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Sorcerous Heat

Page 7

by Lana Ames

  He gave one last, magnificent thrust and then a moaning sigh as he filled me yet again. I could not believe he had so much more to give, but he did. Then he collapsed on me, giving me all his weight even as he asked, “This okay?”

  “Absolutely.” I pulled him even closer, encouraging him with my touch.

  We lay there breathing, two people become one. “That was…amazing,” I eventually managed.

  Finley lifted his head, gave me a gentle kiss, and then leaned on one elbow to look down into my eyes. “Indeed. And I imagine it was like this with Justin as well?”

  “I…” Startled, I looked back up at him. But he was smiling, relaxed; this was not a jealous, fretful question. “Well, different, but…yes. It was.”

  His smile grew more broad. “Of course it was. I know you have questions, reservations, but those come from your brain, and from the non-magical world. This…us…” He nodded, as if indicating the mansion around us. “When we are fulfilling our destiny like this and joined in a loving enchantment, this is what the bonding feels like. It is no mere coupling, as if between animals. It is…transcendent. Of course you felt that with Justin.”

  I nodded, still a little thrown. “It’s…taking some getting used to.”

  “Yes, I imagine it will. After you’ve bonded with the next two men, perhaps we can all sit together and talk about what it means, and how to move forward.”

  “Wait.” I shifted a little; Finley, shrinking, began to slip out of me. “Oh, I’m losing you,” I said.

  “That’s all right. I’ll be back, any time you want me.” He pulled the rest of the way out and rolled off me, propping himself beside me on the bed. “The bathroom is through there, if you like.” He pointed.

  “Actually, yeah, thanks.” A moment by myself might be just the thing right now, I decided. I slipped out of bed and went into the bathroom, closing the door gently behind me. As I cleaned up, I thought about what he’d said.

  And how it had all felt.

  He was right: sex with him was just as mind-blowing and transcendent as it had been last night with Justin. I’d wanted it, and I’d suspected it would be amazing…but somehow, I had gotten all this way without really thinking about doing this with two more men after Justin and Finley.

  How would I even keep them all straight? I stifled a nervous giggle.

  How would I keep my own sanity, in the face of this much amazing sex? How would I get anything else done in life? All I would want to do was go to bed. And how could I choose? Right now, I wanted nothing more than to go crawl back into bed with Finley and tease him hard again. But if I thought for more than a minute about Justin, I wanted him again too.

  I could not believe that they were really okay with this. But they so clearly were.

  I dried my hands on a soft, plush towel and went back into the bedroom. Finley had straightened the sheets and laid a small towel over what must be a huge wet spot. “What a gentleman,” I said with a smile as I got back in bed.

  He pulled me to him, holding me close as he kissed the top of my head. “It’s easy to be a gentleman when one is spending time with such a lady.”

  I snuggled into his arms. A lady… I thought about Lady Periwinkle, how all this was supposed to be in the service of protecting her. Defending her from…a demon. “How soon do we all need to be bonded, to, you know, be effective?” I asked.

  “The enchantment specifies four days—one for each man,” Finley said.

  “One each day?” I asked, astonished.

  He chuckled. “You can do it.”

  “Well…if it’s all like this…” I was still trying on the idea. And it was seeming…not impossible.

  “We need to keep the energy high,” he said. “And the demon has been especially bold lately. Making inroads where he has never dared before. He’s building his own cohorts here on this plane; he even sent one of his minions to our lady’s party last night.”

  “He did? Did she know?” My heart pounded with sudden fear.

  “She did; and it is a measure of both her strength and her vulnerability that she let the creature in, even welcomed him.” Finley could not keep the disapproval out of his voice. “‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer,’ she said, though none of us thought it wise to take such a risk.”

  “Ugh,” I said with a shiver. I wondered if I’d met him, the interloper. “She’s very brave.”

  “Oh, she absolutely is. We are all so very honored to serve her.”

  “Hmm.” I lay there, thinking for another long moment. It didn’t a hundred percent sit well with me, the idea of ‘serving’ someone like this…though really, how was this different than working for a salary? I served Trevor at the gallery, even if I didn’t live in his house.

  Which thought made me realize something else: “Wait a minute. I can’t stay here for four days straight; I have to go to work the day after tomorrow. My weekend is only Monday and Tuesday.”

  Finley rolled onto his back, pulling me partially with him, so that I was now curled against his side, my head resting on his chest. “Didn’t Justin tell you? Our lady already arranged with your boss. You have the rest of the week off; you aren’t expected back at the art gallery until Saturday.” He gave a low chuckle. “That is, if you find you still want to work at all.”

  I raised my head to look at him. “What do you mean by that? Of course I have to work. I have rent, I have expenses…” Finley was only looking back at me as if he was waiting for me to get it. And then I did. “Oh. If we bond…I could live here, with the rest of you.”

  “You absolutely could. In fact, we would prefer it. But again, that is all entirely up to you.”

  “Wow.” I laid my head back down, letting the information filter through my brain. At least as unbelievable as the fact that four different men would want to share me—and that I would want that myself—was the fact that a wealthy, maybe even immortal woman I’d barely met would take me into her home and provide for me. I would say Where’s the catch?, but that was also clear…and brought me back to the notion of ‘service’ once more.

