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Chaos at Crescent City Medical Center (Alexandra Destephano Book 1)

Page 25

by Judith Lucci

  The ball proceeded as the Master of Ceremonies began telling the tale of the Saga of the Sea. As the story unfolded, the Tableaux began.

  Ten women, maids to the Queen of Endymion, represented the characters in the story. The first maid wore a gown of iridescent gold lamé trimmed with sequins. Across the gown's bodice were shells, oysters and fish that sparkled in the light. The maid's headpiece was a pink conch shell at least a foot tall.

  Alex knew the woman would have neck pain for days following the ball as she struggled to hold her head up under the weight.

  One by one the maids were presented by the Master of Ceremonies. Each was spectacularly dressed as a sea creature. The third maid was an octopus. Her headpiece was the head of an octopus, and her gown wound around as the legs wind around an octopus. Her arms were outstretched in a "T" fashion, and she was carrying two ocean lanterns.

  Another maid's headpiece was a treasure chest overflowing with diamonds, rubies, and other gems cascading from the trunk.

  Alex was spellbound by the Tableaux. As the maids were presented, it was difficult to decide which gown was the most creative and lavish. The array of fabrics, colors, sequins, rhinestones, and feathers were outstanding. Even Congressman Lee appeared impressed. He whispered to her that he'd like to bring her Grand next year. Alex nodded in approval. She'd never seen such creativity in her life.

  The show continued without interruption. Each maid and her escort paid homage to the King and Queen of Endymion. The costumes, backdrop, and participants in the Tableaux were a testimony to the glitz, opulence and fantasy of the Mardi Gras season. I am sure the Tableaux cost at least a million dollars… but it was worth it, she thought. A true testament to the rebuilding and rebirth of the Crescent City after the devastation of Katrina.

  At last, the finale. The crowd gasped at the roar of the sea monster on stage. He began to move toward the maids leaving a wake of slime, moss, and silt. The maids cowered as he moved toward them. The monster was intent on their destruction. The crowd was spellbound as they waited for the sea monster to attack the maids.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Alex saw another masked sea monster emerge from the right wing of the stage. This sea monster was carrying a black AR-15 assault rifle with an enormous magazine clip hanging from its underside. The gunman could kill dozens without reloading.

  Alex screamed and pointed before she reached for her grandfather to pull him under the table. Francoise pulled his gun and dove into the crowd, upsetting tables and chairs as he headed towards the masked man. Robert followed.

  Shots sounded in the huge auditorium and high-pitched screams rose from the crowd. A unit of police officers rushed toward the right stage exit.

  Alex ran forward, her derringer pointed towards the floor as she vaguely noticed Mercier just ahead, his gun raised and pointed directly at Robert.

  Robert, who was unaware of Mercier, had seen Mitch just to the side of the shooter. As Mitch ran toward Alex, the monster aimed his rifle directly at Francoise. Robert raised his arm in a defensive posture to protect Francoise. At the same time, Mercier fired at Robert, the bullet deflected off the bone of Robert's upraised arm and into Mitch's neck.

  The sea monster turned quickly in time to see Mitch fall. He aimed again at Francoise, getting off two quick shots. One shot hit Francoise as he dove toward the man. Jack landed on the floor, blood oozing from a chest wound.

  Robert was bending over Francoise and ignoring his own wound as he attempted to see if the captain was alive. There was bedlam in the right corner of the ballroom as people screamed and climbed under tables.

  The monster with the rifle began to back out of the ballroom through the stage door. Alex finally made it within four feet of him. She raised her derringer and fired into the grotesque mask of seaweed and moss. He wavered a little as he frantically searched the crowd for his assailant. He saw Alex and raised his gun. She fired again, this time hitting him directly in the head. He fell backwards against the wall. The blow knocked off his mask to reveal dark hair pulled back in a ponytail.

  Mercier ran toward Robert Bonnet, who was still bending over Francoise. He stood over them and waved his gun. "I'm going to kill you, Bonnet, you son of a bitch, just like you killed my wife and baby."

  The seconds seemed endless while Robert looked up at Mercier. Robert's voice was quiet and he said simply, "I didn't kill your wife and unborn child. I did all I could to save them."

