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Page 4

by Tricia Andersen

  “Because, hot shot, do you have any idea what you would do to this family if you ended up dead? To Momma? To me?”

  Abraham snarled at his oldest brother. “Like you give a shit.”

  “Believe it or not, Abe, I do give a shit. You’re my baby brother. I love you.”

  “Then give me freedom.”

  “I can’t. I can’t trust you not to get killed. Maybe if you’d think for once.”

  Abraham growled as he stormed past Josiah through the cabin. He threw the front door open with a loud bang and strode across the camp toward the line of vehicles. He could hear the sound of scraping dirt behind him. Josiah was tight on his heels.

  He straddled his bike and fired it on before Josiah clamped a firm hand on his shoulder. In the distance, he could hear doors opening and a baby cry. He’d woken up the rest of the family. Fantastic.

  “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Josiah demanded.

  “Somewhere to be alone. Somewhere to get away from you.”

  Abraham shrugged Josiah’s hand off his shoulder. He didn’t miss the look of hurt in his brother’s eyes. Guilt churned in his belly along with the lust. Right now wasn’t the time to deal with either. Life had just gotten far more complicated than he was planning for. Without another word, he nudged the kickstand up and flew down the trail away from the camp.

  Chapter Four

  The drive to the North Cabin was a blur for Abraham. He held tight to the handlebars as he struggled to pay attention the rut filled path they called a road. Whatever twisted around his heart and took possession of it seemed to lead him there. He nearly spilled the bike at least three times. He’d be lucky to get there alive.

  He parked the bike outside the cabin then took the porch steps two at a time. He stopped in the living area and surveyed the mess that was still there from the last time he’d sought refuge. A faint odor of rotten food filled the summer air. He didn’t understand why he started cleaning, but he did. Maybe the great power that led them to their mates dictated it? Or was he truly terrified to see that mark on his back again? Because something deep down in his core wanted to go find a mirror.

  Voices outside tore Abraham from his task. He tossed a plate of dried spaghetti into the trash and strode outside. He would have to tell Josiah that they would need new dishes. Most of that now wasn’t salvageable after a week with the mated.

  Five tall, thin figures crossed the lush green grass coming from the lake that sparkled like glass behind them. The tallest was at least a head and a half taller than the rest and dressed in all black. Beside him walked a man with long blond flowing hair dressed in an ornamental robe of gold, sapphire, and purple adorned with jewels. The three men behind them wore one-piece jumpsuit type of uniforms in the same colors as the one in the robes.

  Abraham hopped down the steps and jogged to meet them. “Hey, this is private property. You can’t…”

  The force that impacted his chest knocked him back a couple of feet. It sent a rush of pure ecstasy through him. When he got his bearings back, he met the furious glare of a small woman with bright colored hair.

  “You son of a bitch,” Kai screamed. “You screwed me.”

  Abraham raised his hands in mock surrender. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, babe.”

  “You marked me.”

  “How the fuck did I mark you?”

  “I know who you are. You’re a Hallow. By the look of it.” She squinted as she studied him. “You’re either Ezekiel or Abraham.” She bit her lower lip for a moment. “You’re Abraham, the youngest. I saw you here before, pleasuring yourself.”

  “He’s a Hallow,” one of the soldiers interrupted. “Let’s kill him.”

  Abraham’s eyes grew wide as he stepped back. His heart thundered. It was one thing to be facing off with his mate and her creepy ass entourage. But she knew his true identity, and that unnerved him. “You’re accusing me of marking you but have no proof. You’re just assuming you know me. What mark are you even talking about?”

  The robed figure gripped Kai by the shoulder and turned her back to Abraham. He grabbed the hem of her shirt and yanked it up. Abraham seethed at whoever the bastard was. He shouldn’t be touching his mate much less exposing her to everyone. But he couldn’t take his gaze off the tattoo that spanned half her back. It was identical to the one he now wore.

  The robed man near spat out his words. “That mark. The mark means she is mated to a werewolf. I would guess you have one also.”

  Abraham swallowed hard. How the hell did these people know he was a werewolf? He backpedaled a little farther. “I don’t know who the fuck you are, dude, but…”

  The one in robes cut him off. “Kill him.”

