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Cupcake Love

Page 37

by Diana Currie


  The next morning I woke early and was greeted by the most unwelcome and inconvenient house guest I could have possibly imagined. Aunt Flo. Realizing my date night with Shane wouldn’t be going below the belt I didn’t even bother to shave my legs in the shower. I was so mad at Mother Nature’s impeccable timing. After that five day holdup we had the huge surprise of my mother visiting. I was thrilled to see her but she had terrible timing too. Again no opportunity for sex.

  It was fun subjecting Shane to a sit down dinner with both my parents asking what his intentions were with their daughter. Janet went easy on him, knowing how long I’d been waiting for this. I was embarrassed when she let it slip how frequently she and I talked about Shane throughout high school. Shane actually blushed too. Lenny was a little tougher on him, asking about school and his future plans. I snickered at the face my dad made when Shane told him he wanted to become a lawyer. I think it really surprised him. That was the first night Shane and I began calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend. I really wanted to jump his bones after that dinner but my mother insisted I sleep in the hotel room with her for some serious girl time. I spent the whole night gushing about how wonderful Shane was and my mother loved every minute of it, urging me on for hours.

  The next day Rachel and Ethan came home from their trip and wanted to catch up. They were extremely happy for us when we told them our news, but we could hardly ditch them on their first night back to go have sex. Actually, I’m sure Ethan would have understood. Then there was Adam’s christening the next Sunday followed by the party afterwards. Shane and Rachel were godparents. I watched him on the altar holding Adam in his arms and all I could think about was screwing him senseless. I felt really guilty for having such impure thoughts in a church but no matter how many times I tried conjugating Spanish verbs in my head or thinking about how dusty the house was getting in my absence, my dirty mind kept going back to Shane’s face between my knees. It was the sight of him holding that baby for sure. Cooing, rocking, and making him smile. God, I was a mess by the end of the party, but of course, Lenny was off that night so he could be there to support Ally. Great.

  My sex date with Shane was beginning to look like it would never happen. We didn’t get a night alone the rest of winter break and were reduced to groping each other in his car like high school kids. On the upside, I finally got my turn in the Firebird. We had the seats reclined, the windows steamed up; it was my high school fantasy come to life. Shane laughed when I told him the thrill I got from making out in his car. It was so refreshing to finally be able to open up to Shane and tell him how I’ve felt about him over the years.

  By the time we were packing up to leave Pittsgrove both of us were beating our heads against the wall.

  The ride back to campus was the longest I’d ever had, even considering the speed with which Shane drove. He pulled my suitcases out of the car and carried them into the house for me. I’d hardly set my purse down on the kitchen table before Shane pounced. At first I chuckled at his eagerness but as soon as I sank into his kiss I was right there in the moment with him, moaning and tugging at his clothes.

  I refused to leave evidence behind in the kitchen, again, so I let the hem of Shane’s t-shirt drop from my hands and clasped them around the back of his neck. I leapt into his arms and whispered for him to take me upstairs. He wasted no time, possibly taking the stairs two at a time until we reached my bedroom. I was gently dropped onto the bed and watched as he closed and locked the door, fiddling with the handle to make sure it wouldn’t open. Shane turned to face me with a crooked smile and lust in his eyes. I knelt near the edge of the mattress and slowly removed my shirt. I felt my heart race as his eyes trailed up and down my exposed skin. A part of me never believed we would get back to this place again. As I watched Shane pull his t-shirt over his head I knew all I would ever need to be happy in this world was standing right in front of me. He slowly began unbuckling his belt in a teasing way.

  “Come here,” I said firmly.

  Shane stepped closer to the bed, dropping his belt to the floor, his eyes fixed on mine. I inched closer to the end of the bed and tugged him forward by the waistband of his jeans. There was no time to tease him, I needed those pants gone. As Shane shimmied his ankles free and kicked the jeans aside my hand slipped through the opening of his plaid boxers and grasped him.

