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Winter Wanderlust: A Romantic Anthology

Page 3

by Gina Drayer

  “Granted. But the scene is over so you may speak freely.”

  “That… was… phenomenal!” She flops onto the pillows. Yellow spots blur my view of her oval face as a high pitch ringing sets in my ear. Stun and damn well sated, I smile.

  "Still vanilla?" I tease.


  "Actually," I continue, "that was rather tame. But I figured better too little than too much."

  “That was not too much, Sir.” The smooth caress of her hands glides down my chest and wipe the perspiration. “How long have you been a Dom?”

  “About a decade.”

  “How did you begin?”

  “After you left, it took two years for me to decide to move on, though I didn’t know what that meant. One day, a friend surprised me by taking me to a play party. I’d thought I’d watch but the women there welcomed me openly. And the lifestyle clicked naturally.”

  She looks up to me and nods. “Ten years.”

  Using the pillows, I prop myself against the bedpost as she rests her head on her hand. Her flushed cheeks gives her a rosy aura, reminding me of the angel that I saw all those years ago.

  “What did you think of our session?” she asks.

  “Incredible.” I pull her lips towards mine and revel in them once more.

  “Am I forgiven?” she asks once I pull away.


  “Thank you, Good Sir.”

  “But you cannot be forgotten.”

  She looks up and waits for further explanation.

  “Tomorrow night, let’s have dinner. We have much to discuss such as where do we see this going and…”

  “…can you trust me again?” she finishes.

  I nod. “And more importantly, can you communicate your needs to me?”

  The golden flecks of her eyes sparkle. “Yes. And I’d love to have dinner.”

  I close my eyes and draw her near. But she rolls on top and straddles me, resting her arms above my shoulders. Leaning in, she gives me the kiss that changes the course in a man’s life. All these years, I waited for an explanation and in that kiss, she conveys me of what I needed to know. With heartache, the focus tends to be on loss. But tonight, she tells me that yes, we lost ten years, but during that time, we gained a few things: growth, acceptance, and insight to who we are. Because of those gifts, there is hope for our future and it involves rope, restraints and whips.

  This time around, however, there will be no rash decisions because she is the delicate balance I need. Trust, we can build; communication, we can establish. If it takes everything I have as a Dom to show her that I can fulfill her heart’s darkest desires, then there’s no limit I won’t be open to explore, including collaring. Hm, lucky me.

  Jenne Moua is an inspiring writer that seeks to tell stories aimed to titillate, please, and captivate her readers. This is her first published short story. She's currently working on her first novel. Follow her on twitter @JenneMoua or read her blog at:

  Write on.


  Lost Love

  by Mildred Gable

  Lucy-Sue flopped onto the king sized bed in the center of their hotel suite. She pulled out her tablet from her purse and searched for Wi-Fi.

  “Don, can you call the front desk and get the Wi-Fi password?” She whined, tossing the tablet aside and crossing her arms. She blew her short blonde bangs out of her eyes and pouted.

  Sheldon emerged from the bathroom, drying his hands on a green hand towel. When he finished, he placed it aside and ran his left hand through his tousled black hair. He glanced at their bags, still piled in the corner. Sighing, he walked to the phone and picked up the receiver. A moment later he placed it down again.

  “The line’s dead. I’ll go down to the front desk and get it for you.” He glanced at the bags again. “Maybe you can get us more settled and unpack the bags?”

  Lucy brushed her long hair behind her shoulder. “Fine.”

  As Sheldon disappeared out the door Lucy sat on the edge of the bed and opened her suitcase. She quickly filled the drawers in their small one bedroom suite. They were booked into the Liberty Springs Lodge for the whole week. It had been five years since they had traveled together. She didn’t like being away from work. If Sheldon’s co-worker hadn’t suggested it, then they probably would still be at home.

