Healing Hearts

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Healing Hearts Page 20

by Donna K. Ford

  “How could someone have traced me here?” Elaine whispered, as if afraid to express the thoughts aloud. “The arrangements for my stay at Willow Springs are extremely confidential, and I have it worked out that no one ever knows where I am. In three years no one has ever found me here.”

  “I know,” Chacey said emphatically. “I kept up with you myself for a while, and it was as if you would vanish for months at a time.” Chacey broke eye contact with Elaine as she realized she had just confessed to following her. She wondered how Elaine would take this information.

  Elaine reached out a hand and grasped her arm, drawing her gaze. “Thank you for never giving up on me.”

  Chacey smiled and shook her head, deeply relieved. “You are my love. I will never stop fighting for you as long as I draw breath and my heart continues to beat. And I don’t know how, but it seems someone is trying very hard to find you. I don’t like it.”

  “There’s something else. Hannah told me about a new guest that arrived while I was at the hotel with you. Something about the woman troubles Hannah. It might not mean anything, but I don’t like it.”

  “I’ll look into it. And I know you aren’t going to like this, but I’m going to have to call Mike. I have to let them know what’s happening here.”

  Elaine nodded.

  “Good. Now let’s get started.”

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Christian checked her watch again as she gathered up her bags. She took a final sweep of the condo, making sure all appliances had been turned off and all windows were locked. Pausing at the bookcase, she ran a finger across a picture of Cara smiling from the still photo. I love you, Cara. Thank you for knowing how to love me.

  Heaving a heavy sigh, Christian picked up her messenger bag and her keys. Closing and locking the door behind her, she knew she was not running away from her life this time, but was walking straight ahead into her future. She still didn’t know what was in store for her, but for the first time since Cara’s death, she felt ready to live again.

  The cab sat at the curb waiting for her. When she’d settled into the seat, she was surprised by the voice greeting her.

  “Hello. We meet again.”

  Christian looked up into the gentle eyes of the cabbie who had driven her to the cemetery and then home, over a week before. He sat with his arm thrown over the back of the seat so that he could face her, instead of looking at her in the rearview mirror’s reflection. Christian smiled at the man warmly, feeling comforted that he should be the one to send her out on the next leg of her journey.

  “I see you found your answers,” he said jovially. “The light has returned to your eyes. You no longer carry your burden.”

  Christian looked back up at the stone steps and the big wood-and-glass door that led to her apartment. “Yes. I suppose I have.”

  “Very good. Where can I take you today?”

  “The airport, please.”

  “The airport it is,” he said with a hearty laugh. “It’s a good day for an adventure.”

  Christian sat back and watched the city flash by her window, a smile edging the corners of her mouth. She was returning to Alex. “Yes, it is.”


  Christian felt strong and confident as she stepped through the doors of Willow Springs. Unlike her first arrival, when she’d come looking for answers about her past, now she was seeking her future. She hadn’t notified anyone she was returning and was surprised when Hannah ran to her, threw her arms around her, and exclaimed, “You’re back!” The welcome only solidified Christian’s belief that she had been right to come back. She smiled when Hannah released her and gave her a quick appraisal.

  “Oh my goodness, Christian, you look great. We’ve been so worried about you!”

  Christian laughed. “It’s good to be back. I’m sorry I worried you.”

  “Oh, Alex is going to be so relieved that you’re back. Bless her heart, she’s been here every day since you left, and—”

  “Wait, Hannah. I don’t want you to tell Alex I’m back just yet. I have something else in mind.”

  Hannah looked at Christian questioningly, her brow furrowed in confusion.

  “Trust me on this, Hannah. Just give me a little more time. Is Alex here now?”

  Hannah looked over her shoulder toward the ballroom. “I think she left a couple of hours ago. She’s been helping with the decorations for the ball tomorrow.”

  “Good.” Christian loved Hannah for worrying about Alex and for her generous heart. She was always trying to protect others. “Is Alex planning to come to the dance?”


  “Very good. Is Elaine here?”

