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Faery Godlover: BBW Paranormal Romance

Page 4

by Lizzie Lynn Lee

  Duada furrowed his dark brows, and leaned back in the seat and stared into the rearview mirror. She glanced up and met his smoldering gaze. He looked very thoughtful and a little confused at her question.

  “That is a strange thing to ask,” he said slowly. “Why wouldn’t he want you?”

  Jasmine swallowed hard, unsure of how to answer. She half-expected him to burst into cruel laughter and say he was kidding, that there were a million reasons why a handsome man wouldn’t want to date her. But he didn’t. She parked her car in an empty spot out front of her apartment building and sat quietly for a long moment. The tension in the air sparked until Duada broke it with his next statement.

  “Tonight, then. I’ll have him pick you up in an hour.”

  She got the sense there was no point in arguing with him. Besides, if his little shows of power had done one thing, it was to convince her that Duada was not someone to be messed with. Sure, nothing he’d done so far had really frightened her all that much, but she knew that it was probably better not to push him and find out just how far his powers could reach.

  He followed her up to her tiny studio apartment; wrinkling his nose when he saw how shabbily she lived. She’d done her very best to decorate the little place and make it feel more like home, but she spent most of her time at work, and it showed.

  Jasmine went directly to her closet and started rifling through outfits, trying to find something that would suit a date with an exceptionally hot man out of her league. As usual, she was disappointed.

  “I-I don’t really know what to wear,” she admitted, feeling her cheeks burn. Duada instantly appeared at her side, appraising her limited wardrobe with judgmental eyes.

  “This is an unfortunate array of options,” he agreed, gingerly picking through the few sundresses hanging in front of them. “But one of these should do in a pinch.”

  “I haven’t worn any of those in ages,” she said, shaking her head.

  “Just put it on.”


  “I’ll fix it,” Duada told her emphatically.

  Still frowning at him, she shooed him out and slipped into a skimpy yellow sundress she had bought years ago. It fell just barely to mid-thigh and accentuated her curves, but she worried it still didn’t quite fit the bill.

  “Let me in,” came the fae’s voice at the door.

  Jasmine reluctantly opened it and he snapped his fingers, making the hemline ever so slightly longer and the bust line lower, revealing more of her ample cleavage. Jasmine gasped.

  “How the hell…?”

  She looked up to meet his eyes and he winked. “Are you catching on yet?” he asked brightly, looking proud of himself. He seemed to take an exquisite pleasure in showing off, but she had to admit—his help was desperately needed.

  “Thank you,” she said genuinely, her voice softening. “I still don’t really know why you’re doing this, but thanks.”

  His impish, thousand-watt grin faded and he suddenly looked serious for a moment, his impossible violet eyes surveying her with an almost human flash of approval. No, more like desire. But that couldn’t be right, could it? She had to be misreading him. After all, if he really was a faery, there was no way he could possibly find a dull, sarcastic, human woman attractive.

  He handed her a stylish spring coat that he seemed conjure out of nowhere. “It’s going to rain tonight. Light drizzle, at most, but I don’t want you to get wet.”

  The coat still had a tag and her eyes widened when she saw the price. Twelve hundred dollars. “You bought this for me?”

  He shrugged nonchalantly. “It’s no big deal.”

  “Thank you.” She put it on. It fit her like a dream.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, folding his arms across his broad chest.

  Jasmine looked up at him, her eyes roving over his enormous frame. So much for faeries being tiny. This guy had to be at least six-foot-three. Jasmine nodded, gulping back her anxiety. “So, tell me more about this guy.”

  Duada’s eyes flitted to the window and he shook his head. “No time. He’s here.”

  He grabbed her by the wrist and all but dragged her to the front door where Jasmine stood nervously. A firm knock startled her and she jumped. Duada urged her with his eyes to answer it, and she did, pulling the door open to reveal the tall, impeccably dressed man before her. He gave her a smile and she nearly swooned. The guy didn’t appear to even notice Duada standing there as he introduced himself and took Jasmine’s hand.

  ”My name is Hayden,” he said, his voice deep and authoritative. “Hayden Rothford the third.”