  When she’d finished with the bags she put them into the corner and changed into a pair of comfortable sweatpants and a white tank top, before resuming her place on the bed and thinking about Sheldon. He had been a good boyfriend to her, the best actually, but she had to admit they’d lost touch with each other. The two spent so much of their time wrapped up in other distractions that they rarely spent it with one another. Though neither wanted to break up, their relationship was suffering; their sex life was suffering. They’d come on this trip determined to fix it but falling back on old habits was proving hard to break.


  Sheldon took the stairs to the main lobby since they were only on the second floor. He’d always been impatient and hated waiting for elevators. At the empty front desk he rang the bell.

  He glanced out at the lobby area as he waited. He saw a young couple cuddling by the large fireplace. They reminded him of when he met Lucy seven years ago.

  “Whoa, it’s a cold one out there,” Sheldon said to the barista as he rubbed his hands together. Glancing over his shoulder it was no surprise that it had started to blizzard outside. Canadian winters sometimes got the best of him. “I’ll just grab a regular coffee, please.”

  He paid for his coffee and settled into a large armchair by the window. He sipped the warm drink, watching the skiers and snowboarders descend the ski hill.

  “So not only are you really clumsy but you hate the cold too?” A voice came from behind him, followed by a cute laugh. “God, you really chose the wrong place to come on vacation.”

  Sheldon looked over his shoulder and saw a slender blonde staring at him. She wore a multi-coloured ski suit; her hair was in a low ponytail beneath a knit headband. Hands on her hips, smiling at him.

  “I’m sorry?” Sheldon asked.

  Again she laughed then plopped down in the armchair across from him. “I said you looked pretty clumsy out there on skis.” Her bright white teeth gleamed at him when she smiled. It was infectious and even though she was mocking him, Sheldon had to smile.

  “Lucy,” she said, holding her hand out to him. Sheldon grasped her warm hand in his and gently shook it, noting how soft her skin felt.

  “Call me Don,” he said.

  She squeezed his hand. “Nice to meet you, Don. Let me take you out on the hills tomorrow, okay? You’re here for another night?”

  Sheldon nodded.

  Lucy smiled once more. “Great. Meet you out front at, say, nine?”

  “Sounds good.”

  Lucy stood. “See you then!” And she walked over to a group of friends.

  “Can I help you sir?” Sheldon turned back to the desk where, instead of the woman who had checked them in, there was a well-dressed man. He looked middle-aged; he likely had ten years on Sheldon. His once dark hair was greying in a salt and pepper style. He wore a fine blue suit that was stretched around his pudgy middle and stared at Sheldon with bright green eyes. A gold badge on his left breast pocket gleamed his name “Leonard”.

  “It seems our room phone isn’t working,” Sheldon explained. “Room 203. Also, my girlfriend was looking for the Wi-Fi password. It isn’t listed in our room.”

  Leonard reached below the desk and pulled out a small card, no bigger than a typical business card. “There is the password for the Wi-Fi and I will have someone come check on the phone immediately. We have been having some problems unfortunately. There’s a storm coming.”

  “Yikes, is it supposed to be bad?” Sheldon asked.

  The concierge shrugged. “We do get bad storms up here occasionally. It probably won’t be any worse than normal. Anyway, if y
ou’ll excuse me, I have some work to attend to. The name is Leonard, please find me if you need anything.”

  “Thanks, I will.”

  Leonard returned to the small office he had come from. Sheldon glanced down at the small card in hand before looking out the large square windows. He could already see the snow coming down. Lucy would be happy; fresh powder on a ski hill was her favourite.

  “C’mon Don!” Lucy’s voice echoed down the steep hill. Sheldon stopped at the top, watching Lucy do quick turns down the double black diamond. It was their third anniversary. They decided to visit the same resort where they’d met. Sheldon’s skiing had much improved since then and he now had no problem keeping up with Lucy.

  He smiled as he watched her go. They’d fallen hard for each other, fast. But the speed never bothered Sheldon. He was happy with Lucy. She was an adventurous, fun loving girl. Her kindness was endless and she had smiles for everyone. Many of his coworkers and friends had complimented him on his score.

  His parents loved her.

