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Chase:: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 21

by Kylie Walker

  Chapter 15

  “What did you mean by that?” Angela asked Steve after they’d lain there basking in the afterglow for what seemed like hours.

  “By what?”

  “That there wouldn’t be any others?”

  He brought himself up on his elbow and looked down at her face. Reaching up, he took one long strand of dark hair and tucked it behind her ear. “Just what I said. I want you, fully Angela.”

  She chuckled and he brought his brows together in the middle. “Oh, you’re serious,” she said.

  “Deadly,” he said.

  “But you don’t even know me. That doesn’t make sense.”

  He lay back down and pulled her tighter against him. “Then tell me what I need to know,” he said.

  She laughed. “Okay, no pressure,” she said. Sobering a little she said, “I’m twenty-four…”

  “Yes, but you’re an old soul,” he said.

  “You think so?”

  “Yep, my soul can feel yours,” he told her. She thought that was one of the most romantic things she’d ever heard.

  Taking a deep breath she said, “My parents are both still alive. They live in Miami where I grew up. They are still married and still in love. I have one older brother who I hated when I was ten but love more than life itself now. I have a Bachelor’s degree in marketing. I plan to go back for my master’s someday soon. I was married…”

  He picked up his head and looked at her again. “You were married? You’re divorced?”

  She fought back the tears and the lump that formed suddenly in her throat. She’d pushed all thoughts of Blake away while they made love. Now he was back, with a vengeance. Her voice cracked as she said, “No, widowed.” It was all she could get out. Suddenly, she felt her eyes wet with tears. “Damn it, I’m sorry.”

  He cupped her face in his hand. Leaning down he kissed her tenderly and for some reason, that made the tears flow harder. “Please don’t cry,” he said, softly.

  She shook her head. “I’m sorry, I keep thinking they’ll dry up after a while, but they never do.”

  “What happened to him?” he asked, gently.

  “He had cancer. He was sick for about six months. I watched him go from the vibrant, healthy man I’d fallen in love with to a shell of his former self. It was so heart-wrenching because I knew he was still in there fighting…but he finally grew too weak to fight and gave in. I was actually angry with him for a while over that. When I finally accepted that he had to go, to be rid of the pain, he went…peacefully. He’s been gone for just about eight months now. I still miss him every day.” The tears flowed freely down her face now and suddenly Steve’s lips were on them. He kissed her with soft swipes of his full lips, kissing the tears until they were all gone. Then he cupped her face once more and said, “I’m so sorry for your pain. He must have been a special man for you to have loved him so much.”

  She smiled and nodded. It felt good to be able to talk to him about Blake. That seemed weird, but at the same time, it was so comfortable and seemed so natural. “He was the best and I loved him so much. It’s why this is so hard for me.”

  “Did he love you as much as you loved him?” Steve asked.


  “If you had gone first, would you want him to be alone forever? Would you want him to be miserable and lonely?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Then what makes you think that he’d want you to be?”

  She thought about that. It’s exactly what Joanne had said to her to. “I don’t think he’d want me to. I think it’s my own fears.”

  He kissed her lips again. “We’re going to work through those,” he said with a soft smile. “Okay?” She smiled back and surprised herself by saying,



  An hour later, Angela sat at the big dining room table with Ana and Joanne. Joanne kept giving her a suspicious look, like she knew something. Maybe it was because she was smiling like an idiot. She couldn’t stop. Suddenly the grief had begun to recede and she felt like for the first time in months, she could see at least a sliver of the sun again.

  “How is your soup?” Ana asked her.

  Angela smiled. She hadn’t really tasted it as she ate. She’d been remembering… “It’s fantastic,” she said.

  Joanne raised an eyebrow at her but didn’t say anything. They talked about the party and about the photo shoot and when lunch was over Ana asked them if they’d like to take a ride with her in their new race car.

  “You get to drive them?” Joanne said.

  Ana laughed. “Yes, I do own them, you know.”

  With a giggle Joanne said, “I know…but I didn’t know you got to drive them.”

  Ana smiled and said, “They’ll trailer it down to the track for us. We can take a few spins before the driver takes over. Once he gets a hold of it, he won’t let us touch it.”

  Angela liked the idea of riding in a race car and she quickly agreed. When Ana went up to change Angela said, “I think I’ll change too. This shirt is a little hot for the weather today.” She started to walk out of the room and Joanne grabbed her arm.

  “No way! You will not walk out of this room without telling me what that goofy smile is about. Did Steve call?”

  Angela feigned an innocent look and said, “Nope, he didn’t call.”

  “Did he text?”

  “Huh uh,” she said with a grin.

  “What happened to make you so damned happy?”

  Angela giggled. “Can’t a person just be happy?”

  “They can, but you haven’t been lately…what gives?”

  “Can you keep a secret?”

  “Yes,” Joanne whispered.

  “I had sex!”

  “You did not! With who? Grant? Jeff?”

  Cracking up, Angela said, “What kind of ‘Ho’ do you think I am?”

  “Well then, who was it?”


  “Steve? He’s here?”

  “Shh! You’re so loud.”

  Joanne giggled. “Sorry. What is he doing here?”

