Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken

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Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken Page 36

by Michelle Hardin

So without saying another word to them, Reanna turned once again, and walked out of the store … and this time, no one stopped her.

  Once she was outside, she closed her eyes as she exhaled against the chilled wind hitting her face. This was what she needed … air. Fresh air. Cold air that would keep her mind more on how cool it felt on her skin and less on her troubles.

  Reanna focused on that cold, and not on the painful squeezing of her heart and the excruciating twisting of her stomach. She stayed zoomed in on the striking chill of the New York City wind as to not feel the pain of her heart breaking over and over again because she knew she wouldn’t be able to take it. She knew if she let it all in then she’d break, and she didn’t want to cry. She refused to surrender to tears; she had too much to be happy about.

  She was getting married.

  That was what she’d focus on.

  She was getting married, and there was so much planning to do. Reanna knew there’d be no way she could keep the guest list under a hundred, so she hoped Kyle would be okay with that. They didn’t have a date yet, but it would be soon. Maybe at the start of the new year, early February? If Carter and Gabriel wouldn’t mind if it was too close to their birthday—

  “Miss Pierce!”

  The abrupt call of her name from the curb of the sidewalk caused Reanna to pause, her attention suddenly shifting to a man who looked vaguely familiar. He was a tall—a very tall—young man; dressed in all black and insanely handsome, which probably made it impossible to forget such a face. He had shiny, golden brown hair that was striking in contrast to his naturally tanned skin tone, and even more striking when one factored in the stormy gray color of his eyes. He was pushing through the crowded sidewalk in an effort to get to her.

  She frowned. Maybe she hadn’t seen him before. He just really looked like someone she knew, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on who.

  “Who the hell does he look like?” Reanna whispered, forcing a polite smile just as the man neared her. “Hello,” she greeted a bit awkwardly.

  He gave her a quick smile and a nod. “Hello, miss.”

  Her eyes widened slightly when she heard the man speak.

  Italian accent … Yeah, that just made the kid ten times hotter than he’d already been before he’d spoke.

  What the hell did he want with her?

  “I am from the Salerno Organization. I have your car waiting for you.” He motioned behind them.

  Jeez, he was so handsome. Like almost Kyle level handsome. And as fine as Kyle was, this kid definitely gave him a run for his money. He had this aura around him that reminded her of someone she—

  Wait a minute. What did he just say?

  “My car?” Reanna asked, her thoughts now centering around the words that had come out of his mouth. How the hell did he get her car?

  The man nodded his head. “I will be driving you now. I am the head of the security detail protecting you, miss.”

  Reanna shook her head. “Protecting me from … what?” Last she checked she wasn’t much of a danger magnet. She was a pretty simple gal—quiet, not much of a thrill seeker. The only thing she really ever needed protection from nowadays was herself. “I don’t think I need protection …”

  She let her words trail off, hoping he’d fill the silence with his name.

  “My name is Michele.”

  Reanna nodded. “I don’t think I need any protection, Michele. I’m a photographer, nobody wants me.”

  Apparently her words amused the young man because from the looks of it, a smile was pulling at his lips.

  “You need my protection, miss,” he said, slight laughter in his voice. “Come, I will drive you.”

  Reanna shook her head. “It’s really unnecessary, Michele. Really …” She wasn’t one for being chauffeured, or fussed over. She didn’t need protection. Reanna was independent. She could get herself around New York. “You can come back when it’s time to get the kids—”

  “No, no,” he shook his head, “this I cannot do.” He placed a gentlemanly hand to her upper back. “You must allow me to protect you.”

  “But …” Reanna stepped forward when he gave her a gentle push, but she continued to protest. “Michele, really. I don’t need anyone following me around all day.”

  “Not follow you, Miss Pierce. Protect you.”

  “But I don’t need protection!”

  How many times did she have to say it?

  After releasing an audible sigh, the insistent Michele stopped walking, and came to stand in front of Reanna, staring down at her with a very patient look in his eyes. It was weird because the long breath he released had made Reanna think that maybe her protesting was annoying him, but it seemed to be the exact opposite.

