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The Amour series (Book 2): The Ashes of Amour

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by Coushatta LaRue

  She sat on the bench in front of her and sulked. Abby stared red eyed in front of her as she listened to the silence around her. She suddenly felt very alone and wanted to cry again. As

  without looking she knew that it was Evan. Abby looked up water dripping from her body and saw Evan standing at the doorway. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and clothes in his hand. He had a small bag with bathroom supplies in it. Abby smiled. He was high maintenance.

  looked at his abs and at the scar he had gotten when they were kidnapped. He had dark hair that was growing around his chest. His tattoos were something Abby had almost forgotten about. She slowly raised her eyes to his face as he walked towards her. His hair was brushed backwards and his beard was growing wildly. She saw a razor in his bag.

  Staring at his face she looked at his scars. His scar was not as lumpy as hers but it was large. The cut ran from the top of his right brow towards his cheek and nose and down to his chin.

  Abby knew he hated it. Evan had been a man full of ego before all of this. He had owned his own gym and had viral videos online. He had been very popular on social media and now as everyone else he had lost everything. Abby thought he was still a handsome man. He stood by her now and placed his clothes into a box next to her stall then sat his supplies above it.

  Turning to her she noticed how red his eyes were and how much dirt was in his hair. His hands looked dry and cracked and he squeezed them together. In the cabin he had found bottles of lotion and used them all. He liked to look nice and feel nice. Abby admitted she did too yet now she was not as concerned. It made her smile even though she wanted to cry again. Evan sat down next to her.

  “We made it.” Abby said her voice weaker than she had wanted it to be, “That is something.”

  “Something,” Evan said the word slowly and rubbed his hand over his mouth, “Something.”

  “Kevin said there is another Haven- “

  “I know. I heard Abby.”

  Abby stared forward and shivered.

  “Do you really want to keep traveling?” He asked in a hushed voice.

  She stared at him. His bright hazel eyes seemed to be shining yet they were full of disappointment.

  “Of course I don’t Evan,” She told him sighing, “I just want to rest.”

  “We could just stay here.” He suggested.

  She stared at him again her eyes widening.

  “There are enough supplies here for us and water and lights.”

  Abby went to say something then closed her mouth. She stared at the stall in front of her and thought of the idea. It would be so great not to have to travel again. She was so tired and worn out. Yet to stay in such a depressing place would be haunting every night. Abby looked at Evan and saw desperation in his eyes. This was not a home. Abby hated traveling and the danger outside these walls yet this place was not safe either.

  “This is not enough.” She said slowly and then added, “Not for me and not for you.”

  Evan stared at her with thoughtful eyes and then looked forward his body loosening up. Slowly he looked back at her. His

  “Yeah,” He opened the stall door, grabbed his bag, and then mumbled, “Not enough.” He shut the door.

  -Chapter three

  Ava watched the city burn from the outskirts with a cup of hot chocolate in her hand. She adjusted her earpiece with her free hand and breathed. Ava sipped at the cream on top and enjoyed the hot fudge that had been drizzled on it. Rodgers was close by going over some maps with Marines while a newscaster prepared a fabricated story with Matthews. Everyone was believing the terrorist attacks just as planned. It was good.

  Ava tossed a dark curl behind an ear and leaned on the military truck behind her. Ava tried not to stare at the smoke and

  It made her feel guilty enjoying it. She tried not to think of all the burning children and their families. This town had been a failure. They had only meant to burn the infected ones yet the town fought back and they were all a loss. It would not go over well with the higher ups yet it was all they could do.

  They had failed in a few towns. They had to keep some under

  burn too. Ava frowned. More towns were becoming infected from the diseased birds. More children were getting sick yet the scientists told them that the burning was helping. It was slowing it down and that made Ava’s guilt and shame fade. Yet it only faded a little. She did not think the Liquidations were helping fast enough.

