Healing Hearts

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Healing Hearts Page 21

by Donna K. Ford

  Elaine was embarrassed by her overreaction and felt the heat spreading through her cheeks, but she recovered her composure without drawing additional attention to herself. And as Chacey whispered into her ear, Elaine brushed close and made contact. Chacey’s lips skimmed her neck, and she shivered with arousal.

  Laughter broke out at the table behind them, and the women cheered as the champagne bubbled from the bottle. Everyone turned to watch the celebration and laughed as the Haverty sisters scrambled to fill their glasses with the effervescent wine. The shrill shriek of a woman nearby and the sound of shattering glass brought everyone’s startled gazes back to the center of the room.

  Elaine blinked and couldn’t quite process what she saw. Standing before their table was one of the waitstaff, a slight woman with jet-black hair pulled back at the neck and fierce, glaring brown eyes. Black teardrop earrings dangled lightly from her ears. Some of the guests had scattered to the sides of the room, staring in shock, while others were leaving as quickly as they could. Elaine thought someone might have yelled, “Gun!” She registered the gleaming silver pistol pointed directly at her.

  Chacey moved to put her body between Elaine and the gun, only partially succeeding since the chairs and table left little room to maneuver. Alex and Christian both stood abruptly, knocking chairs over with their sudden movement, and Alex grabbed Christian’s arm, pulling her back away from the table.

  “Stop,” the woman ordered flatly, her voice indicating she was in complete control.

  Alex and Christian froze as the gun moved slightly to point at them momentarily before the woman returned her focus to Elaine.

  “I knew it had to be you,” the woman snarled. “I told you she was mine. You can’t have her. I warned you. You knew I wouldn’t let you have her.” The woman spoke through gritted teeth, rage blazing in her eyes. “You should have died the first time.”

  “Karen?” Chacey’s voice was uncertain, as if she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

  The woman shot her gaze to Chacey. “Of course, sweetheart. Who else?”

  Elaine stared, frozen in place as a roaring flooded her ears. People seemed to be moving quickly around her, but the sound was muffled and seemed in slow motion. She found the contrast of her senses disorienting, and she blinked, trying to register the information before her. The shimmering glint of silver metal shook her memory. A gun. She felt the sudden jolt of Chacey’s body pressing into her, trying to shield her. A sharp pain pierced her side as Chacey’s elbow caught her old scar. Suddenly, Elaine’s focus returned, and she realized her fears had finally risen from her past and demanded an end.

  The sound of the woman’s voice suddenly came into crisp focus, and Elaine could hear the anger directed at her. “I guess you forgot my little promise to you, so I’m here to remind you. Chacey is mine!” The woman had become more hysterical as she spoke.

  “What the hell?” Chacey yelled. “Don’t do this, Karen.”

  Elaine sat motionless for a moment as memories flashed before her eyes, culminating in the shooting at her office. The image of the face was clear now, the memory solidifying in Elaine’s mind as all the fragments came together to make sense of her nightmares. It had been Chacey the woman wanted. And she’d made it clear she would stop at nothing to have her. Elaine had pushed Chacey away to protect her because this woman had promised to kill them both if Elaine stayed. After three years of living in fear and confusion, the sudden flood of memories instantly erased the uncertainty that had paralyzed her since the shooting.

  “Chace. Trust me. Move away, sweetheart.” Elaine’s voice was barely a whisper as she spoke. She felt Chacey stiffen and knew she would not want to move away, her instincts telling her to protect her lover. But she had to give Chacey time to figure a way out of this. If she could keep Karen’s attention on her, maybe Chacey could do something.

  “Trust me. Now move, sweetheart.” Elaine pressed her hand into Chacey’s back, encouraging her to move away.

  Speaking in a calm voice, Elaine responded to the woman’s tirade. “I gave you three years. If you couldn’t win her in that time, she will never be yours.” Elaine gently pushed a shocked Chacey aside and stood to face the woman.

  “Shut up, bitch!” The woman glanced nervously at Chacey.