  He gazed down at her with gentle eyes, as if he were a father getting ready to explain something new to his child.

  “Reanna …” He lifted his brows in question. “This is how to pronounce your name, yes?”

  Reanna nodded her head in confirmation.

  “Miss Reanna,” he said again. “I understand this is new for you, but you are to be Valente’s wife, yes?”

  She nodded again.

  “Then this I will call you, in order to remind you that you are now more than just a photographer.” A warm smile entered his eyes. “You are the wife of a very powerful man, sweetheart. Salerno Organization has as many enemies as we do friends, and because your husband is who he is, he is a target to many of the organization’s enemies. This is an extremely sensitive time in the Salerno Organization right now, and your husband is playing a very large role in a big … issue.”


  “Yes. And because much power has been bestowed upon him, his security has been increased to secure his safety.” He motioned toward her. “As well as the safety of loved ones who could be used to hurt him. Do you understand?”

  Slowly, Reanna nodded her head. “Because I’m …”

  “His wife,” Michele finished for her.

  “His wife,” Reanna repeated. “His enemies could possibly come after me … to hurt him.”

  “Yes.” He smiled. “So, do you understand now why you must allow me to protect you? Me protecting you will put your husband at ease, thus ensuring that he will spend his days focused on staying safe himself because he will know that you, and Sofia, are in good hands.”

  “Yes,” Reanna nodded, still staring at the man with wide eyes, “I understand.”

  He placed his hand back on her back. “Then shall we?”

  Giving an awkward bow of her head, Reanna shyly motioned toward the car. “We shall.”

  Michele chuckled, seemingly amused by her dorkiness as he pushed her forward once more, continuing to guide her through the crowd until three black SUVs came into view. Against the cars men waited, all equally terrifying and dressed in all black, waving for drivers to go around them, and flipping off the drivers that weren’t too happy about them being on the side of the road.

  Michele led her to the SUV sitting in front of all the rest, then he commanded the other men to get in their cars … well, she assumed he had. She didn’t really know—she just heard him say something in Italian before everyone moved.

  Opening the door for her, he stood to the side. “Mrs. Valente.” He motioned toward the entrance.

  Reanna’s cheeks warmed, even as she nodded her head and stepped into the car. “Thank you, Michele.” It was the first time she’d ever been referred to as Mrs. Valente, and she had to admit, she loved the sound of it. Mrs. Valente.

  “You’re welcome.”

  As she entered the car and looked around at the fine exterior of the expensive vehicle, Reanna couldn’t help but think about her future. Was this her life now? Being chauffeured, protected, watched every second of every single day. Did Kyle know what she was doing, did his men have to report everything she did back to him? And would she ever have any privacy again, ever be able to go anywhere without a security detail?

  Reanna wasn’t sure. She was actu
ally just realizing she didn’t know anything.

  How much was her life going to change now that she’d said yes to being Kyle’s wife? Had saying yes to Kyle meant that she’d immediately become a target, a pawn that could be used to manipulate him into doing something reckless, something that could possibly hurt him? Was this what falling in love meant for men like Kyle? That suddenly he had some visible weaknesses in Reanna and Sofia … and in the children they’d have in the future.

  The thought alone frightened the hell out of her. It’d been a long time since she felt like she was in danger of anything.

  “Mrs. Valente?”

  Michele’s voice cut through her thoughts, and Reanna glanced up, noticing for the first time that he’d already closed her door and gotten into the driver’s seat.

  “Yes,” she answered, her voice barely above a whisper.

  Michele gave her a warm smile that, once again, gave her the feeling she’d seen him before. “Your seatbelt, miss.”

  Oh, shit. Reanna quickly moved to put on her seatbelt, mentally chiding herself for not doing it sooner.

  Gosh, she was such a doofus.

  She needed to stop thinking about stuff and clear her head—she was really starting to freak herself out with all of the ‘danger’ talk, and she didn’t know if she could handle it.

  Michele’s deep voice once again interrupted her thoughts. “Reanna, dear …”

  Damn! Why do I keep zoning out?