  Without warning Shane’s hands gripped the back of my thighs and flipped me onto my back. I landed with a soft thud and gasping in surprise. Staring at the ceiling, I felt large hands pulling my jeans and underwear down my hips and seconds later they were off completely.

  My eyes were closed as I struggled to control the most powerful high I’d ever experienced. My breathing began to slow and when I opened my eyes Shane was leaning over me, waiting. He kissed me hard, forcing his tongue into my mouth. We scooted up the bed until my head hit the pillow. It felt great to sink into the comfort of my familiar bed again and even better to have Shane there with me. I greedily reached for his boxers anxious to get him completely undressed. He chuckled at my impatience and helped me slide them off.

  “Your turn, beautiful,” he teased sliding the straps of my bra down each arm.

  I rolled over until I was straddling him, completely conscious of how wonderful it felt. My arms disappeared behind my back and I quickly reached for the clasp on my bra. Shane raised both hands to cup my covered breasts squeezing them gently. The moment the hooks were released and the fabric slacked against my skin his hands tore it away from my body. The way he looked at me made me feel sexy.

  “Fuck,” he muttered watching me with wide eyes.

  I loved that Shane only cursed during sex. It was erotic and exciting. I wanted to hear more. He seemed to be letting me lead so I took the opportunity and grinded my hips against him, finally reuniting our bodies. They belonged together and it was time to make it happen.

  I carefully rolled to Shane’s side and reached into my nightstand drawer. With the foil wrapper in my hand I took my previous position over Shane and leaned forward to kiss him. He held his arms tightly around me, kissing my face, and neck, and earlobe.

  Quickly, I ripped the foil open and slid the condom over him. His hands gripped my thighs tightly as I hovered over him. We both moaned as our hips touched. I leaned over his chest, my hands on either side of his head. I needed to kiss him, taste his lips, and devour him. Shane’s hands grabbed my ass and pulled me tighter against his body.

  As I moaned and closed my eyes I could feel him rolling us in one quick motion until I lay beneath him. I opened my eyes to find Shane smiling down at me. My hands weaved through his hair while he leaned his forehead against my shoulder and let out a long rasping moan. I clenched my fingertips into his back and enjoyed the ride.

  I held him tightly until finally I felt his body still above me. His lips planted tender kisses on my neck and collarbone. I flinched when his messy hair tickled my neck and it caused him to chuckle against my skin. Shane propped himself up on his elbows and smiled at me. After placing a sweet kiss on my lips he rolled to my side and tugged my arm until I was also on my side, facing him.

  We stared into each other’s eyes for a long time. There was nothing that could be said in words to convey our feelings for one another. My fingertips traced the planes of his face, down the length of his neck, and over his chest. I played with the hair on his chest between my fingers and then lay my hand over his heart, feeling it beat in a slow steady rhythm.

  “Hannah?” he said softly. “Are you still worried about us being together?”

  I craned my neck to look into his eyes. “No. I feel like everything is finally perfect.”

  “I had no idea I could possibly be as happy as you’ve made me the past few weeks,” he admitted.

  “Somehow I always knew I was right about us,” I said smiling.

  “What do you mean?”

  I flipped onto my stomach so I could look at his face more easily. “I was right that
no matter how long I had to wait for you it would be worth it; that it would be like this.”

  Shane’s right hand cupped my cheek and his expression tensed slightly. “I’m sorry you had to wait as long as you did. I feel like I’ve wasted so much time.”

  “Can I ask you something?” I asked. He raised his eyebrows in response. “When was the first time you felt something for me physically?”

  He broke our eye contact and grinned. It seemed to me he didn’t want to answer.

  “Come on, tell me,” I urged.

  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, finally turning to look at my face again. I raised my eyebrows in anticipation.

