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The Amour series (Book 2): The Ashes of Amour

Page 6

by Coushatta LaRue

  “I have enough weapons for all of us.” Kevin said calmly, “Do you know how to shoot a gun?” He asked.

  Evan nodded and Abby pursed her lips together.

  “I guess,” She shrugged gloomy,

  Kevin nodded and walked behind the desk in the back and pulled out a large black bag. He walked back to them and opened it. Pulling out a handgun he stared at Abby then gave it to her then he pulled out a box of ammo and gave that to her also. Abby stared at the handgun in her hands and it seemed to weigh a hundred pounds. Evan sighed heavily.

  Abby wondered who Charles had been and if he was still alive. Kevin gave Evan an unsure look and tilted his head to the side. “Do you know how to shoot this?” He asked Evan,

  “Yeah.” Evan paused and swallowed hard, “I do. I just never

  really was a gun person before.”

  Evan looked at Kevin.

  Kevin nodded then turned towards the doorway. He stared

  around the room with sadness in his eyes and disappointment.

  Kevin gazed at Abby and there was a weight in his eyes that made

  Abby’s heart sink.

  “Let’s go then,” Kevin said quietly, “We have a long ride ahead

  of us.”

  Kevin left the room and Jessie walked up to Abby and squeezed

  her hand.

  “It’s okay Abby,” Jessie was smiling under her mask, “We are

  strong. We just have to believe and try harder.”

  Jessie gave her hand one more squeeze before leaving the

  laughed. Rubbing the tears away Evan pulled her into a tight hug. Abby placed her head onto his chest and listened to his heartbeat. It was very comforting. Smelling his shirt, she smiled. Knowing someone she trusted and cared about was so close made the emptiness inside her ease some.

  “You will be okay Abby,” Evan whispered, “I will protect you.”

  Abby pulled away from him and stared up into his lovely hazel eyes.

  Shaking her head, she said, “We protect each other.”

  She pulled away and put her boots back on and then her coat.

  “Ready for a long drive?” He asked her forcing a smile.

  He did not look as if he believed her and it made her shiver. Evan

  as she put the box of bullets into her coat pocket. Evan stopped at the door then gazed back at her.

  “Maybe you are right,” He breathed.

  Abby looked into his eyes then at his scars and gritted her teeth as she nodded. He walked out of the room and she wondered if she believed it or not. Abby had believed in Haven and then it turned out to be real but just a shell of what it had been. Kevin said Autumn Haven was real and alive and so were a few other ones. Once they got there they would be okay. He assured them. Yet his voice betrayed him. Abby knew he was just as frightened as them.

  Abby gave the room a long look before she followed the others.

  and it made her wonder who did it. She would choose to believe it was Kevin or Evan. It made a chill crawl up her spine. Abby held

  was scared of something jumping out of the shadows. She made it to the lobby and felt the cold in the air. She tasted ash and smelt smoke. Abby walked to the stairs and saw Evan

  sitting in the back playing with Pooch. Abby stared towards the

  others. Part of the town was still burning and there was a strange

  “I will drive and when I become tired you will drive.” Kevin explained as he put the bag of guns in the trunk. He checked his

  and checked it. He shut the trunk and walked to the driver’s seat,

  going to be easy. Husk roam everywhere and we need to avoid towns as much as possible.”

  Evan nodded and Abby felt as if she was going to throw up. Her left leg buckled and she grabbed onto the car door. Evan stared at her with a worried look.

  “Of course that will be very hard. We may be attacked. So,

  He sounded very formal.

  They all got into the car and shut their doors. Abby sat in the back with Jessie and Pooch. Pooch crawled into her lap to cuddle. Abby smiled and Pooch’s large brown eyes made her feel better.

  “Jessie,” Kevin said, “Mask please.”

  Jessie groaned and rolled her eyes as she put her mask back on.

  Kevin started the car and they drove towards the town.

  “She has to wear the mask at all times?” Evan asked.

  “No, before all this happened she only wore it a few times for safety. But, now with all these rotting bodies and smoke we cannot risk sickness.” Kevin eyed Jessie in the mirror then Abby, “You may want to wear one yourself.”

