Healing Hearts

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Healing Hearts Page 14

by Donna K. Ford

  “Are you still with the bureau?”

  Chacey nodded. “I canceled the transfer to Boston and came back to Virginia. I’m still in my old house. You should see Miss Priss, she’s a mess.”

  “I guess she’s not a kitten anymore.” She’d given Chacey the tiny orange ball of fur to keep her company after she’d left Charles.

  “Ha! No, fully grown and great company for me. A little territorial at times, but she keeps me entertained.”

  Elaine imagined Chacey at home in her favorite lounging spot on the sofa, petting the cat and reading a book. It was a picture she remembered clearly and it made her feel homesick for the life they’d had together.

  Chacey pushed her food aside. “Come on, I can see you aren’t really going to eat that. Come sit with me.”

  Elaine followed her across the room. She smiled when Chacey sat on the sofa and patted her lap. “Stretch your legs out and get comfortable.”

  There had been so many nights when Chacey had sat rubbing her legs as they talked about the day, made plans, watched movies. Elaine marveled at how they had fallen into this old pattern so easily after so long apart.

  “So it’s you and Miss Priss?” Elaine asked, needing to know if Chacey was involved with anyone before she let herself hope too much. “Do you have someone in your life?”

  “You. I told you. I never left you.” Chacey pulled Elaine’s legs onto her lap and ran her hand up her leg, massaging her calf muscles and the tender area just behind her knee.

  Elaine drew in a sharp breath and felt another part of the ice around her heart melt away.

  Chacey deepened the massage. “God, you’re even more beautiful than I remembered.”

  Elaine felt her neck and face grow warm. Her heart beat wildly in her chest, and fear threatened to take over. “Chacey…”

  “Don’t be afraid, sweetheart. I’ll never hurt you. You don’t ever have to be afraid again.”

  Elaine froze as Chacey leaned closer, her hand gently pressing into the back of her neck, her gaze intent and hungry. Their faces only inches apart, Chacey took Elaine’s hand and placed it on her cheek. “Can you feel it?”

  Elaine’s hand tingled as if an electric current flowed beneath Chacey’s skin. She moved her fingers lightly across Chacey’s face. Her breathing slowed, all her senses focused on the energy passing between them.

  Elaine smiled. “I can feel it.”

  Before Elaine could say more, Chacey’s lips met hers and flames shot through her blood. She swooned and she thought for a moment that she was floating. When they finally parted, Elaine’s arms were around Chacey’s neck, she sat atop Chacey’s lap, and her body was pressed tightly to Chacey’s. Tears streaked Chacey’s face. Chacey pushed the hair back from Elaine’s face, as if reluctant to stop touching her.

  Elaine peered into Chacey’s eyes for a moment, her breathing heavy. Her heart was simultaneously breaking and filled with joy. She had her lover in her arms, the one woman she knew she did not want to live another minute without. But she also knew she had been the one to put the pain in Chacey’s eyes. She brushed Chacey’s tears away with kisses, wanting to make it right, wanting to make the pain stop.

  “I’m sorry, I promised myself I wouldn’t cry. I just can’t seem to hold it all in now that I have you here. I thought I had lost you forever.” Chacey’s voice was a whisper and shook with emotion. “I feel like the last three years have been a bad dream, like it wasn’t real. Now I have you and I can finally breathe again.”

  Chacey’s hold on Elaine tightened, pulling her closer. And Elaine felt love overtake her fear. Hearing the promise in Chacey’s voice, Elaine knew that, this time, Chacey would never let her go.


  Alex sat by the lake watching the sunrise. Her voice was quiet and her body still. She had come here to talk to Sophia as she always did as the sun rose, but today she felt a new heaviness upon her heart.

  She didn’t understand her feelings for Christian and she didn’t know what to do about them. What do I do, Sophia? I feel like such a mess. Her thoughts drifted to the day she’d met Sophia. They had taken an art class together and worked side by side for weeks before Alex had the nerve to ask her out. Sophia had laughed and teased her. Took you long enough, sport. I was beginning to think I was going to have to ask you to pose for my nudes in order to get you in bed.

