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The Amour series (Book 2): The Ashes of Amour

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by Coushatta LaRue

  and sizzled. Ava wanted to scream and cry and run away. Yet she stood there, expressionless, emotionless.

  One was crying. Ava nodded at them and they relaxed yet were clearly scared. She wondered if they hated her more than they hated themselves. Ava closed her eyes as she breathed hard. This

  shoot open and heart skip a beat. Ava turned around and stared out of the classroom as smoke burned her nose. There was not


  “What the hell is going on?” Ava shouted as she pressed a

  echoed through the halls. The two soldiers looked at her strangely and she put a hand up. Staring down the hall she took in a deep

  ran from around a corner with blood across his blue shirt. He ran their way but was quickly gunned down by a solider. Ava walked towards the scene and glared at them.

  “What the fuck was that?” She shouted.

  the sound of vehicles. They ran to the closest window and she saw dozens of civilian’s cars pulling onto the roads. They were trying to leave the town. Ava’s heart dropped. People were storming the school yet quickly being gunned down by her men. Ava’s head spun as she stepped back placing a hand over her heart. What the hell had happened?

  “What is going on?” She screamed in her earpiece.

  “Someone talked. The town is going bat shit crazy. Do we have orders to do a full liquidation?” Rodgers replied.

  Ava felt bile in the back of her throat. How could everything go so wrong within a matter of minutes? Her eyes widened as she thought of Hadley and then of the little boy Tomas. Who could it have been? It did not matter anymore. Everything had gone to shit. Ava wanted to save this town and now there was nothing she could do. Pushing back tears she stormed down the hallway.

  and screams.

  More men followed her as they left the classrooms they had burned. Ava did not dare to consider these rooms. She stopped when she saw the door ahead had been broken through. Ava walked through the door and her heart stopped when she saw three soldiers dead on the ground. The ambulance sat in silence. Her mind raced as her throat went dry. Trying to tune out the

  smoke. Did they not see that she was saving them? This had to be done. She did not want to kill anyone. Yet, she had to save the ones she could.

  “Ma’am?!” Rodgers voice shouted through her earpiece.

  Ava looked down at her boots as a few soldiers stood around her staring with blank expressions. It was supposed to be so simple. Come in, take care of the infected, leave with a bogus story and be done with it. The world saved. The end. Ava glanced up with glassy eyes as she dug her nails into the palms of her hands. She wanted to throw up. She hoped that the liqidations were going better in the other towns.

  “No, please try to contain them. Liquidate the ones you

  She saw past the ambulance, on the street, many cars sat with their doors open. People were running down the street away

  maybe they would not tell. Ava crossed her arms knowing there was nothing she could do.

  Turning around her stomach twisted and she had to close her eyes so she would not vomit.

  “Ma’am this is Sanders,” A raggedy voice said in her earpiece, “Liquidation completed in all towns. But, we have a problem in Samsville. We need you here.”

  Ava looked into the sky towards Samsville. It was not that far away from them. She saw a large smoke cloud growing. Gritting her teeth, she shook her head smiling in fear. Lowering her eyes, she kept tears back as she tilted her head, and pressed her earpiece.

  “Our liquidation is not complete. It will be awhile. What happened?”

  had to burn the whole town. We need you here.” Sanders replied. “Okay.” Ava replied with no emotion.

  Ava looked down at her hands. They looked pale. She had

  to remind herself that this was the right thing to do. Hundreds would die but the world would be saved. A tear rolled down her face and she wiped it away. Why did she feel so guilty and horrible? Why did she feel wrong? They had given her proof that this was the only way. Ava heard a bird tweeting and she glanced behind her. It was the same infected bird that she had seen earlier.

  The bird had white foam leaking from its beak. Its eyes had suddenly very frightened. The bird moved forward and squawked loudly and spat foam out of its mouth. Ava froze and her body

  It looked up into the air and Ava saw smoke behind it. She could

  her with accusing eyes. Ava could only think of one thing… “Will you watch them burn for your children?”

