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The Amour series (Book 2): The Ashes of Amour

Page 9

by Coushatta LaRue

  she had to move. She could not stop thinking of how things went wrong. Because they always did. Abby hated how negative her thoughts were yet everything was falling apart again. Kevin and Evan were shooting at a group of Husk that were

  eyes looked at Abby. Abby looked at her bloody hand. Her pants were soaked with blood. The Husk screamed and she shoved herself onto her feet panicking. A few of the Husk started laughing,

  shot at them and only hit one in its leg. It fell to the ground yet still came for her.

  Abby backed up feeling the breath taken from her. Evan shoved his way to her and shot the nearest Husk. Abby froze. Fearing she would not be able to move again.

  “Run Abby!” He screamed, “Run for Jessie!”

  screamed and put her hands over her ears as the explosion rocked the ground. Slowly looking back up with her large dull blue eyes

  “No!” Abby screamed.

  She went to move forward but Evan pushed her back. Kevin

  then kicked one. He turned towards them and looked at them with a wild expression.

  “God damn it protect Jessie!” He roared.

  His eyes were looking straight at Abby.

  Abby looked at Evan and Evan put a warm hand onto her cheek.

  Then he shoved her towards the road Jessie had run down. Abby did not look back as she darted down the road and cringed as her leg burned. It was as if something was chewing on her scars. Her mind was racing but adrenaline was running through her body pushing her forward. She heard gunshots and screams behind her and cried.

  Looking down at the ground Pooch was beside her running. Abby saw footprints and followed them. Then Jessie came into view. She was running down the street towards the open highway. Abby followed her knowing she was pushing herself too far. She stumbled and her left leg gave out and she fell. She cursed.

  Slowly pushing herself up Pooch started to bark. Abby turned

  aimed her gun. She wished she had taken those weapons classes

  hit the closest one in the chest. It screamed and fell onto its knees. Abby pushed herself up. The second closest Husk stopped by the one she shot and it punched the Husk in the face and began to claw at it.

  Abby wrinkled her nose and her eyes widened. She ran down the road after Jessie. She could hear the Husk following her. Pooch growled but did not stop running. Gunshots were still

  pulled the trigger nothing happened. She had run out of bullets and her other bullets were in the car. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out her hunting knife.

  “Run Jessie!” Abby screamed as she exited town.

  Jessie looked back and only stared for a moment then continued to run.

  She knew she would have to do something. Abby looked back and saw the Husk was gaining on her. She slowed some and as it reached her she tossed her body to the side and landed on the snowy road. It screeched in confusion and tripped on its own feet trying to stop.

  Abby leaped up with all her might. Her vision blurred but she lurched forward and jabbed her hunting knife into the Husk’s

  on the knife. The Husk turned on her and she saw its infected white eyes mixed with red. Its lips bleeding black blood. It stared at her the way a wolf would stare at a sheep. Abby felt her heart trying to rip out of her chest and fear froze her for a moment. The Husk leaped at her.

  Pooch jumped on the Husk and bit it. The Husk screamed

  ripping her knife out of the Husk’s back. As it turned around she stabbed it in the side of the head and it groaned. It put a hand around her neck and squeezed. They were both on their knees, black blood pouring on Abby’s hand, her heart racing. Its other hand reached for her scar and dug its nails into it.

  Abby screamed but her windpipe was being crushed. Abby felt her vision blurring and her air being taken from her. If she did and Abby ripped the knife out and thrust it into his skull again. The sound made Abby want to throw up. It was like rock crushing bones. The Husk whimpered softly and then hunched over.

  for breath she closed her eyes and cried. The smell of the Husk’s blood was of rot and infection. It was like pus from a wound that had been infected for days. Abby was shaking badly and sweating. Her body felt as if it was about to explode. Pooch jumped into her lap and licked her face. Abby slowly stood up and her left leg gave out on her.

  As she cried out the breath went out of her. Abby felt the warm blood of the Husk on her. Gritting her teeth her hands twitched. Then Jessie was there in front of her trying to help pull her up. Abby put a hand onto Jessie’s shoulder and shoved herself up. She stumbled. Her limp was getting worse as they started down the road that led to the highway. There were a few abandoned

  cars in front of them that Abby thought of hiding in.