  Sophia had always been in charge, teaching her how to love her. No wonder she didn’t have a clue what she was doing now.Then Sophia’s words struck her again. Took you long enough, sport. Maybe she just needed to go after what she wanted. Maybe she didn’t need to sit back and wait for Christian to come to her.

  The memory of Christian’s body pressed against her as tears streaked her face tore at Alex. She thought about how different Sophia and Christian were and realized for the first time that what she felt for Christian was love. Sophia had guided her through her fear and taught her how to take a chance on love. Now maybe it was her turn to help Christian take a chance and learn to love again.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Elaine had fallen asleep sometime around four in the morning, cradled in Chacey’s arms. She dreamed she was being chased through unfamiliar corridors, and she struggled to find a way out. She startled herself awake to find Chacey still holding her against her chest, stroking her hair. They lay on the sofa, still in their clothes, and the upholstery buttons pressed into Elaine’s thigh, but at that moment she couldn’t have felt better. Being in Chacey’s arms was the most right feeling of her life. She wound her fingers through Chacey’s hair, relishing the warmth and safety of her embrace.

  But as much as she wanted to pick up where they had left off, Elaine knew that too much time had passed for that. She knew Chacey, but didn’t know her. She knew the woman she had loved. She knew the life they once had. But three years left a mark, and she knew it would take time to learn to be together again.

  Elaine turned to Chacey. Fatigue clouded her eyes, and she had the feeling Chacey hadn’t slept at all. “You should rest, sweetheart. Have you been awake this whole time?”

  “I’ve been enjoying watching you sleep. I feel like I’ve missed so much already. I’m afraid to close my eyes. I don’t want you to disappear again.” Chacey leaned down, kissed Elaine’s forehead, and ran her fingers through her hair.

  Elaine heard the vulnerability in Chacey’s voice. “I promise not to disappear. Now, you need to get some rest. Let’s get you to bed. This sofa is like sleeping in a pickup truck.” Elaine peeled herself away from Chacey, pulling her up with her as she stood.

  Chacey locked her arms around Elaine and held her tightly, and she swayed a little on her feet. “Okay, maybe I’m a little tired.”

  Elaine chuckled and pulled Chacey toward the bed.

  They didn’t bother undressing. They were too tired. Elaine pressed against Chacey’s chest, urging her onto the bed. As Chacey’s body relaxed into the comforter and her head lay cradled by the pillow, Elaine climbed into the bed next to her. Her head lay on Chacey’s shoulder and she burrowed her face into the smooth, soft skin of her neck. As she skimmed her fingers across the taut muscles of Chacey’s stomach, Chacey caught her hand, drew it up to her chest, and placed it over the spot where Elaine could feel the rhythmic thrum of Chacey’s heart.

  Elaine knew time hadn’t changed the most important thing. “I love you,” she whispered.

  Chacey let out a heavy sigh and squeezed her arm tighter around Elaine’s shoulder. “I love you too, sweetheart.”

  Chacey’s lips brushed against her hair and she felt Chacey drift off to sleep.


  A shadow fell across Christian’s face, rousing her from her slumber as she sat sunbathing on the patio. Looking up into the sun, she couldn’t make out the face hidden in shadow, but as her eyes skimmed the tall, muscular body and took in the broad shoulders and short, thick hair, she knew who it was instantly. She would know Alex’s shape anywhere.

  Holding a hand up to shield her eyes, she sa
w Alex beaming down at her. She wore a tight-fitting tank top that showed off her arm muscles and hugged every contour of her body. Cargo shorts hung loosely on her hips as if the slightest tug could dislodge them. She held two drinks, one of which she extended toward Christian.

  “You looked so relaxed over here, I couldn’t resist joining you. I thought you might be thirsty from the sun, so I brought you a drink,” Alex said, her tone casual and relaxed.

  Christian studied her for a moment before reaching out and taking the drink. “Thank you.” She wondered why Alex was there.

  As if reading her mind, Alex launched into explanation. “I’m teaching a pottery class today down at the pavilion. You should come.”

  “Thanks, but no. I’m not very artistic.”