  “The first time I felt attracted to you in a sexual way was the night I accidentally saw you get your first kiss… downstairs with Aiden. I knew it was your first. I was watching you like a protective older brother because that was how I saw you. I didn’t realize until we talked the next morning that I was jealous. I’d never thought about you dating a guy before and all of a sudden I wished it had been me you kissed. And that made me angry with myself because you were like a member of my family. It felt wrong to want to kiss you, so I pushed the thoughts out of my head.”

  “So at Ally’s party when I started talking about wanting to sleep with someone…” I trailed off.

  He chuckled. “Yeah, I guess I had the same reaction to that too, times a thousand. I knew you were beautiful but I’d still never allowed myself to think of you as anything besides my best friend. I just knew I couldn’t handle the thought of you giving yourself to someone else.”

  I bit my lower lip and thought about that. “I know the feeling,” I said softly. “I was insane with jealously freshman year when I figured out you weren’t a virgin anymore.” I looked down at my hands, knowing my cheeks were filling with color.

  I felt the back of Shane’s fingertips stroking my cheek. “It should have been you, Hannah,” he whispered. “You have no idea how much I wish it had been you.”

  I looked into his eyes as a single tear slid down my cheek. “None of that matters now,” I promised him. It was hard to believe all the pain I’d experienced through the past few years could be culminating into such joy. Shane leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

  “I’m so glad to be back here,” I said snuggling myself into his side.

  “In the house or in my arms?” he asked laughing softly.


  We spent another immeasurable amount of time touching and kissing each other. I could lay naked in bed with Shane forever. My hand trailed over his chest and shoulders exploring every facet of his skin. His body was more perfect than I remembered.

  “When will Rachel get here?” he asked.

  I looked over Shane’s shoulder to see the time on the alarm clock. It was almost 1pm. “Probably not for another hour or so,” I guessed.

  “That should be sufficient time.” He flashed me a crooked grin and rolled on top of me.

  I laughed and wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling him closer for a passionate kiss. “There will never be enough time to satisfy my need for you,” I whispered.

  “Then it’s a good thing I don’t plan on ever letting you go,” he replied.

  I was about to make a snide comment when he cut off my response with a deep kiss and I lost all track of what I was going to say.

  At three o’clock Shane and I were still laying in bed, completely sated and exhausted. I heard Ethan’s booming voice downstairs and realized our quiet time was over. We looked at each other and smiled. I got out of bed first, Shane watching me as I crossed the room to pull clean panties from my dresser. After my clothes were on I handed Shane his boxers and t-shirt.

  “Let’s go. I give Ethan another two minutes before he comes up here to find us,” I joked.

  Just as we were reaching the bottom step I heard Ethan call me from the kitchen.

  “Haaaaaaaaaaannah! You didn’t make us anything to eat? Where are you at?”

  I rolled my eyes at Shane and he grinned back at me. Ethan was poking around the refrigerator when we entered the room.

  “I didn’t go food shopping yet,” I said casually.

  He spun around at the sound of my voice and cracked a wide smile. “You guys left home first thing this morning. What have you been doing all day?” His tone suggested he knew perfectly well what we’d been doing.

  “None of your business, Ethan,” Shane replied taking a seat at the little table in the kitchen.

  “Fine, don’t tell me. I figured it out the moment I saw your sex hair anyway.”

  “Shane always has sex hair,” I said teasingly.

  “Who has sex hair?” Rachel asked walking into the room.

  “Shane,” Ethan replied smugly.

  She laughed and nodded her head in agreement. “Why don’t you order us a pizza if you’re so hungry?”

  “Good idea, babe,” Ethan said. I handed him a menu from one of our favorite restaurants.

  “When are Ally and Jack getting here?” Shane asked no one in particular.

  “Not until Sunday,” Rachel answered. “I’m supposed to go open up their apartment tomorrow so some furniture can be delivered. It would make for a nice surprise if you guys helped build some of the furniture for them before they arrive.”

  “What has to be built?” Ethan asked staring at the menu in his hands.