  -Chapter one

  The smell of smoke and rot drifted through the air as the snow danced around the ruins. Buildings turned to rubble and ash laid around with sad distasteful bones scattered among them. What once was a beautiful strong safe Haven was now just embers in the snow. Abby stared at the walls in the distance, at their large gray thickness, and then looked down with a frown at the remains of Haven.

  They stood in what was left of Haven. Even though the walls stood tall and strong the front gate had been blown open. The large town inside had been burnt. Bodies and bones laid around torn and broken. Lifeless bodies with expressions of torment carved into their faces. Some of the bodies were clearly the Undead and some were the new beasts that had appeared only a month ago. Not Undead but not alive.

  Abby stared down at a body that was not burnt. It had been shot many times and once in the head. The man’s head was twisted to the side. It was one of them, the beast, the new creature that hunted the world. His eyes were dilated and deep dark red lines ran through them. There was a slight milky cast to them that the Undead had but not as bad. His skin was slightly gray and his veins were bulging and dark.

  Abby stared with calm disappointed eyes. They had started they had met one. It had been seven weeks in the cabin as Abby

  on the door that made Pooch go mad. Evan answered and there stood a woman with the kindest smile. Except kindness was not on her mind. Her smile melted into malice.

  She had the same eyes as this man before Abby now. And her skin had been spotted with gray spots. She talked normal but with such speed that she stumbled over her words. It was as if the woman’s mind was racing and it was killing her. The woman complained of voices and randomly cried or shook and laughed. Then she attacked them. Even as she died with a knife in her chest

  Abby had no idea what had happened. Yet it was clear there was a new infection or virus out there. That Husk had not been the last they had encountered in the cabin. Each one seeming normal except for their eyes and skin. Then snapping as if ice breaking under their feet. They dove deep into madness. Unlike the Undead that wanted to eat everyone these Husk just wanted to kill. It was as if they were driven by violence and death.

  brought to the cabin and then at Evan who wore a large fur coat. He breathed deeply and his breath showed in front of him. His eyes were hurt and he looked to be shivering not just from the

  and other times whimpering.

  Haven had been real and Abby knew it had been beautiful once.

  Yet now the safe Haven they had hoped so much for was right

  here in front of them dead. Abby looked past the burnt shops in

  and stared at solar panels. These people had power and it made

  towards him as she rubbed the tears away.

  Fire still burned buildings in the distance and sometimes Abby swore she could hear screaming. Evan had his hands deep in his behind Evan. Pooched stopped and Abby looked down at the wiry tan haired dog. They had only had her for three months but Abby already loved and adored Pooch as if they had her for years.

  The building in front of them looked as if it had been a library. It started to fall and then collapsed. The sound was almost

  her auburn hair. It had grown in the last three months and the color seemed darker than before. Abby’s deep blue eyes were full of sadness and her voice could not speak of the pain she felt. When they had seen Haven’s walls Abby had felt such joy and happiness.

  something horrible. When they had got to the moat and t
he bridge then the bodies around it she knew in her heart that Haven was lost. Though even as they drove through the gate Abby had hoped for something of a miracle.

  He turned to her with a grim look on his handsome face. Abby stared at his face where nasty scars had formed. His wounds took longer to heal than hers yet they looked better than they had before. The scars on his face were still slightly red and sore for him. But, they were closed now and would be there forever. Evan would never admit it but he hated to look at himself now. He never looked in a mirror and it saddened Abby.

  Evan was still handsome to her and his scars only made him look stronger. He hated when she pointed them out. Evan had been a man of great vanity before. He had owned his own gym and was a personal trainer and enjoyed pampering himself. Abby

  him as the building in front of him slowly began to get covered in snow.

  looked down at Pooch who was staring up at her with biddy eyes. “Those Husk could be lurking here. This place is big,” Evan’s

  throat and said, “We cannot risk it.”