  Alex laughed. “That wouldn’t matter today. The first day is usually a mess for everyone. Besides, pottery is one of those things anyone can do with a little practice.” She shrugged. “But suit yourself, if it isn’t your thing, that’s okay too.”

  Christian watched Alex let her eyes roam down the expanse of her exposed skin. To her surprise, Alex didn’t flinch when she realized she was being watched. It was as if Alex wanted her to see. “What are you doing, Alex?”

  Alex looked innocent for a moment, then smiled sheepishly. “Just admiring you and imagining my hands all over your body.”

  Christian was caught off guard by Alex’s frankness. Her jaw dropped in disbelief—had Alex just said that? It wasn’t like her to be so forward. What was going on?

  “What? Is there something wrong with admiring a beautiful woman? You know I want you.”

  Christian’s face burned. “Alex. Don’t do this. I can’t do this.”

  “Do what?” Alex laughed. “You may not want to admit it, but you want me too, and I’m not going to give up.”

  Alex stood and stripped off her shirt, her muscles rippling with each movement as she stretched her arms over her head, then leaned down and shucked off her shorts. “I dare you not to watch me walk over there and dive into that pool.” Alex smiled wickedly at Christian. Then she walked away. Her shoulders squared, Alex stalked across the patio with the grace of a jungle cat.

  Christian clenched her jaw. She could not take her eyes off Alex’s body even knowing Alex was purposely antagonizing her. She surged with heat and her stomach tightened as she studied each inch of muscle, Alex’s thin black bathing suit only accentuating her slender hips, the curve of her butt, and her high, tight breasts. Christian’s groin pulsed and she stifled a moan. Despite her attempts to bury her feelings for Alex, her body rebelled against her resolve and hungered for more.

  A long minute later, Christian tried to focus on the book she was reading when Alex returned to her side dripping, her skin glistening in the sun.

  “Did you watch?” Alex asked, her voice playful.

  Christian surrendered and played along. “As a matter of fact, I did. Nice show.”

  “Good. How about a swim, then? I bet you could use a nice cool dip right now.” Alex flicked her fingers, spraying Christian with cold droplets of water.

  Christian flinched and giggled, despite herself. “Okay, that’s enough. You win!”

  “You’ll stop avoiding me, then?”

  “I’m not avoiding you. I’m just taking time to sort out…stuff.”

  Alex cocked her head. “Not good enough.” In one smooth motion, she scooped Christian up into her arms.

  Christian squealed and smacked Alex on the shoulder with the palm of her hand. She wasn’t sure if she was delighted or horrified. “Alex, put me down!” Why was she doing this?

  Alex carried Christian to the pool and stood on the edge, holding her over the water. Alex held her securely and Christian knew there was no real threat. But Alex seemed to be enjoying herself. And they were beginning to attract attention.

  Alex said, “Admit you were avoiding me. Say you’ll have dinner with me tonight.”

  “Alex, I don’t think that is a good idea.”

  People were beginning to laugh. One woman cat-whistled and yelled, “Say yes!”

  “Oh, great, now you have the whole resort on your side,” Christian grumbled.

  “Hey, I can’t help it if I’m right and you’re just plain stubborn.”

  Christian smacked Alex on the shoulder again.

  “Okay, if that’s how you want to play it…” Alex moved as if she would drop Christian into the water.

  “No. Wait! I’ll go. I’ll go!”

  “You’ll have dinner with me?”

  “Yes, I’ll have dinner with you!”

  Cheers erupted from the surrounding tables. Alex smiled down at Christian, a devilish look on her face. “That’s better.” Alex raised one eyebrow, said, “Now for that swim,” and stepped off the side into the pool, Christian still cradled in her arms.

  “Alex!” Christian’s yell was stifled as she plunged into the water. Strong hands pulled her into an embrace and slick skin slid against her own. Their arms and legs entwined in a lovers’ embrace. Christian felt the last shred of her resistance break, and desire sparked in her middle. She was laughing as her head broke the surface of the water, her arms wrapped around Alex’s neck and her face only inches from Alex’s lips. Water streamed down her face, and she blinked, trying to focus on the ice-blue eyes glistening back at her. “You’re crazy, you know that.”

