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To Fight Alongside Friends

Page 27

by Gerry Harrison

  Cecil de C. ETHERIDGE Lt Col. From Reserve Officers List. Served with East Yorks and Royal Warwickshires. First CO of 22nd Manchesters in 1914. While in training at Grantham, relinquished command to Lt Col. Paul Whetham (see above). DSO.

  EWALD 18.3 Interpreter. From Alsace. DCM.

  Henry Lander FAULKNER 15.3 (?–1933). 2nd Lt. From Shirebrook, near Mansfield. Previously Yorks and Lancasters. Transferred to Royal Engineers. After war was inspector of mines.

  21146 Harold Cecil FINCH 8.1 (1887–1920). Pte, 2 Platoon, A Coy. From Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester. Previously a tram driver for Manchester City Corporation. A stableman by profession, became groom for bn horses. Suffered attack of myalgia, and was admitted to 10th Casualty Clearing Station. Later lived in Longsight, Manchester.

  21395 James FORTUNE 7.5 Pte, 7 Platoon, B Coy. Previously a turner. Wounded 1.7.1916. Sent to Edinburgh War Hospital. Later transferred to 17th Manchester. POW from 30.4.1918.

  20920 Thomas Moreton GANDY 6.4 Cpl. Killed in Action, 14.3.1917. Buried in New Cemetery, Foncquevillers.

  11551 Robert Taylor GARSIDE 29.12 (c.1890–1947). CQMS. Sgt, B Coy. Born in USA. From Lower Broughton, Salford. Previously a clerk. Enlisted 2.9.1914. Posted to 22nd Manchesters 9.1.1915, and promoted on same day. First-class shot. Admitted to Endell Street Hospital, London, 18.9.1917, after groin injury. Convalescence at King’s Lancashire Hospital, 15.1918. Posted to 3rd Manchesters, 19.2.1918. Discharged to Class Z from 8th Reserve Bn, 17.2.19. Later a cotton broker. Died in Fylde, Lancashire.

  20291 William GEE 25.5 (c.1888–1916). Cpl (bombing). From Levenshulme and Old Trafford. Killed in Action, 1.7.1916. Commemorated at Thiepval.

  William Ellis (‘Gommy’) GOMERSALL 22.4 (1894–1916). Lt, CO of 15 Platoon, D Coy. Originally from Yorkshire but family moved to Urmston, near Manchester. Educated at Manchester Grammar School until 1911. Accountant until 8.1914 when enlisted as Pte. Comm., 5.5.1915. Killed in Action, 1.7.1916. Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial.

  20356 Frederick GRADY 28.3 Cpl (cook), 6 Platoon, B Coy. Transferred to 365 Coy, Labour Corps.

  20427 George Kinsey GRESTY 6.4 (c.1891–1916). Sgt, 7 Platoon, B Coy, but transferred to D Coy. From Stockport, manager of a dairy in Longsight. Killed in Action, 6.4.1916, with L/Cpls Heathcote and Helliwell (see below). Buried in Bronfay Farm Military Cemetery.

  Herbert (‘Grim’) GRIMWOOD 26.11 2nd Lt, CO, 17 Platoon, E Coy. Reported missing, 14.3.1917, but was taken prisoner. Seems to have had pre-war experience as actor.

  20498 Herbert HADFIELD 3.5 Cpl, 8 Platoon, B Coy. From Chadderton, Oldham. Previously, cotton spinner at Malta Mill, Middleton. Wounded, 7.5.1916, but remained on duty. Admitted to Hospital in Rouen with shell shock; then to Edinburgh War Hospital. MiD.

  Frank Arthur (‘Frankie’) HARRISON 27.2 (1895–1958). 2nd Lt, CO of 4 Platoon, A Coy. Born in Leek, Staffordshire. Educated at Modern School and Grammar School in Macclesfield, then articled as chartered surveyor. Played for Cheshire County Cricket Club.

  20294 Alfred HEATHCOTE 6.4 (c.1893–1916). L/Cpl, D Coy. From Lower Broughton, Salford. Died of Wounds, 6.4.1916. Buried in Citadel Cemetery, Fricourt.