  “But, we have to Evan. We are almost out of food and medicine.

  I don’t know what happened here but it seems that it was just

  the Husk that destroyed them. Maybe even from the inside out.

  The Husk don’t take things, only life.” Abby swallowed hard as

  she stared at the body of a middle-aged woman whose throat had

  been slit, “I am sure they left everything.”

  Evan stared at her, his hazel eyes bright in the sunlight, then

  he grimaced.

  “I don’t want to risk it,” He said with a shaky voice, he was


  “No,” Abby replied as she placed a hand onto his arm, “We

  make this quick. Then we go.”

  Abby was not sure of where they would go. The Undead was

  already bad enough even though recently they had been seeing

  piles and piles of the Undead actually dead. It seemed the Undead

  normal. Unlike the Undead that ignored Abby the Husk saw her

  laughed sadly. Abby knew he was more disappointed and upset

  had been and his voice was weak. Abby wished he would just cry so that she could too.

  Evan rubbed his face and then cleared his throat again as he looked around. They were close to a market center. Not all the buildings looked destroyed. They walked slowly down the gravel path. Around burnt cars, bodies, and shops. There were dying

  Abby wondered what this place had been like when it was alive. It looked so peaceful.

  Evan pointed at a small gray building that had its door ripped

  make-shift stalls on the sidewalks that had small sheds behind them for stock. Half were destroyed. A few larger buildings still stood. They walked towards the gray building and Evan stopped then pulled out his pistol and looked back at her.

  They entered. The smell of rotting food lingered in the dry cold air. There was meat on the counter and some hanging behind it. Pooch tried to get onto the counter for the meat but Abby shooed her from it. There were four small short aisles that had been picked through but there were a few things left. Evan found a black cloth bag and gazed at Abby sadly. Then they started to grab the few things left. It was about a dozen canned goods and a few bottles of water.

  They walked out of the building and Abby stared into the graying sky. It was going to be a long cold night when the stars

  put a strong hand onto her shoulder. His eyes were full of worry and she brushed his hand away. Even if she enjoyed his touch she did not like being treated as if she were helpless.

  “Just the ash Evan,” She told him then smiled weakly as she said, “I’m okay. Let’s go look some more.”

  Evan eyed her then started to walk down the sidewalk. Evan had taken care of her during her sickness. She could not move for

  she only stayed awake for a few hours then passed out. She had been sure she was going to die. Yet she never did. Evan kept her warm and well fed. After a few weeks, she had been able to sit up. After a month she was walking again.

  Evan had wanted her to rest more before going to Haven. Yet Abby felt stronger than she had before and even though she still felt weak she wanted to see Haven. And here they were in Haven.

  eyes again. She could not express the sadness she felt inside though she knew Evan felt the same.

  Pooch ran behind a small stall for fruits and vegetables and pulled out a half rotten apple and chewed on it. She spat it out. Evan looked behind the stall and pulled out three nice looking apples. He gave one to Abby and they ate them together. They walked around for a while but something was stopping them from searching most buildings. They’d consider stalls or some small buildings and leave without really trying. The longer they stayed the more they seemed to weaken and slow.

  They entered a red building that had more canned goods and

  they could. The bags were heavy yet Abby did not complain. As they were leaving she stopped to stare at a young girl behind the counter. Dry blood splashed across her face. Abby looked back at the store and then saw something on a chair close to the back.

  Abby walked to it as Evan stared back at her. Suddenly

  opened it. She laughed and grabbed a cookie from the box and ate it. The cookie was a bit stale but tasted amazing. Abby walked

  his lovely smile appeared on his face. He ate a cookie and then gave one to Pooch. Abby glared at him.

  “It is a sugar cookie,” He smiled, “She’ll live.”

