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Hybrid Misfit

Page 9

by Eve Langlais

  And only a freaking huge menace left to her in the form of the Legion of Darkness and Army of Light. He’d received some disturbing news while Gene had been busy training Beth. It would seem both armies were aware of Beth’s existence already. But, another tidbit from his source gave him reason to hope, for he learned the two armies were divided on what to do. It seemed a large faction on both sides wanted to let the prophecy fulfill itself in the hopes of tearing down the walls that surrounded their realms. While many demons and angels could move freely in and out, nothing else could, not without the use of some powerful magic. Not to mention, ever since the walls were erected, effectively sectioning the forces for good and evil, neutral no longer existed. You either belonged to one camp or the other.

  And many were tired of the whole freaking thing. This fracture in the two realms, though, was great news for them as it meant less beings for him to destroy when the battle for Beth’s survival occurred.

  Gene nudged him as the van halted outside a large house tucked outside of town. The light flooding the front lawn from the windows was enough for them to see that there were quite a few cars parked out front. The stench of vampire was unmistakable, especially to one with a refined olfactory sense like his.

  “Time to play?” Simon questioned.

  Gene grinned, his smile bright in the gloom. “Let’s show them what happens when they mess with the woman of beings more powerful than them.”

  Simon jumped down from the floating carpet, hitting the ground with barely a thump. He flexed his hands, and his claws sprouted sharp and deadly.

  Time to kick some vampire ass so I can get some sweet ass of my own. He sniffed the air and found his first victim, a fledgling left to guard outside.

  With a twist and a crack that severed the spine, the vampire dropped to the ground, permanently dead. Not that Simon stayed to check. Urgency and a need to protect Beth took over, and the vampires he met on his path to find his one, discovered why they should never fuck with dragons, because no one touches what is mine.

  When the outside was cleared of the foul ones, Simon met up with Gene who, with a flick of his hand, sent the front door to the home swinging open soundlessly.

  In they stalked, Gene flicking fireballs at the vampires that came pouring out of the depths of the home to meet them. Simon took a more hands on approach: slicing, dicing and breaking the snapping creatures that dared get close enough to him. And when they began giving him a wide berth, he went after them with a snarl.

  They worried not about the noise they made, because Gene, in order to retain the element of surprise dropped a silencing spell on the area.

  At last, only one stupid vampire stood between him and the closed doors that hid Beth.

  “Shall we announce ourselves? Gene asked with a deadly twinkle in his eyes.

  Simon just grinned, and while the remaining vampire blanched-not an easy feat given his already pale status-he approached, rotating his extended claws in a hypnotizing swirl.

  When he got close enough, he grabbed the soon to be permanently dead one and rammed a sharp claw through its torso. He allowed the creature to emit a scream that he cut off with a slice to its jugular.

  Then he stood in front of the doors, chest heaving. A cry from inside made his rage double and before he could barrel through the doors, Gene blasted them open.

  And when he saw his one, tied to a chair with her face swelling, he lost all reason.

  They are all so dead.

  Chapter Eight

  I regained consciousness to a slap in the face. I forced my heavy eyelids open to see a familiar face-how unfortunate. “Jeremy, I should have known you’d be behind a cowardly attack on a woman.”

  My ex-brother, who during his incarceration with me had acted as a sort of leader to the rest of the inmates, grinned at me with pointed teeth. “Beth, how nice to see you again.”

  “I wish I could say the same. How’d you find me?” Of all my ex-brothers, Jeremy frightened me the most. As the strongest of the lab-created vamps, he was the one who’d received a sample of my blood, given to him by scientists who wanted to see what effect my blood would have on him. Jeremy had greatly enjoyed my blood, because it not only gave him the ability to walk in sunlight, it was apparently much better tasting than that of a human’s-lucky me. From that moment on, I ended up having to watch myself, because once word got around about my blood’s unique properties, all the vampires incarcerated with me wanted a taste, whether I was willing or not.

  “I’ve been looking for you a long time. I can’t believe you didn’t come with us when we escaped. I thought we were family.”

