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Fairytale chosen

Page 2

by Maya Shepherd

  May be she'd had better luck today. Heera went into the living room, in which the whole family was already gathered. They laid the wood from near the stove and stood near the wall next to their father. He was as impatient as her. There was plenty to do and Medea was given only one work. But the cheeks of the mother glowed with joy as those of her daughter. The youngest sister Elena jumped excitedly on one foot to the other. She wanted to accompany her sister and her mother in the city, but they had forbidden her. She was afraid for the safety of the youngest, who was only a ten-year old.

  Medea took a deep breath and then said, smiling: The prince will marry."

  Heera rolled her eyes. What made her interested in prince? She was not sure whether he will take as wife a princess from the north or the south. One was just cocky as the other.

  "So what? What do we have to about it or has he stopped at about your hand? "Her voice had an amused tone, after which the father could not resist a grin. He liked the rough humour of his eldest. It reminded him of the discussions, of the men in bars.

  "May be," Medea purred however, raising her head proudly.

  "Really?" Elena cried out immediately and jumped around her sister. "Are you then a princess?"

  "The Queen", corrected Medea.

  "But now listen patiently" the mother said. "The prince is looking for a wife, and every girl of marriageable age can apply. Whether noble or common”

  "Pff," Heera made condescending. "That's all nothing but deceit!"

  Normally, her father was usually on her side, but now he shook his head. "We have a good king. He has never lied or cheated us. When the king says that every girl has a chance, then it is true. "

  Heera did not know much about the royal family. The townspeople loved them, especially the young prince Lean. But Heera only saw the magnificent castle, as she and many others had to live in the countryside in rickety wooden huts, whistling through the wind in winter. The king had certainly never gone with an empty stomach to bed.

  "Well then soon all our worries will be gone" Heera replied sarcastically. "Medea, when will the wedding bells ring?"

  The sister turned her back to the snapped. Medea was a beauty, without question. She had long black hair, the silky shone with every movement. Her eyes had the brilliant blue of a summer sky; her lips wore the color of sweet strawberries. For this purpose she could sing like no other. At least once a week, someone would want to hold her hand. But Medea spurned them all. No one was your good enough, neither a carpenter nor a merchant. For she came from her childhood with a single person: Prince Lean.

  The mother punished Heera with a reproachful look. "In two weeks, all the virgins will be invited to be called upon the prince. He will choose twelve of them to get to know them closer. But only three of them will be given the chance to compete for the princesses."

  "I'm saying, all just deceit! Never in my life would the prince opt for a peasant girl, if he can have a princess. "

  "But Medea is more beautiful than any princess," Elena defended her sister and held Heera’s tongue out. "If the Prince hears her sing just once, he will stop thinking about any other."

  Medea hugged her younger sister laughing and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "When I am queen, you're something like a princess."

  "Heera, the prince is not just going about the origin, he cares, first and foremost, the character of a girl!" the mother said applied. “He is looking for a woman for life and would like to buy a new horse."

  "Probably his horse to him is more important than his bride. It would not surprise me! "Heera replied amused. She walked toward the door. "I will no longer stand in the your way. You must certainly still sew a new dress, try the hairstyle and discuss every word that will leave Medea's mouth. "

  The mother entered her in a hurry in the way. "Medea will of course apply for the prince, but not alone! I have two daughters of marriageable age. "

  Heera’s eyes widened in disbelief. She knew exactly what her mother spoke, but tried to make excuses with a joke. "Is Elena is not too young for that?"

  The mother mind no fun and criss-crossed their arms before the chest. " You are my oldest and I expect from you that you will also go for the princess audition”

  Heera began to laugh uproariously. "I? Do not be ridiculous! No one would choose me. "

  Although Heera was no beauty like Medea, but she was not ugly by far. But I her reputation preceded her ahead. Everyone knew of Heera’s strength far and wide. The men who had seen her as a challenge and they wanted to tame such a wild mare, had long since been proven wrong and the shy ones did not even dare to look at her. Already Heera was trying her whole life to prove to her parents that she was worth more than any son. She did not need a husband. Heera would want to be in the small courtyard of her Father and take care of her parents in their old age, while Medea and Elena would move to their husbands. Who should otherwise look after her beloved parents?

  "You will at least try!" Her mother ordered unyielding.

  " I don't even have a dress, can I let it alone in a walk

  "You're going to put on a dress of mine and even a man could go in a dress."

  " The prince will look at my hands and take me for a man!"

  "Then you'll just wear gloves!"

  "What shall I tell him what I could do to enrich his life? I can neither sing nor do embroidery. "

  "You can learn!"

  "Maybe I should offer him to slaughter a pig on his wedding day ..."

  The mother dropped her angry in the word. "Don’t you dare? You're going to give your own trouble, because it is in this case not only to you but to the whole family. If only he takes one among you as wife, all our problems would be solved. We could live in the castle and never would again freeze or starve. The robbers would not raid us at night and your father could put your feet up at the age. Elena could learn to dance, and later, marry a baron, if not a prince. Don’t you wish your family to be happy? "

  "And what about me? I have no right to happiness? "Heera cried. She could not believe that her mother was willing to bestow gifts to the prince, just to make him lift a finger. She had assumed they would be happy. It was not always easy, but they had each other and that was all that mattered. Or was it not enough for you?

