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The Amour series (Book 2): The Ashes of Amour

Page 11

by Coushatta LaRue

  Abby walked slowly back to the makeshift beds. She was sluggish and her vision was blurring. She needed sleep and really did not care if her wound was cleaned or not. Jessie sat up in her bed and rubbed her tired eyes. Pooch greeted Abby as she sat down on the makeshift bed. It was actually comfortable and it made her want to sleep even more. Kevin walked up to her and smiled.

  everyone. Feeling embarrassed about her dirtiness and unshaved legs. Then again all of them were this way. These things did not matter. Yet she still felt sad about it. Evan stood by her and she took in a long breath.

  having problems. Her hands were shaking. Evan helped her and over at her then shook her.

  Kevin looked at Evan and nudged his head towards the bbq pit. Evan nodded, looked at Abby, and she forced a smile. He got up and took Kevin’s bag and opened it. Kevin had the unknown bag and opened it. He eyed her wounds and his eyes widened. Looking at her he seemed confused and fascinated. He washed his hands

  and took two cans of something from his bag. He opened them and put the contents into a small pot.

  “Does it hurt?” Kevin asked quietly.

  “Not as badly as it did,” Abby admitted, “It burns when it is touched. It aches but it is not horrible. I’m just tired and exhausted.”

  “It is larger than I thought,” He told her as he examined it, “I have seen many bites but this is the largest.”

  “Is that bad?” Abby asked.

  He eyed her then said, “I don’t think so.”

  Jessie leaned forward and stared at the wounds.

  “Jerome,” Kevin breathed, “My husband would have been able to tell you everything you wanted to know about this. I just know how to clean it.”

  “You were bitten badly,” Jessie sighed sadly, “That is so big.”

  Abby leaned back on the wall and nodded.

  “I am going to pour alcohol on it. Okay?” Kevin told her.

  Abby shrugged then closed her eyes as she readied herself.

  It burned badly and she cried out but then closed her mouth.

  “You okay?” Evan asked.

  Abby looked through tears at him. He had a spoon as he mixed the pot on the pit. Abby nodded her head and looked down at Kevin. He was staring at her then used cotton balls to clean the

  her nose and looked away. “Why does it smell like that?” Abby asked.

  Abby looked at her and noticed she had Pooch in her arms. “She means unwanted infections.” Kevin pointed at the yellow

  bad that would try to kill you. It is not normal. However, in your case it is a good thing.”

  “The infection?” Abby looked down as Kevin continued to clean.

  “Yes,” Kevin dabbed at the wounds, “It is protecting you. It needs you Abby. If you die, it dies. It cannot have that.”

  “It?” Abby lowered her eyes.

  “This infection is alive,” He told her, “I tried to explain before but I can’t really explain it. I am just a Marine who knows how to

  “Did we make this?” Evan asked suddenly his voice full of rage.

  Kevin looked at him and was silent for a long time. He looked back at Abby and began to put ointment on her wounds.

  “I don’t know. I never really asked.” He started then paused, his eyes said more, Abby stared at him and he looked at her, then said, “I think we did though. I was there when the Havens were being built. They never told us what they were for. We were paid to not ask questions. But, we knew it was something big. In that time they had those mass deaths in Africa and China. And then

  out bodies in small countries. Then building more greenhouses.”

  Kevin started to put a bandage over her wounds. He taped it up and stared at it as he breathed.

  Jessie leaned on the wall with Abby as she petted Pooch.

  “It was clear that it was not some new virus. We knew the story we heard was bullshit. But, we were paid to clean up and build. Then out of nowhere the liquidations started. I refused to be a part of it. They swore it was just an outbreak of the virus. If so why lie and say it was terrorists?” Kevin laughed as he leaned back on his knees, and then rubbed his sweating forehead, “It got worse and all of it made sense. It was all connected. My gut says they did do this. My heart hopes they did not.”

