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The End Zone: SPORTS ROMANCE (Contemporary Sport Bad Boy Alpha Male American Football Romance) (New Adult Second Chance Women’s Fiction Romance Short Stories)

Page 58

by Jenna Payne

  “Well, I don’t care. I’m not working for you,” I stammer.

  “Not even if I ask nicely?”

  His hand slides down towards the doorknob and wraps around mine. I can’t believe what’s happening right now.

  His hand is rough, not what I expect. He’s the son of a multi-billionaire, I expect someone who’s never had to do hard labor. But wherever John worked before, he surely did not work behind a desk.

  He comes closer behind me. I can feel his hard-on against my behind.

  “Sir,” I break the silence to try and tell him this is inappropriate.

  “Call me John,” he whispers in my ear as he takes in my scent. As much as I want to, I don’t resist him.

  This is so wrong. I know it is, but I can’t help it. It feels so good to be his in arms, to feel him behind me, to feel his hands. Just moments ago I hated this man so much and now he’s making me melt.

  His hands come up to caress my breasts. He pulls my top down to expose them and starts thumbing my nipples as he plants soft kisses on my neck.

  To my surprise, he’s so gentle with every touch, every kiss.

  I turn my head in search of his lips for a passionate kiss. He rolls his smooth tongue in and out of my mouth. One hand trails down between my legs. I feel a gush of wetness as soon as he touches me.

  In this moment, I want him. I want him badly. I reach out to grab him, to pull him closer. He pushes against me, towards the door. I feel him grinding against me. He’s so hard. I know he wants me too.

  From behind, John pulls up my skirt to expose my cheeks. He takes one step back to take a look and slips one finger down my crack and gently massages in between.

  “Mmmm…” I moan and fall back into his arms. His other hand comes around to my front to feel in between my legs. He gently nibbles on my ear.

  “You’re so sexy Allie,” he whispers. “I wanted you the moment I saw you walk into that conference room,” he says and slips two fingers inside me.

  I let out another moan. I want him inside me.

  I reach behind to unbuckle his belt. Instead, he pushes my hands away.

  “Don’t be too eager,” he says. “I want to take my time with you.” That comes as a shock. All day he’s been telling me “pronto” and now he wants to take his time.

  I whimper a little to show my dismay. He chuckles at my frustration and unzips his pants. He pulls my skirt up a little higher and enters me slowly from behind. I lean up against the door to help support my weight.

  He feels so good.

  “I love the way you feel,” I tell him. He puts both his hands on my hips and guides me back and forth. Each thrust in is slow and hard. I can feel every inch of him. Our rhythm is in sync with each other.

  John lets go of my hips and lets me control the thrust. His hands are now free to roam every inch of my body. He pulls off my blazer and my top. He unhooks my bra and frees my breasts.

  John turns me around and pins me against the door. He enters me again, now controlling the movement: slow and gentle. He stares into my eyes. I can see the look of passion and lust in his eyes.

  I know he’s been thinking of me all day. I know he’s been dreaming of me naked. The thought of him wanting me drives me over the edge. I moan again, and come.

  John smiles knowing that I’ve climaxed. He picks me up and heads over to the couch. He lays me on my back, pulls my legs over his shoulders, leans in for a kiss and thrusts into me again and again until he comes.

  He pulls out and lies next to me on the couch. I crawl into his arms; never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be sleeping with the boss.


  “Good morning John,” I greet him in his office. It’s been a few days and we haven’t talked about our late evening together.

  He’s treating me a little better, but he’s still mean and rude as always.

  It’s 7:50. I bring him his daily cup of coffee complete with two sugars and two creams.

  This morning I decided on not wearing any underwear. I opted for a form-fitting dress that zips in the front, bottom to the top. Easy access. I hope this will jump start our activity again.

  I know it sounds terrible, but John somehow ignited a fire within me that I thought I’d lost after Ray cheated on me.

  Without looking up from his computer, John motions for me to sit his cup on the corner of the desk.