  “He lives here…at least part of the time. He’s Ana’s brother.”

  “Get out! Is he really?”

  “I will not get out and he really is.”

  “Shut up! He is not!”

  Laughing again Angela said, “I will not and he is to.”

  “Well, I’ll be damned.”

  “I know, right. I think I might be ready, Jo.”

  Joanne grabbed her friend and hugged her. “You go girl! Go get your life back…fuck! Ana’s brother! Who would have thought it?”


  After Angela and Joanne finished getting ready, they met Ana outside the front of the house. There was a big, black car waiting for them. They got into the backseat and Angela was shocked when she came face to face with Steve. “What are you doing here?” she blurted out.

  “You two know each other?” Ana asked, surprised.

  Steve casually draped his arm around her shoulders and said, “Yes. Angela and I are thinking about dating. What do you think, sis?”

  Angela felt the color rise in her cheeks as Ana looked from her face to her brothers. Before she could say a word Joanne said, “It sounds like a fabulous idea to me.” Then she giggled and said, “By the way, I’m the best friend, Joanne.”

  Steve took her hand and kissed it. Joanne looked like she might faint and even fanned herself when he let go. Angela laughed and shook her head. Finally Ana said, “I personally don’t know what a beautiful, smart woman like Angela would see in you, but I’m actually all for it. Your last choice was so bad that I was shocked you got it right this time.” Steve lifted a finger at his sister and she threw her head back and laughed. Looking at Angela she said, “See how crude he is?” Angela just laughed. Then she said, “You don’t like Kim very much, huh?”

  Ana twisted up her face and said, “I hate to ad
mit that I despise anyone…but I really do despise her. There’s just something really fake about her to begin with…and then when she started stalking my brother, she started creeping me out.”

  Angela looked at Steve. “She stalks you?”

  “My sister is being a little mello-dramatic.”

  “Am I?” Ana said. “Do you remember the day after you broke it off with her, she showed up at the track?”

  “She had to bring papers by for us to sign…”

  “Bullshit! She came to see you. Then, two days after that, she came by with cupcakes. Store bought ones no less!”

  Steve laughed. “She thought it was my birthday.”

  “Bullshit! Your birthday is in May and you know it. Why are you defending her anyways?”

  He smiled and looked at Angela. After several seconds he said, “It’s because none of that matters…anymore.” Angela could feel the heat from his stare and she had to remind herself they had an audience. She couldn’t wait to get him alone again and feel those sweet lips on hers.

  Chapter 16

  Being at the track was a blast. Steve took Angela for a ride in the race car and introduced her and showed her around while Joanne and Ana hung out together. At first when he blurted it out to his sister, she was worried, but Ana seemed happy for them and it seemed almost legitimate that they were seeing each other now. The rest of the weekend passed in bliss as far as she was concerned. They took walks together, sat on the beach, made love…and most importantly, came to know one another better. The night of the party, Angela dressed in a red sundress that hugged her curves she’d specifically bought for the fourth. She curled her hair in long curls across her shoulders and slipped into a pair of red wedge sandals since the party would be held down near the beach. When she was ready, she met Joanne at the top of the stairs and Joanne said, “Damn, I’m going to stop hanging around with you if you don’t stop showing me up.”

  Angela laughed. “You look gorgeous, stop it.”

  “Sure, as soon as I grow me a set like you and my eyes get to be big and brown and surrounded by foot long eyelashes, I’ll believe it.”

  “Every man there tonight will be lusting after you in that little blue number.” Joanne was wearing a blue mini-dress that looked great with her long blonde hair and blue eyes. Angela sincerely thought her friend was beautiful. Joanne wasn’t lacking in self-confidence usually, but she’d had a run of bad luck with men lately and that had dampened her spirits some.

  “We’ll, see,” her friend said, linking her arm through Angela’s. “Shall we go, or are we waiting for Prince Charming?” Angela felt herself blush.

  “He’s meeting us down there,” she said.

  “Onward then. I have men to entice.” They both giggled and headed out to the party. As soon as they got down to the beach, Ana, dressed to kill in a festive dress, greeted them.

  “Wow, look at you two. I’m glad at least one of you is taken or I’d never get any action.”

  “Right,” they both said. Angela looked around. Ana had done a great job organizing the party. There was a temporary bar set up with American flags waving from all four posts, a bandstand where a live band was warming up, a temporary dance floor that had been put in over the sand and then off to the side was a volleyball net, a bonfire and lots of tables and chairs set up around it.

  “Everything looks great,” Angela told her.

  “Amazing,” Joanne agreed. “But where is the alcohol?”

  Ana laughed and said, “Right this way.” Angela started to follow them when she felt a touch on her arm. She turned to find her Prince Charming there, looking good enough to eat. He was wearing a light blue short-sleeved shirt with an American flag on the pocket and a pair of faded Levi’s that fit him like a glove. This man could wear rags and make them look stylish. His hair was finger styled and he had just a tiny shadow of stubble across his chin that gave him a more rugged look than usual when he was in his business attire and completely clean shaven.

  “Jesus, you make my chest hurt,” he said. She felt her face go hot again and she said, “Same here. You look great.”