  Mercier's shouted back, “You're a fucking liar! You killed them! I've been waiting a long time to do this."

  Alex watched as she saw Mercier's finger start to compress the trigger. Suddenly, in front of her eyes, Mercier's head exploded and he slumped forward onto Francoise. Alex had no idea where the shot came from. No one saw Frederico Petrelli shoulder his weapon and leave the ballroom quietly.

  Two men pulled Mercier's body off Francoise who wasn't breathing. The paramedics were at the door when Robert started CPR.

  Robert, since his arm was useless, was doing the breathing and someone else did the chest compressions. Finally, the paramedics took over.

  Take him to CCMC and I'll follow to operate. Get my operating room team in," Robert barked at the paramedics.

  Alex touched Robert's elbow gently. "You can't operate, your arms injured."

  "I'll assist and I'm going in the ambulance," Robert said as he left with the paramedics.

  Alex looked around and saw members of the NOPD covering Mitch and preparing to remove his body. Even from where she stood, she could see that Mitch looked peaceful in death. She went over to kneel by him and kissed him on his cheek. I loved him, she thought. I really loved him. She looked up from Mitch's still body and searched blindly for a friend. Someone who cared for her, someone who loved her. Someone she loved but there was no one. Then, turning to leave, she found the comforting arms of her grandfather.


  It took Alex and Adam several hours to reach CCMC because of traffic. Upon arrival, they learned both Jack and Robert were being operated on. Doctors Ashley and Monique Desmonde joined them in the waiting room.

  Both doctors hugged Alex and shook hands with Adam.

  Alex was quiet as they discussed the events at the ball. Her shoulder was hurting dreadfully and pains were shooting down her arm into her back. She could hardly sit up.

  "Alex, you okay?" Monique looked hard at her.

  "My arm hurts!" Alex said angrily. She looked at the psychiatrist and said, "I loved Mitch. He was my friend and now he's dead. Hell no, I’m not OK."

  Monique's voice was matter-of-fact. "Someone from NOPD’s coming to question you. Do you need anything?"

  "Maybe some Tylenol for my arm. It's killing me and causing a spasm in my back. I need some clean clothes. Are there some scrubs I can wear? This ball gown has had it and all this blood all over it is creeping me out."

  Dr. Ashley gave Alex a muscle relaxer and a pair of green scrubs from the supply room.

  "How're Robert and Jack doing?" Alex asked.

  Dr. Ashley responded. "The Captain's doing pretty well. The bullet missed his heart and lodged in his left side. He's a lucky man. The surgeon said he'd be okay in a few days."

  "What about Robert's arm?" The impact for a surgeon with a bullet in his arm had just occurred to Alex. Her eyes had a panicked look in them.

  Dr. Ashley sighed. "We don't know. The bullet went through his arm after hitting the bone, but it damaged the medial nerve. Anyway, he'll live, that's the important thing."

  "Maybe Mercier did get his wish. Perhaps Robert will be out of practice. He'll never adjust to not being able to operate. Even worse than death for him." Alex was so despondent that Dr. Ashley reached for her hand.

  "Alex," her grandfather said, "it's too early to know that. Keep your chin up."

  "Who killed Mercier? He was going to shoot Robert." Alex began to shudder.

  "Don't know yet. Police're working on it. They'll be questioning you about shooting the monster. You up to it?" Congressman
Lee carefully looked at his granddaughter.

  "Does anybody know his name yet?" Alex looked around quickly.

  "No," replied Doctor Desmonde, "but the name monster suits him well."

  Several hours passed while Alex and her grandfather gave a report to a police officer. The surgeon reported that Francoise, was out of recovery. Alex and her grandfather went to see him.


  Alex could not believe her eyes. She was expecting the police captain to be asleep, recovering from the anesthesia but instead, Francoise was proving to be a difficult patient. He was bellowing for coffee and running the nurses ragged demanding that they fax letters and bring him responses immediately. He'd set up a mini-police station in his room by having hospital engineering hook up a portable fax and a multiple-line phone and wireless internet. Jack was on the phone to the FBI branch in Quantico when Alex and Adam entered his suite.

