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Chase:: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 16

by Kylie Walker


  “So you know I can read your bullshit a mile away right?” Joanne raised her eyebrows at her from across the table. “You’re a book babe, so easy to read.”

  Angela speared her salmon with her fork trying to figure out what to say. “Jesus Joanne. I don’t understand why the hell I’m so attracted to him. I need a little help here please.” Angela’s look pleaded with her friend. Once again, her emotions were all over the place. Angela dropped her folk into her plate, her hands cupped her face as the tears pooled in her eyes and spilled over like a fountain.

  “Hey, it’s ok Ang,” Jo said softly getting up and sitting in the chair beside her. She rubbed the small of her back. “You have been through so much and things are happening quickly. I’m sure it’s confusing.” She lowered her head to try and look at Angela’s face.

  “You have no idea Joanne. I feel like a cheat for God’s sake,” She almost laughed and wiped her tears away. “It’s only been seven months since Blake’s been gone. I’m supposed to be mourning him, not flirting with strange men.” Angela reached for a napkin lying on the table.

  “Come on Angela,” Joanne said in a stern voice, “I honestly think you have finished your mourning honey. You were by his side for 6 months the entire time he was sick and then you tucked yourself away in a hole for another 6 months after he passed. You can’t keep doing this.” Joanne wiped a tear from her cheek with her thumb. “It will break you.”

  Joanne slipped her finger under Angela’s chin and lifted her face to hers. Looking into her large brown eyes and with empathy in her voice, she said, “Blake would be devastated if he saw you like this. He would want you to move on with your life, to be happy.”

  Angela wrapped her arms around Joanne, hanging onto her for dear life. “I miss him so much Jo. It hurts so damn much.” She swallowed back more tears.

  “I know you do honey.” Joanne stroked her hair softly. “It’s going to take time. Not to forget him but to let him go. You have to hold on to all the great memories that you and Blake shared, not the memories of him being sick.” Taking in a deep breath Angela let her friend go and sat up in her seat trying to compose herself.

  “Angela, this is your chance to move on with a new life. You’re in a new city and you have a new job. Blake would be seriously kicking your ass right now.” Joanne said with a laugh. Angela smiled and took a sip of her vino.

  “Now it’s time to let the old Angela I know back out of the closet. I want to see the strong independent woman that speaks her mind, the one that is always in control.” Joanne tipped her glass to Angela and took a sip.

  With a smile, Angela tipped her glass back at Joanne and took a drink. “You know Thomas overheard our conversation about our mystery man. He insinuated that I was interested and thought it was too quick in his opinion.”

  “Fuck Thomas and what he thinks. Don’t get me wrong. I love the guy and all but seriously? He is thinking with his dick.” Joanne’s face showed disapproval.

  Angela almost spit her drink on the table. Grabbing a napkin and wiping her mouth she asked, “What the hell does that mean?” Angela looked shocked.

  “I’ve noticed the way his eyes lust after your body.” Joanne winked and took another bite of her salad.

  “Ok, have you stopped taking your meds?” Angela asked her, laughing.

  “See there’s the Angela I remember and yes I am taking my meds. All jokes aside, I think he has a lot more intentions than just being the good friend.”

  “My God, you’ve gone off the deep end. Thomas has really been there for me. I can’t even imagine my situation if he had not been there. He’s like a brother to me and I’m sure he feels the same about me.” Angela waved her hand like she was blowing off the conversation.

  “Whatever Ang; just laying it out like I see it. Oh by the way, I forgot to tell you, book off the 4th of July weekend.”


  “My girlfriend Ana that you met at the club is throwing a party at her house in Long Beach. You have to come.” Joanne gave her a pleading look.

  “I don’t see why not. That sounds like fun,” Angela smiled.

  They enjoyed the rest of their meal and had another glass of wine while Angela filled Joanne in on her first day on the job. The entire time Angela had to try and keep her mind from wandering back to Steve’s mouth. The way her name “ANGELA” rolled off of his lips in that deep, sultry voice. She wasn’t sure if it was right or not, but she knew that she wanted to hear it again.