  They were perfect for one another, sometimes it was suggested too perfect. But Sheldon never let it bother him. People judged because they were jealous. He and Lucy had a great relationship, they barely even fought.

  When she reached the bottom of the hill, she stopped and turned, looking back up at him. She waved her arms frantically overhead. He could hear his name being called faintly on the cool winds. He smiled to himself as he tipped his skis over the edge and followed her path down the slope.


  When Sheldon entered his room he found Lucy-Sue lying on her stomach on the bed, kicking her legs back and forth in the air. She glanced in his direction.

  “Did you get it?” she asked, pushing herself up to her knees.

  Sheldon walked over to her and handed her the card. “Thanks for putting our stuff away.”

  Lucy shrugged as she took the card and began typing madly on her tablet. “It was nothing.”

  After that, she didn’t say anything. Sheldon was sure she was mesmerized by her latest game. She loved talking about her tablet games; all 100 of them. He did his best to be enthusiastic about it, but it was easy to lose track.

  He flopped onto the bed beside her and grabbed the TV remote. He flicked it on and started flipping through the available channels. The constant clicking on her tablet stole his attention from the screen, and he studied her.

  They’d moved in together at the beginning of year four. After a year of living together, everything was great and Sheldon was thinking about proposing – though they had yet to discuss it. But things quickly changed.

  Five years into their relationship it got rocky. Lucy was hired as a Social Media and Marketing expert for a local advertising company. The job consumed most of her time. When she wasn’t in the office, she was connected via her computer. Soon they bought her a company phone and Sheldon and Lucy struggled to get through a date uninterrupted. Eventually they stopped trying to have dates at all.

  Then the tablet came in. She was never disconnected, and Sheldon felt their relationship drift. They sat in the same room, but they were miles apart. They watched the same movie, but Lucy’s mind was elsewhere.

  For months Sheldon tried to rekindle their love, trying to initiate dates and intimacy. But too often she was distracted or sidetracked before the night was through. Soon he was lucky if they had sex at all.

  Then, two months ago Sheldon hit his breaking point. He couldn’t see the relationship working if they didn’t learn to love one another’s company again. His co-worker suggested the resort and Sheldon went to Lucy with an agenda.

  “Come away with me in two months,” he said.

  Lucy looks up from her tablet, brushing her blonde hair from her cheek. “What?”

  “I want to go on a trip,” Sheldon said. “I think it will be good for us.”

  She raised her eyebrow at him. “I doubt work will let me.”

  “C’mon Luce, you haven’t taken a vacation since you started there.” Sheldon sat on the bed beside her. “Do this for me.”

  She chewed on her lower lip for a moment before nodding. “Fine. I’ll go. But I can’t promise I’ll enjoy it.”

  Sheldon laughed. “You will. We’re going to Liberty Springs; you probably won’t leave the ski hill.”

  Lucy’s face lit up. “Ski hill?” She flipped onto her knees, excited now. “We haven’t been on a ski vacation in years.”

  Sheldon nodded. “Exactly, it’ll be good for us.” He would make sure it was.

  “Wanna have dinner?” She asked pulling him from his memory.

  He nodded, getting up and wandering over to the mirror. He adjusted his shirt then glanced at her over his shoulder. She still hadn’t moved from her position with her tablet.

  “You ready to go?”

  She made a face at him. “Sheesh, give me a second.” Lucy went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

  Sheldon sat back on the bed and waited for her. There was no telling how long she would be. Sometimes Lucy-Sue could take hours to get ready, and on the days where Sheldon prepared himself to wait a long time, she was only seconds. There was no consistency with that woman. But it was one of the reasons Sheldon loved her. Their relationship had once been spontaneous and fun. He was determined to get back to that.

  This time it was only minutes before she emerged from the bathroom, looking more awake. Her straight blonde hair was pulled back in a tight high ponytail. And she had put on a light layer of makeup.

  “That was fast.” Sheldon commented.

  Lucy frowned. “Does that mean I don’t look good?”

