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Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken

Page 15

by Michelle Hardin

  And he’d thought she’d been missing him, too, but man had he been wrong.

  Walking out of the park in the middle of town, hand in hand with some fucking ivy league looking prick had been where he’d first spotted her.

  “Do you not recall our conversation earlier, Kyle?” his father had asked. “I thought I told you not to let jealousy drive your actions …”

  Kyle’s jaw tightened. “I’m not,” he’d argued through clenched teeth.

  “Really?” he chuckled. “Okay, so let me see if I’ve heard you right so far then, son. On your way to her house, you saw Reanna on a date.”

  “Correct,” Kyle confirmed, never tearing his eyes from the car where the woman he wanted more than anything on this earth was currently being violated.

  “Oookay,” his father said, still sounding amused. “And so, when you saw that she was on this date, instead of doing the decent thing …”

  “Leaving,” Mickey laughed in the background.

  Kyle rolled his eyes at his brother’s presence on what was supposed to be a private call to his father. “Pop, can you go to a room where Mikilo is not? Or at least take me off speaker.” The man was always eavesdropping, trying to insert himself and his opinions in Kyle’s business. “Can’t you find something else to do?” he said to his brother. “I thought you’d gone to bed.”

  “Enough of that now, Kyle,” his father chided. “Your brother only wishes to help.”

  “Right,” Mickey said, his tone smug. “I’m helping …”

  Kyle grunted in frustration. Fucking idiot. “Your silence would be help enough, Mikilo, thank you in advance for that.”

  “Well my silence isn’t something that I’m offering, big brother,” he countered. “Now, stop being a whiny bitch and let’s focus on the problem at hand. It’s not my fault you decided to stalk your nanny during my snack hour.”

  His nostrils flared in annoyance. “She isn’t my nanny,” he snapped. “She’s more than that.”

  “I don’t need you to tell me that, Kyle. I already knew. It was you that didn’t. That’s why you’re in the position you’re in now.”

  Even though what Mickey had said was the truth, Kyle still wanted to reach through the phone and choke his little brother, but alas, he had no more time to argue. He’d called his father for advice. He needed to know what to do …

  “Whatever,” he grumbled. “Stay if you like, just shut the fuck up and keep your opinions to yourself.”

  “I’m not making promises, Kyle.”

  “All right, both of you shut up,” their father interjected. “We need to focus, Kyle. You’ve just spent the last two hours following Reanna while she’s on a date with another man.”

  “I know that!” Kyle yelled, raking his fingers through his hair.

  He knew he was stalking, and maybe even a bit out of line for doing so, but he couldn’t control himself. Leaving wasn’t an option now that he’d witnessed what he had. Every time he even thought to tell his driver to go home, his stomach would twist in an unbearable knot.

  “I don’t need you to tell me what I did, Pop. I need you to tell me what to do!”

  “Go home,” his father said simply.

  Kyle immediately shook his head. “Impossible.” He’d fucking rip that guy’s head off before he left him alone with Reanna tonight. He was almost positive the man was over there trying to convince Reanna to invite him in, the fucking ‘Leave it to Beaver’ looking bitch. Kyle would have already been inside, no fucking coercing needed. “I’m not leaving,” he repeated. “I need a way to leave that doesn’t involve death.”

  If he killed the bastard Reanna would surely hate him, then he’d never have a chance with her. The fucker had to live …

  “There is no way,” Mikilo said. “You just have to be patient, brother. You brought this on yourself.”

  Kyle frowned. “What the hell do you know, Mickey?” It wasn’t like the man was in the most stable relationship his damn self, so what the hell would Kyle look like taking relationship advice from him?

  “Please, Kyle,” Mickey snorted. “I know more about women than you do, especially in this type of situation.”

  “Sure you do …”

  “I do, asswipe. You’ve spent too much time fucking and leaving women to know anything about them. All you know his how to charm them, get what you want, then throw ’em out like yesterday’s fucking trash.”