  Everyone was silent for a long time. Kevin turned around to

  like some sort of pasta with tomato sauce. Kevin licked his lips then looked back at Jessie. He put a hand onto her cheek and smiled. Jessie grinned.

  “I want to believe they are better than this,” Kevin started, he cleared his throat, “If they did do this. I want to know why. If it was an accident or they wanted this to happen.”

  “Why would they do this to us?” Evan snapped as he poured some food into a paper bowl, “Kill so many people?”

  “The world was overpopulated,” Kevin said in a matter of fact way, “A lot of people were dying of sickness and starving. Most people did not hear about this. Less the people know the less they panic. But it is true. Animals and nature were also sick. We were killing this planet.”

  “Giving them excuses?” Evan glared.

  it fucked up or it went just as planned. I don’t know.” Evan went to speak then looked at the bowls. He handed one to

  Kevin who handed it to Jessie. Kevin grabbed some plastic forks

  and handed on to Jessie then Abby. Evan handed another bowl

  to Kevin and he gave it to Abby. Abby looked at it and smelled. It

  smelt very good. It was a kid’s pasta with little meat balls. Abby

  wanted to eat it quickly but it burned in her mouth. Kevin handed

  out water bottles from his bag and Pooch whined.

  “I don’t know what happened, “Kevin started, then took a bowl

  from Evan, and gave it to Pooch, “I asked Jerome once. I think

  he knew the truth. But, the look in his eyes… it weighed on my

  heart. So, I turned away before he could answer then never asked

  again.” Kevin paused then added, “But, I don’t think it matters. All that matters to me is protecting my daughter and good people

  like you two.”

  Abby looked at him and he smiled at her. Abby’s lips curled

  upwards and she felt good inside. Yet sadness lingered with the

  darkness in her mind. Abby ate slowly as Pooch slowly licked at

  her hot food. Jessie blew at her food and drank her water. Evan

  Evan glared at Kevin and shook his head, “It matters to me.” “Don’t worry about it Evan,” Kevin licked his lips, “Spend your energy and thoughts on positive ones. On things you can control and change. It will be okay.”

  “Will it?” Evan asked angrily with a laugh as he rolled his eyes.

  Kevin did not answer. He just stared with a steady expression.

  Evan looked down disappointed and ate.

  put the lamp on low light as he and Evan talked about one staying up to watch. Abby began to drift into sleep as Evan walked to her. He laid down on the makeshift bed by her and reached out a hand. Touching her shoulder gently he smiled.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  “For what?” She asked.

  “For taking so long,” He frowned.

  Evan smiled as he blinked until his eyes shut. He went into a deep sleep quickly. It made Abby sad. He was probably more exhausted than she was. Abby looked up at Kevin and gritted her teeth.

  “What is the plan?” She asked in a hushed voice.

  that was of loss.

  “We will try to get one of those cars started. And keep on for

  throat, “We will make it Abby.” Abby nodded.

  “Now sleep please,” He told her, “I will stay awake.” “Are you sure?” She asked.

  “Yes,” He laughed, “I’ve done this many times. It is my job.” Abby nodded again as she laid down covering herself with a

  blue sheet. She eyed Evan and reached over to touch his scars. They were lumpy but smooth. He was a handsome man and
Abby was grateful she had him. Blinking she smiled then closed her eyes and fell quickly to sleep.

  -Chapter fourteen

  Ava picked up the backpack and stared at the blood on it. The Marines around her were packing up and getting ready to leave.

  Ava put the backpack back down. Rodgers stood close as he spoke

  church’s windows. If she listened closely she could still hear the screams of the townsfolks. This town had mostly infected people with the new mutated virus.

  there were faces of the innocent. They were in the back of her mind. They haunted her when she closed her eyes. Ava wiped sweat from her brow and breathed. Pushing her hair behind her ears she sighed and looked at Rodgers who was in a heated discussion with someone on his phone. Matthews was standing in his Marine uniform as he looked at his tablet. He was watching the news.