  “No,” Kai pleaded.

  Abraham backpedaled only a step or two before two of the three soldiers grabbed hold of each of his arms. One gripped a handful of hair to keep him steady. Abraham’s gaze met Kai’s panicked one as she gripped hold of the leader’s robes. The third soldier pulled a three-pronged weapon from behind him and approached him slowly.

  Abraham struggled to speak with his neck cranked in an unnatural direction. “No fucking way. A trident?”

  The soldier brandishing the weapon stopped at the rumble of motors approaching. Micah’s Jeep and Caleb’s truck bounced along the path from the line of trees. The vehicles barely came to a stop before the other six brothers climbed out.

  Abraham growled. “Fantastic. The welcoming committee.”

  The soldier holding his hair shook it violently. The scene before Abraham blurred as he fought to regain his focus.

  Josiah stormed across the grass to them. “What the fuck are you doing? Let go of my brother and get off our property.”

  The man in the robes smiled. “The other six Hallow brothers.”

  Josiah frowned. “How do you know that? Who the fuck are you? And I repeat, let go of my brother.”

  The robed leader folded his hands in the folds of his garment. “I am the king of the merpeople. The mortals call me Neptune or Poseidon. And as far as your brother goes, he desecrated my royal seer.”

  “And you know that how?”

  The king turned the still exposed Kai until her back faced the six brothers. There was a chorus of curse words at the sight of her tattoo. Kai turned a deep crimson in embarrassment.

  Abraham fought the two who held him. “Fucking cover her up, you asshole. No one needs to see her like that.”

  The king turned toward Abraham. “You are in no position to give orders, young Hallow.”

  Josiah snarled. “He’s right. Let her put her shirt down. Stop humiliating her.” He turned to Abraham. “So that explains the long-sleeve T-shirt on a summer day.”

  “Wait,” Joshua interjected. “How did Abe mate before Zeke and me? He’s the youngest.”

  “When the hell did this shit go down?” Ezekiel added.

  Josiah shot a glare at them. “Right now, that doesn’t matter.” He turned back to the king. “Okay, Neptune, let him go.”

  “Neptune. Hmm. Interesting choice,” the king replied.

  “I’m not much for flair.”

  Neptune chuckled. “I like you, Josiah Hallow. I am unable to let him go because he tainted my seer. She has been of service to me and my father before me ever since she was born two hundred and forty-eight years ago. But now that she bears the mark of your kind, she is of no use to me. That is a value I cannot replace, so I want his life in exchange. That is unless you want to exchange his life for the amulet your family possesses and the Egyptian magician.”

  The tallest of them all, the one dressed in all black, exploded in a rage. He stepped in front of Neptune, his face contorted in fury, and near shoved his finger in the king’s face. He spoke with a thick accent. “You promised me a bride.”

  Neptune patted his hand down. “I understand your frustration, Loch.”

  “You sent her after your scouts and allowed her to be defiled by this,” Loch gestured wildly toward Abraham,

  “Way to fuck up, Abe,” Caleb replied. “You broke up an engagement.”

  Josiah glared at Caleb. “Cay, you know best out of all of us that a greater power draws us to our mates. Abe had no choice in this. Neither did she.” He turned his attention back to Neptune, and Loch then crossed his arms over his broad chest. “You seem to know quite a bit more about us than we do about you. I’m going to tell you the same thing as I did those asshole vampires, Rock and Cort. No way in hell am I giving you the amulet or the Heka. You’re going to let Abe go and jump back in the lake because if you look at the numbers, it’s five fish to seven big, bad werewolves. My money is on us.”

  Abraham watched as Neptune stared intensely at Kai for a long moment. It gave him the creeps. Then the king gave a brief nod to the soldiers. They released him and shuffled toward the water.

  Loch stomped around angrily. He reminded Abraham of an overgrown toddler. He could think things like that now that his head wasn’t being ripped off his body.

  “I want recompense. I want what you promised me,” Loch demanded, his nose nearly touching Neptune’s.

  “She bears the werewolf’s mark,” Neptune replied.