  Chapter 5

  Angela’s first week at work was a whirlwind. She faithfully studied their procedure manual each night when she got home. Candy Cosmetics was a pretty simple client consisting mostly of branding their new logo with photo shoots and magazine articles featuring their line and new product labels.

  “It’s ready Angela,” Thomas shouted from the kitchen.

  “It smells delicious. Chicken parm?” She asked looking at the plate.

  “You got it. The sauce has my secret ingredient in it, so don’t ask. I’m not sharing.” He smiled and bumped her with his hip.

  “You’re a goof!” she laughed, sitting down at the table.

  “So what do you think of Lyons?” he asked taking a swig of his beer.

  “I love it there. Kimberly is amazing and the people are so nice. She only gave me two clients to work on for now until I get used to the routine.”

  “I knew you would fit right in,” he said watching her take a bite of the food. “Hey, I meant to ask. A friend of mine is having a grand opening for his new restaurant on Friday. I told him I would show up for lunch. It’s just down the street from our work. Want to come so I don’t have to eat alone?” he asked her while digging into his own food.

  “Sure, what time?”

  “I’ll meet you in the lobby at one pm,” he told her.


  It was Friday and the weekend was almost here. The morning heat was already seventy-six degrees. Angela walked down the hallway to her office and when she was almost there she noticed Marg putting flowers into a vase.

  “Those are beautiful Marg,” she said, picking up a long-stemmed lily. She brought it to her nose and smelled it. “Mm, passion fruit is my favorite,” She said with a smile as she placed it back in the vase.

  “They’re from my husband. He’s a romantic at heart,” she said. “He sends me flowers once a month.” Marg had a proud look as she rearranged them.

  “That is so sweet,” Angela said as she opened the door to her office.

  “I put all your messages on your desk Angela.”

  “Great, thank you Marg,” she went inside and shut the door behind her.

  When she got to her desk, she pulled out the McAllister Stock Car file. She knew that she only had a few hours to finish up plans for this client. She was expected to do a full presentation at 2:00 pm in front of Kimberly and both partners.

  It was almost 12:30 pm when she took one last look at the slides she had just finished in power point. Happy with the results she opened up her word document and pressed the enter button on her keyword to print out a memo. When she looked at the printer she saw the red light was flashing. Shit. Out of paper. She got up and walked out of her office.

  She walked to the end of the hall and into the storage room. The door shut behind her. Eyeing the shelves, she could see everything but blank white paper. She walked to the back of the room and found the bundles of paper way up on a top shelf.

  Reaching up to grab a bundle she heard the lock on the door snap. Just as she tried to turn around, she felt a stranger’s body pressing into hers. “Hello Angela.” He whispered into her ear slowly tracing his lips down her neck gripping her waist with both hands. That deep sexy voice again. She knew it was Steve. She could feel the heat of his body press into hers from behind as he pulled her tighter.

  “Don’t turn around.” He said low and softly, his mouth planting slow sensual kisses on her neck. His lips made her feel weak in the knees. She closed
her eyes and leaned her head back almost involuntary. His hand ran down the side of her thigh finding the hem of her skirt and then tracing her inner thigh on the way back up underneath.

  Angela’s heart skipped a beat, while her body trembled with excitement under his control. He grazed the outside of her panties with his fingers feeling the wetness through the cotton. “Mm, you’re so wet.” He growled as he nipped at her ear lobe. He slipped a finger inside of her and felt the juices. With her eyes closed she arched her back and let out a soft moan. She couldn’t control herself. Her body wanted this while her mind screamed, “No!”

  “You’re so tight.” His mouth trailed her neck as he pulled out his finger and began rubbing her clit. Angela could feel his hard length growing against her back side. Steve moved his hips against her ass as he circled her throbbing nub faster. He slid a finger deep inside of her tight walls forcing her hands to grip the shelving in front of her for support. She let out a moan filled with the kind of insurmountable pleasure that she hadn’t felt in so long. Her hips swayed back and forth.

