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The Biker's Dirty Little Secret

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m not used to … men … you know.”

  “Not used to men thinking about fucking you while taking a shower?”

  She shook her head.

  He threw his towel into the bathroom and then dropped the one around his waist. She quickly averted her gaze as he moved to the other side of the bed and slid beneath the sheets. She didn’t know if he’d put on a pair of shorts or boxers.

  “Look at me, Callie.”

  She glanced at him and looked away.

  “Come on. You know me.”

  She finally looked at him. “Do I?”

  “Everything about me is the same. The only part of me that has changed is me being part of the Straight to Hell MC. This club is my life. It’s my family. I didn’t want to lie to you in the beginning, but I didn’t want to let you down. You’d made your assumptions. Like everyone does. I had no idea where this was going, and why would I want to mess it up?” He reached out to tuck a stray curl behind her ear. “You’re beautiful, perfect, and most importantly, you’re all mine.”

  His possessive nature shouldn’t arouse her, but it sure as hell did.

  She tentatively touched his cheek. She stroked her thumb back and forth. He hadn’t shaved, and there was some stubble growth.

  “I’m all yours, Callie,” he said.

  She wanted that to be true. She’d never wanted anything so much in her life. “People always leave me.”

  “Not me. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Chapter Seven

  Three weeks later

  His world felt complete. Callie was safe under his wing, and there was no need to hide their relationship from Lord. Brick couldn’t be happier.

  Callie was taking a shower, so he was killing some time outside. Being in the next room, knowing she was naked and sudsy only feet away, tested his control too much. They’d celebrated their three-month anniversary recently. It was the longest he’d gone without passing first base. He usually fucked them and left them on day one, but until Callie, no woman had ever mattered.

  He was shining the chrome on this bike when he noticed the set of black boots stop next to him, a bit of dust whirling up.

  “Our guy at city hall said the Skull Nation just got utilities hooked up at their new clubhouse,” said Copper.

  Brick was VP, so despite his obsession with Callie, he still had a job to do.

  “They build it, we tear it down,” Brick said. “Rally the boys. We’ll do a ride by then go hard and heavy tonight. We’ll burn them to the fucking ground. It’ll be déjà vu for those motherfuckers.”

  “I’ll let them know.”

  He’d likely take Reaper and Tarmac with him for the first run. Brick wanted to scope out the area and get a feel for what they were dealing with. That little pussy, Jeff, had squealed like a pig when he’d paid him a visit, giving away a lot of Skull Nation secrets.

  “Hey,” Brick called as Copper walked away.


  “Any progress on Lord’s rat? You know how much he hates them, and he’s riding my ass.”

  “Somewhat. There’s a signal from inside the club—a camera, tracker, phone tap, something.”


  “Well, it’s not as easy to pinpoint the exact location. I’m working on it.”

  Brick massaged his temples. “If the device is in front of you, would you know?”

  Copper shrugged. “I could use a scanner, well, build one, but—”

  “Do it. As soon as you’re done, you let me know and I’ll get all the boys in church with their phones. We’ll try to root out whoever’s selling secrets.”

  “Will do.”

  Brick tossed his rag and headed back upstairs. He wanted to spend some time with Callie before he rode off on business again.

  He opened the bedroom door just as she walked toward the bed, a towel wrapped around her hair and another around that curvy body. The room smelled like lavender and vanilla. He’d bought her everything she’d requested weeks ago. It was important for her to feel at home and have everything her heart desired.

  “You startled me,” she said. Her smile always brightened a room. Callie was his shining star in the club, and her sweet innocence had a healing effect on him.

  “I have to head out in about an hour, but I won’t be long.”

  “Something wrong?”

  He shook his head. Brick never wanted her to worry about anything. That was his job.

  “Will we still be able to go to the river?”

  Brick had promised to take Callie on a hike to the river a few miles from the clubhouse. He’d often head down there when he needed to clear his head. She wanted to get closer to him, and as hard as it may be, he had to open up to her more.

  “If not today then tomorrow, for sure.”

  She sat on the edge of the bed and towel dried her long hair. Even fresh out of the shower, she was perfect. Brick watched her, completely mesmerized by her beauty. He couldn’t stand women with a face full of makeup. Callie was all natural, in every way. A few times her towel would slip, and she’d tuck up back up under her arms.

  For nearly a month, they’d slept in the same bed. It wasn’t easy being a gentleman. He felt like a fucking superhero for refraining this long. Every time her soft curves rubbed up against him, his cock would react. He’d spent a lot of time pleasuring himself in the shower, but there was only so much a man could take.

  “You smell good.” He sat next to her and kissed her shoulder. “How you feeling?”

  “I told you last week, I feel like I’m back to normal.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes, Brick, you can stop worrying about me.” Callie turned to face him, trailing a single finger down the center of his chest. “I’m fine. Promise.”

  He gritted his teeth. Even her innocent touch drove him feral with need.

  Maybe it was the mood in the room or the need in his eyes, but she became quiet, only the sound of their breathing to break the hush. He leaned forward, slowly, and gently brushed his lips to hers.

  “You said you were a virgin.”

  She nodded.