  “So, tell me, how did you find me? I thought I had been quite clever hiding here.” Elaine’s voice was deceptively calm as she tried to keep the woman talking. “How did you know Chacey had returned to me?”

  “You always thought you were so smart,” the woman snarled. “Who’s the smart one now, bitch? I put a tracker on Chacey’s car. I always know where she is. When she wouldn’t tell me where she was going, I knew it had to be because of you.” The almost childlike voice seemed oddly bubbly as she reveled in her feeling of superiority.

  Elaine felt Chacey shift. She’d turned her body so that she was facing Elaine, her legs spread slightly apart. Elaine could barely make out the movement of her hand sliding along her hip and up behind her jacket. She knew Chacey was focused on something she couldn’t see. She had to buy them more time.

  “So, Karen, tell me, how has your relationship been going? I mean, with me out of the way, you must have had no trouble sweeping Chacey off her feet.”

  Karen’s eyes flared with hatred as she looked at Elaine. “I’ve been there for Chacey. Not like you, always so wrapped up in your self-righteous work. You aren’t good enough for her.” Karen’s eyes flashed like flames as she glared at Elaine. “Even after I got rid of you, you never left. I knew I should have finished you. I thought you were dead for sure, but no…you just won’t…go…away!”

  “So you failed?” Elaine said petulantly. “I mean…it sounds like you’re telling me you couldn’t win Chacey, even with me out of the picture.” Elaine knew she was pushing too hard and hoped Karen wouldn’t overreact. Elaine was careful not to move her eyes from Karen’s face as she watched a woman with a gun drawn approach Karen from behind.

  Karen’s face had turned blood-red, and her hands shook violently now. “Chacey loves me. She would have been happy with me if you had just stayed out of it. But no. She wouldn’t come to me. Not as long as you were alive.” Karen’s eyes shifted, “I did everything, Chacey. I did everything to make you love me.”

  “Please, Karen, don’t do this. You were my friend. This has to stop now,” Chacey pleaded.

  “FBI,” a strong voice announced, making Karen jerk slightly as if she had forgotten anyone else had been in the room. “Drop your weapon.”

  Elaine could feel the moment when Karen broke. She saw her eyes close briefly and then focus longingly on Chacey. “I just wanted you to love me,” she said. Her face hardened, and her body tensed, and she looked back at Elaine. Elaine knew there was nothing she could do. All the time she had spent running had caught up with her. She had Chacey back and it had been so beautiful. She didn’t want to let that go again.

  “No!” Christian screamed.

  No. Not Christian. Oh God, let her be safe. She looked so happy with Alex. She deserved a chance to be happy.

  “Down!” someone yelled, and Chacey dove into Elaine as Karen pulled the trigger.


  Christian fell. A searing pain burned through her left arm. Chaos broke out around her as people converged on her. Strong hands gripped her around the waist and slid her across the floor until she was behind the bar. The faint smell of pine tickled her senses, and she clutched the hand grasping her waist. Alex?

  More shots rang out around the room, and Christian felt her heart pounding in her chest as the adrenaline poured through her veins urging her to fight for safety. She clutched at the arms that moved around her and pulled her across the floor.

  When the movement stopped, Alex was lying on top of her, her eyes wild with fear. She felt Alex’s strong hands rough on her skin as she searched her body. The weight of Alex’s body made it difficult for her to move. Christian screamed as pain shot through her arm, and Alex grabbed her. Alex dre
w her hand away, and Christian watched all the blood drain from her face as she lifted a crimson hand.

  “Oh God, sweetheart, you’re hurt.” Alex’s words sounded rough and painful as if she was choking on them.

  She saw pain wrack Alex’s face, and a new fear gripped her heart. Something was wrong with Alex. “Alex, are you hurt?” Her fear grew when Alex didn’t respond. “Baby, look at me. Are you hurt?” She held her breath searching Alex’s face for an answer. She couldn’t bear to lose Alex now.

  Alex shook her head, and Christian relaxed in relief. “Oh, thank God.”