  “The crib, TV stand, bed, and probably kitchen table,” she replied.

  “Sounds like someone went to IKEA,” I joked.

  Rachel looked at me with one eyebrow raised and replied, “They did. Jack refused to take any of Colin’s money. He said paying for the wedding was more than enough.”

  “I can’t picture Ally in an IKEA,” I laughed.

  Shane laughed too. “She must really love your brother, Rachel.”

  The four of us ate our pizza together and watched television for a while. Shane and I discretely held hands or touched one another under the throw blanket that covered us on the large couch. It had only been a few hours since we’d made love and I was already squirming with need again. I wanted to ask him to spend the night with me but he hadn’t even gone to his dorm since we’d been back. I knew he needed to check in there and unpack his things.

  He offered Ethan a ride to Sigma Phi around nine o’clock and he eagerly accepted. As much as Ethan loved spending time with Rachel, he also missed his brothers. Ethan was an only child like me and in the same way I had adopted the Decker’s as my second family, Ethan had his Greek family.

  “Our first big party is next Friday. You’re coming right?” he asked Shane.

  “I wouldn’t miss it, E,” he assured him. Shane turned to me and took my hand. “Is that okay with you?”

  I smiled and stepped closer to my new boyfriend. “I’ll go anywhere you’re going to be.” I leaned in and kissed his lips; my body tingling all over remembering our afternoon together.

  Ethan rolled his eyes in mock disgust. “Okay, Shane, break it up. I need that ride home before Hannah drags you back upstairs.”

  Shane ignored him and returned my kiss. Ethan and Rachel said their goodbyes as well and our boys left together a few minutes later. Even though it had been a long day I was too wound up to sleep. Rachel went back to her room to unpack so I tuned the radio in the kitchen to my favorite Philadelphia station and started cleaning. I wiped down the counters and inside the microwave. The floors needed sweeping so I did that next, followed by dusting the bookshelves and tables in the living room. Once my hands smelled of lemon pledge I decided to go upstairs to shower. I noticed my phone was blinking and quickly checked for the text message.

  Here in the dorm… missing u already.

  I grinned and sent a quick response before heading into the bathroom.

  About to take shower. Miss u too, so when are u coming back here?

  I had myself a nice time in the bathroom, not having to worry about my dad knocking on the door. I shaved my legs, plucked my eyebrows, and took a long hot
shower. I took my time using moisturizer on my legs and running a comb through the tangles in my hair. Steam escaped into the hall when I finally opened the door and walked to my bedroom. I half expected Shane to be there and was somewhat disappointed to find that he wasn’t. I checked my phone and there were no messages. Slightly miffed I crossed the room to my dresser and pulled the top drawer open.

  “You won’t be needing any panties tonight,” I heard someone say behind me.

  I would know that beautiful voice anywhere. Smiling to myself I slowly loosened the towel around my body and let it slip down to my hips. I looked over my shoulder towards the door to see Shane leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. His eyes were wide and his smile filled his whole face. Seconds later he had crossed the room and scooped me up into his arms.

  “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep without you tonight. I need to feel your skin against mine,” he whispered.

  “I’ve wanted you back in my bed since the first night you stayed with me,” I replied.

  Shane kissed me sweetly and laid me on the bed. He pulled back the covers and tugged the towel away from my body before tucking me under the sheets. I watched as Shane slowly and meticulously undressed himself. He removed his shoes and socks first, his eyes locked on mine. His shirt came next, one button after the other. The zipper to his fly opened and my eyes drifted from his sculpted chest downwards. Shane dropped his jeans to the floor and stepped out of them. The temptation to reach out to him was overwhelming.

  Shane slid under the covers and the moment I felt his warm body touch mine I lost control of myself. My hands flew to his chest and I was straddling him within seconds. He chuckled at my obvious need for him as I kissed and suckled his neck.

  “You’re such a tease,” I growled into his ear.


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