  Then she heard the sound of a Husk behind them. Looking back past the dead Husk she saw the one that had attacked the

  one she had shot. Jessie screamed and Abby shoved her forward. They started running. Every step hurt.

  into her chest every time she stepped on her left foot. She did not know how much longer she could go. Fear was swallowing her. Abby looked at the woods beside her then at the Husk behind them.

  “Into the woods!” Abby shouted.

  Jessie dashed towards them and Abby followed close behind.

  The town already seemed far away now. The trees reached out at them and something hit Abby’s face leaving a small cut. Abby rubbed the blood away and pushed herself to run faster. She could hear the Husk ripping through the thick woods behind them. Abby stared at the trees ahead and thought of an idea.

  “Up Jessie!” Abby pointed at a large tree, “The trees!”

  shot up it like a snake. As she climbed higher Abby slammed into the tree to stop herself. Something cracked in her arm but she ignored it.

  “Here!” Abby shouted.

  Abby picked Pooch up and then handed her to Jessie. Jessie

  the trees growling. Abby ran around the tree and looked for any large stick. She found a thick oddly shaped one and picked it up. Hiding behind the tree she waited as the Husk stopped in front of it and screeched at Jessie.

  slammed the large stick into the Husk’s face. It had no time to react. It fell backwards and made a strange groaning sound. Then Abby slammed the stick into its stomach and black blood spat from its mouth. Reaching into her pocket she took her knife back out. She looked at her knife and swallowed hard as she ran to it.

  Taking a deep breath, she dropped to her knees as the Husk reached up for her. Its eyes full of tears and blood. Its eyes were weak and sad. She wondered who this thing had been before. Tears rolled down Abby’s cheeks as she reached for its neck.

  “I’m sorry,” She whispered.

  She slit its throat and it fell over into the snow.

  cried. She placed her bloody hand into the snow under her and coughed from the crying. She rubbed snot from her nose and stared forward into the woods ahead. Her heart stopped as she saw Tomas staring at her with an angry look.

  “Abby!” Jessie said from behind her.

  Abby looked up and saw Jessie sitting on a large branch. She waved at her to come up. Pooch was in Jessie’s lap staring down at Abby with big eyes whining. Abby looked forward again but nothing was there but brush and trees.

  Abby forced herself to climb the tree and every step hurt. It was like knives through her blood. She coughed and then her stomach betrayed her. Leaning to the side she threw up the little food she had eaten that morning. Finally, she reached Jessie and leaned on the tree and breathed heavily.

  Crying she closed her eyes and put her knife in her lap. She felt Jessie pull her body into hers and snuggle close. Abby wrapped an arm around Jessie and Pooch and put her head into Jesse’s hair to cry. She hated feeling so afraid and emotional. Yet she was drowning in fear and unhappiness. She just wanted sleep and to disappear. Feeling so weak and vulnerable.

  Jessie looked up at her and Abby noticed her mask was gone. Jessie rubbed Abby’s tears away with her little hand and then smiled at her.

��It’s okay,” Jessie whispered, “You’re alright.”

  “I don’t feel that way,” Abby laughed sadly as she closed her eyes, “I just want it to stop.”

  Jessie laid her head onto Abby’s chest and shivered.

  “I do too Abby,” Jessie whispered, “Maybe someday it will.”

  -Chapter eleven

  Abby was not sure how long they stayed in the tree. It felt like

  decided it was time to climb down. One by one they got to the

  pee. Jessie stretched and stared at the dead Husk in front of the tree. The silence around them gave Abby chills. She stared at her coat that once was nice. Now covered in black blood.

  If they stayed out there any longer they would get sick. Abby looked at Jessie and swallowed hard. She wondered where Evan

  “Should we go back?” Jessie asked.

  “No.” Abby said quickly.

  Jessie frowned.

  “Sorry,” Abby swallowed, “We don’t know what happened.” “We can’t stay here,” Jessie squeaked, “We will freeze to death.” Abby shrugged and chewed her bottom lip.