  Then a new fear swelled. “Where is Elaine?” Christian asked.

  Alex frowned and turned toward the space where they had last seen Chacey diving into Elaine. “I don’t know,” Alex answered. “I can’t see her. I think Chacey grabbed her just as the shots were fired.”

  Christian thought her heart might stop.

  There was shouting, and Alex shielded Christian with her body again. When Alex lifted some of her weight off Christian, she drew Christian to her chest as she rolled and sat up.

  Christian realized that Alex was crying. The words she heard seemed out of place until she realized Alex was rocking her and stroking her hair. The words slowly began to make sense.

  “Please don’t go. No. No. No. Please…”

  Christian pressed her hands against Alex’s chest, forcing her head up so that she could see Alex’s face.

  “Alex, sweetheart. It’s me. It’s Christian. Alex, I’m okay.” Christian grasped Alex’s hands, stilling them, and sat up so she was looking directly into Alex’s eyes. “Alex, honey, look at me.” She continued to talk to Alex until the focus returned to her eyes and she became aware of Christian sitting in her lap.

  “Oh God, Christian. I’m so sorry. I thought I’d lost you. I thought…” Alex’s voice trailed off.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m here. Everything is okay. I won’t leave you. Are you hurt?”

  “I don’t think so.” Alex looked at her hands and then looked back toward the room.

  Christian followed her gaze, desperately hoping her friend was okay.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Fire seared through Chacey’s head and she felt a hot trickle on her face as she pressed her palms to the floor and attempted to sit up. She hissed as the pain sent a shock wave down her spine.

  “Special Agent Bristol, are you all right?” a woman’s voice called out.

  Chacey blinked and tried to focus her eyes on the woman standing before her. She held a gun trained on the prone figure of a woman lying on the floor at her feet as she surveyed the room for any sign of threat.

  Chacey moaned when she saw Elaine lying on the floor beside her and she felt the world tilt. “Elaine. Sweetheart!” Hands shaking, Chacey placed her fingers along Elaine’s neck, checking for a pulse. She felt the strong rhythmic beat of Elaine’s heart and began to relax. As she checked for further signs of injury, Elaine’s eyes fluttered and then opened.

  “Oh, thank God,” Chacey whispered. “Thank God you’re okay.” She took off her jacket, folded it into a pillow, and placed it under Elaine’s head, brushing her fingers lightly across her cheek.

  “Special Agent Bristol, are you all right?” The unfamiliar voice was more insistent this time, and Chacey turned and answered.

  “I’m all right. Are we clear?” Chacey had no idea who this woman was but recognized a colleague by her manner, even though she was dressed as a guest.

  “Clear,” the woman answered sharply. “My name is Special Agent Sandra Evens. Mike sent me to give you a hand.”

  The mystery guest everyone was so anxious about. Chacey was very glad she was there.

  Special Agent Evens flashed her badge. “FBI. Is anyone hurt?”

  “Over here!” Alex called. Chacey could see her sitting with her back against a column, holding Christian in her arms. She had torn the sleeve out of her shirt and tied it around Christian’s arm where a red stain spread as blood seeped into the fabric.

  Chacey lifted her head as she heard the wail of sirens. “Good. Someone called an ambulance.” She glanced around the room. Women sat holding each other, some crying, some staring blankly, others moving from one group to the next checking on friends and helping others.

  She observed the woman lying on the floor. Karen stared blankly, eyes glazed in death, and Chacey felt a wash of relief as she realized their nightmare was over.


  Elaine sat next to Christian as the paramedics wrapped a bandage around her left arm. Alex stood watch, keeping an eye on Christian as if she were afraid she might vanish if she stopped looking at her.

  The enormity of what had happened hadn’t set in yet, and Elaine knew it would only get worse later. She could still see the gun pointed at her. She had been so afraid, but not for herself. She had been afraid for Chacey and her friends. She trembled slightly at the thought of what might have happened. The horror of her shooting was beyond words, but the thought of losing Chacey after all they had been through made her knees weak, and she thought she might be sick. And poor Christian was an innocent in all this mess. Her heart ached to think of how hard it must have been for her to face losing another lover. Yes, they would all have their own traumas from what had happened here.