  20928 John Edmund HELLIWELL 6.4 (c.1889–1916). Pte, 15 Platoon, D Coy. From Todmorden, Yorkshire. Killed in Action, 6.4.1916. Buried in Bronfay Farm Military Cemetery.

  21128 Henry (‘Harry’) HINSLEY 7.3 (1884–?). Sgt, 14 Platoon, D Coy. From Stockport. Previously a clerk. Later gassed and wounded, and discharged to Z Class Reserve. MM.

  20934 William JARVIS 10.3 Pte, 19 Platoon, E Coy. Transferred to Labour Corps. MM.

  H. F. JONES 20.6 2nd Lt, B Coy. Mattress-maker. Joined 22nd Manchesters 20.6.1916. After 1.7.1916 some surviving officers were swiftly promoted. After May’s death, he requested Pte Bunting as batman. Within eight months, as Capt. transferred to the RFC.

  21042 Frederick KEWLEY 3.6 (1890–1959). Sgt, 6 Platoon, D Coy. From Barrow-in-Furness, where he worked in shipyards. Then moved to Oldham Road, Manchester. Joined 22nd Manchesters, 12.1914. DCM, MM.

  Frederick Charles KNOWLES 10.1 Sgt and Coy Sgt Maj, B Coy. From Nottingham. Had served in South African campaign. Court-martialled on 31.3.1916, and reduced to rank of Sgt. Killed in Action, 1.7.1916.

  Orric Joures KNUDSEN 8.11 (1892–1974). 2nd Lt, CO of 11 Platoon, C Coy. From Lytham. Previously steamship agent in Manchester. Joined Manchester University OTC, 1914. In 11.1914 joined 3rd Bn, Public Schools and University Men’s Force. Comm. 12.1914. Staff appointment in late 1916 as Railway Traffic Officer in military transportation. Later, Honorary Vice-Consul of Denmark in Liverpool and Manchester. OBE, DSO, MSM, MiD. Croix de Guerre, Belgium, Légion d’honneur, France.

  Charles Mostyn LLOYD 8.1 (1878–1946). Capt. From Surbiton. Later 2iC of 22nd Manchesters. Wounded, 1.7.1916. From its founding in 1913, wrote articles for the New Statesman. After war returned to paper as sub-editor. In 1919 covered Peace Conference at Versailles for Manchester Guardian. Took over editorship of New Statesman in 1926. In 1922 had been appointed head of department of Social Administration at London School of Economics and Political Science, where he remained until retirement in 1944.

  George Barbour (‘Doc’) MCGREGOR 12.11 (1882–1965). From Didsbury. Educated at George Watson’s College and Edinburgh University. Lt, attached as MO of bn from RAMC. Wounded, 1916, and again 1.1917 at Bertrancourt. Gassed, 1918. MC, MiD.

  Earl Langford MAIDEN 2.2 (1881–1958). Lt and Quarter-Master. Previously heating and ventilation engineer. Transferred to Labour Corps, 1918.

  Charles Campbell MAY (1888–1916) Capt. Born in New Zealand. Killed in Action, 1.7.1916. Buried in Dantzig Alley British Cemetery. Commemorated on War Memorial in West Didsbury, Manchester. MiD.

  Roy MELLOR 9.3 (1895–1916). Lt, OC of D Coy. Born in Macclesfield; attended Modern School and Grammar School with Earles (see above). A keen sportsman, he played football and cricket. Won Science Scholarship to Manchester University. Joined OTC. In 1914 enlisted in Royal Fusiliers Public Schools Bn (see Knudsen above). Transferred to 22nd Manchesters. Musketry Officer, Acting Adjutant and Intelligence Officer. Killed in Action, 1.7.1916. Commemorated at Thiepval Memorial.

  Frank Boyd MERRIMAN 8.11 (1880–1962). Maj. on General List. Educated at Winchester College. Called to bar at Inner Temple in 1904, became barrister in 1914 and KC in 1919. Enlisted with 20th Bn Manchesters in 1914 and transferred to 22nd Bn in 1915 in which at first OC of A Coy. Later became Judge Advocate, 4th Army. In 1918 appointed to Staff Reserve of Officers as Lt Col. Recorder of Wigan 1920–28; elected MP for Manchester Rusholme from 1924; became Solicitor-General. Knighted in 1928; elevated to peerage in 1941 as 1st Baron Merriman. Commemorated by plaque in Knutsford parish church. PC, KC, GCVO, MiD, OBE.