  Abby ate another and before they knew it all ten cookies were

  counter and rubbed her stomach then looked back at Evan. The cheer was gone from his face and a grimace replaced it. Abby frowned and walked towards him picking up her two bags then putting her hands into her jacket pockets.

  “Is this enough?” Evan asked as she glared out the shop’s door.

  The smell of death had become so normal that it scared Abby. Even Pooch seemed to be whimpering more. Evan gritted his teeth as he stared down at Abby with a desperate look. Abby shrugged and breathed deeply.

  “We need medical supplies,” Abby said.

  Evan nodded and rubbed his eyes.

  They walked outside and Evan glanced around wearily and

  sighed with annoyance. Haven was much larger than Abby had thought it would be. There was the entrance with its small homes and market place and town center then land and more homes and buildings and so on. They came to a dirt road and it led down towards large buildings. One was badly burnt while another still burned. The feeling of eyes watching Abby made her skin crawl.

  “One last check and we are gone.” Evan said as he turned away from the dirt road and headed towards a small blue market stall that had its storage shed closed, “Let’s hurry.”

  Abby watched him and Pooch followed him. Abby went to walk when she heard something. Through the falling snow and

  heard something strange. Abby turned towards the dirt road and stared towards the burning building. Snow twirled in front of her face and she closed her eyes to listen. It sounded like voices in the wind.

  Abby’s eyes widened and her heart sunk. Something was down the dirt road. Something alive. Somehow in some unknown way Abby knew. She looked back at Evan who was halfway in the middle of the market place and then at Pooch. She turned back towards the buildings and decided she would investigate. She knew the longer they stayed here the more danger they were in. But something was telling her someone or something was alive.

  “Abby?” Evan called out to her.

  “We have to check those buildings,” She told him raising her voice, it cracked, she breathed, “We have to.”

  She started to walk towards them before Evan could protest. Pooch ran towards her and she heard Evan running towards her. As she walked down the dirt road he grabbed her hand and jerked her backwards. His expression was angry yet calm. She pressed her lips together and pulled away from him.

  “Trust me Evan.” She begged.
/>   He eyed her and gritted his teeth as he always did when he was nervous. Evan looked back at their car that seemed so far away now. He seemed to be looking at every building around it and near them. He was scared. Abby did not blame him. Husk could be anywhere. It would not be wise to stay much longer. Plus, the smoke in the sky would alert any Undead near them to come or more Husk could show up.

  “Okay. But, we leave after this Abby,” He whispered, “I don’t want to be here.”

  Abby saw tears in his eyes. She reached up and touched his face with a gloved hand. Then looked at his scars. He looked away ashamed. Abby grimaced, looked away, and they started to walk down the long dirt road. It was getting colder as midday

  growled. Abby stopped and her heart raced. What if it was a Husk? Evan looked down at her and then she shook away the feeling.

  As they grew closer they spotted a large white sign. It said that these buildings were for their military and science teams. It made Evan hesitate to move for a second then he grew closer to Abby. She could hear his heavy breathing. They stopped in the driveway of the three buildings. The one in front of them was completely

  dying. Abby looked down at her furry boots and saw that the snow was mixed with ash.

  The building to their right was partly burnt but most of it was standing. Most of the windows had been shot up and the door was busted in. And there it was the sound again. The strange beat, a sound like a river through the woods, raindrops on a tin roof. Abby started towards it until Evan stepped in front of her. His expression said it all. He did not want to go in.

  “Can we Evan? Do you really believe that?”

  “Yes. There is a city not too far from here. I am sure- “ “That these people have picked it clean for their Haven.” Evan’s lips quivered. His eyes looked her up and down and he

  swallowed hard. Evan tugged at the two bags he held and turned towards the building. They started walking again. Abby eyed the door then gazed over at the tall walls in the distance. They were so large and strong. They could protect anyone from anything. Abby looked at the burning building. Yet something from the inside had killed them. Abby somehow knew this was what was true.


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