  Kyle didn’t respond. Only because denying what his brother just said would make him a liar, and Kyle wasn’t a liar. He knew the man he once was, and he was aware of all that he’d done. It was true that he was ashamed of his actions, but not enough to lie to himself. That he refused to do.

  “If you want some advice on what to do now, then allow me to enlighten both you and my father.”

  Though Mickey’s smug attitude was frustrating the shit out of him, Kyle wasn’t in the position to turn down his brother’s help. He didn’t like it, but he was pretty much lost when it came to this ‘love and feelings’ shit, and he was too fucking desperate to turn down any advice that would end whatever the fuck was happening between Reanna and the man that was still fucking forcing himself on her in that goddamn car!

  Groaning, he made himself look away. “Just hurry up and tell me what to do.”

  Mickey chuckled. “My, how the tables have turned, big brother. You asking me for advice on women.” He laughed a little harder. “I’m surprised you didn’t go to Nathan.”

  “Mickey!” Kyle snapped. “Will you just shut the fuck up and tell me what I need to do?” He had about five more seconds to talk Kyle off of the ledge or else he was going over, and taking that blond motherfucker over there with him.

  “Cool your fucking jets, man. Jesus.” He sighed. “Patience is the key, number one …”

  “I don’t have time for patience, Mick. I want to go over there and pull them both out of the fucking car and take Reanna back to my place where I know that motherfucker will never touch her again …”

  “Well, I can pretty much guarantee you that attacking her date and abducting her is the wrong thing to do. She’d drop your ass if she knew you even thought of something so stupid. We’re not talking about some illiterate bitch, Kyle, we’re talking about Reanna. She doesn’t put up with shit like that. And she wouldn’t appreciate such aggression. You’ll scare her.”

  “Don’t you think I know that?” he snapped again.

  He heard Mickey release a long breath. “Then act like you know her. First of all, do not make your presence known, Kyle. Stay away from that car, and away from her date.”

  “I’m not leaving.”

  “Don’t leave. Just watch …”

  Pausing at his brother’s words, Kyle’s frown deepened. Watch? “What?”

  “I said watch, brother,” he repeated.

  His mouth dropped a bit, and he couldn’t manage a reply. What the fuck was his brother talking about?

  Of course, never one to disappoint, Mickey explained himself in his own little special way. “Don’t act like you’re not already watching, Kyle. I can hear that murderous rage in your voice. You want to harm whomever it is Reanna is with. Not because he took her out on some weak ass date, but because he’s attempting to fuck her … as we speak. Am I right?”

  Reluctantly, Kyle glanced back over to the car just in time to see the man lean over to Reanna again. This time, she didn’t seem too timid as she’d been in the beginning. She sunk her fingers into the man’s hair while she returned his kiss with equal passion.

  Kyle’s grip tightened on the door. What the fuck!

  “You need to watch them, Kyle. Watch what he’s doing to your woman … what she does to him.”

  Kyle resisted the urge to jam his fist through the window next to him. “You’re fucking sick, Mickey.” Kyle had no time to put up with his brother’s twisted ass advice.

  “Call me sick if you want to, but what I tell you is effective. You need to watch them—”

  “Why the f
uck would I need to do that?”

  “To acknowledge that it was you that brought this on yourself ...”

  Kyle didn’t respond.

  “If she is yours as you say she is, no man other than you should have her, but that isn’t the case here. You lingered. You bedded another woman for nearly two years, and Reanna is single because you refused to admit your desire until it was too late. Technically, she’s free to do what or whoever she wants.”

  Fury. That was the only way to explain Kyle’s current state, especially after hearing the words his brother had just said to him. “I assure you, brother,” Kyle growled, “no words could be further from the truth.” Reanna was not free to fuck any man, that was unless she wanted an insurmountable amount of blood on her hands.

  “Your jealousy makes you irrational, Kyle. The woman is free. She is still single.”

  “She is mine.”