  David Stanley MURRAY 10.11 (1882–?). Lt, CO of 8 Platoon, B Coy. From City of London. Later transferred to 2nd Bn, West Indian Regt and served in Palestine. Later, lived in South Africa. MC and bar.

  Donald (‘Don’) MURRAY 10.11 (1880–?). Capt., OC of B Coy, from Reserve of Officers. From Hampstead, north London. Export merchant. Previously, Pte with 23rd Royal Fusiliers (Sportsmen’s Bn), then 21st Manchesters as temporary Capt. DSO.

  Joseph NANSON 2.5 (1895–1916). 2nd Lt, B Coy. Transferred from 25th Bn. From Llangollen in north Wales. Educated at Park Gate and at St Bees, Cumberland. Athlete. Worked for father in slate industry and then in building construction. Joined 22nd Manchesters 1.5.1916. Killed in Action, 1.7.1916. Buried in Dantzig Alley British Cemetery.

  20806 James NUTTALL 28.1 Sgt, 13 Platoon, D Coy. Bn chief clerk, orderly room. L/Cpl. in 1914. Rapid promotion, probably because of sudden vacancies and pre-war clerical experience.

  Eric OLDHAM 25.12 Lt, CO of 1 Platoon, A Coy. Son of Mayor of Hyde. Previous experience in hat-making at Oldham & Fogg. Obtained MSc at Manchester University and joined OTC. Attended bomb-throwing course in Suffolk. After a month in France was attached as Liaison with French Army because of language skill. Wounded, 3.6.1916. MC.

  John Franklin PRINCE 13.11 Lt, 6 Platoon
, B Coy. Born in Pilkington, near Bury, Lancashire. Previously with Ministry of Labour. Wounded, 1.7.1916.

  Gordon Openshaw (‘Ram’) RAMSBOTTOM 14.12 (1886–1929). Capt. OC of C Coy. Comm. 1914. From 7.9.16 with 2nd Borders. From 11.2.17 to Armistice returned as CO of 22nd Manchesters. Later became cotton merchant. DSO and bar. Italian medal for Military Valour.

  20461 William George RODMAN 30.11 L/Cpl, 7 Platoon, B Coy. From Pendlebury, Salford. Severely wounded, 7.1916. Sent to 3rd General Hospital, Wandsworth, London, 20.7.1916. Discharged, 9.1916.

  Harold Williamson ROYLE 16.2 (1889–1986). 2nd Lt. From Wilmslow, Cheshire. Previously worked for Peel, Watson & Co. Evacuated to England because he had gone ‘stone deaf’. Later transferred to Russian Military Mission as Liaison Officer.

  George RYALL 7.2 (c.1883–?). 2nd Lt. Born Tipperary, Ireland. Previously a schoolmaster. Joined 7th Bn, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 1915. A month later, comm. and transferred to 22nd Manchesters 6.1916. Wounded, 1.7.1916. In 1918 joined RAF (formerly RFC). Retired to Southampton.

  Joseph Armitage SHELMERDINE 13.11 2nd Lt, CO of 5 Platoon, B Coy. From Pendleton, Manchester. Educated at Cheltenham College. Previously cotton manufacturer.

  20057 Richard SMITH 23.12 Pte. Originally with 1 Platoon, A Coy, but transferred to B Coy as cook with Bunting (see above) when May took command of B Coy.

  Edmund Alger (‘Stuggins’) STREET 10.5 2nd Lt. Former Lloyd’s underwriter. Previously a Pte with 28th London Regiment. Killed in Action, 2.6.1916. Commemorated at Thiepval.

  20328 Richard Henry TAWNEY 25.11 (1880–1962). Pte, 5 Platoon, B Coy. Noted economic historian, educator and political activist. Born in Calcutta, son of a Sanskrit scholar; educated at Rugby School where he formed a lasting friendship with William Temple (later Archbishop of Canterbury). At Balliol, deepened support for social moralism and joined Christian Social Union. Enlisted as Pte and refused comm. As Sgt, seriously wounded on 1.7.1916. Recovered in England before transfer to 71st Training Reserve Bn. Medically discharged, 1917, and never collected his medals. Academic at LSE, where brother-in-law, William Beveridge, was director. Advocate of Adult Education. Advisor to PM Ramsay MacDonald’s first government in 1924. Had previously co-edited Economic History: Select Documents, with Bland (see above) and Philip Brown in 1914.