  Jasmine gawked for a moment. She had never met any man with a number attached on their name like some kind of British lord. “I’m J-Jasmine. Hello.”

  His gaze raked over her before a beaming smile spread over his handsome face. “You’re much lovelier in person. Your photo doesn’t do you justice.”

  “Thank you. Did you visit my Instagram by chance?” she was curious. Her circle of friends was limited and she didn’t remember giving any photo to a stranger lately. Certainly, her friend Lilly wouldn’t peddle her picture without her permission.

  “Oh. Sorry, I don’t do social media. My work occupies most of my time. My friend set this date for me.”

  “Who? Is it Duada?” Instinctively, she looked over her shoulder to where the fae prince was standing. Duada shook his head and vanished with a glimmer.

  Hayden craned his neck, looking at the direction she was glancing. “Who? Something in there?”

  Well, obviously, he couldn’t see Duada. Jasmine decided to let the matter drop. “It’s nothing. I thought I saw a spider.”

  Hayden laughed quietly. “I’m not fond of spiders either. Are you ready?”

  “I guess. Where we’re going?”

  “Spanish Tavern. Hasn’t Milla told you?”

  “Who’s Milla?”

  “My friend who set this up. Aren’t you Milla’s friend from Princeton?”

  “No, I’m sorry. Actually, my friend is the one who set this up. He must know Milla.” Though, she doubted Duada did this in a conventional way. He must have used his magic to make this date happen. She’d have to ask Duada the next time she saw him how he’d managed to find this guy.

  “Ah. That explains it. Well, we should go now.”

  Hayden drove a gleaming black new model Porsche. When Jasmine observed him closer, she noticed that he was swathed from head to toe in designer labels. His nails were buffed and carefully manicured and a gold Rolex circled his wrist. He told her casually that he managed a lucrative and highly profitable hedge fund firm and that he split residence between Manhattan and Newark. He worked four days a week in his posh office in Broad Street before retreating to his Newark family home in an upscale neighborhood in Alpine for a long weekend.

  “My mother’s health is quite frail these days, and I’d like to spend as much time with her as I can. Since my father passed away last year, she hasn’t been quite herself.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Are you an only child?”

  “No,” he said with a smile. “I have an older sister who lives in Singapore. She visits us four times a year, depending on her workload. Milla told me you’re an only child, am I right?”

  “Ah, yes. But my parents and I aren’t close like your family.”

  “Oh? How so?”

  “It’s just the way we are, I guess.” Jasmine thought of her parents who lived their glorious retirement life. They sent postcard each month from places where their boat docked. Their messages were loving, but concise.

  “To each their own.” His tone dripped with sympathy.

  “I agree.”

  They chatted easily, but Hayden dominated the conversation. He had been an overachiever since he was a child, and for him to reach this level of success at such a young age, Jasmine guessed he had a lot to brag about. But other than that, Hayden had been a perfect gentleman. His good looks earned her envious glances from women in the restauran
t and his excellent table manners didn’t embarrass her like one of her dates in the past.

  Hayden drove them smoothly through town to the elegant eatery where their dinner reservation waited. The bistro served traditional Spanish cuisine and the delicious scents of garlic and saffron wafted from the kitchen. Hayden asked her if she’d let him order since he frequented this place quite often. She nodded primly, unsure of what to make of the menu.

  He ordered their dinner with pairing wine, impressing Jasmine again with his knowledge of wine. When she said so, Hayden confided that he had always wanted to grow the best vines in Napa and make his own signature vintage when he retired. Hayden asked the waiter for the check. He refused when Jasmine offered to pay her half.

  “It’s my treat. I’m the one who choose this place.” Hayden winked. “You can take care of dinner for our next date.”

  Next date? So there would be the second date? With this guy?

  Whoa. Usually her blind dates always ended up in disappointment. She must give Duada kudos for setting this one up.

  Out of nowhere, Jasmine felt the urge to yawn, but she stifled it, hoping Hayden hadn’t noticed.

  “I hope you’re not tired yet. The night still young.”

  Damn. “No. Not yet. It’s just that I’ve had a little too much wine. I’m fine.”

