasn't had a bottle for hours."

  Her smile dropped and Nathan clasped her hand as he started the engine with the other. “What is it?"

  Camille bit her lip. “I was just wondering about Elizabeth. Do you think she'll be able to stay with me?"

  Nathan dropped a kiss on her mouth. “We'll have to apply to be her guardians formally but I don't see why not. You're Elizabeth's closest living relative, unless Lord has sisters or brothers."

  Camille shook her head. “Not that I know of and his parents are dead.” She was silent for a minute. “Technically I did kidnap her."

  Nathan shrugged. “You were acting in the child's interests. I think any court will realize that you're her best option."

  He started the engine and pulled onto the road. “Where to?"

  Camille pointed toward the cottage. “If that's all right with you,” she said. “Elizabeth will be more settled in her own bed."

  "Okay. Cottage it is.” Nathan smiled at her.

  Camille laid her head against the window and closed her eyes. She would feed and bathe Elizabeth, have something to eat and then she wanted nothing else but sleep. Something tugged at her mind. She sat up straight, frowning.

  "You said we.” She looked at Nathan, inquiringly. “You said we will apply for guardianship."

  "It'll look better if she has two parents."

  "Is that the only reason?” She couldn't stop the smile from spreading over her face.


  "Want to elaborate?"

  Nathan looked at her, passion flaring in his eyes. “I can do better than elaborate. If you can wait until we get to the cottage, I'll demonstrate."


  Rain battered the tin roof of the old cottage. It poured out of the gutters and flooded down the flaky old walls. Camille stirred, her eyes flicking open. A hard masculine arm lay across her body and Nathan breathed deeply and evenly beside her. She stretched and winced as the muscles between her thighs protested. Nathan had pushed her hard last night.

  Not that she was complaining. Having lots of sex was what you did on a honeymoon. And, as she and Nathan had married yesterday, she supposed that's what they were on at this moment. Camille had worried that it had happened too quickly. Neither she nor Nathan had any doubts, it was just that she just would have preferred them to take their time. After all, it had been little more than a month since they'd first met.

  A meeting with the child welfare authorities had convinced them that an adoption application was more likely to be approved quickly if they submitted it as a couple rather than as a single, and Camille wanted Elizabeth's future to be settled as a priority. It was likely to be some months until the adoption was complete but as Lord's only close surviving relative was an elderly stepfather, it wasn't likely that anyone would contest their petition.

  Her explanation for seizing Elizabeth had been readily accepted by the authorities as Lord's true tendencies had begun to reveal themselves after his death, and a new inquest into Verity's death had decided that her husband had probably killed her.

  The wedding had been simple, held in the garden of the cottage, with Camille in ivory silk and Nathan in his full police uniform. Rowan and Max had been their attendants and most of the village had turned out. Sally, Mark, a few Sydney friends and their partners had even driven down for the day, along with Nathan's family, friends and police colleagues. Camille had felt a little uncomfortable meeting Nathan's family for the first time on the day of the wedding but they had acted like it was nothing unusual and she had soon relaxed in their easy-going company.

  She turned toward Nathan, snuggling into his body heat which blazed like a furnace beneath the sheet, despite the coolness of the early hours. She traced his strong brows with a fingertip and then the lush fan of his lashes, the straight nose and mobile lips.

  "That tickles.” He opened one eye and closed it again. “Go to sleep."

  "That's not very romantic,” said Camille.

  "Nor is being woken up at six-thirty by a hungry baby,” he murmured. “We should make the most of the peace and quiet while it lasts."

  "That's exactly what I had in mind.” Camille leaned down to kiss him, running her tongue along the seam of his lips.

  Nathan groaned and his arms pulled her into his body. “You're a slave-driver. Not only do I have to rescue you from dangerous madmen, then marry you
at short notice, I'm also required to make love to you all night."

  "It's a hard life,” Camille agreed. She turned to face him. “Are you sure you want to take on a woman and a five-month-old baby? Especially a woman who isn't quite ... normal."

  "Why? Trying to back out already?” He grinned and dropped a kiss on her mouth.

  "Never. You've got us for life if you want us."

  "Wouldn't have it any other way."

  The End

  * * *

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