  Abby chewed her lip then looked at Jessie.

  “I’ll think about it,” Abby stuttered.

  the markets. Snow began to fall and Abby pulled a small throw blanket out of a bag between Jessie and her. Jessie already had one wrapped around herself. Jessie stared down at a coloring book not once looking up at the horror outside. They passed fresh burnt bodies and Abby remembered the screams from last night. Her throat tightened.

  Feeling guilty about just turning away she looked down. What could she have done? This world was not as easy as run and help someone. Abby pushed the thoughts away and looked back as they pulled through the large gates. Staring into the town that was supposed to be their safe Haven. She felt a part of herself die. Her skin crawled and scars throbbed. Abby’s heart felt heavy and she closed her eyes dreading the long drive.

  -Chapter seven

  passed the cabin Evan and Abby had stayed in. Abby felt a strange happiness as they passed the snowy road. Rubbing her lips together she sighed sadly as they drove by. Pooch whined in her lap and Abby rubbed her fur. Feeling drained and tears in her eyes Abby wanted to sleep. The hope inside her felt as if it was fading but she knew it was only because she was upset. So, she told herself.

  It was hard not to get depressed in a world like this. Abby cleared her throat. She had to believe that they would make it. Abby truly did not want to die. She wanted to live. She wanted to prove that you could be happy even if you were surrounded by darkness. Abby grimaced. Pooch licked Abby’s hand and she laughed quietly.

  “This trip will take a little longer than I want. I have a route around most towns and cities. It will get harder the closer we get to Autumn.” Kevin explained as he pulled out a paper from his jacket, “It may take us a day or two.”

  Kevin handed the map to Evan and he looked at it. Abby stared at the snow falling outside and the corpses of the Undead on the side of the streets. Jessie asked about her right pinky that was messed up and she told the story quickly not wanting to remember Tomas. Wanting to forget the way he struggled in her arms.

  until her bladder started to scream. Abby shifted uncomfortable in her seat and groaned.

  “Uh,” She cleared her throat, “I need to use the bathroom.”

  Kevin nodded and slowly drifted towards the side of the highway. There were a few abandoned cars and corpses but it seemed empty enough. Kevin stopped the car but did not turn it

  “Do you need to go?” He asked her.

  “Yes,” She nodded.

  Kevin got out of the car and walked to Jessie and opened her

  door letting her out. Evan got out on his end then Abby. Her legs popped and bones crackled and her left leg buckled. Abby turned towards the side of the road and Pooch waddled around the car happily. Evan eyed her and then looked at Kevin who was walking Jessie behind a small car in front of them. He had a small bag in his hand.

  Evan remembered theirs and was already looking in the trunk. He reached his hand out with baby wipes and she took it from him. Abby gave him a soft smile and he started into the brush ahead of them.

  “Don’t get a tick,” Abby joked.

  Evan stumbled suddenly then glared back at her with narrowed eyes.

  Abby walked towards a turned over truck and looked around. It was very quiet except for the sound of Pooch’s collar jingling. Abby pulled her pants down and then her underwear. She f
elt very exposed and the fear of being torn apart made her almost fall over. Abby placed a hand onto the truck and gritted her teeth. She wondered if there was anyone in the truck.

  When she was done and cleaned herself up the sound of faint growling slipped into her ears. Abby stared into the distance and saw smoke from the way they came. Abby heard the growling again and lowered her eyes. Crossing her arms, she began walking towards a large ditch near the turned over truck. Pooch followed then started to growl herself.

  Pooch lowered her ears and whined.

  Abby stumbled towards the ditch and peaked over into it. Her eyes widened as she took in a deep breath. It was a handful of Undead rotting in a ditch. Some dead and some barely breathing. One tried to crawl up the ditch as it sensed Pooch. A few looked up at her with red milky eyes. One gasped and grabbed at its throat dying. A young girl pushed herself upwards and tried to stand but failed. She struggled as she tried to crawl up the ditch.