  “Jesus.” She whispered as she bit down on her lower lip. He pressed his fingers deeper inside of her, stroking her walls while his other hand wrapped around her breast and fondled her nipple through her blouse. His lips crashed into her neck taking light sucks as an orgasm ripped through her and she let out a soft moan. Her body shook with convulsions of pleasure as her hands gripped the shelf harder. She stood there for a moment breathing heavily before turning around to look at his face. He had his fingers in his mouth, slowly sucking them and then pulling them out as the corner of his mouth turned into a sly grin. “You taste so fucking good Angela.” His voice was low and deep and his grey blue eyes traced her body, leaving a trail of heat in their wake.

  His seductive voice sent shivers down Angela’s body as she tried to speak. Before she could get the words out, he held a finger up to her lips. “Shh,” he said. His other hand slipped down slowly unbuttoning her blouse. When he’d gotten it open to her waist he gently pulled a breast out of her bra. Moving in like she was his prey, he took it into his mouth. He softly sucked and teased her nipple with his tongue. Her hands landed on the back of his head and her fingers entwined in his hair. “Jesus Christ,” she cried out. Suddenly he pulled back, pulling her bra and blouse back over her breast as quickly as he had pulled it out.

  “You’re like a fucking drug that I can’t get enough of,” he said. Angela stood there in total shock with her body still vibrating from what just happened. He slid his hand around the nape of her neck and pulled her ear to his lips. “Until next time Angela.” He flashed her a smile and walked out the door.

  Angela leaned against the shelf trying to collect herself. What the fuck just happened? And why the hell didn’t you stop him! Angry with herself, she tugged at her skirt to straighten it, then button up her blouse and lightly fingered her long locks. Her body felt like someone had hooked her up to a defibrillation machine. She could still feel the ripples of excitement and pleasure coursing through her. Wiping her lips with her thumb she gave her body a shake and headed for the door.

  Back in her office she looked at the clock. 1:20 pm. God damn it. She was supposed to have lunch with Thomas at one p.m. Grabbing her purse she ran out of her office and stepped into the elevator. Scanning the lobby she couldn’t see him anywhere. She pulled out her phone and saw that Thomas had tried to text her. “Where are you? I’m downstairs waiting.”

  She texted him back. “I’m so sorry Thomas. I got held up and am doing a presentation at two p.m. with a new client. Forgive me?”

  Angela was pissed at herself as she walked back to the elevator. How could she let this complete stranger seduce her? She made it back to her office and stood at the window watching people pass on the street below. Emotions were coursing through her like a storm hitting the water. She was annoyed with this stranger Steve, but also uncontrollably attracted to him in ways she couldn’t explain. She was deep in thought when she heard her office door open.

  “Are you almost ready Angela? I’ll walk down with you.” Kimberly was in the doorway.

  “Yes I have everything right here.” Angela grabbed the file and USB off her desk and followed Kimberly out of her office. They made their way down to the conference room. There was a very large cherry wood table in the center of the room with black leather chairs surrounding it. There were already six other people waiting when they arrived.

  “Both partners were to be at this meeting, however something came up so we will only be presenting to Miss McAllister today.” Kimberly opened up a folder and sat down in one of the leather chairs.

  “Ok,” Angela replied.

  “Good afternoon everyone,” Miss McAllister said as she walked into the room with a smile.

  Grazing over her memo, Angela heard the familiar voice and looked up.

  “Good afternoon.” Kimberly said. “This is our new Marketing Manager Angela Black. She will be taking care of your file while I oversee things.”

  “Angela. It’s so nice to see you again. I had no idea you worked here.” Ana smiled at her softly.

  “Yes, I just started a little over two weeks ago,” Angela smiled. She was surprised at the same time.

  Kimberly looked confused and raised an eyebrow. “You two know each other?”

  “Yes we do,” Ana chuckled. “We have a mutual friend who introduced us over the weekend.”