  Sadly, I put the coffee down and head out. Did I just dream the whole thing a few days ago? Today, he’s acting cold and rude as usual. He hasn’t shown me an ounce of interest in the last few days.

  What did I expect? He’s a guy. Just because he slept with me doesn’t mean he’s obligated to treat me differently. Now I feel like an idiot for dressing up. What was I thinking?

  I close the door to his office.

  My phone goes off. It’s Nancy.

  Looking sexy for the boss I see.

  It’s not what you think Nancy. I reply back to her.

  Sure sure. I just wanted to let you know that all the guys are talking about your ass in that dress. I’m sure the boss has noticed as well.

  Little did she know, the boss didn’t even look at me this morning. Now, I’m going to have the whole office talking about my slutty outfit.

  I open my email to find one from John. My heart pumps faster. I wonder what he’s going to say. Will he comment on my outfit? Will he ask me to stay late so we can repeat our workout session?

  Expecting a compliment, instead I got a list of chores. Bummed, I went about my day crossing off each item off my to-do list. He got me walking all over the office running around like his slave. The five-inch heels I opted to wear this morning are now proving to have been a bad choice.

  And just when I think I’m done with his personal chores, he gives me new ones. This is going to be a long day.

  Nancy comes over at about noon to inquire about lunch. I tell her I can’t join her, and show her my endless to-do list.

  “And he wants these done pronto,” I tell her.

  She laughs and says, “Oh Allie, you’re such a hard worker. Do you want me to bring you lunch?”

  “Sure thing Nancy. Thanks. Slave driver over there is probably going to give me hell for stepping away from my desk,” I say jokingly.

  Suddenly Nancy stands up rigid and looks behind me. I know exactly who she’s looking at. Did he hear everything I said?

  “Allie, care to step into my office and tell me what’s on your mind?”

  “Not really Sir,” I say sheepishly as I turn around to give him my puppy dog eyes.

  He crosses his arms. Uh oh, I’m getting it for sure. Like a kid who has to report to the principal’s office, I get up to walk into John’s office.

  He closes the door behind me and follows me to the seat in front of his desk.

  “What are you thinking, wearing something so inappropriate to work?” he asks.

  I’m speechless. I want to say I wore it for you John. I want you to look at me. I want you to notice me. My mind is racing with replies, but my mouth remains shut.

  “Do I have to send you to HR?” he asks.

  “No John, I mean Sir,” I reply. It’s so embarrassing to think that not only does he not appreciate me dressing up for him, he’s actually threatening to report me to HR!

  I woke up this morning thinking I would be bold and brave and yet now I’m regretting my decision. That little session we had a few days ago did nothing to change John’s demeanor towards me. It’s like he has two different personalities.

  The other day I met the kind, gentle, passionate John, but the last few days he’s back to mean and rude John.

  “Good, you can leave,” he says.

  I get up and walk to the door. He’s like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. One minute he’s gentle and sweet and the next he’s mean John Jones.

  I stop at the door and turn around to tell him what’s exactly on my mind only to catch him staring at my butt.

  Knowing full well that he was caught staring,
John smile slyly and gives me a wink.

  “Now go back to work and don’t let me catch you talking nonsense again!” he yells.

  I turn to leave with a smirk. This whole time, I thought he was ignoring me; in fact, he’s been getting me in and out of my chair only to stare at me.

  I think back to what happened a few days ago and feel a gush of wetness between my thighs. It’s getting really hot in here.

  My phone beeps. A text message from Nancy.

  Sorry I got you in trouble. =(

  It’s ok. Everything’s all better now. =)

  It definitely is now that I know John’s been doing what he did to get a rise out of me.

  “Allie, are you getting out of here too?” Nancy asks as 5 o’clock comes around.

  “Soon. I have to check in with the boss to ensure that his pronto list is complete, and then I’ll be out,” I tell her.

  “Sucks to be you,” she says. “See you tomorrow.”

  She picks up her belongings and leaves. It’s empty and quiet in the office. I go to John’s office.