  Blood pooled at the edges of her lips and dripped from her

  felt remorse for them. They did not deserve this fate. Abby crossed her arms as she watched the young girl choke on her own breath and die. It made Abby’s vision blur for a moment. Snow passed by softly and wind blew the scent of smoke towards her. Abby stared at the woods ahead and thought of how beautiful this area would be if there had not been so many dead things around.

  “Do you think they remember?” A voice asked from beside Abby.

  Abby jumped startled and saw Jessie standing beside her staring at the Undead.

  “I don’t know,” Abby answered.

  Abby had given her the wrong answer.

  “Daddy says they don’t,” Jessie swallowed, “Maybe they do.

  Maybe they just want help?”

  “I don’t know,” Abby said again feeling nervous, “People used

  to tell me that everything they had been dies when they come


  Jessie stared at the bodies.

  “I keep hoping someone will say they do,” Jessie told her, “But,

  I remember the way he looked at me. I wish I could forget. The

  one thing I want to remember is always replaced with that look.” Before Abby could ask her what she was talking about Kevin

  and Evan appeared. Kevin pulled Jessie back and behind him

  while Evan put an arm in front of Abby. Abby glared at him. She

  hated when he treated her like a child. Then again her left leg

  could give out at any moment and she could fall. Abby stepped

  back looking at Evan.

  “Let’s go. We shouldn’t linger,” Kevin said, “We don’t know

  what may be hiding in the shadows.”

  His jaw was clinched and he was breathing deeply. Abby noticed

  not before Abby gave the Undead one last look. The young girl’s eyes were rolled back into her head and a white milky liquid was dripping from her eyes.

  As they came to the car gunshots were heard in the distance. Everyone froze for a moment. Then an eerie silence followed. Kevin hurried Jessie into the car then hurried to the driver’s seat. Abby opened her door and Pooch jumped in. Abby looked at the woods and felt as if something was watching, waiting, breathing shallow breaths in the shadows.

  An hour later they had to slowly drive through a highway thick with abandoned cars. They barely moved as Kevin drove around them carefully. A few times Abby thought they would get stuck but somehow Kevin managed to get around them. A clear road came up on them but Kevin refused to take it saying that it led to a small town that would not be safe.

  Abby knew quickly this drive would take longer than eighteen hours. She slumped into her seat feeling hungry and very tired. Pulling out some jerky from her bag she chewed on it and gave some to Pooch and then Jessie. It seemed as if they had been driving forever as the sun began to set behind them. They had made many stops where Kevin and Evan had to get out and move wrecked or abandoned cars from their path.

  They stopped again to use the bathroom yet Abby chose to not stray too far this time. Jessie was asleep by her and Pooch

  her head onto the window and looked at Evan. He was reading a book Kevin had given him. Evan stopped and seemed to notice Abby staring. He looked backwards. His face blank and lifeless. Then he smiled sweetly and she felt better.

  Sleep came quickly and it was dreamless. Abby woke to a sudden jolt in the car and she snorted as she opened her eyes. It was dark outside. Pooch was sound asleep in Jessie’s arms as Jessie snored. Abby stared at Evan and Kevin. Evan was driving now. The car pulled to the left and Evan tried his best to control it.

  “Just keep going,” Kevin whispered.

  They ran something over and it hit under Abby. Abby’s stomach dropped as she stared out the window. It was too dark to make anything out. She tried to focus on the road and saw something slimy or wet. Maybe snow?

  Abby looked forward leaning towards the front seat to stare out the window. She saw something dark and red on the road with other things mixed in. Abby’s heart began to race. The fear rushed into her like a dam breaking.

  “What is it?” She asked even though she knew the answer. Kevin looked at her and he rubbed his face.

  “Doesn’t matter,” Evan answered in a hushed voice. “Go slow,” Kevin said, “We do not want to get stuck here.” Abby looked to the side and stared at the dark sky for a

  moment. Suddenly the car came to a screeching stop and Abby

  screamed from the shock and Abby choked on a cry. Kevin was cursing. Abby looked at Jessie as Kevin reached back for her.

  Abby shook as she looked forward at the thing that was standing in the headlights.