  “Good. I was hoping you’d accompany me to a friend’s party. We won’t stay too long, I promise. We’ll just say hello, have a bit of refreshment, perhaps do some dancing, and then I’ll drive you home. Do you like to dance, Jasmine?”

  Dancing? She laughed softly. “I don’t know. It’s been a long time since my freshman year in college. I don’t really do that kind of stuff anymore.”

  “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten how?” Hayden folded his napkin and pushed his plate towards the waiter who had begun to clear the table. “It’s like riding a bike or swimming. Once you’ve learned it, you’ll never forget it. You know, Jasmine, I feel like I haven’t gotten the chance to know you much this evening. Where did you work, again?”

  “Oh.” There was a sinking feeling in her gut, how would he respond to the wide social gap between them? He was the CEO of a multi-million dollar company and she was just making coffee at a small café for a living. She took a deep breath and muttered, “I’m a barista at the Java Joy.”

  “You know what, I’m a coffee aficionado myself. If I hadn’t had a cup of espresso in the morning, I’m not awake.”

  Hayden’s reaction surprised her. She expected he’d snub her for her job. “Me too. What are your favorite beans?”

  “El Injerto or St. Helene. I like coffee that has full body but has delicate acidity.”

  “I thought you’re going to say Kopi Luwak or Black Ivory, being the most expensive out there, that is.”

  “The poop coffee?” He made a face. “No, thank you. The civet and the elephant can have them.”

  They laughed together.

  One brownie point. Once she dug through his list of accomplishments, Hayden was actually nice to talk to. He was knowledgeable, not just blowing hot air like some people she knew. This date had been fun so far, how did Duada find this guy? Jasmine wondered for the second time.

  They drove to Hayden’s friend’s party in New Vernon and stopped in front of a house that was more like a mansion than anything. He introduced her to his friends and they were politely curious about her, and as more than one of them mentioned, Hayden didn’t usually bring his dates to parties. One of Hayden’s female friends was curious if she and Hayden were serious. The woman, Pamela, didn’t believe her when Jasmine told her she and Hayden were on their first date. Pamela said that Hayden must have thought that Jasmine was special. They chatted and had more drinks on the patio. Once Hayden’s friend started pushing people into the pool, Hayden pulled her into the house and watched his friends’ shenanigans from the French doors.

  Hayden chuckled. “Rowdy, aren’t they? You’d think they’re a bunch of frat boys.”

  “You went to college with all of them?”

  “Mostly. We’ve been friends since high school. Pete went to Princeton with Milla and Pamela.”

  “Milla, the one who set this date up?”

  He nodded. “Too bad she hasn’t shown up tonight. She’s a fun girl.”

  Jasmine felt relieved. If Milla were here, she’d be hard pressed to explain how this had all come about, and Milla might not remember if she ever played as matchmaker at all.

  “Jasmine.” Hayden suddenly became serious. He took her hands and squeezed them. “I’ve really enjoyed our evening together. To be honest, it’s been a while since I felt this way. You’re beautiful and kind and I’m really taken with you. If it’s okay with you, I’d like to see you again.”

  His confession took her by surprise. “O-okay.”

  A smile crept across his handsome face. “I wish…I don’t want the night to end. Jasmine, come home with me tonight.”


  “And take a day off work tomorrow. I want to take you to New York tomorrow and spend the whole day together. We can go shopping, sightseeing, anywhere you want to go. Please say yes.”

  She wanted to think about it some more, but Duada’s annoying smirk suddenly flashed before her eyes. She didn’t want to come home and see that fae prince with his smug expression and his amethyst eyes and his gorgeous…

  She shook off her thought. “That sounds fun, Hayden.”

  “You won’t get in trouble for skipping a workday, right? I’ll talk to your boss if I have to.”

  “My friend can cover for me if I ask him nicely.”

  “That’s great.” Hayden lifted her hand and kissed it like a true gentleman. “I’ll find Pete and tell him we’re leaving.”

  “Okay.” Jasmine was slightly dazed with the sudden development. She watched him beaming as he slipped past the French doors and went to the back patio to find his host. Jasmine padded to the kitchen to put away her glass. Pamela and Pete’s wife were there and they chatted for a few minutes. She excused herself to grab her purse and her new coat from the guest bedroom.