  20122 William Robert THOMPSON 18.3 Sgt. As a result of dissatisfaction in Merriman’s Coy, was transferred into May’s C Coy. Killed in Action, 2.6.1916.

  John Edward (‘Towny’) TOWNSEND 11.11 (c.1887–c.1920). Capt. and Adjutant, 1915. From West Didsbury. Previously a warehouse salesman.

  20825 W. Henry WHITEHEAD 10.4 (c.1887–1917). L/Cpl, 13 Platoon, D Coy. Killed in Action, 12.1.1917. Buried in Varennes Military Cemetery.

  Frank Cowlin WICKS 19.1 (1892–1965). 2nd Lt, CO, 14 Platoon, D Coy. From Bristol. In 1912 wicket-keeper for Gloucestershire County Cricket Club.

  21070 H. Edward WOLSTENCROFT 3.6. (c.1896–1917). Pte, A Coy. From Bradford, Manchester. Died, 14.3.1917. MM. Buried in Gommecourt British Cemetery No. 2.

  John Patrick Hamilton WOOD 26.11. (c.1871–1916). 2nd Lt, CO of 10 Platoon, C Coy. From Winchester. Had served with Paget’s Horse in South Africa, and in 1911 as Acting Sgt in 4th Bn, Rifle Bde in Cairo. Wounded, 1.7.1916. Died of Wounds, 11.7.1916. Buried in Frankfurt Trench, British Cemetery, Beaumont Hamel.

  Marcus Loftus WOODHOUSE 7.7 (c.1888–1950). 2nd Lt. From Levenshulme. Trained at Bede College, Durham. Previously elementary school teacher. Joined 22nd Manchesters 6.1916. Wounded, 1.7.1916. Later worked for Manchester Education Committee.

  Francis Willoughby WOODWARD 15.6 Maj., Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. From 7.11.16 to 20.12.16, CO of 22nd Manchesters. Previously Governor and Commandant of Troops, Nile Province. DSO.

  Thomas Ryland (‘Worthy’) WORTHINGTON 20.11 (1880–1949). Capt. of C Coy. Comm. 6th Bn, 8.1915. Wounded, 1.7.1916. Later managing director of export merchants in Manchester. MC.


  Charles James Mottram HOBSON 26.2 Capt. From Edgbaston, Birmingham. OC of B Coy. Wounded, 15.7.1916.

  Francis Frederick OMMANNEY 12.3 (c.1869–1949). From Sheen, Richmond. With 3rd Volunteer Bn Territorial Force Reserve and 6th East Surreys. Temporary OC as Maj. in 21st from 6.1.1915. General List, No. 76, POW Company 5.1917. Ministry of Munitions 12.1917. Returned to Territorial Force 12.1917. Later in Treasury Solicitor’s Office.

  Frederick Thomas TAYLOR 14.1 Capt. From Newport Pagnell. MC.

  George Frederick WILSON 25.5 (c.1889–?) 2nd Lt. From Anerley, Manchester. ‘Embodied’ into 5th Bn, City of London Regt. (Rifles). Comm. 30.8.1916 with 21st Manchesters. Killed in Action, 1.7.1916. Buried in Dantzig Alley British Cemetery.


  T. H. BARNARD 2.3 2nd Lt, CO of 18 Platoon, E Coy. Transferred from 22nd Bn.

  William Morrison REID 2.3 (c.1887–1916). Temporary 2nd Lt, transferred from 22nd Bn. From Edinburgh. Wounded, 25.2.1916. Was bn’s first wartime casualty. Died of Wounds, 26.2.1916. Buried in Merville Communal Cemetery.


  Edward Randall CHETHAM-STRODE 27.5 (1891–1917). 2nd Lt. From central London. Educated at St Paul’s School. Previously a stockbreeder. Attached from 3rd Bn. Wounded, 3.1915 and 6.1917. Transferred back as Capt. to 3rd Bn. Killed in Action, 1.10.17. Buried in Tyne Cot Cemetery, Belgium.