  Loch shot a sideways glance at Kai. “She’ll make a decent concubine. Not a wife but a concubine.”

  Abraham stormed to the two men and shoved Loch away from Neptune. “You’ll have to go through me to get to her.”

  “Abe, knock it the fuck off,” Josiah ordered. Abraham ignored him.

  Loch sneered. “What wager do you suggest?”

  “Fight me,” Abraham replied.

  Loch laughed, his voice echoing off the surrounding trees. “Certainly. Now.”

  Abraham dropped into stance. “Sure. Bring it.”

  Neptune raised a hand between them. “Stop. You Hallows like this mixed martial arts so much. Why don’t you face Loch in one of your cages?”

  Abraham grinned. “You want your mermaid buddy to fight me in the cage?”

  “He’s not a mermaid,” Kai murmured.

  Abraham looked at her confused. She shrugged and continued. “I mean he is, but you can’t hear the accent? His name is Loch. He’s from Scotland.”

  Abraham frowned at her and stared at Loch. He heard one of his brother’s speak. He couldn’t figure out which one. “He sure as shit isn’t the Loch Ness Monster. Is he?”

  “One and the same,” Loch answered.

  “When I didn’t think things could get more bizarre,” Samuel grumbled.

  “So, how about it?” Loch asked Abraham. “We meet in, let’s say, eight weeks? You find the venue.”

  “Hell, no,” Josiah objected.

  “Deal,” Abraham answered. “I’ll get the when and where to you.”

  Loch snorted and stomped toward the lake. Everyone watched in silence as he dove beneath the surface of the water. A few moments later, a serpent-like creature rose briefly above the waves then sunk below.

  “Shit,” Abraham muttered.

  Neptune snarled at Kai. “You are exiled. You will never swim a fin into my kingdom. You want to share a bed with that filthy beast? Then live apart from your own kind.”

  He glared at the seven Hallow brothers before he followed the rest into the lake. They all stood in silence as they watched him go. Abraham’s gaze was focused on his mate. He could see the glimmer of tears in her eyes.

  Josiah broke the quiet. “So, let’s see what led to this shitstorm. Take off your shirt, Abe.”

  Abraham growled as he gripped the hem of his shirt and tore it off over his head. His brothers gathered behind him and murmured.

  “Still can’t believe the baby mated before I did,” Ezekiel commented.

  “You got to get laid to mate,” Caleb replied.

  “I get laid plenty.”

  “Seriously, guys, enough,” Josiah interrupted. “Besides, Zeke, it seems like this is happening over and over. It probably won’t be long. Let’s go home. Abe, you can ride your bike home. One of you guys need to ride in the back of the truck so—” he stopped and looked at Kai “—what’s your name, miss?”

  “Kai. My name is Kai, and I’m not going with you. You got me exiled from my home and family. If I’m not going back, I’m going to be free. I’m tired of being subject to someone.” She pointed at Abraham. “I won’t be subject to you.”

  “I didn’t ask you to,” Abraham countered.

  She huffed and stormed off toward the thick forest on foot with her hands clutched to her hips. Abraham couldn’t take his gaze off her ass.

  Joshua cleared his throat. “Hey, umm, Kai. The closest sign of civilization is about a hundred miles away. And we’re not the only dangerous wild things that roam this forest.”

  “Don’t care,” she shouted over her shoulder. She stepped carefully into the underbrush and disappeared among the trees.

  Micah laid a hand on Abraham’s shoulder. “Come on, bud. Remember the connection. She’ll be back. She can’t stay away.”

  “As long as she doesn’t get eaten by a bear first,” Abraham countered.

  “True. Regardless, I have arranged a place for your new fight. This one is going to be hard to explain. The Lochness Monster against my baby brother. Fuck.”

  Abraham pulled his shirt back on and stalked to his bike. He fired it on as his brothers climbed into their vehicles. He shot a look over his shoulder to see if they were ready before he led them down the lane among the thick evergreens.


  The screen door slammed shut, waking Abraham out of a deep sleep. He shook off the fog that clouded his head. There weren’t many attributes that the Hallows kept in their human state. The hypersensitive state of awareness was one of them, and it really sucked sometimes.