  “Yes, she’s here. She has a new friend staying with her. I believe they’re out on the patio by the pool.”

  So Chacey was here. An interesting development. Christian couldn’t wait to catch up with her friend. But not tonight. “If you don’t mind, can I have some food brought up to my room? I think I’d like to have the evening alone, and I still haven’t had dinner.”

  Hannah nodded.

  “And will you keep my secret just a little while? It will only be until tomorrow. I promise.”

  Hannah took in a deep breath, “Of course. Whatever you need.”

  Christian leaned in and kissed Hannah’s cheek. “Thank you.”


  Chacey escorted Elaine down the elegant staircase, her arm held formally at an angle with Elaine’s hand resting lightly at her elbow. Chacey thought her heart would burst with pride when they entered the ballroom and all the guests turned to look at them. She knew they still had much to overcome in rebuilding their relationship, but the weight of Elaine’s hand on her arm and the sway of her body with each step reminded her that they were moving forward into their future together. Chacey could hear the hushed whispers of surprise as Elaine strode into the room, her hair pulled up at the back with loose auburn curls framing her porcelain skin. Her dress was a formfitting black silk that cut sharply across her chest, revealing the delicate skin and bold prominence of her collarbones. Over the dress, she wore an equally elegant long black silk Asian dress coat that matched the delicate cut of her dress, embroidered with red poppies down the right sleeve and, at an angle, down the length of the garment.

  Chacey leaned in and whispered, “You really are the belle of the ball.”

  Elaine smiled broadly and squeezed Chacey’s arm. She was simply beaming.

  Chacey scanned the room, letting her eyes drift across the many faces looking back at them. She noted the various doors leading to different parts of the building and exits leading out to the courtyard. There was no way for her to keep an eye on all of them.

  They paused when Hannah stepped forward and greeted them warmly and escorted them to their table. “You look beautiful tonight, Ms. Barber,” Hannah said as she pushed in Elaine’s chair and nodded across at Chacey.

  “Thank you,” Elaine said.

  Elaine looked around the room, scanning the faces she knew from Willow Springs and those who were strangers. She felt she was among family as she took in the smiles and warmth of the women around her. The room was beautifully decorated with tables covered in silver tablecloths adorned with fishbowls of floating candles surrounded with magnolia blooms. Elaine drew in the fragrance of the flowers, and her skin tingled. But there was nothing more beautiful than the woman beside her. Chacey wore a black velvet tuxedo jacket with satin lapels over a bright red camisole that matched the embroidery on Elaine’s dress. Her black cotton crepe pants showed off her slim, athletic figure. The image was so perfect Elaine couldn’t stop touching her, wanting to feel the promise flowing between them. They were together at last.

  Continuing her survey of the room, Elaine saw Alex standing alone at the bar, and she wondered where her dear friend Christian was on this night. She owed so much to Christian and her friendship, and she felt a little sad that she wasn’t there with them. She wished Christian and Alex had been able to find happiness together the way sh
e had found hers with Chacey.

  The room seemed alive with the gentle murmur of voices. A band was set up at the opposite end of the room, and the center was clear of chairs and tables to allow for a dance floor. As the band changed songs, Chacey leaned in and asked, “Would you like to dance with me?”

  Elaine met her gaze and her heart skipped a beat. She had barely been able to make herself leave their room once she had seen Chacey in the black tuxedo, and now all she could think about was methodically undressing her. Desire coursed through her, and she felt the telltale heat of arousal and need.

  Chacey smiled knowingly and held out her hand to Elaine as she stood.

  Elaine took the offered hand and followed Chacey to the dance floor. She leaned into Chacey’s arms and allowed the familiar embrace to flood her with teasing anticipation of the hours to come when they would be alone and she could show Chacey the depth of her need for her. In that moment she felt like the princess in a fairy tale, holding her happily-ever-after in her arms.

  Chacey guided Elaine across the floor with ease, relishing the feel of her body pressed against her own. She felt drunk on love, her heart breaking with the joy of being with the most beautiful woman in the world.

