Minecraft: 50 Unofficial Minecraft Books in 1 (Minecraft Diary Deal, Minecraft Book, Minecraft Storybook, Minecraft Books, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft Book for Kids)

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Minecraft: 50 Unofficial Minecraft Books in 1 (Minecraft Diary Deal, Minecraft Book, Minecraft Storybook, Minecraft Books, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft Book for Kids) Page 5

by Billy Miner

  “I am not like the rest,” the zombie said.

  The zombie talked? Yes, it talked. Jane and John were pretty surprised.

  “Please explain what is going on here. Why aren’t you like the rest, and how do we find a cure for this disease?”

  “My name is Kendro,” the zombie said. “I am immune and invisible to the zombies, but I need you to help me find the cure. I know it must be in the high school somewhere. The one who created it, probably knew something about a cure.”

  “We’ll get you there,” John said courageously. “Just let me kill these annoying creatures first.”

  John loaded his weapon and Jane loaded hers.

  “Ready? Three, two, one…”

  “Wait!” Kendro said. “Look!” He pointed at the cameras. They were still working! How convenient!

  “Aha!” John said. “We can wait for them to move to different areas of the supermarket and then we’ll sneak out. We can observe everything in this control room. Thanks for the suggestion, Kendro. You are pretty smart.”

  “I know a lot more,” Kendro said. “I have been studying physics and chemistry for years. That’s why I am confident we can find the solution to this disease in the school laboratories. We just have to get there, but I am too afraid to go by myself.”

  “That makes no sense,” Jane said. “If you are invisible to them and they won’t eat you, then what makes you think you are in danger?”

  “I don’t know that for sure, and there are still people out there hunting down the zombies, so they could shoot me too.”

  “I guess you’re right. We’ll help you out,” Jane answered empathically.

  They waited for two hours. They saw the zombies move around on the cameras. In the meantime, Kendro explained to them how he didn’t get affected in the same way. He had been in the school laboratory and had been exposed to the substance. All the other zombies were bitten. He had never been bitten, just got some of the toxic stuff on his skin and turned into a half-zombie. But when all the zombies started showing up, he hid himself and ran away from the school.

  John and Jane listened attentively. After some time, they saw the area should be safe.

  “Ready? Let’s go,” John commanded.

  Chapter 6: A Unique Trio

  They opened the squeaking door as silently as they could and snuck their way through the supermarket.

  Once they were outside, they had to determine whether to go through the park or through the city. “Through the city is faster,” John said. “Yes, but for some reason, I think we may find more zombies there too. I say, let’s try the park,” Jane said.

  “Neither,” Kendro said. “Listen, guys, I know how we can go underground and hit the sewers. I can tell you exactly where they end up by the way they are constructed.”

  Great. A zombie who acts like a smarty pants.

  “Your nose must be clogged,” John said. “The sewers? Really?”

  “It’s the safest way to get to the school,” Kendro claimed.

  “He is right, John. I would rather reek than be dead,” Jane agreed.

  “Okay, fine. But you better know where you’re going. I don’t feel like being stuck in such a disgusting place.”

  “Don’t you worry about that,” Kendro said.

  Once they were on the right street, they opened a hatch that took them to the sewers. It was pitch black, but John had a flashlight from his backpack. He found it in the supermarket, and luckily, it was working. They went on and on, turning left and right until they came to what Kendro called, “The sewer closest to the school.” They went up, looked around them… yes… he was right. How did he do that?

  “I helped with the construction of some of these sewers. Here in Minecraft City, there are all kinds of little side jobs. I helped out in the sewers. Did you do anything like that?” Kendro asked.

  “I babysat three kids every weekend,” Jane said. “There were two boys and a girl. The boys were a lot of fun, and the girl was still little. I wonder what happened to them. I still don’t know why we haven’t checked on our own families yet.”

  “Because we’ve been in danger all that time,” John said. “Survival is the first priority. We will figure it out later. I hope they are okay.”

  They climbed up and went to the high school. “Let’s be extra careful,” John whispered, “because this is where it all started. There must be tons of zombies around here.”

  Chapter 7: The Lab

  They snuck into the high school, where they maneuvered their way through the hallways. One of the zombies looked so ugly and vicious that Jane almost made a sound, but fortunately, John saw what was about to happen and covered her mouth with his hand.

  “Don’t make a sound,” he whispered. “We are almost there. They don’t know we are here until we make a sound, just like in the supermarket.”

  The trio went into the lab. There they saw the mess that came because of Professor Kruger’s failed experiment. They looked everywhere. It was like a needle in a haystack. Papers were all over the floor… thousands of them. Fluids were leaking everywhere, and the appliances, glass, and furniture were all over the floor. There were even a few corpses bleeding and making it messier than it already was.