  Richard Francis NEWDIGATE 22.4 (1894–1916). Capt. and temporary Maj. From Dorchester, Dorset. Educated at Wellington College. Wounded, 6.1915. Killed in Action, 4.9.1916 at Longueval. Buried at Menin Gate.


  Thomas Stanton LAMBERT 29.11 (?–1921) Col. Had served in India. In 9.1914 assumed command of 1st East Lancs after CO was killed on the Aisne. He was wounded a fortnight later, causing loss of his right lung. CB, CMG.

  Wilfred Austin SALT 28.11 (1894–1962). Lt. From Gorton, Manchester. Student of chemistry. Enlisted 1914. Later Staff Capt. in XVII Corps, then Maj. on General Staff.

  Edward WOODGATE 1.12 Capt. and 2iC.


  MANSFIELD 3.1 Maj.


  George Philip BURLTON 1.2 (1896–1916). Capt., 1st Norfolks. Born in Murree, India. From Ealing, London. Educated at Wellington College and joined OTC. Comm. 9.1914. Died of Wounds from exploding mine after having been taken prisoner, 5.6.16. Commemorated at Arras Memorial. MC.

  HICKEY 4.2 Lt.


  Thomas Pownall BROCKLEHURST 27.5 Capt. From Reigate. Previously a Pte in London Regt. Comm.. 2.5.15 in Queen’s Royal West Surreys. Killed in Action, 1.7.1916. Buried in Dantzig Alley British Cemetery.


  Edward Charles THORNYCROFT 12.4 (1887–1952). Lt. From Bishop’s Stortford, Herts. From 3rd Bn, Queen’s Royal West Surrey Regt (Special Reserve). Wounded, 1.7.1916.


  James Campbell GREENLEES 4.6 Capt. and Dr, 22nd Field Ambulance, RAMC. Educated at Kelvinside Academy and Cambridge. Practised as doctor. Headmaster at Loretto, his alma mater. International rugby player for Scotland. DSO, MiD, Légion d’honneur.


  Henry Miles 4.2 Driver-Mechanic. Comm.



  DAY 28.5


  Aubrey (‘Bottom’ or ‘Bum’) HARRIS 30.3 (1893–1916). Lt, 106th Bty. From Wrexham, Wales. Previously a senior language master at Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh. Transferred to RFA from 21st Manchesters. Killed in Action, 4.9.16. Commemorated at Thiepval Memorial.

  Alexander Winton ROBERTSON 23.3 Maj. 104th Bty, XXII Bde. From Westcliffe-on-Sea. MBE.

  William Charles Samuel WARR 18.1 (1888–1916). Capt., 106th Bty. Joined Army in 1903. Eleven years in ranks; Sgt in 1914. Comm. 12.4.1915 with RFA. Killed in Action, 1.7.1916.Buried in Dantzig Alley British Cemet
ery. DCM.

  WHITHAM 30.3 104th Bty.


  Richard Standeford PULLEN 14.1 (1882–1917). Lt. From Wolverhampton. Previously a brewer. Pte with 6th South Staffs until Comm. Killed in Action in Belgium, 26.10.1917. Buried in Hooge Crater Cemetery, Ieper.

  F. G. ROSS 14.1 Lt. From Medstead, Hampshire. Had served in 20th Manchesters as CO of C Coy. MC.


  The page number in this index relate to the printed version of this book; they do not match the pages of your ebook. You can your ebook reader’s search tool to find a specific word or passage.

  Abbeville, 87

  Albert, 89

  Alexandra, Queen of Edward VII, 214n

  Alexandra roses, xv, 214, 216

  Allfrey, Maj. Charles Moubray, 10n, 110, 187 & n, 198; court martialled, 198n

  Amiens, 9, 17–8, 64

  Arras, 9

  Aubers Ridge, xviii

  Bagnall, Pte, 24n

  Bairnsfather, Capt. Bruce, 143 & n

  ‘Bangalore torpedo’, 185 & n

  barbed wire, 81

  Barnard, Lt T.H., 116

  Barrie, Sir James Matthew, 67n

  Beaumont Hamel, xxiv

  Beck, Pte James Herbert, 73


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