  Elaine brushed her hand across Chacey’s chest, sending a burst of pleasure racing down her spine. Chacey growled her excitement and leaned in to nip at Elaine’s lip.

  “Okay, tiger. I think I need a drink to cool this down before I forget myself,” Elaine said, pulling away gently.

  “Sure, whatever you want. But don’t think you’re not mine at the end of the night,” Chacey said.

  “Looking forward to it.”

  Chacey instantly felt the change in her lover when Elaine stopped abruptly. “What is it?” she said, peering at Elaine. When she didn’t answer, Chacey followed her gaze to the front of the room as she tightened her grip protectively around Elaine’s waist.


  Alex leaned against the bar and watched the crowd of women, all smiling and enjoying the evening. But the one woman she sought was not there among the smiling faces. She had hoped that Christian would return for the dance, and as the night lingered, she felt the last vestiges of her hope begin to fade. Christian wasn’t coming back.

  Alex saw Hannah coming her way. Hannah stepped close to her and bumped her playfully with her shoulder. “Hey, sport. How are you doing?”

  Alex chuckled as she glanced at Hannah. “I’m not exactly the life of the party, but hey, the night is young.”

  “Yeah. Think you might want to dance? Andi can’t come till later because of work, and I thought we could liven this party up a little.”

  Alex looked at Hannah and smiled, knowing that Hannah was trying to cheer her up. “Thanks, maybe later. You did an amazing job this year. Everything is perfect.”

  Hannah smiled. “Thanks.”

  Alex was about to comment on the pink tennis shoes Hannah was wearing with her tux when Hannah’s face changed suddenly as she looked over Alex’s shoulder. Alex turned to see what had distracted Hannah, and her breath caught and her heart seemed to stop.

  A tall, slight figure stepped into the entrance, looked around, and began making her way across the room toward her. Alex took in the short curls tucked behind a delicate ear, the slim frame draped with ripples of black fabric that showed off strong, bare shoulders and a delicate curve of breast. Her stride was purposeful and strong, and her gaze was fixed on her target.


  Christian took a deep breath as she straightened her dress one last time. She could feel the pounding of her heart in her chest and thought she might hyperventilate. Here goes, she thought as she stepped into the room. She let her eyes roam the room of familiar faces. She met Elaine’s gaze briefly and smiled. Elaine smiled back, nodding slightly. Then she found the one woman she was hoping to see.

  Taking another deep breath, she made her way across the room to where Alex stood next to the bar. Hannah was with Alex, but she could tell by the look on Alex’s face that Hannah had kept her promise. She soaked up every inch of Alex’s exquisite form. Alex wore a black tuxedo that hugged her muscular shoulders and tapered at the waist to show her slim hips. Her hair was brushed back with the tips curling around her nape, framing her beautiful face.

  She caught her breath, and the familiar sting of tears pricked her eyes as she saw how Alex had changed in her absence. Alex was paler than she remembered and she had lost weight. Her usually strong features were now sharply angular at her cheeks and jaw. Christian held her resolve and focused her gaze on the woman now staring back at her.

  The music in the room barely penetrated her senses as she made her way through the throng of women gliding around the dance floor. Stepping up to Alex, she smiled, cocking her head slightly to the right. “Hello, Alex. I’m sorry I’m late, but I was hoping I might have this dance.”

  Alex stared at her blankly. When she spoke, her voice sounded hoarse, as if it hadn’t been used in a long time. “Christian?”

  “I know I’ve got a lot of explaining to do, and I promise to tell you everything. But right now, I just want to dance with you.”

  Christian reached out to Alex, took the glass of wine from her hand, and set it gently on the bar beside her. She took Alex’s hand in hers like a delicate flower, suddenly afraid Alex might pull away from her. When she felt no resistance, she pulled Alex closer to her. When they reached the dance floor, the music changed, and the band began to play Patty Griffin’s“Burgundy Shoes.” Christian slid her arm along Alex’s shoulder and guided Alex’s hand to her waist. She pressed her face to the soft skin of Alex’s neck and breathed in the clean scent of pine and soap.