  It had been only two weeks since the President declared a world disaster. Everyone was under martial law though most

  every armed force was on the streets. They were trying to kill the monsters that they had created. The virus was spreading faster than anyone could control. Millions had died. Millions had come back from the dead. It sent chills up Ava’s back. She had come up close with these monsters.

  from the inside out. They were easily killed yet their bites were a death sentence. The virus lived in their saliva. If bitten the saliva would enter the wounds and infect a new host. Sometimes it could take hours for the human host to die and turn and other times it took only minutes. Ava was not sure how it worked. She had not had time to go into the labs and ask questions.

  Ava walked down the road and watched some Marines enter a truck and leave. Turning back Matthews was there and looking at her with a wary look.

  “How is it going?” She asked.

  and LA.”

  “Not a surprise.” Ava muttered.

  “The Army is pulling out of most cities and towns. Just leaving supplies in the streets. They are abandoning the people.” “Of course they are. They have their own loved ones they want

  “We can’t abandon the people.” Matthews said angrily. Ava stared at him. She felt as if they already had. Ava looked down at her hands then black boots and shivered.


  Matthews stared at her with lowered eyes and then shook his head as he turned from her. He groaned and looked back at his tablet.

  liquidations. We go home. Be with our families and hope for the best.”

  Coushatta LaRue

  like nothing is happening?”

  Ava glared at him. If he thought she was truly capable of doing that then he truly did not know her. Of course she would not be able to just be at home and ignore what was happening. She believed the world was lost already. She would get her family

  any of the living that was not truly alive.

  panting. He rubbed his forehead and cleared his throat.

  to go now. We have only forty-eight hours to get to a Haven and get into lockdown.”

  “What? Are you serious?” Matthews asked almost dropping his tablet.

  need to go. All military units are being pulled out. We need to go.”

  Ava started as she pulled her phone out. She felt it vibrate but

  “What?” She shouted.

  “Okay?” Ava said annoyed as she turned back to see Matthews running to a truck.

  “What?” She asked again this time more panicked. Her face

  “They are starting in Marlin. I tried to tell them no but they said the virus was spreading too fast! They would not listen to know I live there.”

  Ava’s head spun. She was starting to shake badly. Staring at the truck Matthews was pulling towards them Ava felt her legs go weak.

  “They are starting the liquidation in Marlin now! I tried

  “We have to go!”

  “They wouldn’t.” She shook.

  Ava felt her body go numb as she pulled her phone out. She

  calls from home. The last one was ten minutes ago. Ava looked at Rodgers with horror. His eyes full of fear. Ava stepped back swallowing hard. It could not be true. They were not supposed

  changed badly. Things were changed.

  Ava looked at her last missed call from her husband and

  -Chapter fifteen

  Blinking Evan’s body came into her vision and she stared at him as he slept. Abby rubbed her eyes and tried to blink the sleep away. Her mind was racing and she was sweating badly. She had been tossing and turning and only slept for about two or three hours. Tired of this restlessness she decided she would just stay awake. Sitting up she saw where the light was coming from. Kevin

  the cooking pit.

  away. He sipped on a fruit juice and was breathing slowly. Pooch snorted in her sleep and opened her eyes to look up at Abby. Abby rubbed the little tan dog and sat up. She took a moment for her head to settle and stood up and made her way to Kevin. She sat down by him on a pile of sheets. Kevin handed her a water bottle and she happily took it.

  “I’m sorry we lost the sleeping pills in the car,” Kevin started in a hushed voice, “I would have given you one. I did hope Jessie had stashed some in her coat.”

  He sighed then said, “But I know she does not take them anymore.”

  Abby looked at him with wide eyes and he smiled sadly at her.

  “She thinks I am blind I guess,” He laughed softly, “I know she has not been taking them. A father can only hope though.”

  Abby looked at Jessie as she snored softly on her bed.

  “Why keep giving them to her?” Abby asked.

  “Sometimes you have to pretend you aren’t all knowing so your child believes you aren’t all knowing,” He snickered, “So she does not realize I know everything.”