  Placing her hand into her black leather jacket pocket she pulled out a cell phone and turned it on. She stared at her two beautiful sons and husband. Their big smiling faces staring back

  glassed over. She would do anything to be with them. There was still a lot more work to be done. The virus had gotten out just a month ago and spread quicker than she thought it would.

  its trigger was not released with Scarlet. To active the part that

  killing millions. In its dormant state in birds and children it just gave them the sickness. Simple as a cold yet when awakened it could kill hundreds in the matter of days.

  They were afraid that whoever had betrayed Scientist Hadley somehow knew how to trigger it. Though Ava doubted this. The

  glanced over at the smoke in the sky and drank her hot chocolate deeply then turned away from the scene. She thought of the other towns and the people trapped in them. Of the children with their frozen burnt faces. She remembered the little boy Tomas with his innocent dark eyes.

  Ava wondered where he was and if he was okay. Rodgers began walking towards her with a look of distaste on his face. Ava stared at him and stood straight. He tugged at his bulletproof vest and cleared his throat. Ava licked chocolate from her lips as

  “Is everything good?” Ava asked with an uninterested tone.

  beautiful town.”

  Ava stared at him with wide eyes and no expression. She thought about the beautiful town and smirked. It was a shame to lose the beautiful town? Ava looked over at the smoke and thought of the people. The ones who had no idea why they were dying. The ones who did not deserve this. Ava swallowed hard then glanced back over at Rodgers.

  “I just want this to be over with.” She told him.

  Scarlet.” He told her rubbing his old hands through his graying

  “Yes. Just a few more.”

  “You okay?” Rodgers asked kindly.

  Ava stared at him deeply and dared not to say a word. She

  doing yet she masked it with hopeful thoughts. Staring at her

  became active she could lose them.

  It made her laugh. They played God and created a weapon to control. It got out of their hands and now danced in front of their faces mocking them. Ava shrugged her shoulders and watched the newscaster read their script in front of a camera with the smoke behind her in the distance. Turning back to Rodgers she

  and others hurried towards the back of an Army truck talking

  into a panic. Ava and Rodgers hurried towards the truck as the newscaster and cameraman stopped to see what was happening. “What is it?” Matthews hollered.

  Ava glared at him then pushed through the crowd. People sounded scared and others looked as if they had seen a ghost. Ava shoved people aside with Rodgers. They stopped then stood

  the truck near a small desk was playing a gruesome scene. “The violent unexpected attack happened only an hour ago.

  This raw footage is very graphic and we warn our viewers. We

  are not sure what is happening yet it seems to be a group in

  very disturbing video.”

  men and women tearing at something on the ground in a store’s parking lot. They were growling and snarling and ripping the person on the ground apart. People behind Ava gasped in horror.

  The person recording began screaming and the group looked up at them with bloody faces.

  Ava’s stomach dropped.

  “The man recording was able to get away in his car. The police have yet to locate this vicious group. The police are asking

  already taken
three lives and put four in the hospital. Please be alert for these men and women.”

  The clip showed again and it paused as the clip zoomed in. Ava dropped her hot chocolate cup and her chest tightened. The world spun around her as she stared at the monsters’ eyes on

  the blood around their mouths there was also white foam. Ava backed up into the group. Marines and soldiers stepped aside as she walked backwards. Once out of the hoard of people she hurried towards the empty road and stared at the smoke ahead.

  She could taste the ashes in her mouth as her nails dug into the palm of her hands. Ava’s teeth chattered together as she How did it become active? It was supposed to kill them. Kill them in hours not this. What was this? What had happened? This was not how it was supposed to work. This was worse than how it was supposed to work.

  -Chapter four

  The smell of the food cooking made Abby’s mouth water as she watched Kevin shut the large door to lock them inside. There were many locks on the inside and he locked every single one of them. Abby sat on her sleeping bag that was now near Kevin’s and Jessie’s sleeping area. They had given her a blanket and she was

  blanket. Yet she still shivered.