  As she bent down to grab her purse, her shoe snagged on the carpet, sending her sprawling onto the carpet, giving her a clear view to the bathroom. The door was partially ajar and someone was using the toilet.


  With the music blasting throughout the house, Hayden hadn’t heard her come in, or fall. Jasmine got to her knees, ready to withdraw silently but what she saw made her freeze.

  Hayden’s cock was…

  Abnormal was the first thing come to mind. She thought what was Hayden doing holding a big meaty summer sausage between his legs. Feminine terror seized her when she realized what it really was.

  She clasped her hand over her mouth. Holy Jesus Maria. Is that what I think it was? Panic engulfed her in a heartbeat.

  She had agreed to come home with him, which meant she’d be seeing that massive cock up close and personal…


  No. She couldn’t do this.

  Hayden was just ridiculously…

  No. It was abnormal.

  There was no way she was getting close to any of that. Oh, hell no!

  She couldn’t get out of that house any faster. She walked one block, called a taxi and went home. Jasmine was gnawed by guilt, but that soon gave way to anger. She should have known that if something was too good to be true, it probably was.

  That stupid jerk faery was messing with her.

  As soon as she reached her apartment, she burst through the door and shouted, “Duada, what the hell?”

  She heard snickering from the living room, where her faery godscumbag was posted up on her slouchy sofa, watching game show reruns. He sat up and took one look at her horrified expression before snorting in amusement.

  “You’re home rather early. What’s wrong?” he asked innocently.

  The nerve of this bastard!

  “Do you have to ask?”

  Duada didn’t play coy for
long. A hint of laughter curled at the corner of his lips. “I thought you would like him. Doesn’t he have a lot to offer?” the fae said pointedly.

  Jasmine kicked off her shoes in annoyance, shooting him a fiery glare. “You think this is some kind of joke? It’s not funny!” She sank her butt onto the musty old armchair. “I can’t believe you did this to me.”

  Duada sobered up, seeming to forcing himself to stop grinning at her. “I never meant it to be funny. James Hayden is striking-looking—for a human, of course. He’s wealthy with an excellent pedigree. A bright career. Ambitious. He’s rather impatient at times, but my understanding is that successful men of his age share that same trait.” Duada’s eyes glittered with mischief. “And I was told he’s particularly excellent in bedsport.”

  Jasmine snorted. “Yeah, I’d be surprised that he hasn’t managed to kill any of his bed partners yet.”

  “Why is that?” Duada pretended to look guiltless but failed epically.

  “Seriously, dude. Do I need to spell it out?”

  “You weren’t pleased with his cocksmanship?”

  Jasmine choked. “His what?”

  Duada roared boisterously.

  She gritted her teeth. “This is just great. I’m glad you got a good laugh out of my situation.”

  The fae composed himself quickly after. “I take it you didn’t even make it to his bed?”

  “What? No freaking way!”

  “All right, all right. You don’t need to be so testy about it.”

  Duada gusted a long-suffering sigh as if he was dealing with a daft kid. “Fine, fine. I understand. I have seemed to miscalculated your interest. The next one will be better, I swear. Just—tell me more about what you’d like in a mate,” he said, leaning back and sprawling his muscular arms over the back of the couch.

  For a long moment, Jasmine was distracted by the sight in front of her.

  Duada looked like some kind of bizarre Playgirl centerfold, all sinew and dark hair and wild, crystalline eyes. This asshole fae prince was mouthwateringly sexy. Part of Jasmine wanted to just point at him and say, “That. I would like that in a mate.” But at the same time she knew he was off-limits, or at least she assumed he was. She didn’t know what the rules were regarding fae-human relations, seeing as she had never encountered a fae before. “I don’t know… sensitive and thoughtful? Someone in touch with his emotions,” she suggested, shrugging. “I don’t care much about his physical attributes. I just need him to be a nice person. A nice, sensitive, caring person.” Unlike someone I just knew, she thought grumpily. Damn you, if you weren’t this gorgeous, it would be easier for me to hate you.


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