  He kissed her again. “Will you give yourself to me? Make me your man?”

  Callie’s body physically tensed, but she didn’t pull away. “I’m already yours.”

  She ran her hand down his arm, testing his muscles.

  “Not yet.”

  Brick wasn’t used to good girls. She was either too shy to say yes or nervous to give him the green light. But one thing for sure, she wasn’t pushing him back. He needed to take the lead or this would never happen. He needed it to happen.

  “Let me touch you, baby.” He whispered the words against her neck. Her skin was still damp and fragrant. He trailed kisses along her skin, gently unraveling her towel with his free hand. It fell down to her lap, exposing her beautiful, sloping tits. He groaned. His cock ached to be freed, but he focused on Callie’s needs. This was her first experience. He’d be her first man. There was something uniquely satisfying knowing she belonged only to him.

  Brick didn’t take that honor lightly. Knowing he’d be the first to taste her, fuck her, pushed his territorial instincts off the charts.

  He used the backs on his knuckles to caress the side of her breast. Her skin was soft and supple. She shivered under his touch.

  “Brick.” She barely breathed out the word, a throaty sound filled with need.

  “Relax, Callie. Let me make you feel good. So fucking good.”

  He put any thoughts of business of out his mind and devoted himself one hundred percent to his woman.

  She tugged him closer, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I’ve been thinking about this day for a long time,” she said.

  “Really?” He ran his tongue along the shell of her ear, earning him a moan.

  Callie nodded. “When you work out, sometimes I hope you’ll start something.”

  Why hadn’t she said anything? Knowing she was attracted to him and ready to move forwa
rd in their relationship only spurred him on. Brick hit the gym religiously, and now that Callie lived at the club, she’d hang out and watch him. He had no idea she was really thinking.

  “Good to know.” He tugged off his t-shirt, then crawled over her, forcing her to lay back. They did a quick roll until they were in the middle of the bed. Her playful squeal was adorable. She ran her hands all over his chest and shoulders. “You drive me crazy,” he said.

  He kissed her hard on the mouth, and nothing else mattered but the two of them. She was so receptive, her little tongue sliding against his as the kiss deepened. Never in his life had he felt this way for a woman. For anyone. He couldn’t get enough of her. And he knew he’d do anything for her.

  When he finally pulled away, she whined, reaching for him. He didn’t leave, only tossed her damp towel, leaving her nude over the made bed. She tried to hide against him, but Brick wanted to see it all.

  “You being shy with me now, Callie?”

  She shrugged.

  “Never hide yourself from me. There’s no reason to. I love everything I see, baby.”

  He moved down her body, grateful for the daylight coming in the window. Brick circled her areola with his tongue, then sucked her tit into his mouth. He alternated between her breasts, continuing his descent. As he nipped her sides, kissing and exploring, he spread those thick thighs.

  Her breathing picked up, her fists grabbing handfuls of blankets.

  “Such a pretty pussy.” Her folds were pink and glistening with arousal. A dusting of fair hair over her mound. He licked his lips. “I’m going to make you come with my mouth, Callie. I want to hear you scream.”


  Callie would be lying if she said she hadn’t been fantasizing about this day. Only she hadn’t expected it to feel this damn good. Brick wasn’t holding back. As he spread her thighs, she fought to keep them closed. He wasn’t having it. Her natural instinct was to hide herself. She feared if he saw the real her, he’d change his mind about their relationship.

  Now that he’d seen everything and kept on going, she felt a unique sense of relief and freedom. She didn’t have to deny herself any longer.

  Tonight, she’d lose her virginity to a biker. The Straight to Hell VP. It was all surreal. But sex was one thing. A lasting connection required so much more. They had attraction, friendship, romance, and intimacy—but he didn’t know the real her. And she didn’t know the real Brick. Until they shared more about who they were, this was all just fun and games.

  Callie was falling in love with Brick. Every time she saw him, her heart raced. He made her feel alive, beautiful, and safe. Her entire world was morphing into something new—no more shitty apartment, no more pinching pennies, no more dealing with Jeff’s mood swings.

  Her thoughts were drowned out when Brick’s mouth came down over her pussy, his tongue flicking her clit until she was arching off the mattress. He was filthy and determined to make her see stars. She never thought she’d enjoy something like this, but he made it feel like raw ecstasy. Callie peered down and saw his broad, inked shoulders and part of his back as he devoured her pussy. She loved his body, every hard, muscular inch. It was one of the reasons she felt insecure being with him. Any woman would dream to be with a man like him. And the club was overrun with half-naked, beautiful women.

  His hands slid under her ass, keeping her in place as he rubbed his face against her folds. He was enjoying this as much as she was. When he settled over her sensitive clit, suckling her without reprieve, the pressure began to build deep in her core.


  He didn’t stop, rather began flicking his tongue faster until she was writhing on the bed like a madwoman. The orgasm came barreling forward like a freight train, crashing in a blinding release. This was all new, and she imagined she’d become addicted to everything Brick after today.

  She was a puddle on the bed, her breathing still heavy. Everything was a blur, and she vaguely remembered screaming Brick’s name. As the intensity of the moment died down, she became hyperaware of everything around her. She was scared to open her eyes and embarrass herself.