  Abby was still on the edge of tears but she did not want to cry in front of anyone. She did not mind crying in front of Evan but she

  be strong for both. Abby looked at him beside her. He was leaning on the wall behind him barely covered in his blanket. He had shaved in the shower room and it made him look younger. He was

  of paper in his hand. It had been Haven’s welcome pamphlet.

  Kevin sat near the cooking pot that sat on a grill above a small grill oven. He stirred the food inside and it steamed. Abby would not admit it but she could not wait to eat. Kevin had made his own broth and added veggies and large chunks of meat. He even had made rice in a small pot for them. Jessie had made them cups of hot chocolate and Abby sipped at hers as she leaned on the wall. Pooch was laying on Abby’s lap sleeping.

  Jessie sat close to her in her own little pink blanket drinking hot chocolate. Her little eyes kept gazing over at Pooch with joy. Abby smiled then looked over at Evan who had not even touched his hot chocolate. It made her angry yet she knew he was upset. Though he would not admit it he had hoped for Haven more than she had. The sound of bowls hitting one another made her look at Kevin. He put a spoonful of rice into four bowls and then two large spoonfuls of the soup in the bowls.

  Placing a spork in each one he picked two bowls up and walked over to Abby and Evan. Evan slowly looked up at him his face full of exhaustion. It took him a moment to register what was happening in front of him. Kevin had the look of empathy on his face. Evan took the bowl and gave it a disappointed look before looking up back at Kevin with a forced smile.

  “Thank you,” He said.

  Kevin nodded then turned to Abby. She quickly took the bowl from him and smiled.

  “It smells wonderful,” She gazed at the bowl of food then added, “Thank you.”

  “I used to cook almost every night at our house.” Kevin told her with a sly look on his face, “You’re welcome.”

  He walked back to the other two bowls then handed his

  the air and Abby looked down at her. Pooch stared up at her with large sad eyes and licked her lips.

  “Oh sorry,” Kevin grumbled as he reached for another bowl. He put just the soup inside and added a few extra pieces of meat in it then placed it in front of Pooch, “Now it is hot so don’t gobble it down too fast.”

  Jessie laughed as Kevin moved back to his bed and started to eat. Pooch licked the soup and tried to gobble it down yet stopped when it burned. Abby rubbed her head and then slowly mixed her rice in her soup. She could not remember the last time she had rice. It smelt amazing and her mouth watered. All she wanted was to dig in and eat as much as she could and more. A frown crept on

  Coushatta LaRue

  her face as she knew she could not do that. The infection would not let her. She could not eat a lot now. She would throw it all up.

  made her want to cry. She wondered how long it would be before she had a meal this good again. Abby put another spoonful in her mouth and chewed. She looked at Jessie and at how slowly she ate and at how carefully Kevin watched her. She had taken her

  “Daddy cooked for dad all the time,” Jessie suddenly said breaking the silence, “He cooked us pasta and vanilla cake the last night.”

  “The last night?” Abby asked without realizing it.

  Abby saw the sadness in Kevin’s eyes.

  “Sorry I didn’t mean to.”

  “It’s okay. It’s just hard to talk about it.” Kevin answered

  quickly and shoveled food into his mouth.

  Jessie stared at her food sadly and wrinkled her nose. “What is this?” Evan asked.

  Everyone looked at him.

  He was glaring at a piece of meat on his spork with a ghostly

  stare. Abby thought of the church and the scar on Evan’s side. Abby had never once thought to question the meat. Slowly looking down at the bowl her stomach twisted in knots. Jessie put a spoonful in her mouth and gave her dad an odd look. Kevin was staring at Evan strangely too.

  Kevin said.

  “What is it?” Evan asked a little louder, “What is this?” Kevin stared blankly then eyed Abby.

  them. We lost them all to the uh things you call Husk,” He explained slowly with a confused look on his face, “They killed all of them and any other livestock they could get their hands on. Not even to eat them just to kill them. But we had some in the freezers here. It may taste a little old but I promise it is still good.”