  “This might be something,” Kendro said.

  “Yeah? What is it?”

  “Professor Kruger’s journal. It shows the process he went through. Let’s see…” Kruger read out loud from the journal.

  I have been experimenting to make a potion that could make people invincible. I know which substances and formulas to apply, but I am afraid it won’t only turn humans into invincible creatures, but that it will also strip them of their humanity, thus having the desired effect but having a worthless side-effect that may deteriorate the human race.

  I am reluctant to try it out on myself, not so much because of what could happen to me, but because of the consequences for others.

  Oh well… whatever… they hate me. They ridicule me. They don’t care what happens to me. And I don’t care if anything happens to me. I am going to try it.

  Just as a precaution: If anything dramatic or apocalyptic were to happen, just know that the effects of these transformations can most likely be undone by using the device on my desk. It sends an active, high frequency signal that cannot be heard by humans but has a lasting impact on the brains of those transformed by this formula. It should do the trick, if my calculations are accurate. Here I go… for humanity….

  Wow… John, Jane, and Kendro stared at each other for a few seconds. Was it really going to be that simple?

  Chapter 8: Moving On to the Future

  Suddenly the door made a noise. One of the zombies had seen them and tried to get in.

  “Well, if we are going to try it,” John said, “we better do it fast. Now!”

  “I’m on it,” Kendro said as he leaped over the desk and grabbed the device the Professor had written about.

  “Watch out!” Jane yelled, pointing to a zombie that jumped through the classroom window. John fired his AK-47. “Got him!” But as he did that, the door behind him opened up and a female zombie grabbed him, opening up her mouth to bite him.


  What was that?

  Jane shot the female zombie in the face.

  “He is my man, you ugly wench,” Jane said as if she was copying a one-liner from an action movie.

  “Nice job!” John said with a smile. “Thank you for saving my life!”

  “You’d do the same for me,” Jane said.

  The hordes were still coming. There were at least twenty zombie in the hallway now.

  “Hurry up already!” John shouted at Kendro. “We are going to die if you don’t do something!”

  “Just trying to figure this thing out,” Kendro replied.

  The zombies were coming closer every second. It was as if everything happened in slow-motion. John and Jane were firing their guns like never before, but the hordes overpowered them. Both of them were knocked to th
e ground, as well as their guns, having several zombies climb on them who tried to punch them down even more and bite them.

  “Aha! I got it!” Kendro shouted.

  John was about to lose his face by a zombie with a drooling mouth when…. The zombies stopped. The crazy look in their eyes had disappeared. They started looking around and stare at the environment they were in. John didn’t wait a second and punched the one on top of him in the face.

  “Ouch! Why did you do that?”

  John and Jane looked at each other and began to smile. It seemed like the device had worked. The frequency transfigured the zombies’ brains. The zombies in the classroom weren’t zombies anymore. They were simply people in rags and with dirty faces, wondering what had happened and why they were there.

  “Sorry,” John said to the former zombie. “Just had to blow off some steam. Don’t worry about it. We’ll explain it later. Thanks, Kendro! You are the MAN!”

  Jane got up and embraced John.

  “John… I… I… ” she stammered.

  “What is it, Jane?” John asked.

  “Do you remember that day of the explosion in the classroom, the day before it all started?” Jane asked.

  “Of course,” John said. “Who wouldn’t?”

  “Well,” Jane continue, “I was about to ask you something , but then we both got distracted.”

  “What is it?” John asked.

  “I was wondering if I could give you a kiss,” Jane said.

  “Uhmm… ” John said as he became a little red.

  He had developed some feelings for Jane in the process of the whole zombie apocalypse, although he had always failed to admit it. Now he was confronted with what he had been denying for so long.

  “Uh… okay,” John said in a shaky voice.

  Jane bent forward and kissed him for a few seconds.

  “This is the first of many,” she said as her entire face lit up.


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  Minecraft Kitten Diary

  Minecraft Diary of a Wimpy Minecraft Kitten

  By Billy Miner

  Copyright @2015

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, Billy Miner.

  This book is or will also be available in audio form. I have hired professional narrators who do voices and make the story come alive.

  Do you want a free audiobook? Contact me at [email protected]. I will send you a promo code so you can get the Audible version for FREE. Don’t wait too long, because I only have a limited amount of audible codes.

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  Entry 1: Why Always Water?

  Entry 2: The Ship

  Entry 3: Survival

  Entry 4: Doomsday Prediction

  Entry 5: Calamity Is about to Strike

  Entry 6: From Zero to Hero

  Entry 7: Happy Cat, Happy Life


  Whiskar was a shy, timid, whimpy kitten. Other cats always teased him, calling him “Wimpkar” and other names. He didn’t know why, but Whiskar always hated water. His dread for the substance was an innate fear he could not overcome… or so he thought.