  He pried his eyes open. “I need to start locking that fucking door.”

  He peered through the dark to see a tiny figure standing next to his bed. He could make out the multi-colored hair in the silver light of the quarter moon. He rubbed his eyes. “Kai, what are you doing here?”

  She didn’t say a word as she slowly stripped off her shirt and shorts. She pulled back the black and white comforter and crawled across the mattress to him. She studied his body for what felt like an eternity until her gaze locked on his already hard cock. She wrapped her fingers around it and pumped.

  “Aww fuck,” Abraham murmured as he threw his head back against the pillow with a moan. He felt something soft and wet wrap around his erection. He reached out to caress a handful of silky hair as he looked up. Kai’s big, brown stare met his as she swallowed him. Her tongue licked trails up the length of him as she clung to his thighs.

  Abraham muttered a string of curses as she sucked. Kai trailed her fingers along the tuff of hair that ran up his groin to his navel. He bucked his hips as he felt his belly tighten as his balls clenched.

  She stopped sucking with a pop of her lips. Abraham frowned. “What the fuck?”

  Kai smiled and crawled up his body until she straddled his hips. She leaned down and smothered his mouth with a kiss. He wove his fingers in her hair to deepen it.

  She broke away to whisper to him. “Do you want this?”

  Abraham paused at her words, the same he’d said to her in the locker room. “Yes, I do.”

  He felt her wrap her hand around him again and guide him beneath her. She lowered herself onto him slowly, bit by bit, until she enveloped at least half of him. Her eyes opened wide as she bounced him in deeper and fluttered closed with a moan.

  Abraham grabbed her hips and finished impaling her with a few shallow thrusts. Seeing her perched on top of him, her full breasts swaying as she rode him set every nerve on fire. He caught a nipple between his teeth and sucked it into his mouth. He feasted on it as she rocked faster.

  He let go of her breast and gripped her ass. She braced her hands on his chest, her breath puffing out in quick pants. He strained to meet her as his cock swelled inside her.

  Kai threw her head back and cried out as she clenched
tight around him. The sight of her coming was all it took. Abraham dug his fingers into her flesh as he bucked his hips up hard and deliberate. He gritted his teeth as the rush blazed through him and filled her. She was laid across his chest with her head cradled on his shoulder before his body rested on the bed again.

  He softly kissed her, his lips prying hers apart. Each one grew deeper and harder until his lips bruised. His cock stiffened inside her. She squeaked as her whole body shivered.

  He lifted her off him and flipped her onto her back and spread her thighs apart. He crouched between her splayed legs and licked her swollen flesh. She mewed and trembled as he licked and sucked at her nub, the taste of them mingling on his tongue. He slipped a finger inside her and stroked it in and out. She rocked against his hand frantically. He added another finger and picked up his pace.

  She screamed as the orgasm tore through her. He pulled his hand free and stretch out over her. He lavished kisses on one breast then the other. He skimmed his lips across her belly, tasting her soft ivory skin. This creature was perfect and in his bed. He was going to make sure she never wanted to leave.

  “Please,” she begged.

  “Please, what?” he questioned as he nipped her hipbone.

  “I need you inside me. The way you make me feel.”

  “What’s my name?”

  “Please, I need…”

  He raised his head and looked at her. “Say my name. I have six brothers. Make sure you have the right one.”

  Her red lips were swollen as she sighed. He needed to taste them. “Abe, please. I need you.”

  He scooped up her legs in his arms and looped them over his shoulders. He buried himself deep as he stole that kiss he craved. He pulled all the way out to the tip and drove back in. She groaned as clung to him. His strokes were slow and deliberate as every muscle burned to release again.

  Kai thrashed beneath him as another rush overtook her. He met her glazed over gaze as he slammed his hips into hers over and over. He grunted as his cock thickened. Every muscle stiffened as he released.

  He pulled free from Kai and collapsed on the bed next to her. He watched her breasts rise and fall as she sucked in lungfuls of air. He fought the urge to capture the pink buds bobbing up in down with his teeth.


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