Minecraft: 50 Unofficial Minecraft Books in 1 (Minecraft Diary Deal, Minecraft Book, Minecraft Storybook, Minecraft Books, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft Book for Kids)

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Minecraft: 50 Unofficial Minecraft Books in 1 (Minecraft Diary Deal, Minecraft Book, Minecraft Storybook, Minecraft Books, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft Book for Kids) Page 6

by Billy Miner

  Suddenly a gush of wind threw Whiskar into the ropes. Whiskar held on for life. He saw the dangerous, dark sea turn into a monster, or so he thought. It was going to eat him! It was evil!

  Whiskar meowed as hard as he could, but nobody could hear him. The storm was too loud and most of the crew hadn’t even seen him. They didn’t even realize he had gotten on board anyway. Whiskar held on for a few more minutes, but his strength was failing him. He wanted to get back on the deck, but he couldn’t hold any longer and let go of the rope. The wind swung Whiskar into the open sea.

  “Meow!!!!!!” Whiskar screamed.

  He went under, tried to catch his breath, went under again, and managed to keep his head above the water for a few seconds. This continued for minutes.

  “I am dead,” he thought. “This is it. If there is a cat heaven, that’s where I will be in a few moments.”

  Still he kept struggling, trying out the few swimming techniques he had been taught by his patient mother. Left, right, left, right… this was actually working… kind of…

  His head went under the water again and he spat out the water, chokingly looking where he could get onto the ship again. As he went under water again, he had a hard time getting up to the surface.

  Whiskar sank deeper and deeper.

  This really seemed to be the end of his life. There was no way he could survive this. He closed his eyes for a few seconds. Then he heard a voice. Huh? A voice under the water? Whiskar opened his eyes and saw another cat. It was a girl. She actually looked kind of pretty, Whiskar thought.

  “Who are you?” Whiskar asked.

  “I am not really here,” the cat said, “But if you want to know, my name is Felicia. I am a spirit cat protector of other cats.”

  “A what now?” Whiskar inquired with a surprised look on his face.

  “I protect cats when they are in need. Did you ever hear of cats having nine lives? Well, they really don’t have nine lives in the literal sense. It’s just that each time they almost die, and I save them eight times.”

  Whiskar did the math in his head. Yeah, that sounded about right.

  “And then what? You are just going to save me and that’s it?” Whiskar asked.

  “No, silly. Each time your life is saved, you will learn something new. We are put into difficult situations to learn from them, not just to go through them. Each time a cat nearly dies, there is a lesson to be learned,” Felicia explained. “Are you ready for your lesson, Whiskar?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but whatever it is, go ahead and tell me,” Whiskar replied.

  “Pay attention. Here is the lesson. You have been afraid of water because it posed a risk to your life, but you have never learned to control it, to master it. When you do, you will find out how amazing water actually is and how amazing you are. You underestimate your potential because you give up too easily. You don’t like water because it’s hard to swim, but the very currents that you have to fight against, could improve your skills and work your muscles. Life isn’t supposed to be easy, just worth it. Do you understand?”

  “Yeah, I do, Felicia. But now what?”

  “Good question. Now that you know what I mean, you’re ready to go back up. See you at the next near-death experience!” Felicia said as she waved him goodbye.

  Before he knew it, Whiskar woke up, coughing up water and having his head above the surface. He started swimming, and he kept swimming for 20 minutes, even when he felt tired. Maybe there WAS hope!

  After some time, he saw the shore.

  “Yes, I am going to make it!” he thought to himself. “From now on, I am going to be strong. I am going to face my challenges and turn them into something better. When something is hard, I will just try my hardest and stop complaining. This way, others will be able to rely on me and I can be an example, not a wimp!”

  With his newfound confidence, Whiskar reached the shore and went to his family.

  Entry 4: Doomsday Prediction

  That night, Whiskar had a terrible dream. It was intense and it felt real.

  He was in his hometown, the harbor city of Minerton, but in his dream, he was outside, roaming the streets. He looked around him and noticed a green butterfly fluttering around, going from flower to flower and calmly floating on the cool breeze. He saw the homely family and the laughter of the children. Fathers were playing with their sons, mothers were talking to their daughters and other women in the neighborhood. Everything seemed fine. Everyone was happy.

  Suddenly, a huge wave that reached above the rooftops of the Minerton houses crushed the trees, swept away the families, made children drown, and destroyed the homes it touched. As his vision soared above the city to look at the scene from above, he could see the whole town of Minerton disappear under water. It was horrible! People were dying and buildings were demolished. The town had sunken into the sea. He looked beyond the horizon and saw a dam that had been holding some of the river water back. It was broken. It had cracked down the middle, letting all the water through. That was the cause! If only they could have prevented the dam from breaking!