  “Family doesn’t want to fuck and suck on each other,” I spat. It still irked me that they’d turned on me. Silly me, I thought being victims of the same sick bastards would have made the bond of friendship stronger than that of avarice. I used to be so gullibly stupid back then.

  “Minor details. As to how I found you, I noticed over the years, that every time one of us went missing, it coincided with them going out for some fun, the naked dancing on a pole kind. When I realized that, I began sending groups of the boys to clubs, although, I have to admit, when you moved cities about two years ago, you almost lost me. Lucky me, though, I found you again.”

  “Yeah, lucky.” As I encouraged Jeremy to talk, I worked at the rope that bound me to the chair I sat on. But my claws, while sharp, were awkwardly placed for slicing. I also wondered what the hell had happened to my supposed protectors. They put me out there as bait and then disappeared. Nice. They’d have some apologizing to do with their tongues and cocks when I got out of here. Of course, the odds of my escaping didn’t look good, but I always was an optimist.

  “Aren’t you going to ask what I have planned?” Jeremy said with a smile which said without words that nobody sane was home.

  “Hmm, let me guess, you’ve decided to bathe.” I wrinkled my nose and was rewarded with an expression of rage and a backhand that snapped my head sideways. I saw pretty stars for a moment before I straightened to taunt him again. “Ooh, what a big man, hitting a woman all tied up. Is that the only way you get sex, too?”

  I expected the next slap, and I laughed once the buzzing in my ears died down. “Woo. I was wrong. Even tied up, a woman is too feisty for you.”

  Jeremy’s eyes burned red with rage and I smiled vapidly back at him. I knew from experience my succubus wiles didn’t work on him, something about his mind or powers being too strong. But it didn’t stop me from sending out vibes in the hopes some of his weaker coven members would succumb and give me an edge.

  “Nice try,” Jeremy smirked. “I’ve learned a lot in the last couple of years, including how to control those weaker than me, which happens to be all of the vamps that came with me and those I’ve come across since.”

  “It didn’t help Jonathon,” I replied sassily.

  Jeremy growled. “Let me rephrase then. So long as they’re within a certain proximity, I can protect their minds from soul sucking bitches like you.”

  “Oh, that’s rich coming from a blood sucker,” I rolled my eyes. A crash sounded from outside the room along with a scream that cut off abruptly. A chill breeze flowed into the room with a familiar scent and I smiled. “Uh-oh, are you in big trouble now.”

  Jeremy slapped me again and I cried out on purpose, for truly, the slap hadn’t actually hurt much. But I achieved the desired result.

  The doors to the room slammed open, and in stalked my furious dragon, his body bulging at the seams and his green eyes blazing with fury. Gene followed behind him with his trademark grin, juggling fireballs. Even given my current predicament, I found it hot and my body responded.

  Simon spied me and I could tell by the way his body tensed up that he’d noticed the swelling on my face.

  “Hey, baby,” I called out. “He did it.” I inclined my head towards Jeremy who blanched when, with a roar that shook the house, Simon charged at him.

  Gene followed more slowly, lobbing fireball
s with unerring accuracy at the other vampires scattered about the room. When he finally reached me and released my bonds, I couldn’t resist saying, “Took you long enough. I thought I was going to have to clean the nest up by myself.”

  “I tried to hold Simon back because I knew you could handle it, but dragons can’t stand it when people steal from them.” Gene rolled his eyes as he said it, while at the same time lobbing a fireball over my shoulder.

  Something screamed and gurgled, a sound covered by Simon roaring again. “Should we help him?” I asked as I watched Simon decapitate a vampire to get at Jeremy, who’d hidden behind rows of his people.

  “Nah. He needs to blow off some steam. He wasn’t crazy about the plan,” Gene tossed that tidbit at me casually.

  “Gee, and did it never occur to you to let me know about the plan?” I placed my hands on my hips and glared at him.

  Gene grinned and shrugged. “What, and miss the fun we’ll have making it up to you?”