  He waved them both toward the sofa.

  They looked at each other with their eyebrows raised.

  Alex couldn't believe he'd just undergone major surgery and yet, was sitting up working.

  Francoise's voice was weak. "Glad to see you. Need you to fill me in on the details. My men aren't here yet, and I can't remember everything. Where's Robert?"

  His voice was low, and a little hoarse from the endotracheal tube. Nevertheless, it was remarkable he was even alert.

  Alex immediately knew he was unaware Robert had been shot. She said gently, "He's in surgery, Jack. He took a bullet in his arm - he had it raised to protect you. The bullet hit the bone and ricocheted off. It hit Mitch in the neck. Mitch is dead," Alex said with a tear in her eye.

  "I don't remember seeing Landry." Francoise was confused. "Tell me what happened? I thought I knew but now I'm not sure." Jack was hesitant.

  Alex looked at her grandfather. "Want me to tell?" Adam nodded.

  Then Alex started, "It all happened so fast. The man, the sea monster, appeared in the doorway and you and Robert went after him. I followed with my derringer."

  "Shit, you had a gun?" Francoise was incredulous.

  "Yep." Alex smiled. "Anyway, Robert held up his arm, and Mercier's bullet went through his arm into Mitch's neck, killing him instantly." Alex paused, a big lump in her throat. She glanced at the captain who was listening intently, and continued, "At that point, you got shot."

  "Yeah, yeah, that part I know. Who killed the shooter?"

  Alex and her grandfather looked at each other. Adam nodded at Alex.

  "I did. I had my grandmother's derringer and I shot him twice."

  Francoise's face was shocked. "Huh? You killed the Ponytail with a derringer? Wow, you go girl.” Jack leaned over attempting to give Alex a high five, but quickly fell back onto the bed groaning with pain. Gasping, he said, “Good job. Who killed Mercier?"

  "No idea. I don't think the police know either. Mercier was getting ready to shoot Robert, when, all of a sudden, someone out of nowhere, shot him in the head. Guess it was the police." Alex looked perplexed.

  "Wasn't the police. That much we know for sure." His voice was weak, tired.

  "Jack, you've got to rest. We've got a lot of work to do to put this case to bed, and I need you alive."

  Francoise nodded his head feebly.

  Congressman Lee grasped his hand. "Alex is right, Captain. We'll figure the rest out tomorrow."

  Alex and her grandfather left Francoise in the care of a nurse and headed toward the recovery room to see Robert. He was in relatively good spirits, but was concerned about his arm. Alex offered him as much reassurance as she could, but both knew that nerve damage would be fatal to his career.

  It was after midnight when they arrived home. Alex was so tired, and in so much pain, she took two pain pills before she went to bed. She slept for twelve straight hours.

  Alex staggered out of bed to the smell of coffee. Her grandfather was in the den watching TV and reading the Sunday paper. She joined him with a cup of coffee.

  Her grandfather said, “Francoise called. Wants us to join him for lunch at CCMC so he can give us some new information. You feel up to going?"

  "Sure. I'm much better today. How's he's feeling?"

  "Pretty good, but he sounded a little weak on the phone. You know, I'm impressed by him. Like to have more police like him in Virginia."

  Alex smiled at the Congressman. "Forget it. He's committed. This is his home."

  "You know better than that. I could use him in Washington, maybe at the Federal level."

  Alex couldn't control her laughter. "Jack Francoise would never make it with a bunch of Washington bureaucrats. He'd either die or kill them."

  Her grandfather smiled. "We'll see. Get dressed."

  Alex and her grandfather entered Francoise's VIP suite and were greeted by Doctor Ashley, Elizabeth, and Don Montgomery.

  Francoise was sitting up in the bed. "By the way, I like these digs. You arrange for them?" The captain gestured around the VIP suite.

  Don immediately stepped forward. "I arranged it. How can we ever repay all you've done for us?"

  Don was interrupted as a nurse rolled Robert into the room followed by Andre Renou, who was looking stricken and sad. Robert was pale and wan.

  Uh oh, Alex thought. Something's wrong. Her gut knotted up.