  Then he woke up. The nightmare was over. His muscles tensed before he slowly started to regain a sense of reality.

  It was all just a dream. Pfew! Glad it wasn’t real. He sighed and went about his day. He had dinner with his sisters and his mom.

  “Mom,” he said, “I can swim now. I am not afraid of water anymore.”

  “That’s great, son. Eat the rest of your lunch,” his mom answered.

  “Yes, mom.”

  Whiskar kept eating and went to play with his sisters. They played with a ball, with others children, and with someone holding a laser light. It was very challenging to catch the light. Why didn’t it ever get caught? And why were the kids laughing every time he caught it? Silly laser. Whiskar didn’t get it.

  Then he saw something else… it was a green butterfly…..

  Entry 5: Calamity Is about to Strike

  Whiskar was shocked! A green butterfly? Did that mean something? Maybe not. There were enough green butterflies around. Still, Whiskar didn’t feel comfortable with this odd coincidence. He followed the butterfly as it kept fluttering away.

  Major Deja-vu! Whiskar saw the butterfly fluttering from flower to flower. Whiskar put his nose into the air. It felt like the same cool breeze as he thought he felt in his dream. He looked around him and saw families playing and talking on the streets of Minerton.

  “This can’t be good,” he thought. He had to warn them. Something terrible was going to happen!

  But who would listen to a cat… and oh yeah… he couldn’t talk anyway. Whiskar felt perplexed. He knew what was going to happen, yet he felt helpless and powerless.

  Then he saw the mayor of Minerton, and he got an idea. He ran towards the mayor and his associates.

  “Aha… a fussy cat,” the mayor said with a fancy high-class accent. “Looks kind of cute. Hi, cat. How are you?”

  Whiskar decided to do the only thing he could do: He jumped up and took the mayor’s hat. Needless to say that this hat cost a fortune, so the mayor really wanted it back.

  “Come back, you weird cat!” the mayor cried out, as he ran after Whiskar.

  “Where is he going?” one of his associates asked. “Let’s follow him.”

  The group of rich men had a difficult time keeping up with Whiskar. They didn’t work out much, and some of their fat bellies were wobbling up and down as they ran uphill to get the expensive hat back. Finally, they reached the dam. That’s where Whiskar stood still.

  “Come on, cat. Give us back the hat,” the men said, approaching him slowly.

  “Wow! Look at the dam!” one of them suddenly said. “I am glad we came here. Look at that!”

  Entry 6: From Zero to Hero

  The dam was alright actually. But the mayor’s colleague wasn’t pointing at the dam itself. He was pointing at a huge boulder in the distance. It was so big that it could crush the dam if it got hit.

  “We cannot let that boulder hit the dam! It would be a disaster!” the mayor exclaimed.

  “But who can climb up there? It looks like it is about to fall down any minute,” his associate said. “What we need to do, is put a smaller rock at the foot of that boulder to hold it back temporarily, at least until we have a better solution and we can get a team to get rid of it.”

  “I completely agree,” the mayor said. “Go ahead.”

  “I can’t climb up there. Just look at me… just look at all of us… unless…”

  “What? What are you thinking of?” the mayor asked impatiently.

  “Maybe if we give the cat a rock, he can take it up there. It already took us here. I don’t think that was a coincidence. We’ll throw a cookie there and have the cat carry the rock or something.”

  “You are crazy,” the mayor said. “The cat doesn’t know what he is doing.”

  With that being said, Whiskar took a rock and carried it in the hat.

  “Well, would you look at that,” the mayor said in a surprising voice. “It’s like the cat understands what we are trying to do.”

  The mayor gave Whiskar a bigger rock, and Whiskar carried it to the top of the hill. It was very heavy and annoying to carry, but Whiskar did the best he could and managed to get it to the top, where the boulder was about to fall down. He put the rock in front of the boulder, which stopped the boulder from rolling any farther.

  The mayor and his associates cheered out loud.

  “Yaaaay! This cat is awesome! He just saved the city! Let’s go back to the city and get a cleanup team to get rid of that boulder. The cat bought us some time. We are saved!”

  Entry 7: Happy Cat, Happy Life

  Whiskar felt proud of himself. The mayor and his associates took him to town and declared to the population that this cat was a hero. He saved the city and should be rewarded accordingly.

  Nobody ever teased Whiskar again. Other kittens wanted to play with him. They kept asking him about the hat, the boulder, and the dam. He told the story over and over again, and of course it got changed every time somebody told it to someone else. But he was okay with that.