  "You do not know Prince Lean yet!" The father said in an attempt to mediate. "May be you would like him."

  "Never in my life!"

  The girls had come to present themselves. Whether blonde or brunette, big or small, slim or voluptuous. They sang, danced, laughed and turned the curls around their fingers. Chirped like birds and puffed on for Balz. The prince could not decide, for he became a blind in

  Sea of beauty.


  To Heera’s feet already collected the feathers of dead duck. She plucked them out one after another peppy and let her anger out on the poultry. It was the last night before the great selection and she has failed so far to persuade her parents that it was not only useless, but even embarrassing, to introduce them to the prince. Her mother's clothes might fit maybe, just because you managed to put a man in the clothes of a woman, she was far from being called as a lady. You could see it visually in front of her already, as the girls from all areas of the Kingdom coming to the attention of the prince were lovers. They would all bathe in perfume, resounding laugh as the goats and will wear jewellery hung on them like magpies. Dressed or not, She herself would act between all the girls like a swineherd. Everyone would make fun of them. But she did not care about herself, bud only about her parents. Nobody should laugh at them. The father and mother had been poor all their lives and had still managed to feed and raise them. Some evening, they had to starve, only to get their children eat. The three daughters were all they had. Elena would be as good a choice as Medea in a few years - blonde curls, bright blue eyes and full red lips. But Heera was one big disgrace. She could not even walk upright without stumbling over the hem of her dress.

  The sky turned pink as it during the winter evenings, when his
father came to his eldest. "It is enough if you tear off the duck feathers. You do not need even to skin yet. "The bird was already blank, but Heera was afraid to come into the room. Buckled she handed the prey to her father the prey, so he brought it to her mother to cook. However, the father sat down next to her on the wooden bench instead.

  "Heera, of all my daughters you are my most faithful one."

  She looked at him in despair. "Then why are you sending me away? I do not want to get married. Neither a prince nor anyone else. "

  He smiled. "I must admit that I did not know what a man should teach you more. You're probably more skilled than the prince will ever be. "

  That brought Heera grin. "Please let me stay with you! When mother and you will be too old someday, to order the court, you will be glad that you have me with you. "

  "I know that, Heera. But a father always wants the best for his children. You shall have your own life. "

  "The prince does not interest me," the girl continued wailed nevertheless undeterred. "And if I'm going to embarrass you. People will laugh at me and you directly. "

  "If anyone dares to laugh at one of my daughters, I would allow you to break his nose."

  "And if the prince himself laughing at me? Can I break his nose then? "Heera asked hopefully.

  "The prince will not laugh at you," the father insisted. "Please give him a chance. And if not for your own sake, then at least for your sister’s sake. Medea needs you. She does not have your strength, to endure this."

  "She is beautiful enough for ten daughters. If the Prince does not want her, both of his eyes must be blind! "

  "Get her in! It will help you to know that you are standing behind her squad mates and turned their back. I would worry too much about it when I know you are alone in the castle. You must be in good faith in order to distinguish a friend from an enemy can. "

  Heera loved her two sisters and felt responsible for them. The father knew this. He was not successful to inspire Heera in other ways for the selection and therefore he now grabbed her by her sense of duty and their welfare.

  "I'll watch out for Medea. You can rely on me, father! "Heera promised obediently.

  Lean sat between his mother and his father on a throne which had been built in the middle of the courtyard on a pedestal. Outside the gates are already crowded and people were trying to catch a glimpse of the prince and his royal parents. Candidates alone had not come but also many onlookers. A wedding was a joyous feast like no other and the celebrations lasted several weeks. During this time, many visitors came to the city and business was better than ever. King also had met Lean’s mother Niobe Egeas on a selection. But she was not a girl of the people, but a princess of the southern islands. . In spite of that, he was not tired to emphasize that each candidate had the same opportunities and Lean really wanted view each with open eyes.

  The selection was opened with the looking for a bride. For a whole week girls from all parts of the country would have the opportunity to present themselves to the prince and the royal court. However, only twelve of them were chosen to demonstrate their qualities as a future Queen. Lean was dreading it already since weeks before this day. He was aware that he was the only committed throne successor to choose a woman. The people for years looked forward to the wedding and he did not want them deny this either. But how could he ever be able to choose between thousands of women? He would not have minded if his father would have chosen him a bride, as was the custom in other kingdoms. Certainly they would not have been ugly and somehow he had already arranged it with her. And even if not, would it still remained the possibility of them going out of the way. T he people would have got his marriage and he would have been spared from being annoyed for his spoiled choice. If the selection would take only one day, but instead, the spectacle would be extended for weeks.

  Each time he complained, his mother tried to make it clear to him that he should be happy to know that he had the chance to choose his bride himself. But Lean was not happy. It was just a load that stole his time. He would rather be out riding with his friends, went on a hunt, driven boat or had tussle. The girls he knew were all the same. Beautiful, restrained and graceful. When he spoke, she lowered her eyes and laughed at each of his jokes, even over the worst. What was he supposed to do with such a person? And what to do, especially with twelve girls who all acted in this way?