  Francoise began saying, "It's been a long week for all of us but I think we've got some answers. First of all, the Ponytail or sea monster has been identified by the FBI as Monte Salvadal. He's a paid assassin, suspected in a number of international corporate hits in recent years. His favorite method of killing was strangulation. Raccine confirmed that Salvadal was responsible for the voodoo attack on the first lady and identified him as the man who forced entry into his home several days ago."

  Andre Renou interrupted Francoise. "Before we go any further, I'd like to read a statement from the governor. First of all, he's unable to be here today but he's happy to report that his wife is now awake and doing well at East Jefferson."

  Everyone applauded, delighted with the news.

  "I also have a written statement from Governor Raccine."

  The group waited expectantly while Renou unfolded a piece of official stationary, his hands shaking and read, "I'm pleased to hear things at CCMC are resolved. My congratulations to its leadership and staff. CCMC is, and has always been, the finest hospital in Louisiana. On another note, I wanted you to know that I've resigned as the Executive Officer of the State of Louisiana. I wish to be with my wife as she proceeds towards a complete recovery. Godspeed to you in the rebuilding process."

  Alex spoke and broke the silence. "Please tell the governor we wish him and Mrs. Raccine the very best."

  "Thank you, Ms. Destephano. I'll relay that message. If there are no questions, I need to go. Feel free to contact me if you need anything at all."

  Robert looked devastated after Renou left. Don, Elizabeth, and Doctor Ashley looked surprised.

  "Well, let me continue," Francoise said after several moments. "We think Salvadal was working for Health Trust, and was in effect, assisting in the takeover of CCMC and other large health conglomerates."

  Don smiling broadly in his vindication, interrupted. "I told you it was a conspiracy against us. Knew these couldn't be accidents."

  Robert interrupted, "Jack, we know that Salvadal was responsible for the attack on Grace Raccine. What about the shootout in the emergency department and the lady that was burned by her EKG machine?"

  "Don't know for sure, as I said it's speculation." Francoise poured a cup of water from his bedside pitcher, and then continued, "Raccine told us Salvadal admitted working for Health Trust, and said he'd been hired to deliver CCMC to them. Of course, Health Trust denies this. Salvadal also claimed the attack on Mrs. Raccine. We can't yet prove that Salvadal was responsible for the other attacks."

  "Of course, he was! He was trying to ruin our image and credibility. Any moron can see that," Don, red-faced and blustering, said.

  Francoise gave Don an old-fashioned l
ook. "Proving it is another story. We will, at some point. We do know that Salvadal, Frederico Petrelli, and Jonathan Mercier had been seen together several times over the past few weeks, mostly in local restaurants. Of course Mercier is dead, and Frederico is hiding behind the mob lawyers out of Chicago. He denies knowing either man or anything about a conspiracy to ruin CCMC."

  Alex said, "Why do you think they were together? What's in it for this Frederico? Who is he?"

  "Don't know for sure. Frederico heads the mob here and is interested in gambling, drugs, and prostitution." Francoise turned toward Robert and said, "Jonathan Mercier's motive was to get you. We figure the three shared common interests and were working together, but we don't know how they met or what Frederico's motives were. That's it for now." Francoise took a sip of water.

  "Who murdered Mercier? Do you know yet," Alex said quietly.

  "Nope. Trying to put it together. None of the bullet trajectories for the NOPD match up. From the location of Mercier's wound, the shot had to have been fired from behind him. The bullet was from a .308 Winchester - a high-powered hunting rifle cartridge. We're not sure of the make of the gun. Nobody saw the rifle, so the shooter must not have been close. We're questioning people, but so far, nothing." Francoise looked around. "Any other questions?"

  "You know how Mitch Landry was involved?" Alex uttered this question in a small voice. Her grandfather reached to put his arm around her.

  Francoise looked sadly at Alex. "Not really. Mitch was a good person from a fine family. Unfortunately, he had some problems with gambling. Our snitches tell us he was in debt to the mob for over a hundred grand. We suspect his part was somehow related to his debt, and whatever Frederico's motive was. I'm sorry he died."

  "Thanks, he was a good man and was very talented." Alex brushed away her tears.


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