  “Let’s see if we can see anything from the edge of the trees,”

  Abby said.

  Abby grabbed Jessie’s hand and they walked through the woods. The brush pulled at Abby’s clothes and hair. Abby held her hunting knife tightly in her free hand as she used it to move tree limbs. Jessie groaned and Abby’s stomach growled. Pooch stopped and looked back at her and tilted her head in confusion. Smiling down at her little dog Pooch snorted.

  As they got to the edge of the road Abby’s mind spun with the worst thoughts. She wondered if they were dead and if they were what would she do? Abby refused to go back into the town in fear

  her scar ripped open. She could feel the warm blood still slowly seeping out.

  Abby breathed out and saw her breath in front of her. It was getting colder. Considering the graying sky, she wondered what time it was. The sad clouds covered everything above them. Sighing heavily, she looked towards the town and was happy to see it was farther away than she had thought it was. Looking down the road she grimaced at how long it looked.

  “What are we going to do?” Jessie asked tugging at Abby’s hand.

  she realized she had no idea of what to do or where to go. She wanted to run and hide. For just a second she thought of running

  cleared her throat and head and gritted her teeth. Fear swam in her mind as she thought about having to take care of Jessie. Tomas appeared in her mind and Abby closed her eyes.

  “I’m thinking.” Abby lied.

  Nothing was in her mind but chaos and fear. Then as she looked towards the town again she saw Tomas and gasped. Letting go of Jessie’s hand she stepped back into the woods panicking. Holding her hand over her chest her breath went out. She tripped over something and landed hard on the snowy ground. Abby closed her eyes and cursed.

  “No,” She breathed, “You’re dead.”

  “Abby!” Jessie was shaking her, “Hey!”

  Abby uncovered her eyes and looked at Jessie. Jesse’s eyes

  were big and full of understanding. Sitting in front of Abby Jessie frowned. Pulling Abby’s hair behind her ears Jessie’s frown turned into a warm smile. Cold wind blew through the brush

  “It’s just in our heads,” Jessie said in a hushed voice, “They aren’t real.”

  Abby’s lips quivered as she rubbed her nose. It made her feel embarrassed as she looked away from Jessie. Jessie gently touched Abby’s cheek and moved it back forward so that Jessie could look into her eyes. Jessie’s almond eyes were so innocent and calm. Her little curls were full of snow and it made Abby feel sadness. She did not want Jessie getting sick.

  “I saw Grandma a lot afterwards,” Jessie admitted looking down at her gloved hands, “It was so scary. I thought I was going crazy.”

  Jessie looked away and Abby saw her eyes gloss over.

  “Dad kept telling me it would be okay. But, I was so scared that it meant I would turn.” Jessie looked at Abby’s bloody pants and hovered her hand over her scars, “But, after a while it slowly stops. She disappeared and so did the others.”

  Abby opened her mouth but did not know what to say.

  “I know it is hard,” Jessie put a gloved hand onto Abby’s cheek, “But it will be okay if you believe it will. We just have to try and remind ourselves we are in control.”

  Abby smiled and laughed sadly.

  Voices emerged from the distance and it made Abby tense. Jessie sat backwards almost onto Abby. Pooch growled and Abby shushed her. As the voices grew near Abby’s gut twisted. Then the resemblance sat in.

  “Daddy!” Jessie shouted jumping to her feet.

  Jessie dashed through the trees and Abby stumbled to get up. When she came through the brush Jessie was in Kevin’s arms and Evan was bent down petting pooch as she licked his face. They were both covered in blood and looked worn out. Abby walked slowly towards then and then Evan looked up and his eyes widened.

  He raced to her and wrapped her up in his large muscular arms. The blood on his clothes was mostly dry and smelled of a rotting wound. Yet he was very warm and his strength felt good around her. He pulled back and put two hands on the sides of her head and scanned her.

  “Are you okay?” He asked breathing deeply.

  “Not really,” She smiled, “What happened?”

  She held the tears back as he stepped away nodding.

  “They chased us for a while but we got them all,” He started slowly, “We snuck around town just in case there were more. When we felt you two weren’t there we left.”