  Forcing a smile, her eyes shot up to his as she silently wondered what she’d forgotten now.

  “Yes, Michele?”

  “You are worrying,” he stated softly. “I see it on your face.”

  Reanna’s eyes widened slightly at his words before she locked them with his ridiculously kind grey eyes.

  Holy shit, how the hell did he know? She was usually so good at hiding her feelings … either that or nobody ever gave a damn enough to ask her if anything was wrong.

  Jeez, why the hell am I so depressed all of a sudden?

  Lowering her eyes sadly, Reanna frowned. “Is it that obvious?” she whispered, feeling about as pathetic as she sounded.

  Michele nodded in response, staring at her as if waiting for her to continue.

  For a moment, Reanna hesitated, but eventually she mustered up the courage to say what was on her mind. “I just …” she sighed. “I guess I’m just realizing who I’m marrying, and how little I know about his lifestyle.” She hadn’t known anything would change for her, not like this; she hadn’t even thought about it when she’d said yes to being with him, yes to being his wife. She’d been so lost in him over the weekend she hadn’t really thought of anything. Perhaps Tamara had been right.

  No! Quickly, she mentally shook off such thoughts. No, that isn’t possible. Tamara is not right … Reanna was not rushing with Kyle. She was ready for this. Ready for whatever change came along with it. She didn’t want to let anything Tamara said get to her. She was making the right decision for herself by marrying Kyle. And despite her lack of knowledge regarding the lifestyle she was marrying into, Reanna knew without a doubt that she loved Kyle, and she did want to marry him. That was all that mattered to her …

  Making her best attempt to shake off her fear, Reanna gave a humorless chuckle. “I don’t know,” she said, giving a nonchalant wave of her hand. “I’m just being silly, don’t pay me any mind. I suppose I’m just—”

  “Curious,” he finished for her.

  Reanna smiled slightly, nodding her head. “Yes,” she whispered. “But it’ll pass …” There was no reason to bother Kyle with it, hell, he probably wouldn’t answer her questions about any of it anyway …

  “You are wrong, dear.”

  Reanna glanced back up at Michele, just as he started the car and carefully maneuvered into traffic. “Wrong?” she asked, a frown falling over her face.

  What am I wrong about?

  “It will not pass,” he said, giving her a quick look through the rearview mirror.

  Uhh, damn.

  Okay, Reanna didn’t really know how to respond to that. Luckily, she didn’t have to.

  “Do you mind if I were to be,” he frowned a bit, as if looking for the word, then finished sentence with, “honest with you?”

  Her mouth dropped slightly. “Umm ...” She kind of thought the guy was already being pretty damn honest, but whatever. “Sure,” she answered with a shrug.

  Why the hell not? It wasn’t like she could talk to her family about any of it, and Carter wasn’t available to cry to until after her kids got out of school, so Reanna was pretty much friendless right now. Why not talk to the familiar looking dude who was charged with protecting her? See if he could help her pull herself out of the sneaky depression she’d accidently just slipped into.

  With a sigh, he adjusted in his seat. “You should talk to the Donna.”

  The confused frown came immediately. “Donna?”

  What the hell is a Donna?

  Michele nodded his head. “Carterina Salerno, the Donna. She is your friend, yes?”

  “Yes,” Reanna answered. “She’s like my sister.” Like an older sister, actually; despite their age difference. Carter had always been her supportive, over-protective, little-big sister.

  “Then speak to her,” he said with a firm nod. “If you seek advice, if you have questions, you are better off discussing such matters with the wife of the Don … She is a wise woman, very strong …”

  That Reanna definitely agreed with. Carter was the strongest woman she had ever come in contact with. It was amazing the things the woman could do.

  “She will help you, Ms. Valente.” Michele smiled. “She will ease your fears.”

  Suddenly, Reanna felt … better, believe it or not. Don’t get her wrong, he hadn’t said much, but what he did actually had given her a bit of peace within herself. Talking to Carter would most definitely help. It always did. Plus, Carter knew this world; she could help Reanna, teach her, answer all of her questions, and help understand the things she was struggling to grasp.