  I punched him in the arm and laughed. “You are incorrigible.”

  I thought about joining the fight, but was much more intrigued watching my big, bad ass dragon work on his anger issues. The man moved with a breathtaking grace, and while his fury was bloody, I loved that he was furious on my behalf. It didn’t take long for Simon to finish dealing with his vengeance and at the end of it all, there was an impressive scattering of dead vampires.

  With the source of his anger eliminated, Simon stalked towards me, still bristling, almost seven feet of sweaty male-/oh my/. I didn’t flinch, even when he grabbed me in a bear hug that squeezed all the breath from me.

  “I’m okay,” I squeaked.

  “He hit you,” growled Simon.

  “It’s healing already,” I replied loving his concern.

  “I’m going to kill him again,” he said putting me down before turning to glare at Jeremy’s corpse.

  “Couldn’t we just set the place on fire and then go back to your place to do the same with your sheets?”

  I assumed the fact he threw me over his shoulder meant yes. I’ll admit, the position had its merits such as an interesting view of his ass, which I pinched-with difficulty, the man was built like a rock.

  He responded with a smack on my bottom that made me squirm.

  “Ow,” I said more out of habit than pain.

  “That will teach you to mouth off to bad guys and get hurt before I have a chance to rescue you.”

  Really? I slapped his ass back. “And that,” I replied, “was for coming up with a plan that involved me without telling.”

  “Children,” said Gene jogging up beside us. “Can we continue this fascinating slap and tickle play at home? This place is about to go up in smoke.”

  Sure enough, while Simon and I squabbled, Gene had proved a busy bee, lobbing fireballs about the place and setting it on fire. Given the age of the structure-old and ugly-it would burn well, leaving no signs, recognizable human ones anyway, of the vamps that had used it as a lair.

  In what was becoming a familiar threesome hug, Gene popped us back to the loft.

  Once there, though, Simon didn’t put me down. On the contrary, he stomped into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

  “What are you doing?” I asked starting to get tired of my upside down position.

  “Washing the stench of that creature off you.”

  Mmm, that sounded promising. Simon finally set me back on my feet and his strong hands made short work of my clothes to the detriment of the seams.

  Gene sauntered in as Simon turned me to and fro inspecting me for damage.

  “I’m fine.”

  Simon just growled and continued to run his hands down my body, which I enjoyed, so I didn’t protest much.

  I did yelp, however, when Gene gave my bare ass a slap. “Hey.” I turned my head to glare at him. His eyes glowed with desire and the hint of a smile curving his lips made my heart rate speed up.

  “Get in the shower before I give you another one.”

  I blew him a kiss and didn’t move. I even waggled my bottom at him. The sharp smack tingled and my budding arousal went into all out horny mode.

  “Naughty girl,” Simon murmured, his voice thick. I looked up at him and melted at the hungry look in his face.

  I found myself manhandled into the oversized shower, the hot spray striking skin sensitized with anticipation. In short order, my lovers joined me.

  Gene stood before me, his curved cock jutting from his groin. “Bend over and taste it,” he ordered.

  I did as ordered-eagerly. I folded my body over, sticking my bottom out for Simon’s visual enjoyment. I took Gene’s swollen head into my mouth, moaning when his fingers grasped my hair, guiding me.

  Behind me, Simon took up position, the head of his shaft brushing my backside. I wiggled it, longing to feel the thickness of his prick as it stretched my channel.

  What I got instead was a slap. I cried out around the rod in my mouth and only barely managed to not bite down. Gene’s hands tightened their grip on my hair, pushing me back and forth on his length. He matched his rhythm to the rain of smacks on my bottom, something I’d never actually indulged in before but was rapidly discovering I enjoyed. I moaned as my ass heated up, the tingle of the slaps Simon bestowed firing my libido and soaking my pussy.

  The sudden thrust of his massive cock into my channel forced me forward onto Gene’s prick, driving it down my throat, where my muscles flexed convulsively.

  Gene’s grip on my scalp tightened, and, through gritted teeth, he panted, “Take what you need.”