  “I see,” Kimberly said sounding a little bit annoyed. Angela wondered what that was about.

  “Well I am sorry my brother couldn’t make it but we will push through without him. Let’s get on with the presentation, shall we?” Ana looked a little rushed for time.

  Angela was well prepared and in her comfort zone. Marketing was her expertise and it certainly showed when the presentation was finished twenty minutes later.

  “Angela, I love your ideas on the photoshoot. I think that will really capture the new drivers racing on the track. Let’s schedule this for the first week of July, just after the holiday. Once the photos have been looked at, edited and approved we can send them to print.” Ana was beaming and looking more than satisfied with Angela’s marketing angle.

  “Wonderful,” Angela stood up and shook Ana’s hand giving her a warm smile. She really liked Ana. Not only was she beautiful but she also seemed witty, intelligent and spoke her mind.

  As everyone was leaving the conference room, Angela was still writing down some notes when her eye caught Kimberly and Ana talking just outside the door. She sensed a tension between the two of them just in their body language. She only heard the last sentence of the conversation that Ana sniped at Kimberly before she turned around and left.

  “He has already told you it’s over Kimberly. You were nothing more than a fling. Leave it at that and move on.” Ana’s tone was harsh.

  Angela looked back down at her notes and tried to pretend she wasn’t listening as Kimberly walked back into the conference room. “I’m sorry you had to hear that.” Kimberly said, looking flustered.

  “No worries. I didn’t hear anything,” Angela shot her a small smile.

  “I will book the shoot,” Kimberly said, changing the subject. “Once we have a date I will email you with the details. By the way, that was a great presentation, Angela. Ana really loved your ideas.” Kimberly’s words were kind but her tone cold. She was still clearly upset from her conversation with Ana as she walked out the door.

  “Thank you,” Angela called out after her, hoping her boss even heard her. She wondered who they had been talking about. Whoever it was certainly made an impression on Kimberly. Enough to piss her off and not want to let go.

  Chapter 6

  Angela was curled up with a glass of red wine on the over-sized sofa and looking over some notes from work. The AC was pumping at max but she was still hotter than ever in a tank top and a pair of shorts. She laid the papers down beside her, and stretched out her tanned legs. She let her eyes wander the room. They fell on a picture of Thomas,
Blake and herself. She squint her eyes and took a better look. It was from the Stag and Doe, the three of them were toasting with their beer in the photo.

  Even though it had been 7 months since Blake passed even simple things such as photos, certain songs or smells would make her well up suddenly and uncontrollably. The love she had for him and the pain of losing him was so overwhelming. Her eyes began to pool as she tried to focus on the great times. She let out a chuckle and wiped her eyes before the wetness could touch her cheeks.

  She heard the door open and slam shut. Quickly patting her eyes dry and taking in a deep breath she watched Thomas walk down the hall. He started to pass her without saying a word. “Hey, did you get my text?” She asked as he continued on by.

  A moment later she heard his bedroom door slam shut. She took the last sip of her wine and walked down the hall. Knocking, she asked, “Thomas, are you ok?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.” He grunted through the other side of the door. “I’ll be out in a bit.

  “Ok,” she said frowning. She went back to the living room and to her work.

  Angela finished making some notes to the marketing plan she would be doing for Ana’s company when Thomas finally entered and walked past her to the kitchen. She heard the fridge door open.

  “Hey, did you get my text?” She asked waiting for a reply. “I’m really sorry I stood you up but I lost track of time and then had my two o’clock presentation to do.”

  Still silence, nothing but the hum of the air conditioner and TV in the background.

  Angela got up and walked into the kitchen to find Thomas leaning against the fridge taking a sip of his beer. “Are you mad at me?” She asked with her hands on her hips.

  “I’m cool,” he said, not even glancing in her direction.

  "Well then why are you acting like this?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “Look, I just had a rough day at work, alright?” He was looking at her in a way he never had before. He brushed past her and went into the living room. She followed and watched him grab the remote from the table and turned the TV to a football channel.


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