  “Yours she is not, Kyle. And if I’m remembering correctly, this is the way you wanted it to be.”

  That was it. Kyle opened the door. “I changed … my mind.”

  “Sadly, brother, changing one’s mind at the last minute doesn’t come without its consequences.”

  He opened the door wider, then placed one leg out of the car. Never had a plot to murder felt so right to him. Normally, he prided himself on his outstanding control, but there was something about this moment, something about being a bit out of control that excited him immensely. It was almost as if he were having an out of body experience. The urge to dismember the man that dared attempt to claim what belonged to Kyle felt almost … natural. Primal even. “You’re not helping, Mickey.” He stepped out of the car fully, then used his free hand to reach for his gun. It was funny really; he’d only just made the decision to commit the murder, but he had to admit, he felt better already. “She’ll forgive me, with time …”

  He’d said the words more so to himself than his brother. But Mickey still responded.

  “Quite the opposite, actually. I believe she will hate you for not only killing that man, but for putting his death on her conscience, for making her feel responsible …”

  Shit, Kyle thought, stopping himself before he reached his gun, what the fuck is wrong with me? He’d almost lost his fucking mind there for a second. Sitting back in his seat, he ran his hand down his face.

  “You need to ask yourself if you really want this woman, Kyle. If this is not just your pride talking.”

  “It’s not,” he groaned, exhausted with himself. “I want her. I really do, I just can’t take … this.” He motioned toward the car even though he knew his brother couldn’t see it.

  “Well then,” Mickey said, “take my advice and watch them. If she is yours as you say she is, then she will not take it too far. Women like your Reanna are ruled by their hearts. If her heart is yours, then her body is, too. Watch them, and take comfort in the knowledge that after tonight she will truly be yours. No man, besides you, will ever have the pleasure of touching her that way again.”

  “Then what?” Kyle asked, finally taking the advice his little brother had to offer.

  “Simple,” Mickey said, a smile in his voice. “Once she’s alone, you wait a significant amount of time, then you go to her door.”

  “And …”

  “Charm the woman, Kyle. Spend time with her, talk to her, show her how much you desire her without forcing yourself on her, and don’t be afraid to reveal how much you need her. Stop beating around the bush, and make your move. Talk, have an argument; whatever it takes. You’re ready for that, and so is she. Then, after you’ve gotten all of that shit out of the way, after you’ve finally get her on your side again … fuck her until she forgets the name of every man she’s ever met besides you.”

  Inhaling a sharp breath, Kyle closed his eyes and nodded his head. Yep. There was his little brother. No matter the case, every time Mickey lent—often unwanted—advice regarding a woman, his advice always finished with ‘fuck her into submission’.

  It never failed to catch him off guard.

  “You’re welcome in advance, brother,” he’d said smugly.

  And Kyle had actually taken the advice.

  He’d sat in his car for fifteen more torturous minutes and watched Reanna in the arms of another man, and not once—other than the first time he’d gotten out of the car—did he move to kill the bastard.

  He’d actually been incredibly proud of himself for making it through that without losing his cool. It had been much harder than he’d thought, seeing as Kyle had never been one to defer a desire to kill, but he’d done it … for her. Because he wanted her, because he wanted to prove himself to be the man that she deserved. Never—not ever—had Kyle put forth so much effort, and right about now, as he stood, staring at the woman he desired wearing a very sexy piece of lingerie, he feared that his effort was all for naught.

  This was not for him.

  Don’t get him wrong, he fucking loved what she was wearing. In the thirty seconds since she’d opened the door in it, he’d already pictured himself fucking her in at least four different areas of her living room, but still … this wasn’t for him. She’d come to the door expecting someone else, someone that she obviously wanted to fuck.

  That blond professor looking motherfucker, Kyle thought, his jaw tightening with anger.

  This set Kyle back; all the calm he’d achieved in that fucking car … gone.