  It was a Husk. It had been a middle-aged woman with long black hair and thick of waist. Her blue dress was covered in blood and blood poured from her forehead that had been slightly scalped. Her hair was wild and she stared at the headlights confused her lips moving as she said things that they could not hear. There was a meat cleaver in her right hand. Abby could see that she was shaking badly.

  “Just go around her slowly,” Kevin breathed, “Slowly.”

  Abby swallowed hard wondering if there were others around them. It was then that Abby could see what was on the road. It was pools of blood and pieces of bodies. How many Abby could not tell. Abby wondered if this Husk had done all of this or if there were any more. Abby checked to see if the door was locked then

  She was shaking.

  Evan started around the Husk wordlessly.

  “Don’t look sweetie,” Kevin told Jessie as he caressed her

  cheek, “Everything is okay.”

  Jessie looked down into her lap closing her eyes.

  Pooch growled in Abby’s lap as they passed the Husk up. Abby

  stared at her as she stood outside her window shaking. The Husk was twitching and breathing heavy. Her dark eyes were empty and milky. When they came around her Abby dared not to look back. Fearing what could be behind them. Evan began to speed up when something hard hit the back window. Abby heard a crack and Jessie screamed. Abby jerked her head back as Pooch began barking.

  The Husk had thrown the meat cleaver and it had cracked the back window. The Husk had her hands over her ears screaming and shaking. Abby could see that she was crying in the taillights. The Husk dropped to her knees screaming in pain. The Husk began to laugh as she sobbed and pulled out her own hair.

  “Please make it stop!” Abby heard the thing screech in a raspy sickly voice.

  Abby leaned backwards and her teeth chattered together. Abby was shivering as she stared at the Husk. It screamed as they drove

  Kevin was holding Jessie’s head in his hand and staring at Abby. Abby had tears in her eyes and her hand on her handgun. Pooch growled then settled down into her lap.

  “You let them create those things?” Abby said as she held back tears.

  Kevin clinched his teeth as he set his eyes on Abby. Abby realized he probably had been asking himself that ever since the beginning. Sh
e saw the blame and torture in his eyes and it made her regret her words. Abby stared down at her lap as she wiped tears away.

  “This isn’t what I wanted,” Kevin said in a hushed voice, “I just wanted to keep them safe.”

  Abby looked at him as tears rolled down her cheek. He brushed Jessie’s hair with his hand and whispered something to her. Abby choose not to hear it. Feeling guilt and shame inside her. Abby looked into the front seat and saw Evan glancing at her. Abby

  to sleep. Abby covered herself with her blanket and did not feel as if she was going to be able to fall back to sleep.

  After an hour or so Abby was almost asleep when she heard voices. Abby opened her eyes and stared into the front seat.

  “It wasn’t your fault,” Kevin said quietly, “She would want you to be happy Evan. So do not blame yourself.”

  “Abby says the same thing,” Evan replied sadly, “I am trying. It’s just hard you know? I never wanted to lose her in that way.”

  Abby tensed when she realized they were talking about Megan. Abby closed her eyes and saw the bubbly woman Evan had married. Abby opened her eyes to see Kevin looking at her. He stared back into the front seat and he was nodding.

  “I understand,” Kevin looked back at Jessie then said, “Weeks before they started working on a new weapon to kill the Undead

  that the blood of the Infected could kill the Undead he went crazy with work. He had always loved his work and we fought about it

  on it. As we were gone we were attacked. We were rescued and brought back to Haven.”

  Kevin paused for a while as he choked on his words. Abby did not have to see him to know he had tears in his eyes.

  “Before we left I noticed how aggressive he had become in

  her dad and wanted to help him,” Kevin cleared his throat and crossed his arms, “When we came back to Haven the research

  Kevin stopped and for a moment Abby thought he was not going to speak again.

  “Jerome had gone mad. He had created something and somehow the Undead he had locked up got out into the lab. But, it was not the Undead we were worried about. It was something else. It was things in the darkness that hunted us when we went in.” Kevin shifted in his seat uncomfortably.


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