  “No, no, god no,” Sheldon said, waving his hands back and forth. “I meant for looking so nice, you were quick.”

  She raised her eyebrow at him before waving her hand in a circle around her face. “Blush, mascara, red lipstick, hair elastic. Really not as hard as you men seem to think it is.”

  He wanted to mention the countless times she had taken over two hours to get ready, but when she put her hands on her hips and looked pointedly at him, he thought better of it.

  “Well, you look lovely dear,” he said.

  She brushed past him to the closet and took out a maxi dress. It was purple and white, with a halter strap and long enough that it nearly touched the floor. She stripped off her sweats and tank. Sheldon’s eyes danced over her fit body: her toned stomach, petite perky breasts, and long silky legs. He hadn’t been given much viewing time in recent months and she seemed to be making this time agonizingly slow. She watched him as she pulled the dress over her head, letting it drop and rest on the floor. Then she dropped his gaze and slipped on a pair of white sandal heels.

  Sheldon chuckled.

  “What?” She asked, hands on her hips once more. The dress fit her nicely, hugging her slender body and low cut in the front giving Sheldon a pleasant view.

  “You might want a sweater,” he said, “It’s blizzarding out there. Might be drafty in the restaurant.”

  She reached back into the closet, pulled out a knit sweater and threw it over her shoulders, letting it hang open. Sheldon held his hand out to her and she took it. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her.

  “You look beautiful,” he said, inhaling her flowery scent. He pulled back slightly and captured her lips in a soft kiss. It was quick though. They only kissed passionately during sex, no matter how rare that was.

  As quickly as he kissed her, Lucy-Sue was pulling out of his arms and heading towards the door. His shoulders slumped. She wasn’t going to make this easy.

  “You have the room key?” she asked.

  Sheldon nodded as he followed her out of the room and they heard the soft click behind them. He went for the stairs, but Lucy didn’t follow him.

  “What are you doing?”

  Sheldon looked to the stairs door before looking back at her, unsure of what to say. Luckily he didn’t have to speak before Lucy waved down to her shoes.

  “I’m not taking the stairs
in heels. That’s ridiculous.” She turned and hit the elevator button.

  Sheldon looked back at the stairs, having half a mind to take them anyway, but knew it would cause more grief than needed and they were here to make things better, not worse. So with little other choice, he returned to her side and waited for the elevator.

  He was thankful that it wasn’t a long wait. Even better that it was empty. He always hated the people who got on the elevators at the lower floors when they were more than capable of taking the stairs. Clearly his girlfriend felt differently.

  They exited the elevator into the lobby. It was deserted except for the few guests scattered about. Sheldon’s co-worker had insisted that Liberty Springs specialized in privacy. It seemed guests could find peace even in the public places.

  The same could be said for the long restaurant. The walls were lined with small booths meant for private dining. The hostess directed them into one of these booths and Sheldon slid across the expensive leather seats with a smile on his face. The small table separating them was made of a dark wood with a shiny varnish. Each setting had three sets of cutlery and two wine glasses. A smaller water glass was quickly filled by the hostess and placed in front of them.

  “Your waiter will be with you shortly.” The brunette hostess was petite and looked no older than sixteen. Sheldon wondered how she had been employed at such a prestigious resort.

  He flipped open his leather bound menu to reveal a list of choices as fancy as the restaurant he sat in - Duck with Mustard Spaetzle, Maitake Consommé, Pizze Bianca, Risotto Alla Breanne - he was unsure of what to choose. It had been over two years since they’d been to a restaurant this fancy. The woman across from him almost felt like a stranger. But her actions were familiar.

  Almost always ordering the same thing wherever they went – chicken - Lucy-Sue was quick to decide. She flipped open her menu and closed it in a matter of seconds before reaching for the wine list that the hostess had left behind. She slid her index finger down the list until she found her choice and tapped it three times.

  “Hello folks, my name is Walter.” A young man said. He wore black pants, a black button up t-shirt and a clean black apron. He listed the specials on his fingers while they listened, then asked for their drink order.


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