  Finley cuddled me, letting me work through my thoughts in silence. I finally decided that I couldn’t think about the larger details right now. It was all too much to really grasp. In fact, my late night and all the physical, er, exertion were starting to take their toll.

  Before I knew it, I dozed off.

  Chapter Seven

  It was growing dark when I awoke. I sat up in the bed, startled, and confused about where I was for a moment. “Did I sleep away the day?”

  Finley looked up from where he was seated at a small desk in the corner of the room. He closed the notebook he was writing in and turned to smile at me. “You slept a few hours. Nightfall comes early this time of year.”

  “Right.” I rubbed my eyes, trying to reorient myself. I wasn’t much of a napper, usually; it was too hard to get my brain back on track again.

  “And we were busy for…some time.” He gave me a sly smile. “I apologize for wearing you out.”

  “Funny, you don’t look very sorry.” I grinned back at him, then stretched languidly in the bed. A very comfortable bed, I had to say. “You look like the cat who ate the canary.”

  “Such a lovely canary, too,” he said, all mock-sorrow.

  I was trying to coerce my sleepy brain into making some sort of jest about the fact that he hadn’t, exactly, eaten the canary, but that the canary would be more than willing to be eaten, and anyway she was the cat, or at least Catwoman, when he went on. “Speaking of eating: our Lady Periwinkle has requested our presence at her dinner table tonight. We have just enough time to bathe and make ourselves ready.”

  “Oh.” I looked down at my naked self in bed, and my borrowed jeans and T-shirt on the floor. My overnight bag had only toiletries and a change of underwear. “Is she having another party? I don’t have anything that’s not super casual.”

  Finley got up and came over to sit on the edge of the bed, leaning down to giv
e me a quick kiss. “Not another party, though I am told that a few folks are gathering in the gallery.” I remembered the tables being set up. “No, this is a private dinner. Just our lady, you and I, and a few others. She did not tell me exactly who, but I’m sure they will be charming.”

  Hmm. Well, in for a penny and all that… “Sure, as long as I don’t need to dress up.”

  Finley smiled, tousling my hair. “Though you are spectacularly delicious just as you are, I believe our lady has anticipated this eventuality. I will send for a selection of suitable gowns for you to choose from.”

  “Seriously?” Had I fallen into a movie or something? Or maybe I was still asleep, and this whole thing was a particularly realistic dream. Yes, that had to be it. So why not go with it, enjoy it? “All right. You want to shower first, or me?” I watched his face carefully. “Unless we have time to shower together…”

  This time his sigh of regret was not at all for show. “Alas, we must be dressed and downstairs in thirty minutes. I was about to awaken you, in fact. You should bathe while I arrange for your clothing, and then I will dash in and out of the shower.” His look turned gently teasing once more. “Though I still get the night with you; I don’t hand you over until late tomorrow morning. So I shall make the most of my time…later.”

  “I’m glad I got lots of rest, then,” I said, getting out of bed and heading for the bathroom.

  “Not nearly as glad as I am.”

  His shower was quite good, though not the extravagant palace of luxury that this morning’s guest room featured. But there was still the endless hot water, the dispensers of fabulously scented soap, shampoo and conditioner, and the wealth of fluffy, heated white towels.

  Yeah, I could get used to this.

  But did this mean I wanted to live here? Give up my whole life and…and do what?

  I shook my head, tabling all my many questions for the moment as I brushed on some mascara and smoothed concealer under my eyes. Long afternoon naps were all well and good, and the generous helpings of hot sex were adding a sparkle to my eye and color to my cheeks, but none of that made up for late nights and an excess of champagne. Whatever else ultimately came to pass, I would need to pay more attention to my health and well-being.


  When I emerged into the bedroom, Finley was stripped down to only a towel. He caught my look and grinned back at me. “No-no; later, missy, later.”

  I put the back of my hand to my forehead and rolled my eyes dramatically. “How I suffer! Surely no one has ever been so mistreated as I have!”

  His grin widened, but he headed for the bathroom instead of tossing me onto the bed and having his way with me once more. “Your dresses are just there.” He pointed to a garment rack by the door. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  I went and checked out the gowns. They were all pretty elegant; most of them looked far too elaborate to be comfortable, but there was one sleek purple one that caught my eye. I pulled it out for a closer look. It was strapless, with a simple bodice and a full skirt below. There was a second piece, like the suggestion of a jacket, that covered the shoulders and upper arms.

  I took the dress off the hanger and laid it out on the bed. Yes, I liked it; and it was more like me than any of the others. Underwear, though…I returned to the garment rack and riffled through it again, finally finding a zipped-up hanging bag stuffed with silk and cotton panties, camis, bras both strapless and regular, stockings of every kind, and even a corset.

  I chose stockings with garters and a fancy set of matching silk panties and bra, because why not? I’d been seriously tempted by the corset, but we probably didn’t have time to get me laced into it.

  As I thought this, I heard the shower switch off. I had just gotten into my underclothes and pulled the dress up when the bathroom door opened, sending out a puff of steam. Finley emerged, smelling so wonderful that I about lost my mind. Again.