  One day, the entire cat family was invited to the mayor’s home. The mayor and his wife were friendly and fed them as many snacks as they wanted.

  “Honey,” the mayor’s wife finally said, “These cats have nowhere to go. How about we take them into our home?”

  “Well, only if they want to. What do you think, cats? Does that sound like a good idea?”

  A loud meow by all the cats was the answer.


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  Minecraft Herobrine

  A Herobrine Minecraft Diary of Appearances

  By Billy Miner

  Copyright @2015

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, Billy Miner.

  This book is or will also be available in audio form. I have hired professional narrators who do voices and make the story come alive.

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  Entry 1: Mystical Appearances

  Entry 2: Flashbacks

  Entry 3: What Does He Want?

  Entry 4: The Special One

  Entry 5: Pyramid Maze

  Entry 6: The Puzzle

  Entry 7: More Clues

  Entry 8: Saved


  Have you ever wondered about the mystical herobrine? What is a herobrine anyway? Well, whatever or whoever he is, he has a random way of showing up and making everyone feel scared, or leaving weird clues to solve a riddle. He likes it the odd way, the way that nobody understand. After all, he is a little different.

  One may even say he is “eccentric” seeing that his style is a given freak show and leaves the Mindcraft villagers wondering what is going on. If you want to know more about his personality, then don’t wait and start reading quickly. This is a story with mysterious mazes, clarifying clues, random objects, and a character who doesn’t let anyone get close to him. Curious yet? Then go on and read the first chapter; this is the diary he kept.

  Entry 1: Mystical Appearances

  I am the herobrine in this world. Others call me “mysterious” or “mystical” because they don’t understand me; they don’t comprehend the reason why I do what I do. I want the one who reads this to get it, to make an attempt to see what I am trying to accomplish here. I have a reason for living, for existing. Nobody lives without a reason, and I hope you figure out yours, reader of my diary. I hope you realize by the time you pick up this book that you are here to contribute, to stand out above the crowds.

  You should know this: Many people won’t understand you because they are not like you. Everybody is different, and the people in Enderland just don’t understand my motives more than they understand their own dreams and goals. But you don’t have to take their criticism like being stepped over; I don’t care about what others think of me, and neither should you.

  I will tell you how my life started and how it unfolded over time. It was hard. My father left my mom when I was little. I don’t remember much of it, but all I know is that it hurt. Why would he leave me? Why would he leave her? It made no sense to me.

  My mother was left to herself, just with me and my brother. It was a difficult time in life. She wanted the best for us, but she was struggling to make a living. My brother and I both quit school and helped her sell flowers on the streets. As you may imagine, almost any individual completely ignored us, and our sales were lower than ever. Flowers were just bad business, and nobody seemed to care about it.

  Later, my brother died because of an accident. He was walking home in a rainstorm and had to deal with a lethal hit to the head by a tree branch struck by lightning. Again, I was devastated. Why did the world have to take his life? It wasn’t fair. Life is just not fair!

  I hated myself for not being there for him. I despised the elements of nature which were so cruel to seal his fate like this. My mom was very upset. It took her months to recover from her losses. She cried in her bedroom every day for a long time. Each moment I tried to comfort her, she held me close and told me how hard it was. I had to be strong, like a grownup. But
I wasn’t old enough to be a grownup yet. It was too early for me to handle those kinds of tragedies.

  The people of Enderland are ignorant. They don’t understand art. They think that when you build a humongous castle or a white, luxurious villa, you have it made and you can brag about your structures. Those buildings are outdated though; they are for the commoners, the mainstream followers of the banal culture who don’t know any better. They copy others without any imagination of their own. But I will tell you how I made them realize, made them wonder how misguided they are. They have to be taught a lesson so they won’t be so self-righteous and stubborn anymore.

  I don’t really care what they think. Hey, whatever the outcome may be of my efforts, it will be the best thing in the world, whether they like it or not. But the true artist in me says that I can avoid all those idiotic comments they make about my work and drag their minds into the fulfilling abyss of originality. They will see it as I see it. I will show them now and forever!

  Okay, before I appeal to your sense of understanding, I will simply tell the version of the truth that I have come to witness. This is what happened, and I am convinced that nobody else can say it happened differently, but I will leave your opinion alone if you choose to doubt my report.

  It started on a Thursday. I came home from school, but I hated it. I recall other boys were bullying me because I was wearing my glasses. When I entered the living room in our house, I slammed the glasses on the table and told my mom I never wanted to wear them again.


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