  As the events of this unofficial Minecraft book unravel, the main cat character will be tested, tried, and down-trodden. But as he learns to master his doubts and fears, he will show the rest of the world what he is made of.

  Read the inspiring story of Whiskar the cat, an animal stuck with a questionable personality trait but with an iron will, who is about to change his life and the life of those around him completely!

  Entry 1: Why Always Water?

  With seven sisters, Whiskar was the youngest of eight. His mother was protective of him. Every mother with that family structure would be. However, this wasn’t always in Whiskar’s best interest. He got spoiled, pampered…. His sisters always took care of him, and his mother wouldn’t let him try out anything, afraid that he might fall, break something, or worse than anything: DROWN!

  Whiskar sometimes came in contact with kittens that belonged to other cats.

  “You are a wimp,” some kittens said.

  “You are the only boy and you have seven older sisters. That makes you smaller than a girl,” some male kittens would tease him.

  “Your sisters are stronger than you,” another kitten said, and they were.

  Whenever this would happen, Whiskar’s sisters stood up for him. “Leave him alone!” they would say, “Or you will have to answer to us.” They had good intentions, but in the long run, it didn’t help. Having your sisters stand up for you doesn’t really make you a hardcore cat. It makes you look weak.

  But this wasn’t the worst thing that happened to Whiskar. Whiskar was terribly afraid of water.

  He hated it.

  He dreaded it.

  He wouldn’t even come near it.

  Just hearing the word “water” made him shrink in terror.

  One time, he fell in and believed he almost drowned. Others said he was just being a wimp and should get a spine… whatever that meant. He nearly drowned! Couldn’t they see how dangerous that was? Besides, a lot of water isn’t really sanitary, right? There are all kinds of bacteria, and you can get diseases. If you look at the world history, millions of cats have died because of water. That’s the truth. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever to NOT be afraid of water. With this belief, Whiskar made sure he stayed away from it as far as possible.

  Entry 2: The Ship

  Whiskar was ready to play. He had been trying to catch mice all day, but he was tired of it. He found a ball of yarn and tried to make it jump up. The yarn got stuck in his claws.


  Get it out.

  Ughh… why is this stuff so complicated?

  Ha! Got it!

  “Hey, what’s that?” he thought.

  He saw something running through the streets. Whiskar decided to follow it. He came closer and closer, sneaking into the shadows and waiting for the correct moment to jump on it, whatever it was.

  “Gotcha!” Whiskar shouted as he jumped on what he thought was a living creature.

  It was a can. Hey, where is the thing that walked away? Suddenly, he looked around and saw a mouse sticking his tongue out at him. “Try to get me, you silly cat! You’re good for nothing. You haven’t even caught a mouse all day!” the mouse said.

  “That’s not true
!” Whiskar yelled back. “I caught at least…” Then he thought deeply. The mouse was right. Whiskar hadn’t caught anything that day. It had been a very unproductive day for him. No wonder he was tired of it. But that was going to change right now!

  “Oh yeah? I’ll show you, tiny mouse. You’re going down!” he screamed as he started running towards the mouse. The mouse ran away as fast as it could. They ran through the streets, jumped over fences, slid under a lady’s skirt, bumped into a fat guy, leaped over a little girl, slid through sidewalk chalk, continued their chase, and went on and on and on…

  Wow! Whiskar stopped. They were near the harbor. He didn’t like the harbor, because… well… the harbor is next to the sea, of course. But that mouse dared him to catch him. He was going to catch the mouse! He ran after the mouse, who had almost disappeared. There it is! He ran onto a ship anchored at the harbor.

  The mouse had disappeared. Whiskar was tired of running. This wasn’t good at all. Where did the mouse go? All of a sudden, he felt the ship moving. Oh no! What was happening? He ran towards the edge, wanting to jump back, but the boat was already too far away. It had left the shore and it wasn’t going to go back anytime soon.

  Now what? Whiskar was terrified of falling into the water. So he decided to find a safe place. He hid under a stack of crates and fell asleep.

  Whiskar woke up by a sudden jerk. The ship had been sailing for a few hours now and had entered a storm.

  “I don’t want to die!” Whiskar cried immediately.

  Entry 3: Survival

  The ship was rocking back and forth. Water was flowing over onto the deck. The sails were flapping in the wind, and the crew was shouting orders and trying to get the ship damaged in the least possible way by organizing the crates and cargo that was being pushed back and forth by the movements of the ship. Thunder struck often and lightning flashes blinded Whiskar’s eyes. The thunderstorm was bolstering and frightening, to say the least.


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