  A second paramedic came up to Elaine to check her out. “Ouch,” she said and winced as gloved fingers probed her forehead. She frowned, trying not to flinch when she saw Christian’s frightened eyes flash to her when she heard the cry. “How is your arm, dear?” Elaine said, trying to sound calm.

  “I’m fine.” Christian smiled at Elaine halfheartedly. “Burns like a bitch, though.”

  Elaine chuckled. She remembered the searing pain of her own shooting. She had felt like her body was on fire, as if she had been run through with a hot iron.

  Elaine felt some of the weight of her worry lift as Christian took her hand. “It’s all right. It’s over now.”

  Elaine smiled faintly. “I guess you’re right. This nightmare has been going on far too long. It’s hard to believe it’s over.”

  “Who was that woman?” Christian asked, glancing toward the white sheet that had been draped over the body.

  “I met her a few times at gatherings with some of Chacey’s friends. We talked mostly about her interest in forensic profiling. I remember her as a very bright and tenacious young woman.”

  “We’re ready to go here,” the paramedic announced, interrupting Elaine’s story.

  They were getting ready to load Christian into the ambulance for transport. “Wait.” When they stopped she looked past the paramedic.


  Alex jumped as if startled. “I’m here,” she said, her voice dry and rough.

  “Will you go with me?”

  “Of course I will,” Alex said with obvious relief. She leaned in and pressed her lips to Christian’s mouth.

  Christian stroked her face with her fingertips, and then grasped her hand as she was lifted into the ambulance.

  “You’ll need to come in to the hospital and have that looked at,” the paramedic said to Elaine. “You took a pretty good hit to the head, and they said you were unconscious for several seconds. They’ll need to keep an eye on you and check you for a concussion.”

  “Thank you,” Elaine said, meeting his eyes. “I’ll be fine.”

  “I’m sure you will be,” he persisted, “but you still need to come in with us.”

  “Not a problem,” Chacey said, stepping up to the little group.

  The paramedic nodded to Chacey and stepped aside to check on one of the other guests.

  Chacey sat down on the other side of Elaine and let out a heavy sigh. She rubbed her face with her hands and moaned. She was still trying to put together all the pieces of what had happened when she looked up and saw Elaine watching her. “Her name was Karen Wilson. I met her when she worked as an intern at the bureau, years ago. She was assigned to my team for a few months back then, and I thought
we were friends.” Chacey closed her eyes hard, trying to shut out the realization that she had been so close to Elaine’s shooter and hadn’t known it. Even worse, she was the reason Elaine had been shot. “All that time I blamed myself when I thought Charles was the shooter. I never imagined this. It really was my fault.”

  “No, sweetheart. This was not your fault. You couldn’t have known. She made sure we wouldn’t make the connection. She used her relationship with you and her contact with the bureau to stay one step ahead. She was obsessed with you. It wasn’t anything you did.”

  Chacey winced. “Sure. Can we talk about this later?”

  “Of course,” Elaine said as she leaned in and kissed Chacey gently. “And thank you.” Elaine reached up and gingerly ran her fingers along the skin below the bandage that covered the place where Chacey had been cut by a piece of broken glass. “You saved my life.”

  Chacey looked up then and met Elaine’s gaze. Tears threatened as her eyes dimmed with the overwhelming relief that Elaine was alive. “I love you,” Chacey said, her voice rough with emotion. “I was so afraid I’d lose you again.”

  “I love you too, sweetheart. Forever and always. The nightmare is over.”

  Chacey wrapped her arms around Elaine and pulled her head to her chest, vowing to herself to never let anything come between them again.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  “Ready to go?” Alex said, pushing the wheelchair into the room and grinning broadly at Christian. The wound to Christian’s arm had required some minor surgery, and she’d had to stay in the hospital for a couple of days for observation. Alex had stayed with her and was anxious to be leaving the sterile hospital.


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