  “You look so good that I won’t need fireworks tonight, they’re already going off in my head.”

  He took her arm and that’s where she stayed for the rest of the night. He introduced her to everyone, they ate together, they danced and he whispered things in her ear that he planned to do to her after the party was over. Angela couldn’t remember the last time she was so happy…it had been so long.

  When it was time for the fireworks, Steve spread a blanket underneath one of the palm trees that grew along the beach and they lay down together, looking up at the sky. It was a clear night and the stars were all out. They were close to the other party-goers, but as far as Angela was concerned at that moment, they were the only two people laying underneath the satiny blanket that shined down on them. The band played a few patriotic songs and then a woman Ana introduced as Gretchen went up and sang the Star Spangled Banner. Flags were waved and then the fireworks show began. The fireworks were shot out over the water and each one burst in a brilliant display of color, lighting up the sky and everything underneath it. Angela watched them, but she also delighted in watching Steve’s face. He obviously loved them and she loved seeing the child-like look of wonder in his eyes as he watched them. When the night was over she knew that she was falling hard for this man. The four day weekend had allowed her to get to know him some, and what she knew, she liked. Steve was polite and respectful in spite of how assertive he was sexually and in business. He even treated his sister with respect and that was an important quality in a man, Angela thought. He loved his race cars and when he talked about them, his face lit up almost as much as it did underneath the fireworks. His father had instilled a love of the machines in both of his children and then passed the business on to them to run after his death. They both seemed to revel in it.

  Angela’s only concern at the end of the weekend was Thomas. She knew now more than ever that she had to find a place to live, and soon. She had the feeling that Thomas wouldn’t be as happy for her as Ana and Joanne. She wasn’t going to let that dampen her spirits, however. For the first time in too long she felt something akin to joy…and she planned to hold on to it.


  The next day she was sitting at the desk, preparing paperwork for the photoshoot that was happening on Wednesday. The weekend had renewed not only her spirit, but her energy. She’d been locked in her office all day, on a roll with her plans for both of her original clients as well as her new one. It was about eleven forty-five when there was a knock at her door.

  “Yes?” The door opened and a courier was there.

  “I have something for Ms. Angela Black,” he said. Angela smiled. Steve sent her flowers…again.

  “Come on in,” she told him. He came in carrying a huge vase of her favorite, yellow-ish, orange and red passion fruit lilies. She could smell them already as he approached her desk. She was smiling from ear to ear. “Oh they’re lovely!” she said. There must have been at least three dozen in the giant crystal vase. She signed for them and tipped the courier and after burying her nose in them and breathing in their gentle fragrance, she tore open the card.

  It said, “I thought these were beautiful. Not as beautiful as you, however. Nothing is. I’m sorry for everything and I’m sorry I missed you when you got home last night. I still hope we can be best roommates. –T-

  The flowers weren’t from Steve, they were from Thomas. She sat there for a few minutes, stunned. Yes, the apology was nice. The flowers are beautiful. They’re her favorite and since Thomas was at her wedding there was no reason to wonder how he knew they were her favorite…but for some reason the fact that he’d sent the same flowers, only a bigger bouquet in a bigger vase than Steve had sent to her, kind of gave her the creeps. Something about it was just off. She had to find an apartment. She stuck her hand down inside of her satchel. She hadn’t used this one over the weekend. It’s h
er “work” purse mostly. She dug around inside and suddenly realized the newspaper clippings with the apartments in them weren’t there. She dumped the purse out on her desk. They were gone. What the hell? There was suddenly another knock on her door.

  “Come in!” She was still looking at the contents of her purse, bewildered when the door opened and closed. She didn’t look up until she heard, “Oh good, they came.” She looked up into Thomas’s green eyes. He was smiling at her. His eyes fell to the pile of things she’d just dumped onto the desk. “Did you lose something?”

  Angela felt her hands tremble. Should she ask Thomas if he took the paper from her purse? But why would he do that? Surely he’s not that adamant that she stay another month or two with him that he’d try and sabotage her efforts…is he? Maybe she just misplaced them. “Um…yes, actually. I had some newspaper clippings in here. They’re gone.”

  “Hmm, did you look in your desk? Maybe you only thought you put them in there.”

  “No, they were here. Did you take them out?”

  Thomas chuckled. “Seriously? Why would I do that?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe because you don’t want me to move.”

  “I wouldn’t go in your purse. Sheesh! Give me some credit. I’ve got you until September anyways, right?”

  “Thomas…I told you I was moving as soon as possible.” He rolled his eyes and plopped down in the chair across from her. With a smile he said, “So, how did you like the flowers?”

  “They’re lovely, but you shouldn’t have.”

  “Of course I should. I owe you an apology. I don’t want us to fight anymore. I want you to be happy.” Angela was suddenly feeling guilty about accusing him of things. He’d always been such a good friend…

  “Do you mean that? You really want me to be happy?”

  “Of course,” he said, still smiling. “I missed you this weekend. Let’s have dinner tonight, jus the two of us.”

  “I can’t, Thomas. I already have plans…” His demeanor changed almost instantly. He sat straight up in the chair and said, “With who?”


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