  Abby wrinkled her nose at him and he smiled.

  “I wish she would take them. She could get a full night’s sleep. She has not been able to sleep a whole night ever since she has been bitten. Most infected cannot. The pain is just too much. It’s as if the infection does not want the host to sleep. As if it fears it will not awaken.” Kevin started as he rubbed his chin, “It aches mostly at night.”

  Kevin looked at her then at her leg.

  “It burns mostly and I sweat.” Abby muttered, “It is not very painful but it’s like an itch I can never scratch.”

  Kevin nodded in agreement and looked away. He drank his juice again and let out a long breath. After a few moments of silence Kevin straightened his posture up and stared at Jessie with a tired look.

  “She doesn’t like taking them because of the dreams,” He started, “I thought she was having nightmares of her brother dying. But, she said they weren’t nightmares. That the dreams were good. Happy dreams.”

  Kevin looked at his hands then up at the door.

  “She said she dreamt of her and her brother playing together. Laughing. Having a good time,” Kevin’s voice sounded small, “She woke up crying each time. I could not understand why.”

  Kevin swallowed hard.

  “She told me she had not thought of him since he died. We were on the move a lot and things were changing so quickly. She

  all she could see in her head was him dying in her arms. She said every time she thought of him she only saw what he was after death.” Kevin’s voice was weak, the pain was clear, and Abby felt her heart sink, “I asked her why the dreams made her sad. Why would seeing him happy make her so depressed.”

  Pooch waddled towards Abby and sat in her lap. Abby kissed her head and snuggled her to her chest. Kevin looked over at Pooch and petted her head softly. He then looked away with emptiness in his eyes.

  “She said she didn’t want to be reminded that the only way she could remember his smile was by pills. She wants to remember him how he was before without help from something else.” He said quickly, “She is scared to see his smile and be reminded that she cannot remember it when she is awake.”

  Abby kept quiet because she did not know what to say.

  “We’re going to make it to Autum
n,” Kevin told her, “I promise you that.”

  “You shouldn’t make promises you know you can’t keep.” Abby replied not unkindly.

  “You don’t think we’ll make it do you Abby?”

  “I don’t know what I think,” Abby admitted, “I just know things change.”

  Kevin looked at her and she looked at him.

  “I think you’ll make it,” Kevin smiled, “I believe you can.”

  Abby looked away feeling a bit uncomfortable. She took a sip of water wondering if she believed in herself. In some ways she did but in most other ways she did not. It made her stomach knot.

  “You will get out of this. Better days will come,” Kevin promised.

  Abby looked at him and forced a smile then frowned.

  “Who are you trying to convince me or you?” She almost whispered.

  He stared at her for a long time with a blank expression. Then he looked away and laughed sadly. Abby looked down at Pooch and grimaced. Feeling bad for being so blunt. Her eyes moved towards the door and something tingled at the back of her neck. The hair on her arms rose and her lips twitched. She could hear soft tapping sounds, a click in the back of her head, something beating. She began to sweat.

  Pooch looked up at her and whimpered. Abby’s heart began to pound and her blood started to race. Staring at the door her lips opened. Abby breathed heavily and her mind spun. Something was wrong. Kevin leaned forward and placed a warm hand onto her arm.

  Abby looked at him surprised by his touch.

  “What is it?” He asked.

  Abby looked back at the door, throat tightening, shaking. Abby stood suddenly holding Pooch and swallowed hard. Kevin stood

  “They’re coming,” Abby whispered, “A lot of them.” “What is coming? What is it Abby?” He asked worried. Abby shook her head. She felt very confused, like a haze was on

  her, as if she had come back from a long run. Yet she knew what it was in her heart. She could feel it in her bones.

  “A hoard,” Abby stepped forward, “There are dozens of them.”

  “The Undead?” Kevin asked raising his voice.

  “Hush.” Abby almost shouted, she glared at him, “They’re coming closer.”


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