  That was all she needed—a talk with Carter. That and to see Kyle’s face; hear his voice and be in his arms again. She was sure that alone would remind her why she was marrying him. As for all of her inquiries, she agreed with familiar-looking Michele. She would go to a fellow Mafia spouse for that.

  Smiling, Reanna relaxed back, feeling less depressed. “Thank you, Michele, for your advice.”

  She was genuinely grateful for the sweet, handsome, scary looking, gangster mafia man. She was pretty sure that if he wasn’t here, and she had gotten that time after her fight with Tamara to be on her own, she’d have drowned herself in pathetic tears of sadness by now.

  Not a good look.

  Chuckling deeply, Michele gave a nod of his head. “What are drivers for?”

  Reanna smiled. Driver … yeah right. “I have a feeling that you’re much more than a driver slash ‘security man’.”

  He chuckled again, then gave her a quick wink before returning his eyes to the road. “Where to, young Mrs. Valente?”

  Young? Please … She was pretty sure she was older than he was, but she didn’t correct him.

  “Well …” Reanna bit her bottom lip, thinking of what she wanted to do next. “We still have a little time before the kids get off from school. Are you hungry?” she asked. Only because eating alone just seemed so depressing right now. It wasn’t even lunch time yet. “I know it isn’t lunch, but I’m in that ‘eat my feelings’ kind of mood.”

  She heard his soft laughter as he veered over into another lane. “I hear McDonald’s is the place to eat in America if you are looking for something quick.”

  Yes. Reanna perked up at that, and no, she wasn’t ashamed.

  Smiling shyly, she sighed. “You know what, Michele, I think you and I are going to get along very well …”

  This time the man laughed loud, and when he did, Reanna suddenly knew who it was that he reminded her of, and it explained why she’d felt so comfortabl
e talking to him. Nathan … the driver reminded her of Nathan.

  Chapter 20: Kiss Me


  Kyle burst through the doors of the small building where his meeting with David Mitchum had been held, feeling like a fucking failure.

  “Shit, shit, shit!”

  What the fuck had he done? He’d fucked up bigtime, completely deviated from his original plan and possibly made things worse. Fuck!

  “Calm down, cousin.”

  The laughter coming from his cousin, who had just exited the building behind him, only served to piss Kyle off even more than he already was, and believe it or not, it wasn’t often that he wanted to beat Gabriel to a bloody pulp. Fucking shit … There he went again, letting his emotions control his temper. He needed to calm himself down. After all, it was beating someone to a bloody pulp which had gotten him into the shit he was in now.

  “I’m as calm as I’m going to get,” he replied to the asshole.

  “You’re beating yourself up, Kyle. And you have no reason to. This was a win.”

  “This wasn’t a fucking win, Gabriel!”

  Quickly catching up to him, Gabriel gave him a light pat on his back. “For the peace deal? Maybe not. And that’s a big maybe, because I’ve seen you get yourself out of worse shit than this. But you can’t deny how much Nate is going to fucking love this, Kyle.” Gabriel walked ahead of Kyle to his car where his driver was holding the door open for him, then turned around, giving Kyle a quick wink. “When thought of in that sense, this is a major win, cousin. Remember that,” he finished, before climbing into the back of his black Lincoln, his driver closing the door behind him.

  Rolling his eyes at his cousin’s words, Kyle continued his journey to get the fuck away from this place and back to New York City.

  Kyle motioned to the men following him. “Where the fuck is my jacket? Bring it to me,” he commanded.

  “Yes, sir.”

  One of his men—Kyle didn’t really care to see which one—hurried forward to bring him his suit jacket. He hadn’t remembered removing it, only that after he’d stopped himself on the brink of killing David, he’d been without it. After taking back his jacket, he quickly put it on, hoping that it would aid in hiding the blood spattered on his shirt. The last thing he wanted to do was talk about this when he got back to the office, at least not with Nathan; he wasn’t ready for that yet. He still needed to figure out how he was going to fix this fuck up.


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