  Christian sighed in relief when Alex began to move, slowly guiding her across the floor. It was as if all her senses were heightened with the new awareness of her feelings for Alex, and she marveled at the feel of Alex’s hands brushing across the fabric of her dress to press against the bare skin of her back. As the music rose and fell, Christian was led across the floor with such flourish that she felt like she was floating. And then, suddenly, Alex lifted her into her arms as they turned. Christian laughed and held tightly to her shoulders. Alex peered up at her with such intensity that Christian felt as if her heart could burst.

  As the song slowly faded, Christian placed her hands on Alex’s face and drew their faces together until their lips met. Christian took Alex into her with abandon and poured her heart into the kiss as she swept her tongue into Alex’s mouth.

  The sound of clapping reminded Christian they were not alone to pursue their abandon. As she pulled away gently, Alex slowly lowered her to the floor. Christian gazed at Alex, overwhelmed with love for her.

  As the clapping continued, Christian found herself unexpectedly shy. She laughed out loud and buried her face against Alex’s neck.


  Elaine’s smile broadened as she watched Christian make her way to the table. She had never been happier. She had the woman she loved beside her, and her dear friend had returned to share this magical night with her. She was also pleased to see the subtle change in Christian that told her she had released some of the past that had haunted her so deeply. The dark circles were gone from beneath her eyes, her shoulders were squared and her head held high. Christian looked radiant.

  Elaine stood as Christian reached out to her. She wrapped Christian in a hug and allowed yet another connection to solidify in her life. The two women stood for a moment, as a current of understanding passed between them through their embrace.

  “I’m so happy you returned,” Elaine said.

  “Me too. You look beautiful, Elaine.”

  “As do you, sweetheart.”

  Chacey cleared her throat and moved Elaine’s chair. “Would you two ladies like to join us at the table, or do you plan to stand admiring each other for the rest of the evening?”

  Elaine and Christian laughed simultaneously and glanced sheepishly at Chacey and Alex who stood waiting.

  Elaine looked at
the three beautiful women around her and knew they would become a family. Chacey was her love, Christian was her friend, and she knew that Alex too would find her special place. In one magical night, Elaine felt like she had discovered the world and was now part of something beautiful.


  Karen brushed her hand across the gun to make sure it couldn’t be seen under her apron. She had watched Chacey and Elaine make their entrance, and her blood boiled seeing Elaine’s hands on Chacey. And Chacey had smiled like she was enjoying it. She knew things had gone too far. Elaine was taking Chacey away again.

  Karen set a glass of water on the table and moved closer to better see what was happening. She needed to understand why Chacey was doing this to her. Two other women were sitting at the table now, obviously friends of Elaine’s by the way they embraced. But they were inconsequential. She didn’t care about them. She knew this was just an act. Chacey wasn’t happy. She couldn’t be happy with anyone but her.

  She walked across the room, pushing a chair in at a table where someone had left it askew, probably on their way to the dance floor. Exactly what a waitress should do. She smiled to herself for her cleverness. No one even noticed her as she’d made her way through the crowd. But they would notice her soon enough. She knew what she had to do. The decision excited her. She was going to show them who Chacey really loved. She was going to save her from Elaine once and for all, and Chacey would belong to her.

  She was getting close now. Her anticipation grew with every step. It would only be a few more minutes, and then it would all be over.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Elaine traced a finger across Chacey’s hand as Chacey told a story about Elaine’s fondness for karaoke and her interpretation of blues classics. Elaine relaxed as she listened to the sound of Chacey’s voice. Darkness had fallen, and the lights around the pool glowed, inviting the guests to extend their festivities outdoors to the patio. Dinner was being served, and bottles of champagne had been brought out to each table. The sudden pop of a cork at the table behind them made Elaine jump. Instantly, Chacey took her hand as she leaned in and whispered softly, “You’re all right, darling, it’s just the champagne.”


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