  The gates were opened and the people flocked in. Lean could see each other as they pushed and pushed to the side. Everyone wanted to get the best place at the podium, in order to make sure they don't miss anything. Within a few minutes the courtyard was already full and the people were still crowded even at the gates.

  King Egeas rose from his throne. "My dear people," he cried with a loud voice and the people remained silent. "A king is a father and his people are his child. It's his job to entertain the child and maintain, so that it won’t be missing anything”

  People broke into enthusiastic applause. Although people often lacked a lot, but in such moments they forget them in order to delight in the speech of their king.

  "The people of my kingdom to my heart, so much so that I want to give a daughter of the people the chance to marry my only son."

  Again the audience cheered. Some already called names of girls who would think of later.

  "It will be not an easy road. Many girls from every corner of our beautiful kingdom come. Princesses from all four points of the compass travel. But in the end can only win the heart of my son. To make sure that the choice is the right thing to do, the girls will have to face trials. My wonderful queen Niobe has all these tests mastered like no other. It is she who will lead the girls to their way. Bow down to my great love, the mother of my son and the Queen of Chóraleio. "

  Instead of applauding, all the people bowed the head and Egeas shook hands with his wife. This rose from her chair. She wore a dress the color of dawn, which emphasized her dark skin. Her long hair fell over her shoulders silky to the chest. She had large almond-shaped eyes, for which nothing seemed to escape. Her face had grace and willpower. She clapped her hands.

  "The day on which I became the Queen, was the most beautiful of my life", she opened her speech and gave her people permission to rise again. They applauded her and seemed to love her even more than the King. Many people who could remember the young girl who had come timidly to the court twenty years ago and had captured their hearts by storm.

  "I want to give each candidate a little along the way. A queen loves her people from the heart. You must be willing to make sacrifices for the good of the country. A queen does not hesitate when asked for help. A queen loves sincerely and without ulterior motives. "Her words were admonishing and attracted the people under its spell.”I wish for my son a bride who is not only beautiful but also smart. A bride standing by my son’s side and support him in difficult times. A bride who wins the hearts of the people by her deeds and not by her promises. A queen should be beautiful, intelligent and just, but above all she must have a pure heart. "

  Now Lean followed his mother. He was responsible for the final word. He stood up and the capacity could hardly hold before trance. They cheered, clapped their hands and stamped his feet. Shook the floor of the podium. Lean lifted up his hands, to keep the people calm and continued to bring his winning smile. "I want to thank each and every one who has appeared here today to support me in my choice. Seeking a woman with whom I can spend my life and I need the help of my people to detect deception, falsehood and illusion. Only a girl who thinks honestly would be allowed to sit next to me one day. This week with your help I'm going to select twelve girls and you still have to prove to me that they are worthy of a queen. You can expect tests; your heart will put to the test. Tests that would teach even a man to fear it. “Lean liked this Part. It would be a welcome relief for him, to watch as the fine girl whose clothes were dirty. Perhaps one or the other would remove the choice in advance by fleeing. He looked behind him and his eyes met those of his faithful friend Amphion. He no
dded to confirm Lean, that he was ready for the grand finale.

  "I am Prince Lean, future king of Chóraleio and that's my choice," he shouted. At that moment, a huge, golden dragon in the air was shot behind the podium. The people were amazed and hunched up. The dragon circled over the sky. The sun was reflected in its golden scales. But when he breathed fire, it was raining no ash, but fine gold dust. He poured it down on the hair, the faces and the shoulders of men. Surprised, she fumbled away and could hardly get enough of the gloss. Amphion steered the dragon in the background. He was magician and this was one of his easiest tricks. With a hand flipping the dragon exploded high in the sky and red rose petals were dancing on the floor. Lean looked from the podium down at a sea of ​​red and gold.

  Heera escorting with Medea a path through the crowds. Even though they had left before dawn, they had not managed to reach the city for the opening speech. It had been a long march, which had led them for a while through the woods and then over the swift highways. Heera’s fingers were ice cold and her face glowed safely in an unsightly red. For Medea, however, cold seems to have become powerless. Her skin reminded of fresh snow: pure and without flaws. Through her light skin red lips were emphasized and black hair framed her face. In the dark forest she was afraid and was clutching Heera’s arm, but now in the town she flourished. She squared her shoulders and lifted her head up with interest. The people have already turned to her. Although Medea's dress was poor and her shoes had holes, no one could overlook her. Other candidates wore colorful headdresses of feathers, sparkling stones or glittering threads. Their clothes were widely exhibited and made from rich fabrics. The bodice were firmly laced and emphasized the slender waists and the lush necklines.

  For Heera her younger sister was the most beautiful of all, but it also looked like MEDEA is ensured. Enviously she looked at the shiny jewellery or fancy hairstyles. Then she looked down at herself. Her dress was made of simple blue wool and even that they can hardly afford. Heera squeezed encouragingly the hand of her younger sister. "Don't worry, no one is as beautiful as you."


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