  Callie finally peeked open one eye, only to find Brick smiling at her.

  “You screamed my name.”

  “Did I?”

  He bit his lip, and it was the sexiest thing she’d ever seen. “I wouldn’t forget a thing like that.” Brick winked then cupped her cheek, kissing her mouth, taking her under again.

  He began unbuckling his belt without breaking the kiss. As much as she was nervous to lose her virginity, she was ready. More than ready. Her pussy was still tingling from coming all over his face.

  “I want you so bad, baby. I want to come deep in your cunt. Make you mine.”

  Why did his filthy mouth only turn her on more?

  “Yes.” It was all she could manage.

  He kicked off his jeans and mounted her. She didn’t dare look down to see his bare cock. Just the outline of him flaccid in his workout shorts was enough to give her pause. He wasn’t a small man in any way. He was power, strength, and virility combined.

  She gasped as he dry thrust against her bare mound with his erection. Damn, he was hard, like a heavy lead bar pressed against her more sensitive parts.

  “Relax for me, baby. I’ll try to go nice and slow.”

  She hadn’t realized her nails were gripping both his shoulders in a death grip. He didn’t seem to care.

  He positioned himself at her entrance, easily pushing in the thick tip. She was soaked, helping him ease his cock inch by inch into her virgin hole. Callie was starting to think she’d be a virgin for life. Once he filled her balls deep, he paused to kiss her neck and nip her ear. She tested her muscles around his erection. She couldn’t believe he was inside her. Sex may mean nothing to him, but it meant something special to Callie. A new bond seemed to forge between them the moment he penetrated her.

  “Fuck you’re tight.” He whispered the words against her skin, followed by a masculine groan. In order to give him permission to continue, she wriggled beneath him. She wanted more, wanted to feel him claiming her, fucking her hard.

  He deserved his own release after what he’d just given her.

  And what kind of man, a biker no less, played the role of a gentleman for this long without walking out the door? He was something special, and all hers.

  He began to pull out and slide back in, slow and steady, testing, moving with caution.

  “You’re not hurting me, Brick. Please, I need you.”

  His mouth claimed hers again, kissing her hard and desperate. Simultaneously, he began fucking her harder, one hand under her ass so he could fill her even deeper.

  “I love you, Callie.” He fucked her harder, faster, a sheen of sweat forming between their bodies as they collided.

  She pondered his words. Were they said in the heat of the moment? Did they mean more? Could he love her? Callie had never known the love of a man. She craved Brick’s devotion, but didn’t want to assume a thing, especially now.

  His erection was like silk over steel, and the way he filled her was pure satisfaction. Every thrust of his hips made her gasp and mewl. She was completely wanton, and there was no stopping it. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pleading for more in his ear.

  “Come for me, Callie. Come all over my cock.”

  She closed her eyes and savored the illicit pleasure, never wanting it to end. Her orgasm was on a precipice.

  “Be a good girl. Come for me, baby.”

  This time, she let go, wave after wave of release washing through her. Her breath came out in small shudders as the enormity of her orgasm shook her to the core. She felt the moment he came inside her.

  His weight came down on her briefly, but he immediately returned his weight to his arms, then rolled to the side.

  “That was worth the wait,” he said, an arm draped over his eyes. The man looked so edible, she wouldn’t complain if he wanted to claim her again.

  “And it w
asn’t scary at all.”

  He shifted to his side, his eyes narrowed as he looked at her. “You were scared? Why?”

  “I’ve never done it before. I wasn’t sure what to expect.”

  “Did it hurt?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “I loved it.”

  That earned her a smile.

  “What happens now?” she asked, feeling vulnerable now that her virginity was no longer at play. A small part of her worried he’d walk once he got what he wanted, which didn’t make sense. He was too good to her.

  “What do you mean?” He tucked hair behind her ear. They were face-to-face on the bed, both naked and exhausted.

  “Do things change? This feels like a big step.”

  “Nothing changes,” he said. Her heart instantly dropped. “I was already loyal to you from the first day. Sex doesn’t change that. I’m yours, and now you’re all mine.”

  “And we’ll talk more … when you take me to the river?”

  “Yeah. I promised we’d talk, and we will.”

  She hoped things didn’t change when he learned the ugly truth about her past, although he knew many details and was still here. It was almost as if he liked that she was normal, average, and low maintenance. The opposite to women at the club.

  “You know some things about me,” she said.

  “It’s my job to keep the club safe. I had to be sure you weren’t a threat.”


  “Squeaky clean.” He touched the tip of her nose.

  “You sure about that?” she asked.

  He scoffed. “Compared with my life, you’re a saint, baby.”

  “I don’t know anything about you, Brick. Not a thing.”

  “Know that I’ll do anything for you. Isn’t my devotion enough?”

  She swallowed hard. “Of course, it is, but I still want to know you. I don’t want secrets between us.”

  “It’s not secrets I’m worried about. It’s just that sometimes the past is better left buried. And some of the shit I have to handle for the club is too ugly to talk about. I won’t soil your mind with all that bullshit. I won’t.”


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