  “Thank you so much,” Kevin exclaimed, “I had hoped you got out of town.”

  Kevin pulled her into a hug and held her tightly then turned back around to pick up Jessie. Abby stared towards the town and looked down at the snow under her feet. She did not feel like a hero. Abby looked at her hunting knife and closed it up and put it into her pocket. She was cold and wet. Abby swallowed and looked at Kevin’s gun. Blood dripped slowly from its chamber.

  “There is a small clinic and a few small shops outside of this

  the night.”

  Evan gazed at Abby and placed a hand onto her back then his eyes averted to her legs. His expression twisted and he reached for her scars.

  “What happened?” He asked worried.

  “It split,” Abby sighed, “It can wait.”

  “I lost the vitamin shots and the medical supplies.” Kevin told them with a frown, “We have some weapons though and water and a few cans of food.” he added.

  Abby noticed he had a bag around his arm.

  “Does it hurt?” Evan asked staring into her eyes.

  “Yes a little,” Abby admitted, “It burns and hurts to walk.” “I can carry you.” Evan said.

  Abby laughed and then realized he was being serious.

  be okay.”

  It was clear from the look in his hazel eyes that he did not believe her.

  “Her wound is probably already healing,” Kevin started, “But it does needs to be clean and sterilized.”

  Evan swallowed hard and rubbed his face where stubble was starting to grow wild.

  “We need to go now.” Kevin snapped.

  Just like that Kevin started walking with Jessie down the road. Pooch started to follow them then stopped and looked back at

  had her shirt on from the gas station and it made Abby smile.

  Evan touched her arm and Abby looked up at him.

  “Come on,” He said kindly.

  Abby followed Evan and Pooch quickly joined them. Soon they

  caught up with Kevin and Jessie. Jessie glanced up at Abby and smiled. Abby smiled back yet her insides were turning. She was very tired and her legs felt like water. Abby’s scars hurt more than she admitted. They were burning and every step felt as if the scars were splitting open again and again. She could feel blood leaking from the wound. Abby gritted her teeth and tried to think of something to ease her mind.

  Abby lost track of time as the snow came pouring down on them. The road turned white and the sky darker as they slowly made their way. It seemed that these places Kevin had mentioned were never going to show up. The town had disappeared behind them. Abby stumbled forward and was being held up by Evan. His warmth was wrapped around her as she leaned on him.

  Abby was very grateful for him. Jessie was being held by Kevin as they walked and Pooch was in Abby’s arm. Pooch shivered and whined. Abby looked down at her and Pooch licked her face. When Abby thought they would never get there buildings began to appear in the distance. Abby sighed in relief. Kevin placed Jessie down on the ground and stopped.

  “Okay we go slowly,” Kevin told them as he glanced back at them, “We need to make sure it is secure.”

  “I think we’re walking slow enough,” Evan groaned.

  Kevin lowered his eyes as he looked at Evan but did not say anything. They walked until the few buildings came into full view. There was a medium size clinic on the right side of the road and

  shop. Close to the clinic was a small grocery store. Abby stopped and stepped away from Evan trying to pretend she felt better than she did.

  bleeding. Kevin motioned to them to walk towards the clinic.

  cars sat in rows around the lot. A few of them were broken into.

  doors was ripped from its hinges.

  widened her eyes and suddenly stopped almost falling. Evan grabbed Abby and pulled her back. Jessie looked at Abby and frowned.

  “Okay,” Kevin knelt, took his bag from his back, then opened it, “Abby hide here with Jessie.”

  He pulled a pistol from the bag and opened the chamber and looked inside.

  use it well.”

  He placed the bag back onto his back and checked his own

  hoped she would not have to use it.

  “Don’t leave us Dad,” Jessie whined, “Please.” Kevin touched Jessie’s cheek and smiled down at her. “I’ll be back,” He smiled, “I promise.”

  The look that Kevin gave Abby made her shake. It was of

  an over protective parent daring someone to harm their child. Abby looked back down at the pistol in her hand and rubbed her dry lips together. It made her cringe. Evan rubbed Abby’s back and she glanced up at him.


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