  Closing his eyes, he let his head fall back as he released a pained groan. Shit! Please, dear Christ, do not allow me to fuck this up with my jealousy.

  “Kyle,” she whispered his name once more.

  Kyle had heard her do it before, but he’d been too busy trying to calm himself again. He needed to focus on Mickey’s words, now more than ever. He didn’t want to fuck this up before he even got a chance to explain himself. He did this. It was his fault that she was expecting another man, so he just had to deal with it, and move on.

  Now determined to charm his way into her home, Kyle released a long breath, and lifted his head once again, finally ready to speak to her.

  “Baby,” he greeted, giving her his most charming, yet soft, smile, “you look beautiful.”

  Though she hadn’t intended for his to be the eyes fortunate enough to see her in such an outfit, Kyle would do as his brother had said, and take comfort in the knowledge that he would be the only man to ever see her in such attire. After all, she was his.

  He watched as her eyes widened slightly at his comment before her expression returned to its relaxed state.

  Smiling slightly, he noticed her hand loosened on her robe a bit, and she nodded. “Thank you …” she murmured, then looked up at him once again, her eyes filled with confusion. She shook her head. “But,” she frowned, “what are you doing here, Kyle?”

  Her confusion is understandable, Kyle thought, as he leaned lazily against her door frame. He had never really journeyed to her house for a visit without Sofia before, and definitely had never come over so late. But here he was. Standing at her door, looking a bloody mess. The woman had more than enough right to be confused by that …

  He thought maybe to explain to her his reason for coming over, but then quickly decided against it. His brother’s advice had been not to frighten her, overwhelm her, or force himself on her. Telling her that he’d come to her home in the middle of the night to confess his complicated, yet increasingly strong feelings for her would be a bit too heavy, so instead, he decided to follow Mickey’s initial advice.

  Charm the woman, Kyle.

  Running his hand over his face, Kyle looked into Reanna’s eyes, feigning subtle agony. “I’m afraid … I find myself without a place to sleep tonight.”

  As expected, her frown of confusion only deepened at his words.


  Kyle wanted to smile, but he resisted the urge. Instead, he mindlessly lifted his hand to the curls that lay so beautifully at her shoulder, twisting them gently between his fingers.

  “There seems to be a p
roblem at the apartment …” He lifted his eyes to hers once again. “Monsters …”

  “Monsters?” she asked, once again making him want to smile.

  Kyle held tight to his composure and nodded his head. “Frightening monsters,” he confirmed. “It seems they’ve taken over my home, and begun invading my dreams again.”

  Her features softened immediately as concern replaced her confusion. “Oh …” she whispered, looking as if she wanted to say more. But she didn’t.

  Though Kyle rejoiced inwardly at the discovery that she still cared for him, he continued his explanation in effort to keep her mood light.

  He released an exaggerated sigh. “Normally, Sofia and I are able to battle these monsters in our home together,” he explained, then shrugged sadly. “But it appears my dear daughter has found a trip to Disney World with her grandparents far more appealing than battling frightening monsters with her father.” He gently pushed the hair back from her shoulder, then let his fingers glide down her silk-covered arm. “Her absence seems to have left me without an ally.”

  “In the fight against the monsters in your home?” she asked, her eyes brightening as she said the words.

  Kyle nodded in response.

  She nodded her head, glancing away from him. Though she feigned seriousness, Kyle could clearly see the smile in her eyes.

  “So … you came here tonight looking for an ally?”

  When she lifted her gorgeous dark brown eyes back to his, Kyle had to look away for a moment, in effort to resist the sudden urge to kiss her. God, she’s so beautiful. With no effort at all, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on.

  Looking back to her, he fought to maintain a relaxed expression. “I am,” he answered.

  “Hmm.” She nodded again, biting down on her bottom lip. “And you want that ally to be …”



  They spoke at the exact same time, both of them trying their best not to laugh.

  Kyle sighed again. “Sofia spoke very highly of your abilities to defeat such enemies.”


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