  Alex just smiled and leaned in and kissed her.

  She couldn’t resist any longer. Her fingers tangled their way through the thick, wet layers of Alex’s hair. Her body wrapped around Alex like a vise. Christian pressed into the kiss, pushed Alex back under the water, and joined her there, never breaking the kiss.

  Chapter Nineteen

  There was a knock at the door promptly at six thirty. Christian stood in front of her mirror, fussing over her hair and berating herself for agreeing to this date with Alex. She was so excited she could hardly breathe. What had happened to her resolve not to see Alex anymore? Oh God, what am I doing? When the second knock sounded, she sighed and turned to answer the door.

  Christian stood frozen as she took in the unexpected change in Alex’s appearance. Her hair was combed to the side and revealed the strong angle of her jaw. She wore tailored black dress slacks, a baby blue dress shirt, and a fitted black-on-black satin vest with an intricate pattern across the chest. Her black shoes were polished to a shine. The clothes brought out the color of her eyes, now the blue of the ocean on a clear, sunny day.

  Alex smiled. “Hi. I hope I’m not early.”

  Christian pulled herself from her trance, finding it hard not to stare at Alex. God, she looked good. “No, you’re right on time. Come in while I gather my things.”

  Alex stepped into the room and stood by the door. She watched Christian move about the room and marveled at how elegant she looked. Christian wore gray dress slacks, modest black heels, and a long white silk dress shirt, gathered at the waist by a silver chain that acted as a belt. The collar of her shirt was open and revealed the gentle swell of her breasts. At the hollow of her throat lay a small silver pendant that reminded Alex of a Celtic knot. Matching silver earrings glistened in the light and drew Alex’s eye to Christian’s delicate neck.

  Alex suddenly felt like a schoolgirl going on her first date with the prom queen. Her palms began to sweat.

  Christian moved toward her, a clutch purse held firmly in her hand. “Are you all right, Alex?”

  The concern in Christian’s voice drew Alex back to the moment. “You’re beautiful,” she said reverently.

  “Thank you,” Christian said as she leaned in and kissed Alex on the cheek. “So are you,” she whispered softly.

  Alex ran her hands around Christian’s waist, the soft fabric a cruel barrier between her and the delicate skin she longed to touch. She licked her lips at the thought of her mouth on Christian’s stomach, and on the delicate flesh below.

  Christian felt her body go hot as gentle hands pressed into her back and Alex brushed against her br
easts. A quiver ran through her and she shuddered. She could almost feel Alex’s eyes burning a path across her skin as her gaze roamed the length of her neck, down her chest, to the supple cleft between her breasts. Breath shaky, she leaned in and whispered, “I think we’d better go.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Alex stared for a moment as if about to kiss Christian, then hesitantly released her hold and turned to open the door. As they made their way down the hall, Alex took Christian’s hand, as if she couldn’t stand a moment without her touch.

  There seemed to be a change in Alex, and Christian tried to place the subtle difference. It wasn’t a physical change. A thrill ran down Christian’s spine when she remembered the way Alex had looked at her in her room. The look had been confident, as if she knew something Christian didn’t.

  Alex stopped and opened the door to the Jeep. Christian noted that the top had been put on. She smiled at all the trouble Alex had gone to just to get her to go to dinner with her. Alex waited solicitously until Christian was settled in her seat, then shut the door. Halfway down the drive, Alex reached across and took her hand again, and Christian realized she had missed her touch.

  She needed to break the silence. “Where are we going?”

  Alex smiled. “You’ll see.”

  “Come on, just a hint?”

  “Nope. You’ll just have to wait.” Alex stroked her hand with her thumb. “Let me guess, you don’t like surprises.”

  “No. That’s not it. I just wonder about the things you like.” She wondered what Alex had up her sleeve. “Besides, after the stunt at the pool, who knows what you’re up to?”

  Alex laughed. “I promise to take you to a perfectly normal place for a perfectly normal meal. Think you can handle that?”

  “Yes. I think I can handle that,” Christian said, her curiosity beginning to get the better of her.


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