  “Sir, it’s 5 o’clock and I’m getting ready to leave. Is there anything you would like me to do before I go?” I ask him innocently. I close the door behind me.

  He looks up and leans back on his chair contemplating his next move.

  “Allie, what happened the other day was an isolated incident,” he tells me. My heart drops. “I don’t want you to think that this is going to go anywhere.”

  Now I feel like a total idiot.

  “But John…” I begin.

  “I’m sorry if I led you to believe that this was anything other than a boss/employee relationship. You and I both know that this is really inappropriate. And please, just call me Sir.” John has a stern look on his face. He’s still sitting at his desk.

  I’m unsure of whether this was Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde. I’m not sure if he’s joking or serious. It’s so hard to tell. Not wanting to cross any boundaries, I turn to leave, half-expecting him to stop me.

  Instead, he goes back to typing away at the computer.

  On the way home, I can’t help but think over what he said. Then over what had happened a few days before. I’m such an idiot! Tears start streaming. How can I be so stupid?

  I vow to never be that naïve again.


  It’s been a few days and John has been nothing but businesslike. But otherwise, he’s still nothing like his father. While John has eased up a bit, he still works me like a slave. My life is still hell, but at least now I know where I stand.

  Except, I can’t help thinking back to the kinder, gentler John. The one he showed me that evening. Where did he go?

  “Hello Allie,” Mr. Jones says as he greets me at my desk.

  “Mr. Jones! It’s so good to see you again!” I yell as I get up to give him a hug.

  “Allie, I’d like you to meet Delilah,” Mr. Jones says.

  “Hello Allie,” Delilah says and shakes my hand.


  She’s gorgeous, a supermodel I suppose. She’s tall and slender with killer legs. Her beautiful blonde hair drapes perfectly on her shoulders.

  “This is John’s fiancée,” Mr. Jones says.

  At those words, my heart stops. I can feel my throat tighten. I feel a deep sharp pain. It feels as though someone is sticking thousands of needles in my heart. I can’t believe it.

  I know it was only a one-time thing, but I can’t believe John didn’t bother to tell me he was engaged while he was ramming me. Now I feel more like an idiot. Not only that, I feel worthless standing next to Delilah—someone so beautiful and gorgeous.

  Now I know why he told me it was a one-time thing. It’s because he already has someone else.

  “Well, we’ll be going now Allie. I can’t wait to see John,” Delilah says. She has an English accent…a very sexy English accent. I definitely can’t compare.

  I sit at my desk. Despair. Sadness. Guilt. Anger. I went through all the stages. I hated Ray so much for cheating on me and vowed never to be that girl who sleeps with a man who has someone else and here I am, being that exact same girl.

  I suddenly don’t feel too good. I have to go home. I’m sick to my stomach. The thought of being tricked, lied to, and betrayed left me wanting to vomit. Worst, I’ve become exactly what I didn’t want to be.

  I walk into the office to see Delilah sitting closely to John. She has her arms wrapped around him.

  “Sir, I’m feeling sick. I’m going to go home,” I tell John.

  “You can’t just leave,” he gets up. He seems to have a look of surprise and concern.

  “John, Allie feels sick. Let her go home and get some rest,” Mr. Jones says coming to my aid. He’s always been so kind and still is.

  I look at the ground knowing full well John is staring right at me.

  “I’ll be back at work soon Sir.” I turn around, grab my bag, and walk out.

  If there were a word to describe the incredible feeling of hate, betrayal, and disgust I would have screamed it at the top of my lungs. I hate him for making me feel like this. I hate him for tricking me into sleeping with him. I hate myself for falling for it all!

  Here I am agonizing over all his actions and his words and now it all makes sense. He wanted one last escapade before he gets married. And I was the easy target. Not only did he make my work life a living hell, he made my personal life hell as well.

  I immediately dial my mom. Crying to her on the phone, I explain everything that happened.

  She listens intently and asks, “Well, have you had a heart to heart with him?”

  “No of course not. He’s guy, he’ll tell me the same thing Ray told me. How can I ever trust another man again?” I ask her.