  “Mmm, I was hoping you’d choose that one,” he said, going to a closet and drawing out a dark suit.

  “Zip me up?” I stepped over to him, holding the dress together behind me.

  “Gladly.” He worked the zipper up, then fastened the hook at the top. I was not at all surprised to find that the dress fit perfectly. “There you go: gorgeous.”

  I stepped away and gave a little twirl, standing before his closet mirror. The dress flared out; I saw faint sparkles in the fabric before it settled down again. “Do I need the little jacket?”

  “Good god, no. Don’t cover up any more of your delectable skin.”

  I grinned at him. “I meant, is it going to be cold in the dining room? I might want a wrap.”

  “If you grow chilly, I will return and fetch the jacket for you. You look perfect just like that.”

  “Thanks.” I studied my reflection a moment longer. “Now I just need shoes.”

  “Of course, Cinderella.” He pointed to the bottom of the garment rack: it had a little shelf down there I hadn’t noticed, underneath all the full ball gowns. “Take your pick.”

  Well, naturally I had to choose the glass slippers, after that comment.

  I mean, they weren’t literally glass, but they might as well have been, for how they shimmered and sparkled and caught the light. Perfect with this dress, and they fit like they’d been hand-constructed from molds of my own feet.

  Was I experiencing my first real evidence of actual magic?

  Finley put the finishing touches on his own outfit, knotting his tie expertly, then picked up his jacket. “Shall we?”

  I took his proffered arm and let him lead me downstairs.


  The gallery was transformed. Despite the setup I’d seen underway earlier, I could hardly believe that such a huge room could become so intimate. I’d seen some signs of this this morning, with the clever arrangements of screens and tall plants, but I could swear that the room was less than half the size it had been last night. A long table was set in the middle of the cozy space, with several side tables near it, covered with flowers, filled glasses of champagne and wine, and little things to nibble on.

  The long central table was set with a dozen places; the china and crystal gleamed in the flickering candlelight. More flowers were laid all the way down the middle of the table. I caught their scent: they were fresh, which was a neat trick here in mid-winter. “Wow,” I breathed, clutching Finley’s arm.

  He smiled back at me. “Our lady sets a generous table.”

  “It’s gorgeous. Amazing.”

  Only a few people were already here, among them Lady Periwinkle, standing next to a blue-eyed, brown-haired man who looked familiar. They appeared deep in conversation, but she looked up as Finley and I walked closer. “Ah, delightful,” she said, turning fully to us and extending her arms to take both of my hands in hers.

  I complied; she squeezed my hands gently, then turned to the man standing next to her. “Max, here she is. Emma, meet Max.”

  The man smiled, and that’s when Clark Kent became—“Superman,” I blurted.

  He chuckled and took one of my hands from Lady Periwinkle. A rush of lust shot through me, as though his very hand could reach into my blood and bespell me. “And Catwoman.” He looked me up and down. “Though that was a sexy costume, I must say, you are far more stunning like this.”

  “I, er, thank you.” I glanced nervously at Finley, still standing just at my side. You know, Finley: the man I’d walked in with. The man I’d just spent half the day in bed with The man who’d zipped me into this dress.

  But he was grinning, looking between Max and me with evident delight. Then he clapped the other man on the shoulder affectionately. “She’s everything we’ve been promised and more.”

  Max gave Finley and me a warm smile. “Ah, marvelous! I am very much looking forward to tomorrow.”

  So. This was man number three, then? I gave a faint smile to both of them, and then looked back to Lady Periwinkle. She was smiling too, benevolently, generously.

This was too weird. But also…comfortable, somehow. I shook my head gently, telling myself to just go with it. If no one else had a problem with this all, then why should I?

  Still. Very weird.

  “Champagne?” came a familiar voice from just behind Lady Periwinkle.

  My mouth fell open: it was Justin. And why should I be at all surprised to see him? I shouldn’t; really I needed to stop disbelieving that all of this was real. That I hadn’t just slept with two different men in two days…and seemed to be well on my way to adding two more.

  I cleared my throat and gave Justin a smile as I reached for the glass he offered. “Thank you.”

  He stepped forward, his fingers brushing mine as I took the glass. My poor heart, my poor soul; I was so attracted to all three of these men, I didn’t even know where to look, who to lust after. Every one of them sent me all a-flutter, like a Victorian virgin. Like someone who’d never seen a man before in her life.

  “Cheers,” said our hostess, holding up her own champagne glass. I clinked mine against hers and took a sip. Maybe if I just kept on with a steady stream of champagne, I’d mellow out and learn how to go with the flow.


  Finley rescued me, jumping in to make friendly yet inconsequential conversation. Within a minute, Lady Periwinkle was listening to all three men chatting amiably about nothing much, and I could just sip my drink and study them.

  Max was the tallest of the three, though none of them were slouches. But he certainly fit the Superman mold: probably six-five, with his bright blue eyes perfectly offsetting his dark, almost black, hair. He was also the most well muscled, though not by much. I decided there must be a gym on the premises here. My men (my men!!) were a good-looking bunch, that was for sure.


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