  I didn’t know which side of me he meant, but the decision was taken from me when my sharp incisors lowered, scraping the tender skin of his shaft.

  Hot coppery liquid hit my tongue and I sucked at it, taking what he offered and more. My more sensual side woke as my dark feeding aroused me even further. My erotic delight passed from me to Gene, a molten wave of bliss that combined with the pounding pleasure of Simon’s cock in my pussy, brought on my orgasm. I cried out around the shaft in my mouth, taking him deep and clamping down.

  “Oh fuck,” Gene groaned before shooting his fiery load down my throat.

  I was too busy to enjoy his reaction, though, still caught in the waves of my diminishing climax. Simon continued to plow me, his rod a tight fit, but one that I loved. Distracted, Gene’s sated cock slipped out of my mouth. He didn’t seem to mind as he knelt under my bent body and caught a protruding nipple with his mouth, tugging it hard and sending a pleasurable jolt right down to my cleft. One orgasm down, I could already feel the next one building.

  Behind me, Simon continued to slap my buttocks as he rammed me, the zinging pain making my pelvic muscles tighten deliciously around his shaft. I froze, though, when he stroked his thumb over my puckered ring.

  I looked over my shoulder and gasped, “Out hole.”

  His blazing eyes met mine. “For now.”

  Gene released my nipple long enough to say, “Oh, sweet one, wait until you experience the ecstasy of having both of us seated in you at the same time. Our hard cocks fucking both your tight holes, our bodies sandwiching yours.” Then having said his piece he bit down on my nub and I cried out.

  When he put it like that, I had to admit the idea had its appeal, even given my preconceived-if strange notions-about acceptable sex. Simon, as if sensing the direction of my thoughts, popped his thumb right into my rosette, a shocking maneuver that even in its alien feel, brought on my climax.

  Gene lips caught my ecstatic scream as my body convulsed and quivered in the throes of pleasure, a bliss that went on and on, and Simon somehow through his rod, seated deep inside, fed me his arousal. When with a mighty bellow he finally came, I was overwhelmed with the power that rushed into me and collapsed against Gene, who held me cradled in his arms as the water in the shower, now gone tepid, continued to pour over us. And even though we ended up washing each other with giggles under a chilly spray, one thought kept circling: Hot damn, I’ll have to try a
nd be bad more often if this is how they intend to punish me.

  Chapter Nine

  I smiled wider than a Chesire cat the following morning. My expanding sexual horizons and my adept lovers making me feel better-and more powerful-than I ever remembered. Unlike my previous wakeup, I got the morning nookie I craved, a quick, sweaty tag-team affair where Simon and Gene kept swapping position between my legs. But the climax was worth it even if it left me in desperate need of a shower before I went home trailing the scent of sex after me.

  I dressed in another new outfit courtesy of the guys, and which I didn’t argue about given they kept destroying my clothes in their eagerness to claim me. Ain’t love grand?

  I froze mid stroke, the brush in my hair falling from suddenly numb fingers.

  Love? Can it be? I thought over how Gene and Simon made me feel, and not just in the bedroom. I mulled over the conversations we had, many which weren’t comprised of sexual innuendo. I pondered the fact that I missed them like crazy when we were apart. I couldn’t deny the facts stacking up. I’m in love.

  On the heels of that amazing revelation fear followed. But, what if they don’t feel the same way?

  Compared to them, I was an inexperienced babe in the woods. How could I hope to keep their attention outside the bedroom? I knew nothing of the things they’d gone through. I held maybe a fraction of their knowledge.

  Even as all the reasons for them to not love me piled up, one thing kept intruding-my gut instinct. And that internal dousing rod of mine, also known as female intuition, said they cared for me, and possibly loved me as much as I loved them.

  How and when should I tell them, though? Somehow, just walking out into the living room and announcing it aloud seemed wrong. The moment I declared myself should have meaning, or at the very least attempt to be special. And a quick escape route should I be totally mistaken and they not return my affection.


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