  Evan gave him a long thoughtful stare as his body relaxed.

  “It is great.” Evan said then started to shovel the food into his mouth.

  Abby chewed some food as she watched Evan with narrowed eyes then slid them towards Kevin. He looked confused but did not ask questions. Abby drank some of her hot chocolate and slumped into her blanket. She was not even half way done when she started feeling full. Jessie seemed to be having the same problem. She was leaning back with a hand on her belly and her bowl was still almost full.

  Kevin pulled a small black box from under his bed and placed it on top.

  “Eat some more dear,” He told Jessie, “You need to eat your

  “My belly is full daddy,” She argued.

  “Four more spoonsful of rice and meat.”

  “Okay,” Jessie sighed as she started to eat again.

  Abby felt her pain. Her stomach was turning in knots and her

  throat was tightening. The food wanted to come back up. Abby

  a spoonful of rice and meat into her mouth and forced herself to

  looked at Abby with her ears back looking at her with sad eyes. Pooch loved to play the pitiful act.

  Kevin opened the black box near him and turned it so Abby could see. It had two syringes and a dozen little vials of a clear liquid.

  “These are vitamin shots. They give you an immunity boost

  sometimes. I am sure you have noticed that you’re always weak,”

  He paused and took a breath, “You can get sick easily. The shots by them. Jessie takes them once a day unless she is feeling under the weather. Someone your size and health would probably take them three times a week.”

  Kevin closed the box and placed it back under his bed. “It may or may not give you energy but it will help you not get sick. It’ll help you feel somewhat normal. Tomorrow I can give you your own box. We have a lot here thankfully.” Kevin yawned, then looked at Abby with a frown, “Once we get to Autumn you will be able to have a full boost by the doctors. You will always feel weak and tired. And sadly, most of the feeling of sickness and uneasiness does not go away.”

  Kevin looked at Jessie. Abby placed her bowl down and let Pooch have it. She drank some more hot chocolate as she listened.

  sick easily and gets weak and tired fast. The shots have helped a lot. The Infection weakens the immune system yet speeds u
p your ability to heal. I’m betting you’ve already noticed that. I know you probably have a lot of questions and I wish I could answer them all. But, I’m just a Marine. Not a scientist.”

  Sipping water from a bottle he sat down on his bed. Jessie had put

  toy now. Kevin looked at Evan who was still eating then back at Abby.

  “I know some things and can try to help the best I can. Jerome would’ve been able to help you with everything,” Kevin’s voice

  answers. The doctors at Autumn will be able to help you,” Kevin looked at Evan again then said, “Both of you.”

  “We are really grateful for all of this.” Abby told him, “I don’t know what to say.”

  Abby was speechless. The things he was saying seemed too unreal to her. She would not believe them if she had not been


  bitten herself. The thought of being taken care of and having all the symptoms she had eased was a beautiful thing. It was too real to believe. Abby looked at Jessie who was smiling as she placed her white mask back on.

  “The travel is not going to be easy but I assure you once we get there we will be okay and the Havens will be taken back.” Kevin

  Summer as it was. I’m sorry you must travel again. But, I promise I will get you both to safety.”

  the other side of the room. Kevin turned the oven down more and the light in the room dimmed. Glancing over at Evan then at Abby Kevin grimaced.

  “Is he going to be okay?” He asked in a whisper.

  Abby eyed the back of Evan’s hair and then looked down at Pooch who was cuddled back on her lap. Abby wondered if anyone was going to be okay. She thought of her own family and the last

  been so long since Abby allowed herself to think of her family. Tossing away the saddening thoughts Abby breathed. Evan had lost Megan just a few months ago. And even though he seemed more hopeful at the cabin… she saw the despair in his eyes when he thought she was not looking.


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