  All the men in my life turned out to be jerks! All expect Mr. Jones, and even he won’t be around much longer.

  I drive home to slump in my bed and cry. This hurts more than what Ray did to me. Why? Because I was so careful to stay guarded and yet I’m back to where I was a few months ago.


  Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

  My doorbell rings nonstop. I finally get out of bed. It’s Saturday. Yesterday I left work claiming to be sick just so I wouldn’t have to endure John and his fiancée Delilah.

  I open the door.

  “John!” I couldn’t believe my eyes. Horrible boss John is standing in my doorway. Perhaps he wants to give me hell for leaving work early.

  “Look, I’m not feeling up to your rants about leaving work early,” I murmur. “I’m tired. I’m exhausted. And it’s Saturday! Just let me enjoy this day!”

  He steps in and swoops me in his arms. He just keeps surprising me over and over again.

  I push him away angrily.

  “You shouldn’t be here. You should be with your fiancée!” I exclaim tears feeling my eyes.

  “Oh Allie, you idiot! She’s not my fiancée. I broke off that engagement weeks ago. Dad still thinks we’ll get back together, and so does she, but we’re through.” “I don’t believe you John, er, Sir!” I try to shut my door but he pushes his way in.

  “John er Sir? Just John. Call me John, Allie.”

  “Well what do you want me to call you? First it’s this, then it’s that! I can’t keep track of your mood swings John! I’ve had my heart broken before and I’m not about to sit here and let a jerk like you do it all over again.” I’m crying now. The tears just won’t stop coming.

  John hugs me again.

  “I’m sorry Allie. I’m sorry for all this. I just wasn’t sure what I wanted. You’re not the only one with a broken heart Allie,” says John. He continues.

  “Delilah and I… well, Delilah cheated on me. I haven’t told Dad about that. But that’s why I came back here to LA. Dad always wanted me to take over the business someday, and with what happened, I figured coming back would give me a fresh new start.”

  John pushes me back gently, so he can wipe away my tears.

  “Don’t lie to me John. Delil
ah is so gorgeous, how could you leave her?” I ask him.

  “You don’t know how beautiful you are Allie,” he tells me. “You’re beautiful both inside and out—unlike her.” John takes my hand and leads me over to the couch.

  “I like you a lot Allie, in fact, I know I’m in love with you. You’d probably think I’m crazy, but Dad talks about you all the time during our many conversations together over the years. I’d already fallen in love with you without ever meeting you. Then when I saw you that first day, I knew I couldn’t stay away. You were more beautiful than I ever imagined. I didn’t know what to do. I wasn’t myself. My heart was still broken and here I am staring at the girl of my dreams,” John says as he looks past me.

  “John you don’t have to say all of this to make me feel better, ok?” I say. Now I’m unsure of myself. I told myself not to believe a word he says, but I can’t help but cling onto everything he just revealed to me.

  “Then let me show you how I feel,” John says. He pushes me back on the couch and gets on top of me.

  He gives me a deep passionate kiss. I feel all the anger and hate dissolve instantly as my heart begins to melt. He settles himself between my legs and I can feel his member grow.

  Still ever so gently, John plants little kisses down my torso and my abdomen. He takes my shirt off to expose my breasts.

  He pulls my shorts off and pauses to look at me. John spreads my legs wide open and ducks his head in between my legs leaving a trail of kisses between each inner thigh sending pleasurable sensations throughout my entire body.

  I arch my back giving him full access to all of me. John dives right in and tastes me. His works his tongue up and down and from side to side, licking and tasting. He pays close attention to my body’s reaction. I look down to see his head bobbing back and forth. The sight of him between my legs almost makes me delirious on its own.

  “Oh my, John!” I scream. “You know exactly what to do.”

  I’ve never been treated like such a queen before. He puts his tongue inside of me as his hands search my entire body. He massages and teases me as he bobs his head back and forth.

  I spread my legs wider wanting more of his tongue. He accepts the invitation and dives even deeper. My body is pulsating with pleasure. I can’t take it anymore.


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